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,1'r: a �rsz�s�r ►. �#ti'•+SiN�ja}31'i4 �^�: �r, }.,.+,,,;:,.r �s .., ,', `v"�'�:. -m.0- � <br /> ����_ .t �i ��I��.y�n�1,.Y�1 ,'�io;rlv��i: '� I , '.,C+ t�r� � ?_.___.�---`.[_ _ r -- -- ...._.__ <br /> - • �ye3t0� 4 � I y�- , <br /> .- :'.y. . _ �Ya.Wy,yr _ <br /> I , � �,.,...-•--.----- <br /> 1 � �, ---- — - . <br /> ' � �. <br /> _ • . , <br /> ,, ,,�„; ._, . <br /> .��r .r. . . . : na"x r`]l�t � ._. ,�_.--.. . <br /> -` - -- - -- _ '..�.�s�,'�f7t�� �,k"'�Y4' ..�. ��� —_----- .. ._.._. <br /> T' cY�.i ;�. .. <br /> �-..._ `.w�: �...., . . <br /> 9A+ r <br /> �,��-_:�?�;�> . � L ��N3�. <br /> an;._,.. ..,. <br /> -���'�'�- <br /> ..��:-�.��_-_ --- - <br /> �`---J pAymenta,which arc refemed ro in Purugtaph 2,or changc thr umoum��f�uch puymcnt�. Any cxcesx proccxdx uver un <br /> �"� rmount rcquircd to pay ull outstandin�indebtednexs under thc Nwc uiul this S��;udry In�trumen�rhall be paid lo the eadty <br /> � ''".� . �.�:,;r,x, -.., I led thereto. <br /> �� ! ... ;, .n le�ally enl l <br /> , • 8, Ftta. l,endcr muy collect feex smd churQcx au�hudcrd by�hc Sccrctary. <br /> .{;,.•��;.:. , ..,,� . 9. Crounds tor Accelerptinn of pebt. <br /> •�� ��•� .:•� � (A1 Defpul� l.endcr may.except av limitcd by reguluti�m�i�sucd by�hc Sccrclary in�he cw�e of payment defuult�, <br /> =,4•--��.--�°•�:..". requirc immediate a meM iq full of all aum�xecurcd by thi�Securhy In�ln�mcnt ii: --- <br /> � � (i!Bortowe� uul�s by failing ta puy in full uny manthly puymenl rcyuired by�hls Sccurity Ins�rument privr <br /> �-_ <br /> '" " ' to or on the due date of the next momhly paymcnt,or <br /> �`n�`;u�'��'.��:�4 (ii)Borrower d.:fuullf by fuilin�,fur u penai of thirly dayx,w perfomi any o�hrr�bligutianx cont�+incd in�his <br /> _�bl+�x• •. :; 1���;" � Securlty lost�ument. <br /> ` ' � • (b)S�le Withui�t Gredit Approval. Lender shall,if perntittcd by uppUcuble law und wi�h the priar approvnl�ii thc _ <br /> u <br />,s,i= ' , �� .'; Saretory,rcqui�a immediute puyment in full af aU the r�umx securcd by ihis Secu�i�y Inti�rument�f: <br />-•.�• � �: •'�a�..�+:'.��,�. (i)All or part of�he Pmpeny, or u bcnefici�l interesl in u trust owning all or part ol'the PmpeAy,is.old ur _ <br />'`�`� .. � � dti�yrwiis uansferred(ather thun by devise or deticentl by the Borrower.un�! — <br /> ' (ii)The propeRy is not occupied by thc purchnner or gn►ntee uti hix or her principal rer�idcnce,or the purchawct _ <br /> ��r"� �r�:.��`;�.... ` "�_`.:�•T.�. or granter docs r;o �xcupy the Property but hig or her credit hp.ti not been upproved in ucc�rdwke __� <br /> ' � c " • wilh the requi�ements of the Secret�ry. <br /> '�:., ,,��;;,�.; „; ; 1c1 No Wr�iver. If circumslunceF ocwr lhat woulJ permit I.ender to reyuirn imme4iate poyment in full,but Lender <br /> �� �` � doe�not require such payments,Lender daes not wuive its rights with�espect to subseyucot events. �---- <br />' ���� ' �� � (d)Re�ulaUons of H U D Secretary. In muny circumstnnces regulatians issued by�he Secretary will limit Lender w = <br />'���� ° right4,in the case of puyment defaultx, to require immediatr pnymen�in full and fareclare if nat uid. This �� <br /> . • : . : ..... <br /> • Security tnstrument dces not uulharize acceleration��r foreclosur�if nat permitted by rcgulutionh of the ecrctury. __ - <br /> • �� le)Mortgage Nal Insured. Borcower agrecs thut should this Security Instrument and the note secured thereby not - <br /> . ; "' be eligible far insurance under the Na�ianul Housing Act wi�hin 8 mont hs from the `;�--� <br /> � � date hercof,Lender muy,at itc option and nwwi�hstunding anyihinF