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<br /> -• "• ^ '.�lyfi�d!V�dt�lrft:.� _- -.
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<br /> �•.. ^�' '.�i: •
<br /> ..• ... . �cac�_--`
<br /> �,�`���� �'= 1. Pw ment of Prin�lpal�Interest and I.�le Chwrge. 6orrowcr shull pay when duc�he prinripol af,und intere�t on,
<br /> ��•- ° thc defx�v�dGnced by thq,Note and lutc chprgeti due undcr Ihe Notc.
<br /> � -• 2. MoNhly ps�Ym�p�s oP'liwxes.�n�surwnce and Other Cho�es. Bortowcr tihull inrlude in ench mc►nthly puymcnt,
<br /> �c
<br /> " � � tagethcr with�he pria4� 1 und interest a+�se� fanh in the Notc unJ uny In�e churger,un ins��llmrnt af uny lul��+xeg and �-_
<br /> u
<br /> ,, :;='L,ia�:.ti•�«� special axsrssmen�s Icy��or to be levied ugainst the Property,(b)les�huld paymcnt+or grnund rcnts an the F'raperty,and �___
<br /> 1 Ic1 premiums for insurou►Fy;reyuired by Purngruph 4. c
<br /> - � Ench momhly in.y{upmen� fur item+ (a). (b) unJ (c) .hull equal one-twelfth uf thr annual umrnims, n. mar•onuhly ____
<br /> : � ~;:��..� es�imu�ed by Lend�r. plyd an umuunt +ufficient �o muintuin a� udditian�l bulance of n�H more �hun one-sixtb of the
<br /> s''.�" ' estimated c+moums. The,full annual umount for euch iiem �hull he uccumuluted by Lender within u peric�d ending one
<br /> � montb before an item wauld tn:come delinquent. L.ender shall hold the amountv callected in truxt to pny Uem.lul.�n►�n�i
<br /> (c)bofore�hcy bocom�de�inyuem.
<br />�; „_..:,.�;'a" lf At any time the tMAI af the puymem+ held by Landcr fo�items (u), Ib)und Ic), �ogctlxr wi�h thc future monthly
<br /> �� A payments for wch item.�i,payuble to L,ender pri�x to the due dutcy af such items, excceds by more thun ane-sixth the
<br />. estimatcd umount af Fwym�nt-i reyuired to ay surh i�ems when due,und if pa ments on thc Notc ure currcnt,then Lender
<br /> w p
<br /> j � • shall eithcr refund the�x�css over ane•sixth nf�he e.rtimutcd paymentti ar crc u Ihc cxces�ovcr one-�ixtb of the estimntcd
<br /> . � puyme��+to subsequent p;�ymen�s by Aorrower,ut the option af Barcower. Ii�he tatnl aP thc puymem�made by Burtower _
<br /> `� � � Pi�r iiein(a1.lb).or(c 1 is Intiufficient to pay the itam N•hen due,then Norrnwer tihall pay to Lender any s+mount necesxury ta _ _
<br /> � ��`' make up�he deficiKncy qn,qr befare the dute the ilum becomc�due.
<br /> , A�c used in thiy Sec:urit�Instrument."Secretury"mruns the Secretury of Hou.ing and Urban Uevelapment or his or her
<br /> designce. In uny year in wh�ch the Lender mutit puy u mangage iasurunce premium�o�he Secn:tury,ench monthly payment
<br /> ahall ulso include �itFy��: (i) un installment of �he annual martgage inxurunce premium to be paid by Lender ta the
<br /> Secretruy,ar(ii):�mvA1h1Y churge instead ot'u mortgage incorance premium if this Security Intitnrment ix held by Ihe _ _ _
<br /> Secretury. Fuch mon�►.l�y,inr�ullment af�he mortguge insurunce premium+hull t�e in un amount xufficient to accumulnre the _
<br /> full unnual munguge in5urance premium with Lencier one month prior t�� the dnte thc full nnnual mortgage insurance
<br /> �� � �� premium is du�w th¢.Sixtetury:or if�hi,Security lnstrument i+held by the Sccrc�ary,euch munthly churge shull be in an
<br /> amaunt eyuul to ons-twalfth af one-half percent of�he ou�stt+nding principrl balanrc duc on the Notc.
