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�r� .��1�l��l��t�r —__."_ . .... . ___ _ '` <br /> ��� _ __ -_ _ .____ _ _ . ._"_ ��a...' " . _ ���._...__ ' _. <br /> ,u� — �-� ,-F- '_._' . " _ _ <br /> -:�� ,. � _ � ����' _. • -:�A�..y�- <br /> ,_� +?,�s+,�! !O�Aas".7" �..�::+b►�.�...' <br /> ..� , ' . _ - ---- -- <br /> '_-- .��—_� 92— y�s3s _ <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrowcr end Lendcr fuhher covenunt and ngrce ah fallowx: <br /> 17. Fbreclosure Procedure. If Lenderreq uirea immcdiatc payment in full undcr purogruph y,Lcnder mny invoke thc <br /> powcr��f xalc and any othcr remedicspermiticd by npplicoblc low. l.cndcr Khu�ll be cmitlyd to collect all ex{xnxes fncurred <br /> in purxuing Ihc rcmcdies provided in this piuuBmph 17•includfng,bu!nat limited to,rcu!�onablc ullomeys�`�l"1 tlfld COAl11 O` <br /> - title evidencc. <br /> ��`� It Ihe power ot sale ts invalced.7lruslee sholl record a notice at def�ull in eACh county in which any pnrt a t e <br /> prope�ly Is locnted und ehpll nwil copies o�such notice in Ihe manner presc�ibed by a Ilcable law to Uorrawer wnd <br /> ----_--�-----.^� w e otder ca 7lruslee shall (ve <br /> th persons presrrlbed by appIkAble law ADer Ihe time required by ppP b�e�ow� <br /> ,•�_----_ - - t=-- _ , h IkAble law. Trustee.withoul demsm on <br /> — publia notke oP s�le to the persons wnd in the ms�nncr prescribed by app � _ <br /> Borrower�shwll sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and uoder the lerms <br /> �1� desl�nated in Ihe ootice oP sale in one or more pArce4s and in any order'I�ustee determines. 'IY�uslee may ptwtpone <br /> ��� xale o�nll or any parcel of the Praperty by public s�nnouncement ot the lime and place of wny prevfously scheduled <br /> _�__� �Ie. I.ender or its dea�ignee may purchase the Property at any Rale. <br /> Upon receipt oi pAymenl of the Prke bid,'IYustee shall deliver to the purcheser 7Yustee's deed conveying the <br /> ---�__�� PrapeMy. The recilals in the'IYustee a deed shull be prima fACk evidence of truth of the stAtement�made therein. <br /> nu�..�.�ua�r.,.-,J� 'Ibustee shpll apply the prceeeds of the Rale in the toUawing order: (al ta All casls And expensev oP ex f i ve� t� __ _ <br /> _„��. <br /> powe�oP sale,And the sale,including the payment of the 7Vustee's fecw s�clus�lly Incurred,not to exceed � <br /> ��^�^^°�r^�•=a:+K+ of the princippl amount oP the nate at the time of 16e decl�ratlon oP detaul�and reasanAble attorncya ecs av <br /> --- -" `-_-- rmitfcd b Ipwi(b)to all sums secured by lhis Security imtrumPnf3 And l�)pny excess/o the per�on a'Persons <br /> �-.-� -� - <br />_. - -- .�._ — � <br /> . _�,,� �e�lly ea1i1 ed tu it. -" <br /> 18. Reconveyance. Upan p�yment of ull sums secured by this Security Inr�trument.l.ender shAll rcyucst'ltu�lec to <br /> +�.����::.:.� recanvey the Prnperty und shall sunendcr this Security Instrument and all nates cvidencing debt xecured by thix Security <br /> =_==-�°'y^'; lnFuument to 7tuxtce. 