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<br /> _ — - -• � --- ,,_. _
<br /> � l,`.T a '�t� — - �� .-___�'�--.-'—_ _—_ __n �L�l.'tYl�~.
<br /> . . � �"" — — �.,.
<br /> ■:�--=.y..";� 92-- ���� �_. _..._ --
<br /> --��.s::�,i�Ei.r-..::�::�,.Y
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<br /> ., cundemnul�on ur ulher IukinQ��f any pun uf Ihe Pm�xrty.ur ii�r conveyuncv in licu c►f�:ondomna�iun.ar�hu�by��g�Cncd und
<br /> ; -� �?�»5t,'',i:R,'�,;,; ,;,, xhall bepaidlo l.cndcr.
<br /> ��'-�,• . � In �hc evem nf u taal �uking uf ihc P��►pcny, �hc prixced. xhull Iw uppliud w ihc �ums Mcur�d hy thiw Sccurity —
<br /> .�:�,;� � ,
<br /> R I... .
<br /> -s •• In.rtrumen�. whc�hcr ar not then Juc, with uny cxrc+x paid�o Burrower. In th�cvent of u pnniul tuking��i 1hn Pmp�nY �n
<br /> ' „ '' ��„� which thu i'oir murkc�vulue of�he Pro�xrtY immcJiately bcfun:the�uking i.r equad tu ur ures�lcr than Ihu um��unt.uf tfu:.rums —_
<br /> �, ;s�r:�•�
<br /> . '"� � �securcd by thix S��:urily In�tmmrm immedia�rly ixtam Ihc�aking,unler��Borrawcr und L�:nder uthurwine a�{rta in wri�ing.
<br /> -'••= �- -��,�' � the vums �.ecumd by�hi.Securily In.trum�nt �hull tie reduced by Ih�s umuunl of�h� prucec�in multi�liad by 1hq faUowing Y
<br /> .��".:' .- .'•�>,�._�� f'rnction: lul the total amaum of�he num�secur�d immediutcly bet'ore ihu�uking,divided by(b)thu f�ir markt�l vulue�if the �•�- _-_ -
<br /> �� � ��- •���4i�� .� Propcny immedintcly lx:fore the luking. Any bulunce shull bc puid�o Barruwcr. In the evum of u p�►rt�id lakin6 of thc
<br /> •+ � ' � .` Propeny in which the fuir mnrkei vuluc uP the Propeny immediately I+efare �he iuking i.lcnx thnn thu:+mnunt qf�ha wm�
<br /> �.� ,�,.::, ' �• "„��.�� +ecured immedfately ix fore thc tuking, unla�+ Bom�wer und Lendcr otherwi�e agrcc in writing or unl�:h� applivabte luw -
<br /> �• �°�.`� " �""' rnherwitic provideti,the pnxceds shull 6e upplicd to�he sums 4ecurcd by this Securi�y Intitrument whuihur c►r nnl thu sums um
<br /> -� ' r_�:- :•:. ' thun due.
<br />- � '.'•� �;': If the Properly i�abnndc►ned hy Borca���ir,or iP,aftcr noticc hy LenJer to Borruwrr�h�u thc condemnor off�;rr ta muke _
<br /> �� �� ., ° , un uwwd or seulc u clnim for damugr+.Bom�wrr fuilx to mspond to Lcnikr wi�hin i(1 duy�+dter Iha dala thu nativa iy givrn. � _
<br /> '-�: l.end�r i�uulhorized�o callect und apply iht procecds,at i�+o�xi�n.�ither to Rxt�ratian or n�pnir af�hu R+�peny or to the
<br />_:'.';��� �i sums xecured by thic Security Lmtnimrnt,v►•hcthcr or not Ihen duc. r.__
<br /> ;~ -- --_ - - Llole�.,Le�xl�:r and Boau�ver otherwi� agree in �vriting, uny applicution of proceeds to princip+�l ,hnll n�it catenJ or c.�—�
<br /> •>�� ..__ -- - - -
<br /> ,;` , '. �'"...;;y.� .� postponc Ihc du�dale of�hc manthly payment�mfemd io iu N�+atraE�h:; t and?z�r rhsng�th�r Hm�N�m nf�uc�pc�va�unts,
<br />"*�.� 11. Borrower No1 Rdeased; Forbearance By I.ender Not a Wai�er. Ertensinn uf thc timu fix peym�nt or anuv�.�-
<br /> �� � �"��{ ��`���, modit"ication of amuniibiicw►of thc,um�+ecured by thiti Securiry Inxtrumcnt grancad by l.ender tQ any succc��ar in interest �tt�--�
<br /> -tiflai ....l..i���� 'Y �.
