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, r;tii Y .....o� �.�,y �- � . . . ... �r ti .��! ` . <br /> _ �!, �I� J `�.. `+ .... A H.T;,,,+�-7 3����. ,z_._= _ <br /> ._.,�.,�:,.et•�r <br /> - � , . ��� ° _ ___z <br /> � • ' `ri".�.+,�a:�, .. -- <br /> �' . _ ..` ..� .._ <br /> ` ,.�:�,t�i"�'e�wr'.�'LY.�i, --�-- '.:l.�w. <br />,._...._— =- , � ----.--. . --- . .:-_--� .-. _ . <br /> t.- . . -- — <br /> � � � —- <br /> , ��� <br /> - , . 92-- <br /> �:��;�'.;�?'.�:`!'w'.���r -� � <br /> —��,�:`�,�ry�;.} <br /> �:a;zic7a;,,��.:' <br /> ._:,�,�;k��^o�' "` if for reinstatcmenU beforc �ale of the Property purnuunt ta any power of sule contuined in this <br /> �.._., epplicable law may spec Y <br /> ,_;���..��._— Sceurlty Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment cnfurcing thiu Sccu�ity InstNment. Those canditions ure�hat Barrowcr. e — <br /> - s.� �,.�4r; paya Lender all :ums wbich then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note es if na acceletation had <br /> -"��:�:;xe���• occurred;(b)cures any defauU of uny dber covenuNs or agreemema:(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing ehis Secudty <br /> Instrument,including.but nat limited to. reusanuble anorneys'feeg; und (d) takes such actiun ux Lender mny reasanably <br /> �.�.;::.;..:��,�:: "�'�{.�� n Y this Secu�ity <br /> .� .;,..�::,y_,,.:�,4.�.je,, require to assure ihat the lion of this Securit Instrument,l.enderk righis in the Property and Borrower's obligotiun ta pay thc <br /> •• ' �- . • sums secured by this Secu�ity Instniment shnll conlinue unchanged. Upoa reinstntement by Borrowcr, <br /> . . .. � .:•�., ..,;.. . <br /> ; ��.,:;,�..��:;;;;;s�°:���, Instrument aml the abligudons secured hcreby ghall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,t ia c . <br /> ." �����M�•"�"!:';� �i�ht ta reinstate shall not apply in thc case af uccelerwtion under prrs�graph 17. _ <br /> � � L9. Sale oi Notet Chpnge of l.oan Servicer. The Note or a partiAl imsrest in the Nate(together with this Security <br /> "> >.f.,t'. ., ,!' �r , <br /> • --.,a�,:e� � �� Inetrumenq may be sald one or more limes withaut prlor notice to Borrower. A tinle may rc�ult in u changc In Ihe entity <br /> .•n <br /> , '� . '; <br /> ��'"'°� �` (known as 1he'L.oan Servicer")that collectx monthly poymentt due under the Nota a►�d this Security Instrument. There nlso <br /> � d� ° W: <br />�'� � may be one ar mace chunges of the L.oan Servicer unreluted to u sale of the Note. lf there is a change of Ihe Loan Servicer, <br />'�i�. �.X�:: �r:"' •-`�. Borrower will be given w�itten notice af the change in accordunce wilh paragruph 14 Atx�ve und applicablc law. The natice <br /> ° will stute the name and address of the new Loan Servicer und�he uddresg to which puyments should be made. 7'he notice will ` <br /> +,�••� �� nlsa contain any other informatian required by upplicabla law. — <br /> ��'�` �� 20. HazArdous 3u6stanees. BorroWer shall not cause or permit the presencc,use,dicpc�xal,�toruge.or release of any ��i <br />�`'�' -°•`t'�7"` `� '�� ilaza�dous Substanccs on��r in�bC Pwp«ty. Rarowcr shall not do,nor a!!ow i�nynnr. clsc to do,unything aifccting ihc �, _ <br /> °" •'"`�"`�� '�� Property that is in violation of any Envlronmentul The preceding two senlences shull not apply to che presence.use,or �„- <br /> l. � <br />��; �'� ' �� ' • storage on the Pmpeny of small quantilies of Hazardous Substunces that ure generally rccognixed�o be appropnure ta normal ` - <br />�t''•'� �"�°'�' � a�=���•�' residential uses and lo maintenance of Ihe Roperty. <br />�'�`.+• ' __ ..,;:=.�'._ Burrower shall prompdy give Lender�Hritten natice of uny inv�stigation,cluim,demund,luwsuit or ather uction by Any p.�:�- — <br /> f"�%.' ' � overnmemal or regulatory agency or private purty invalving the Propeny and any Hu�ardouti Substance or Environmentul <br /> i� ,' � �, .. 6.�,.h g a'�°-- <br /> Luw of which Borrower hns aclual knowledge. If Aarrower Iearns, or is notified by ony govemmental ar mgulut�ry <br /> � �u�horiry,thut Any remaval or ather remediation of a�y Hazardous Substance affecling the Propeny i,neces�wry,Borrowe� �.�,�,�;_ <br /> rhall promptly takc all necessury remedial uctions in Accordance with @nviranmentul Luw. t <br /> � � • � '�.;,.;.