<br /> . If Hormwar tendet�to l.ender the full payment of oll sumti secured by thix Security Instn�ment, Bortowerk account
<br /> shall be credited wi1M.�he baluncc remuininF i'or all ins�nllmentti for itemy Iu1, Ibi nnd (cl und uny mongage insurunce
<br /> premium installment tha► I.ender hati not becorne obli�ated to puy tu the Secremry,and Lender whall promptly refund uny ■
<br /> , excess funds to BoRaw�r. Immediutely priur to u farecloxurc u�le of thr I'roprny or its ucqui+i�ion by Lender,Hormwer�a �_
<br /> �� � account shall be credlt�td with anY bulunce remuining for ull inslulln�mti for items 1u1.(b)und(c). ,�;,,,o-
<br /> 3. Apylicutit�qt.N�ymenl.v. All puyment.r•undcr Purngmph,I und 2 xhull be upplicd by Lender a+followw: ■"�
<br /> r_�--
<br /> E1641 ����he mUrywge insurunce premiurn tu bc puid by Lender t�thc Secretury or to thc monthly churge by the �r_�.,y.
<br /> Secrewry inxtcnd qf thc manthly mongogc imuruncc prcmium; [� i` "
<br /> s�coND.ro any.tuxes,speciul ugse+smenis.leusehuld paymrni+ur ground rentx,und fire,floud and other huu�ard
<br /> �:_�—
<br /> ,. . inr�urance premiv►ra,as reyuireJ;
<br /> , THIRp,to inte��due under the Notc: r�=-=_•-
<br /> FOURTN,to Umur[inttian of thc principul of thc Notc: k-•=,`:" - -
<br /> FIFPH,to In�e chnrges due under the Note. ��l '-� _
<br /> 4. Fire.Flood and Other Hazard Insurance� Born�wcr sh;dl in+urc ull imprcwcments an�he Propeny,whethrr now �
<br /> � in exi.tence or subseyusntly crected,aguiml uny huiurJx, ca.+uultic,,und contingrncirs, including fire,for which l.enJer �'•'�� �r�
<br /> reyuires insurAncu. Tbir.inxurunce shnll be muintuined in the amuunt.unJ G�r�he�riod+iha�Lender requireti. Bcmower ; �'• --°
<br /> shall ulsu in.r•ure ull imPmvcment.�m the Propeny,whrdxr now in existence ur sub�equenUy ercctrd,againsi lorn by flocxi� �'l•='"
<br /> J�-�- -
<br /> ta the extent reyuired by the Sccrclury. All intiurunrc�hall tx rarricJ with cump:uiirs i!pproved by Lendcr. The in,un+ncc ; _r _�
<br /> policies and uny renewuls +hall t�c hcld by Lendcr anJ .hull imludc locn payuble clauscs in lavor ut', and in a fomn E;:o:,:,;,___
<br /> ucceptublc la,l.cndcc �=>-
<br /> � In Ihc cvent��f los�, Bixrowcr tihull givr Lrndcr immeJiat� n��tire by mail. Lcndrr may m•rke pr�x�f i�f lor�:if not C�:,.._
<br /> . `� mude promptly by$orrower. Euch inrurunce rampai,'•concemed i.hrreby auth�►riird und direr�rd tc�muke paymrnt fur ,�
<br /> such loss direcUy tu l.�nder,inwteud uf to B�xruwcr un�i tu I,rndrr jnindy. All ur uny p�rt of thr intiur�tnre pnx:eed+tnuy be ' )`,"•,.-��
<br /> npplied by Lendcr.at its optiun,cither(ul�o the rcductian ut'►hr indeb�cJnc»unJer�he!Vute�nd this Security In�trurtxm,. '� '�:,�.,,.:;.