<br /> v�,,� • • �i:;;'�, - of Borruwcr�hull not a�rnt. to rcicas�the liability uf�hc originnl Borrower or Barrowrr s succes.arr�in inlurer;t. Lcndcr �? � ai;... .
<br /> i;%.':�=.
<br /> xhull not kx rcyuircd to rammencc pnxcrding. ugaintii uny+ucce,znr in intcrcyt nr rcl'uxc tu rxtend �imc for puymen� ur � ---�
<br />- �',`'�+ •� � ` � o�henvit:c modii'y umortizution��f thc sums�ecured by thi�Sccuriry Instrument by rea�un of any demnnd miidu by the ori�inal �;W;=�y.
<br /> • ' � Borrower or Barrower's tiucces,or.in intcretit. Any f��rhearnnce hy Lender in exercisinF uny righi or rcmedy vhull not be u � -�
<br /> '' :'�,;,,,:,� waivcr nt'or precluJc thc cxcrcisc of uny ri�hl or remcdy.
<br /> �"�' -'�- •• 12. Successora and Ax9isns Round;Joint and Seve�al Liebililyt Ca-R�Rn��• Th��°"�nunth+ind ugrsamcn��ol�this ` t+,�,r•
<br /> �:.,:�.. � �..l...
<br />- y, Securiry Inhtrumcnt+h+dl binJ :md txnetit the+uccetisor,:�txl�s.ign+��f l.ender und Borrowrr.�uhject u�thu pnwlsion+oP y Ar�„
<br /> �"i_'--_
<br /> � purug�nph 17. Borrowcr's cov�nants und ugnement. shall Ix joint und several. Any Borrower whn eo-tii�ns Ihix S�curity ,-
<br /> ' ' ' Inslniment hut da:x not exccutc the Note: lul is cu-tiigning Ihi�Security In+trumem only tu mongi�gc,grant•rnd convey thut �ji�= _
<br /> ' Barrower's intcm�t in thc Pmperty under Ihc term�of Ihiti Sccurily Imirument: (n►i�nnt perxunally ubliguteJ to puy�he+um+
<br /> .� , ,ccurcd by thix Security Inxlrumcnt:u�xl lc)nErcer thul Lendcr and uny other BoROwcr muy ugree ta extend,m�xlify.ti�rbeur �y,�^,= �:
<br /> ar mukc uny accommodution. wil h rcEa r d to t he t c r ms n f t h i x S e r u r i t y Instrunwnt or the Natu withoul thut Bormwer's M, � —
<br /> conxen�. !':.�;�,.r.�.rr:.:
<br /> 13. I.oan l:hargcw. if the ioan��curcd by ii►i. S�CUiiiy {titijtiiiilCpt t� tiu6jec� ��� �� �-+W u+hich +ctti m:iximum loun = __
<br /> � . ' � .•� churgex,und ehut IAw is iinally interpreted no�hut the imrre�i or other loan churge.collecteJ ar to tx collected in cnnnerti�►n �.�� _,-
<br /> �• with thc loan exceed the permittcJ limn..thrn: lul un��+urh luan rhurge�h:�ll be reJurcd by thr amcwn�ncce.�ury lo ndui:e �R��.��
<br /> thc rhurge to Ihr�rmiued limit:unJ Ibl uny sum+alrrady collertcd from Borruaer whirh exceedeJ�xrniiucd limiis will Ix: ��&�y.
<br /> �'{.�:r
<br />: '1�,r;�'�;:';a. refundcd to Borrower. Lender may ch«nr tu makc�hi�rc1'und h�•mduring the principal uw�cl unJer the Notc ar by mukin�u �-
<br /> .';,;,�. din:ri payment tu Harrower. II'a refund rrJuces principat.the rcduclion a•ill he treuted u�u paniul prepaymem whhc,ut •rny �;_�;�.--_
<br /> pmp•ryment rhurgc under�he No�c. �%�F..•----
<br />_ ' � 14. Notice!�. Any nadre to Bomnver pm��id�J lirr in thi, Security In+lrument �hull tx given b�•dclivering it��r h�• , t��.,.,___
<br /> � � muiling i1 by tir.t clos+muil unlers upplirahlc I•rw�rcyuire�uyr i�f unnther mrthucf.The notice.hall t�e directed w�he Pmpeny ��r.•�-.•�:
<br /> �r`!,',�;: AJdre.s ur uny other uddres. H��rrm�cr dr�i�na�c,by n�nire tu Lrndrr. Any notice to Lendrr,hall Ix given by fir,i clu,� -
<br />� ` i�,:':>.•: muil to Lendcr s►�ddre�,titated hrrein ur un� uther uJdrer.LrnJ�r dctiignatc.by notirc Io Born��ver. :>ny n��tice pmvidcd titt � � ',±~
<br /> ' �;;�);,.�'� . ' in thi, Sccuri�y In+irumrnt +hall Ix dremeJ to h•rv� txen �i�•rn to Bnnc���cr or Lendcr when Eivrn a. provided in thix ; .,.Y « .
