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� ;�Erfdi�! � . ��.i.���r,;,:�r �--��_-�--- <br /> :�IW _ _ iYf�.rv . ITi��:.. <br />��� --� •. --�"��'�_ - <br /> �a_Gi:1G. . .. .._ . -- <br /> -�-.. . � �...-. ..,..'_' " ' '.. . _ <br /> �r ����',-'"� 'Q�l�������T_ � <br /> „, �� _ <br /> ,�� ' - ... y r t�" Q " _. — _ � <br />_�• . . .... <br /> �` � 92 <br /> —.�.:.s.,�:� ... <br /> --� . • ����J� <br /> ___�Xp�..� FHA MULTISTATE AD�USTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> - -----�=� <br /> � �_-� <br /> ---. day of <br /> _�- <br /> -- _----- -z,- - , THIS ADIUSTAHL.B RATE RIDER ia mode�hix 27t h <br /> - --- --��.� <br /> Apr 11. 1992 und ix incorporutcd into and ehnll be deemed to amend and supp ement F <br /> � !hc Mangogc, Dced of 'Ih��t ar Secu�ity [kcd ("Security Inxtrumcnt') of' the seme datc given by tho undcraigned <br /> ,��� si• ("Borrawer")to Recure Botrowcrk Notc("Note")to <br /> .._��.; <br /> �°''���;•-' COLUMBUS FEDERAL SAV I NG'a BANK <br /> .,. ,, <br /> �:.1a�`�'�►e, ;�• - - <br /> �,;.: <br />_�_ �A,F`�=-- -° (tixs "l.eiuler"1 of the icamc date and covcring thc property de4cribc�i in the Securiry Instrument a�d loca�ed at: - <br /> �a�h,.� . "O�-� : <br /> ". � �""' u 808 NORTH BROAQWEIL AVENUE ' <br /> �9��1�"��.<• <br /> �• GRANQ ISLAND� NE 69803 -- <br /> ����y�'� <br />__ —_ , -.-.;•:.. ° <br /> ..�+.`.�F"i`;---.�,. .;..: . II'�'openY Addrcss) _ _ <br /> _s,;u;:,.y,�N,�y. . <br /> : t:c�. - <br /> ..��t:=:.>•� <br /> � .:�•'.s.�.�-�. ' THE NQTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGE5 IN TNE <br /> �i+.��n�1U;�'#' INTEREST RATE ANp THE MONTHL.Y PAYMENT. THE NOTB LIMITS THE <br /> "`�'�''�"'�' '; � AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S INTEREST RATF.CAN CHANGE AT ANY ON�T1ME <br /> ._�• ; t" „� <br /> � AND THR MAXIMUM RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. <br /> :�r�� �'• ` .� �' . <br /> __=!. ":�,.; , , <br /> _ � <br /> ?;.� _ � � .�:, <br /> ===__' �:{• w <br /> -'�;��� ^ ' ADDITIONAL. COVENANTS. In uddition to �he covenan�s and agreemenls made in Ihe Security Inatrument,� <br />;°� . , Borrowor and LenJ�r furthcr covenanl and ugroc ux Pollows: <br /> �•_:� � _— <br />-�,�� <br />�''� ���. INTER1sST RATE ANp MQNTHLY PAYM�NT CHANGE.S <br />_,,'�� �'"•,f,;.;.. -... <br /> Vi�^y� :'."•h � (Al Chpnge DAte �� <br />., ;�� • , The intercst rute mny chunge an tlw tir�:t ds�y c�fJu l y 1 . 1993 .end thnt dey of euch.rucceeding year. _ <br />��..��t��� '_� ' "Change Date"mcans cacb dute on which the intare+t rate could chbnge. _,_ <br /> ''� � (B) The lndex <br />%'�,• "``.. . Beginning with thc first Chongc Datc, thc intcrc.t ratc will bc bu�:ed on un index. "Index"meuns thc wcekly averuge ___ <br />,�:;;4;t yield on UnUcd Sluter;'Ite:�.cuq�5ecuritics udjusted tu u c�>n.�ont mawrit�� of onc ycur, us made uvuilablc by ihe Federal "" <br /> '� � Re.