<br /> � finl to any delinyuant umounts upplieJ in�he urd�r in Parugruph J, anJ Ihrn tn prcpaymrnt uf prinripal, or fb1�o the. �-����:-��
<br /> regtoration or re uir of thc dumu ed ro n . An .� liratiunut'thr r�xced+w ihe rmri u1�hull not rxtrnd or uct ne. �-�='�'- �
<br /> p K P {k, � y•rt� P p P p I� -�•.r-.�,-_
<br /> . ' the due dutc of thc monthly p•rymenth whic arc refcrred ia iu Paru�ruph 1.,ur chanEr the:►m��unt i�f r:urh paymenn. Any
<br /> . • ezces�insurancc pnxceds nver un unx�unt rcyuin�d w pay ull nuta�:mding �niklHeJnr�+ unckr ihe Ne�te and this Securiry _ •---
<br /> Instrument sh�dl Ix:puid u►the entily Iegiully crniUcd Ihrreiu. ."��+.='
<br />; In the evcnt uf'fnmclosurc ol thi. Securi�y InstrunKnt ix ulher Ir:w.l'er��I'IiNr lu thc F'rn�w:rly thut extingui,he. Ihr ��
<br /> J" indct►tednes�.ull righl..title unJ imerc�l uf liorruwrr in and lu iu.uruncc policieti in I'i,rrr.hull pa�.�o the purrhuser. . �.`"K`-,�_
<br /> 5. Occupanrv. Preservoliun, Malntenance and P�derthm of Ihe Property; dorrowcr's Loan AppUcation; r ;{;;���-=--
<br /> � I.easehddy. Borrowur shull �wcupy,e�tubli.h,und u+c thr Nro�xrty u. BarcuN•cr�principal n.ridcnrc within w�xty duyx '-.:.�:�::r
<br />' ufter the executivn vf thiti S�curity Inx�rumem nnd+he�U cuntinue�o�krupy thr F'ru�:ny i�.Borruwcr;prinripul res�dence
<br /> for ut leaa unc ycar•rtier thc du�c nt'cxcupancy,unk..thc SuRtary dct�miinr+�hi�Ryuirrmrm will cau.c unduc hurdship
<br /> for Bonower, or unl�h, extenuatin� rircuni+tance. exia �vhich ��re F+��•onJ Rorruwcr, cunuul. Burro��•er xholl notify �
<br /> Lenden of any extrnunling circumxtance�. fiurruw•rr ,hall ind cnmmit uu,1c ur dr,trov.dum;igr ur .uh.lnntially rhange
<br /> , �hc 1'rupeny or ulluw the Pro�xny to deteriuriuc.rea�unahlr��car anJ irur rrre�rd. Lendrr muy in+{kct thr ProEwny it'�hr �
<br /> ' Property is vurant or abundoned ar Ihc lo.m i�in Jcl'ault. l.rndcr muv tal.r rra�un:iMr arlion io pru�crl and preyrrvc wrh
<br /> , vucant ar ubundaned Pr��perly. Horr�nerr+hall ul+n Fx in de(aul� il�Horro��cr.Junng thr I��an s�pplication pnkr.ti,gavc
<br /> muteriully fulxe ur inaccurute infonnnlian ar ,:iutrnhm• to LrnJrr lur IailrJ �u pr�,�•idr l.rnJer with •rny matenul
<br /> ini'orm:►lionl in ronn�c�iim wilh Ihe I�um cvivrnceJ hy ihc �ut.•. mrludin�:.hut nut limit�vl to.rcprrs�ntatioo�r�mreming ,
<br /> Borrowcr's ikrupunc��of the 1'ro�xrty ati n pritxi�r,il rr.iJcncc. It thn Se�urny In.�rumrnt i.un a Ira.chuld.Hiinu�v�r�h:dl �
<br /> comply with thc pro�i�ii�ns of�hr Ica+c. It E3utn+wcr aryuiru,fr�wlr u�thr 1'ru�xm�,thr Iranrh��ld and 1'cr tidr tih:�ll nt�t .