in Paragrs�ph 9,require immcdiate puyment io _ <br /> �` full ot all sums secured by this Security Instn�ment. A writton statement of uny uuthorized agent of the Secre�ury <br /> . ,�•;., , dated subsequent to 8 months from the date hereof,declining w insure this Scrurity —__ <br /> ,.:s; • �`= <br /> �� ' lnstrumem und the nrne secured thercby,shull be deemed conclusive proof of�uch incligibility. Notwithxtunding <br /> •'�;�;��;;.'r� • � the foregoing, thia optiam m�y not b e exercise d b y L e n d e r w h e n t h e u n a v a i l a b i l i l y o f i n s u r u n c e i s�I c l y d u e t o ���.�-_ <br /> �• � °' ' � l.enderk fAilure ta remit a mortgage insurance premium ta the Secretary. ��'° "„ <br /> '�"• �� 10. ReinstatemenL Borcowcr haz A right ta be reinstoted if Lender hax required immediu�e payment in full bccuuse ��-��� <br /> a:��_. <br /> ..�',� • of Borrower's failure to pay un umount due under Ihe•Note or this Security lnstrument. Thix nght applies cven ufter 7 _,,, <br /> - forecla:,ure proceedines arr im�hu�ed• 'Ib reinstate the Securi�v Ins�rumen�, Borrower xhall tenJer in a lump sum ull ���.._- <br />�� � �. amounts reyuircd to bring Borrower's uccount current including,to Ihe exteni they are obligationx oi liorrower under[his �r <br /> Security In�trumem,foreclosure cust,and reasanuble and customury anomeys'fees And expen+es properly a.esociated with ��•,��"�`: <br /> the foreclosute pmceeding. Upon reinstutemenl by Bortower,thia Securi�y Inxtrurnent und the obligations Ihat it secures W��, <br /> xhall remain in effec�us if I.ender hud not reyuired immediate puymem in full. However,l.ender is not required to�crmit . �%1:;��-- <br /> reinstatement if: (i) L�snder hnx accep�ed mmx�utement After the commencement �f foreclosure proceedings with�n twu '�':,•, <br /> Ls <br /> years immediately prereding the commencement of A current forecl��,ure praeeding. (ii) reinstutement will prcrlude �,;;.+t��--_._ <br /> foreclosure on diffarent grounds in thr futum,or(iii)ruin�lutement will advenely affect the priority of the lien created by 4 w�*•i. <br /> � this Secudty Inslrumem. •�n����' <br /> � 11. Borrower Not Released; Morbeorance bv I.ender Not a Wuiver, Extension of the time of paymen� or "���`a•��,., <br /> • modificudan of amortiiu�fon of the+umz xccured by th�s Security In,trument granted by Lendcr to any successor in irnerest :,,.. <br /> ,. af Borrower shaU not opera�e w relcuse the liubility of thr oriEinal B��rrowcr or Burrower's tiuccessor in intere.r•t. l.ender � ++� <br /> � „ . shull not be required to commence praceeding+ugamx�uny yuccesux in imereu or rcfuse to ext�nd time for payment or �"� <br /> ,,, ,,... othcnvise modify amonizsttion of the�ums ,ecurcd by ihi� Sccurity In��runu m hy muwn of uny demund nwde by thc � <br /> . � originul Borrower or 8ortower+wcresson in intere�t. Any forheuruncr hy I.ender in exercising uny right or remedy shall � •„;���,�r�- <br /> .:,�:.,,�.. <br /> nw be a ws�iver of or preclude thc cxrrcisc nf uny righ�nr remedy. •� ;_� .__ <br /> '�, l2. Successors and Ac�iRnq Bound;Jdnt and tieveral I.iabllity;Co•til�ne�. Thc covenants++nd ugreemem�of ��:�;:,.�.,�.. <br /> " � thix Securfty Inxtrument shidl bind und henetit the wrr�.sors und a,siFnti of LenJcr unJ Burrower,subJec�to the provi.r•ionx . <br /> of Poragmph 9.b. Borrower� covenantx and ugreemenh shall lx jaint und sevcral. Any Borrower who ca•s�gns this ?�_Y;,:�.