7ivsree hhull recanvey the Property withoW wurranry sind without chargr to�he perxon or persans <br /> �;�,r,��b r'-?e� Iegally entitled to it. Sueh persan or personx�hull pay uny rccordutian cosls. <br /> -- 19. Subshfute 7Fustee. Lender,a�its optian,may from ume to time removc'(Yustee und appoint u successar wstee „�,w <br /> � - �f ^- ••" to uny 7fuslee uppointed hercunder by an intitrument recc►rded in the counry in which this swcr u�nd duius confer ed upon <br /> '��� Withou�conveyance of'the Property.lI1C SUCCCS3(N(RISICC 9IIAII 311CCCCd 10 A�I lI1C tidc, po �� <br /> ;' 'ttuatce herein nnd 6y applicuble luw. <br /> '''"'�'�"�`-`''��'�a � 20. Request io�1Votices. Borrower requests lhAt capies of ihe natices of defuult und sule Ix sen�to Bornawerk _ <br /> •°`fw ' .r'-'' addres�which is the Property Addrex�. <br /> •.Kr: ., ,. , <br /> .r • •�iL15�fti .:' �=-- <br />�;�,t�i,;;t,�,rafi .,° <br /> ,;a:. ,, Riders to this Sccuri/y lnstrament. If onc or morc riden arc exccutcd by Borrowcr and recorded togethcr wilh Ih s -_- <br /> ';�',"'�:" + `�` Security Instrument, the covenums of each such ridcr shnll he incarporuted inw und xhull umend �►nd supplement �he _- <br /> .,•�' �,�',.i��. • <br /> � �;, •�:� •*� covcnenlfi and ngreement�of Ih is Securiiy Ins tn�men t ax i f t h e r i d e r(s)w e r e i n a purt of thi4 Secu�ity Instrumcnt. �,, <br /> ..' ;�•.... �Ctieck applicable box(es)�. ��_ <br /> _ r * �:��� �,.:y,.,.,. ' - <br /> _ ?--�"�4-'-_`�-'��!i:�:_�__ �('�ndaminium Rider �(iraduuted Payment Rider �C;rowing Fquity Rider <br /> _-� a�° �. ;.. .. <br /> .R ` � .,; <br /> � ADJUSTABLE RATE R[OER <br /> _ ��.,.����� �Plunncd Unit Devcbpment Ridcr Othcr�Spc.cify� ---- <br /> ..�. ,._„ . .. . <br /> V \ � -. <br /> � :�� " ' •� BY SI(3NINC3 BELOW,Bortuwer uccepts und ugrecs to the �ermn can�uined in page+ I through 4 uf this Security <br /> -:.;�� ' �',; Instrument and in any rider(s)eaecuted by Barrawer und recurded with it. --_� <br /> - 'ri�: -tN,� ,•:, _ <br /> _�,`� �-`: . i i ssex: C�/1 /� /� <br /> '�:,.., t .,,M1 . '�';r� . /�/(� Q bl� _����•,,,,' A��✓ (Seul) -_� <br /> w`. . � . . l CU V 'i � dMfoWM �`_- <br /> _ , _ � 7HOMAS J H DEK �=_ <br /> �.-�•- <br /> ' ��H . :. / �c: <br /> r.. ��.«::;s�:,� � <br /> � , .._.,.: . (Seap r:= <br /> ., • ,w�;�,�.s;• GAR R HOUDEK Pnrruwcr <br />�. ,r�1. ...��a : , . E-- <br /> . (SCBI) <br />: . Borrower — <br /> ., L�:: <br /> .. ��. <br /> �� , l5cap �'�,s- <br /> • Bornnwcr <br /> 1 ' � . . �%r'' „ _' <br />... ° � � .;, STATE OF NEBItASKA. HALL County.�: --_ <br /> , , ., , _ , __ <br /> ° � Ja ul'Apr i 1. 1992 .�x����rc mc.Ihc undcnigncd, n Notury ��. <br /> ' On�hiti 27th Y �'•- <br /> ., ' Public duly commi�sioned und yu�lificd li�r.:�id cuunty.prrson:�lly camr ��;; <br /> ' . " , THOMAS J HOUDEK AND MARGARET R HOUDEK HUSBAND AND W I FE p, mr known tu tx thr <br /> � ideniirul person(sl wlwxc namr(+I are sub,crilxd iu�hr fongoin�in.�rumrnl und arl�nuwlcJgrd thc excrution Ihcrenf lo Ix� <br /> , •i;, ' ,, their valunlury uri cmJ dccd. <br /> `� �i'' ' Wilncss my hund•rnd noturiul rcal ut GRAND 15LAND in wid county. �hc <br /> «... <br /> . ,:ti�, � dutcal'oresuid. <br /> ���i�.: <br /> • _ '�,�___Z✓_�� �� - -- � , <br /> -� �_...tfy�_.,.,�_ - - <br /> _ u..�._�_ Nulury 1'uhhc {_ <br /> _ --°= -. --- --� <br />