�crvc Bourd. "Curtcnt Index"mcanw 1he nxnt reccnt Indrx figure avuilable�U duy.t+rfore the Chungc Dalc. If the Index ��> <br />-�-�`..c <br />'_��• '� (as defincd nbove)is no longer uvAilable,Lendcr will uK as a ncw Index uny index pmscnbed by the Secre�ary. As uscd in <br /> �"`"� ���"� • �hi� Rider, "Sccretury"mc�mrc thc Secrctury of and Urban Developmem ur his ar her designee. Lenckr will give <br /> ,'-. -- <br /> ;t "�+`� " � • Borrowernotica M�h�new Indcx. <br /> ��k���.• . .. �`' . ___ <br />'`-�° � ����r •• • IC) Calculatbn oP Interest Rale ChanRes � � <br /> - •'�`''�':.,n � Befure each Chungo Dale,Leixier wfll culculate u new inlcrcst rutc by udding u murgin of �'�;� <br /> 'r::�„ . °_... <br />.=�,��.� ,��:1;�1:" ' > A <br /> �..i �`� 1.'.iis�;.,,-..:-�� .�:'�� Two perceMage �^` <br />:i�:';:;� � " •. � poinls(� p Q ryo) to Ihc curtent InJex and roundin�t thc sum to �hr nrarrsi onc-cighth of one perrentuge point <br /> .:^;�,,; � ''��.;. (0.125°!�)�5u6�ct lo the limits titu�eJ in Wrugraph(U)nf this Ridcr.�hi�n►undcd umaun�will be the nrw intcre.r•t rate until =__ <br />"' �,r.; • ' thu next Chungc Duic. <br /> ,{,. 4 . . �;�.. <br /> IDl Limi�g on Interect Rate C'han�ey <br /> - 1 � Thc bn�rc.r•t rut�will nrvcr incrca.r or dccrc;�xc by murc�han anr�xrrrnt+i�c point l LO'i 1 cm any singlc Changc Datc, ` <br /> ' 7'hc int�trcxt ratc will nevcn c�murc than ti��c percentn�zu p��int.l5,(►�/��hi�!hcr or luwrr thun Ihc ini�iul intcrcx�rutc. <br /> �'. <br /> ' ' IF.1 Cakulalian nf 1'ayment ChanRc �'•"' <br /> j It'Ilx� imurest rutc chnn�tc+o�a Chan�c U�uc. Lendrr «iU ralculutc thr •rm��wit i�l'munthly paymcnt nf principul and �y <br /> . . inlcrext which wuuld hc nccc+sary to rrpny ihc unpaid principal haluncc in full at Ihr mu�urity datc ut Ihc ncw intcrc.t r�te �` <br /> ' ` through sub�tamially cyuul puymem., Ui muhinE�uch calcula�inn. Lcndcr will u�c thr unpaid prinripul 6ulancc whirh wiiuld � <br /> ,:�.;._�,'_..�;.--- be owed on thc Chunga vute it'ihrre hud txrcn nu ikl'uuli in paymrnl un ihr Nute.rrJurcd hy Ihc amuunl uf any prrpaymenlx '�,: <br />- -�- . �o principul. Thc rr.rul�ol'this culcul:ui�m will Ix ihr amuum uf�hc ncw monthly p•rymriu o� pnncipa�unct imcres�. � <br /> , . IFI Notice of Chunaes E <br /> � <br /> � Lcndcr will gi�•c nuticc to Burrowcr ul';my rhangc in Ihc intrrc�t ralr anJ manlhly puymcnl umuunt. Thr nolicc must , <br /> ' , . lx given ut Ira+t ?S duys Ikfurc Ihr nrw manthly paymcnt amounl �,Jur. and mu,l ,ct li�nh 1i1 thc dutr u(thc noticc, <br /> • lii) th� Chungr Datc.liii► the uld intcrr,� raic. livl thc nrw inlrrr�t r;itr. 1�•1 Ihr nrw� mi+nlhly paymcn� :mu+um. ��il Ihr <br /> Cumn� Indrz anJ�hc datr it wu. puhli.hrd.lvii►�hr mrlh�xl ut'r;drula�in� �hr rhun�r in nwnlhly puymrnt umuunt.und � <br /> .. Ivi�il uny othcr inl'urniatiun which m•ry Ix rrywrrJ by Inw t'rum iimr tu iimc. � <br /> 1.91 <br /> ' . lar�l L�t�,+HU�imw Ft�.In� � <br /> 17kM6S!?19�M1 �/Flti'I��J:14���•�� T���h�Mr�:ull IdI110381F939:1 f]FA\61679141.71 � <br /> �I .` � <br /> .1 <br /> i <br /> i <br /> ��• <br />