� � As used in this porAgraph 2U."Ht�ardous Subs�ance.s"are those xuhstuncec defined ar toxic or haz�rdous sub+tancrs by •.ti�:,��., <br /> .,.�,;, <br /> � �t;;;�;.,; , Environ ment�+l Law and the follawing substunces: gAsoline,kerasene, olher flumms+ble or toxic petn�leum praiuc:t�,loxic <br /> • � ` '�U'"•: pesticides nnd herbicidex,valutile salvents, materinls cantuining usbestos or forma l de hy c k�,un d ra diaactive materiul�. Ati + Y, %• _ <br /> � used in this purugraph 20,"Environmentul Luw°mwns federul laws and laws of tho jurir,dicdon where the Prapeny is IacuteJ ��w �� <br /> ��X__��- <br /> .',,., ' tlw�relatc to health,safety or environmentul protectlon. .• .-_:-- <br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lcndcr funher covenant und ugree Ax follows: � �_ <br /> 2l. Acceleralloni Remed(es. Lender shnll Rive notke to Borrower prior to uccelerutlon Pollowing Borrower's .�;:�.�.. <br /> ` • breach of any covenant or agreement in tbGs SecurUy Instrument(but not prior Io acceleration under parAp�raph 17 _ ,.�'T� . - <br /> _ _ y�l���P����Q��w�rovides otherwise). The natice shall specii'y: lal Ihe dePaull;(bl the pction reqaired to cure the <br /> � �� defaull:Ic1 a date,not less than i0 days iYom Ihe date the notice i��iven iu$orroKer.!sy Khich!!ie default m���� �� ��5,�. <br /> � � cured;and ld)Ihal faiWre to cure the dePeull on or betare lhe date specified in the noUce may result in acceleralion of i,� , r. _ <br /> � ' ° � the sums secured by this Security Instrument and ssale oP the Property. The notice shall Purther inform Borrower oP � <br /> � the right to relnslate atter acceleratlon and!he ri�ht to bring u courl action to a�.vert Ihe non•oxistence of u default or � s�„. <br /> ;,,� , �� V,-.- <br /> . ' f' � uny other dePeme oi Borrower to ucceleratton und sale. If'Ihe dePAUlt is not cured on or bePore the date specified in ����;���.;. ` <br /> ' the notice,I.ender at its optiun mav require immediale puyment in full of ull sums serured by thi�Securily Inst�umrnt ����;+�:-�;•:--a* <br /> � without further demand and muy invoke thr poa�er uP 4u1� and any othcr remedies permitted by applics�ble law. `�.k _� <br /> I Lender shull 6e enlltled tu collect all expenses incurred in pursuinp the remedies provided in tbis ps�ragraph 21. �;,, <br /> includfng,but not limited lo.reusonable attorneyti'fees und cuslK oP NUe evidence. �4y;��:r.`, <br /> �� � �P the power of sak is in�•oked,71'uslee shell record a n��tice of defaull in euch countv in which uny part�P the ����,— <br /> ' , ' Property is located And�hall muil cupies of such noqce in Ihe mannrr prer:cribed by applicable luw to Borrower and to �y�:.. _ <br /> � the other persons pre.ticrfbed b��app�icAble law. AUer the Nme reyuired by applicuble la��'.7tiruslee shull�{ive public �I_�,---� <br /> , I noUce of Rale to Ihe per+un�and in thr manner preuribrd by s�pplfcable law•. Trutilee.without demund�m Borrow�er. �--,,����, _ <br /> shall�ell the Property at public auctiun tu the hl�hest bidder a11he time and pluce und under Ihe terms desiRnated In � = ' ` <br /> the notice oP sule{n une or more purrels und in uny order'15�uslee determinex. 7lrustce ma�•puztpone sale oP all or Any <br /> � ,•":'-�- �.�`�; parcel of Ihe Properly by public unnouncement�t Ihe Ume and pluce oP�nv pre��luusl��scheduled rsde. Lender or its �•,�,�,,,.,1,� •� = <br /> �.. .:: <br /> .: �i:��;:;;';�r;.� • dexignee may purchace the Property at unv ssdc. <br /> Upon recelpt of puyment of Ihe price bid,Trustee shull deliver to the purchu�er 'IYustee's deed ranveylnR the �',�,,:,t�:��='"` <br /> ��;,t,�., <br /> Praperty. The rccitals{n the 7Yustee's deed shall t�e prlma furie c�•idence oP the truth of Ihe titulements made therefn. ��ri__�_. <br /> �� ' 7ruxlee shall apply Ihe proceeds of the wde jn the Gdlowin��Kdrr: lal to uU cozts und expen.�es uf exercising the power ��_''•�•_=� <br /> �r"`��--— <br /> �� <br /> � ���--- <br />�! . �=`�'�'�'a - <br /> , ,.-,._.- <br /> - ���� <br /> � , -;,, :'+�,;• _ <br /> , . Mi�rm J112lI 9�90 r�wiur S n(n pue�•.+ 4 . <br /> � <br /> � �� <br /> • �.a t <br /> � �,,: ' <br /> . , <br /> .. .. <br /> li <br />� <br />' � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> . �. _ -- - _ � __ -_ <br />