<br /> he merged unlc>.Lrndcr agrcr.�u�hc mcrerr ni��•riiinr ,
<br /> � �� 6. CharRes 1��Borruw•er und Prot��liun oP I.endcr'w Riuhlx in the Prnpert�. Nurtot��cr�hull p:�� all guvrmmrnial
<br /> or municipal churuc,. finc,and im�x,tii�ium thnt ��re nut includrd m I'ai•acruph�. Rurru��rr.hall pay �hrx�,hli�uli�m,on
<br /> timr direrUy to th�rntity whirh i� a��ed�hr p:�}nnni. If failurc lu pa► �cnuld iid�cr.cl�• utlrrt LrnJer; imcR,1 in �hc
<br /> Prupctty.u�xm I.cnJcr's rcyuc,I Hurr�»err+hull promptl�•(urni>h tu Lrnd�r r�ccipt,��•iJrnrin�:Ihrx p.�yment..
<br /> _.. . If Borrowrr I'ails tu mul.c �hr,r paym�rn, ��r Ihr��uYllhrlh rryuircd h}� I'.►ragraph ''. or t:+il, tu prrfunn �nn u�hrr
<br /> . ravcnan��;md u�;rcemcnl,cuwaiixJ in thi�Sccuri��•In.inimcnl.��r thrrr i.;i Irp:u pnxcrcim�[n:n mu� .iEmiicami�•aiicci
<br /> . l.cndcri ri�ht+in thc Pru�xrty l,urh a. a prurccdinE in hanAruptc�.tur r�,ndrmnauun ur 1�,enli,rcc IuH.ur rr�;ula�i�m.l.
<br /> Ihcn Lcndrr muy do und pay��•halc�•rr i.nc���wn w pn��rri�hr�alur�,I 1hr 1'ro�xrl��:mJ LrnJrr;ri�hh in thc{'ro�xrt�•.
<br /> incluJing payment of taxrti.haiard intiur:imr :�od uthrr urm�inrnliunrd m{'ar:i�;r:►ph�.
<br /> Any amountti Ji.hur.rJ hy l.cndrr unJcr�hi�I'uragr.�ph�hall Fxrumr an adJnian;il�MM ul liurru��rr anJ tx.rrurrd
<br /> by this Security In.trumrnl. "1'hr+c umuuni. �hull txar m�rrc�t t'rum�hr d:uc ul'dhhur.rinrnl.:u tlx Natr ratr.anJ at Ihc
<br /> � option of LenJcr,tihall hr imm�Jialrly dur:�nd pu�;iblr.
<br /> , 7. ('ondemnatinn. Thr pnxcrJ.ul an��a��urJ urrlann liir dam:�EC..dirrrt ur run.ryurnlial.m�unnrrtion��ilh am
<br /> condemna�iun��r u�her�uking ul any part ul tlk I'�u�x m.ur I��r cume�;inrr tn pla�•e��f ranJrtnn:uiun.are hrrrhy u.,i�!nrd
<br /> . miJ.hull tx paiJ iu l.rndcr tu ihr r��cm uf thr�ull aniount�,t thr mdrl,tcdnc.,th:�1 rcmaiu.unpa�d undcr Ihc N�,t.;in.l Ihi.
<br /> Srrurity In.trumciu. Lcndcr,hall arpl� ,urh pnxrrd.tn U�r rc.luctu,n uf th.indrh�rdnr•.undei thr huir;mJ�hi,tirruri��
<br /> In�lrument. tint to un� dchnyurut ;mwum. .ipphcJ m �h�urJrr �rruv�ded m {:urgraph ;. and Ihrn lu prtpa}mrnl of
<br /> principal. Any upplicution uf�he pnkreJ. lu Ux prwc�p.�l .hall nut .�tcnd ar �w,.�punr thr due d;ur at thr nu,�»hl��
<br /> . �i„c, :•��i�•.,.•�„
<br /> . �
<br /> . � I
<br /> -- - -
<br /> —� --- --
<br />