=- <br /> . , 'i;.',;,, Security�nxtrument but does not execute the Note: (a)iz co-signing this Security Inxtrument only to mon�tAge,gram nnd : <br /> � convev�hut Borrowcrk intere.i in Ihc Propcny undcr the Icrn�x of�hi,Securily Instrumrm:lh)i,not penonully obligated lo <br /> • „ , puy Cne sums sccurcd by ihis Srcurily Imtrumcnt;und lc)ngrec.Ihat Lcndcr and;�ny uthcr B��rrower may agree la ex�end, � <br /> ' madify,forbear or makc any nccommuciations wilh rc�turd to Ihe terms of Ihis Securi�y Inxtrument or the Note without Ihat y.,�-_, <br /> ' . Borrower�s consen�. `':"= <br /> � '� � 13. NoUees. Any no�ice to Borruwcr pmvided for in ihi�Security Imirumrnl�hull t►r givcn by drliverinF it or by ���e.:«:' <br /> �%`'� mailing it by fint rlar.mail unle,s upplicublc laa rcyuirr.uxc uf unuthrr mcih�xl. The no�ice xhall be directed to the "�, <br /> ,, . . <br /> �;;,;; Property Addre�s or uny other addrrs.Harrowcr dc.iFnatcs hy noticr tu Lrndcr. Any noiirr to I.endcr xhnll bc givcn by t � <br /> � first cluxx muil to Lcnder�uddrc,s +tuted heRin ur uny uJJrrs, Lcndrr Jr.i�:natc. by nuticr to B��rrawcr. Any notice '� . <br /> . Pmvided fi�r in this Security In.trumcnl shull Fx dcemed to huvc Ixrn givrn Io k��rrowcr�tt Lrndrr whcn given u�provided �, <br /> m this paragraph. <br /> 14. (:overnlnR Law;SeverabiHty. This Srrurity I�nwmrnt�h:dl Ix�.u�•rrnrd My Hcderal luw anJ�hc luw uf thc <br /> ju�nsdirtion in which thc{'r�xrty is I�xatcJ. In �hc cvciet tDat an} pr��ai.iun or clautic c,f thi.Srrurity In�trument nr thc ; <br /> � ' N�«�a�ni��.W��n�npi��:�nt� i+�w�. wrh rnntlirt �hall ni�� aflcrl i�thrr pn,vi�ion� ol�hi.Srcurity In,lniment or thc N�itc ,; <br /> which cun lx Fiven cl'frrt without the canFlic�in�!pr�wi.i�,n. 1i�thi.end�hr pruvi,ium uf ihi.Securily Ins�rumcnt and the (*I <br /> • Note ure J�clun'd to Ix+everablc. t <br /> I5. Borrower's Cop�•. Burrower.hall tx Eiven�mr runtiimud rnpy of�hi�Srrurily 6�.Irumen�. � <br /> 16. Axvignmenl uf Rents. Norrow�r unc�mditiunally a.�i�m unJ tran.tcr+lu Lrndrr all tlx rent.and rcvrnuc.ot'�he i <br /> � . Pmperty. Burtower awM�riir+Lcndrr or LcnJcr:aErn�+a�cullcr�:hr rcnt�anJ r�vcnucti anJ Mrchy dirc��,�urh Irnunt of � <br /> . Ihe Propeny to puy the rcnh��,Lrndrr iir LrnJcr:a�!cnt,. Hwvcvcr.priur iu I.cndrr',n�dice tu Burn�wcr�if B��rrowcr: , <br /> . brcach of any cuvenun��x agre�ment in�hr Srcurit�•In,�runmm.Nurn�w�r.h:dl r�►Ilrrt anJ recriar ull rent.and nvenue,oF <br /> thc 1'n►perty u+tru�lcr for Ih�Ixnetit al'Lcndrr anJ Hurtuw•rr. 1'hi.a..i}�nmrnt ut'rrnl�riNi, ah,ulut�as�iEnmcnt , <br /> .�d n.,r��r. ��..c�.,�,��n�fnr:�Jdi�ional ticrurilv unlv. � <br /> — � �--_ _ -.._..N'Lrnder givc�nulirc uf bmuch tu Fiiirr�nccr: 1.�1•rll renl,rerri�•r�l h� li�,n�u�ccr rhull hc hcld h��Horrowrr•r.IrU�[ce � <br /> tix benelit of Lrnder only,tu Ix nppli�d tu the tium� �crurrJ h�• thr tircurilv In.�rumrnt: lhl LrnJrr.hull Ix entiUeJ la <br /> roUcct und rcrcivc uU uf thc rent.��f thc PmFxrty:and�rl r;irh�cn;int�it thc I'rnprny.h�ll ruy aU nnt+duc und unpaiJ ro <br /> Lender or LenJrr:ugcnt�in Lrnder:writtcn JemanJ tu thr trn.m�. <br /> Borrowcr ha. ni�t execulrJ wiy prior u�.iFnmcnl ut�Ihc rcnt�and ha.nai:►nd ��ill niit�xrlimn any �rt thut wnuld <br /> . preven�Lrndrr fmm rrcrci+in�ity rights unJrr thi.Naragraph I h. <br /> Lendcr+hull nut Ix nyuireJ to entcr upun. I;�kc rontn►I uf ar miiinl:un Ihc F'ruprny ixfon ur alirr giving nutirc ot <br /> bre;Kh tu Borrowcc Huwcvrr. LrnJcr ur u jud�riully •rp�uintrJ nrr�vrr ma�Ju ,u��am �imc Uu�e i.a brcurh. An} <br /> •rpplicution uf rcnt�+hall n��t curc or Naiv�uny Jrtault or m�:ilidatr any uthrr ri�h��,r nmedy ul'LrnJcr. Thi.ati,i�;nm�nl <br /> of rcnt�of the 1'mprrty xhull tertnin:nr whcn the debt ucurrJ b�Ihr krurity In�Ir.�mrnt n paid in full. <br /> ya�er±,•�l p��v�•�� <br /> � <br /> � <br />