<br /> , � • �'�" purugraph. `� .':'J'`"�.-
<br /> �u�-enmd h fcder,�l law and Ihc luw of Ilw
<br /> ' - � 1$, l;nverning LaH•; tieverobllity. Thi� Srcurity In�lrumern tih:�ll Ix �. y' ,
<br /> ' •,r. . jurisdirtian in which the Proprny i.I�xutrJ. In�hr��•ent that an�•pru.•i.ion or rlau.c of�hi.Security In,trumem or the Nolr
<br /> � �;�.-.; �
<br /> conflicts with upplicahlt luw.,unc�ontlirt�hull nu�at'1'cc�Wh�r pruri�iun�nf Ihi.Sccurity InrtrumcN or thc Nutc N•hinc�un
<br /> " ��!:'� be given effec[ wilh�,ut the cunllictinp provi.iun. 'li��hi.�nd the prn��+xi�,m oi'�hi.Security In�trumrnt and thr Note ure •.,�K,:_
<br /> i,,,f_.,, ,
<br /> declurcd to ix xcvcrublc. ~�:�`.'
<br /> � . ' s 16. Burruwer's Copy. Hnrrowcr.hall Ix givrn unr c�mt'nrnir�!�up� �I'Ihr�cne�nd uf�hi,Scruriry In+�rumcnt. ;�A_
<br /> ,.. . . N. 'll��nsfer of the Property�u Heneficiul lntcrest in Borrow•er. If ull��r uny pun ol'Ihc Pn►�xny ur uny intcre�t in _�
<br /> ' it is.uld ar truntifcrrcJ:or if u txnrtirial inlrrr.t in Fiurru�vcr i.+uld or tramfemd und Burrowrr i+nut a naturrl {xr.onl ;�
<br /> �. •• . • wi�hout Lender:pric�r wriucn r�a�•�nt.L�nJrr muy.au it,��ptiun.requiR inmicJiuw parmrnl in fuU uf all �wtt,sccurcd by -__�'t. �[*
<br /> • . � this Sc�:urity Inrtrume�t. Howe�•cr.thi.aptiun,hull not Ix cxcrci�eJ hy L.�nder it�xcrci�e i�pn�hihited by I�ederul luw u+��f ,.r-���.�,
<br /> ,.,�;�-. � • Ihc datc of thi�3erurity In�Irumrnt. .��"���--
<br /> If Lcncicr rxcnisr. Ihir i�tiun.Lrndrr+hall gi��r Harn���•cr mnic�al'urcclrratiun. Thr no�icr.hull pruvidc u peri�xl cd' -
<br /> � • � nut les�thun 311 d:�y,t'rom�hc date Ihc noticc i.drliv�md�,r mnilyd��ithin��hirh Burrrnvcr mu,�pay all.um+�ccund by�hiti t �
<br /> . .•': � ,.: ' • Securilv In�trument. IP H��rrower 1':iilh la p:�y �hr.c .um, pm�r �u [he expiruti�,n ul'Ihi, Exri�xl. Lrndrr m:�y inv�ikr uny
<br /> �' remcdic��xnniltrd hy�hi.Srruriiy bi,munrnt��ithuw(unhrr nu�icr��rdemanJ on Harcu���r.
<br /> ;' IS. Borrnwer's Ri�ht to Reinstutc. If Harr�,��cr mrrt. �crtain cundi�iun+. Nurrnwrr ,h;dl hin•r thr ri�:h� ta h:rvc
<br /> �;'` rnf�►rcrment ol thi�Securi�y In+tnunent di,rnnlim�rd u�:my timr pri��r�o the e:uli�•r�d': �:il 5 dsiy���r.uch��ther�xri�wl a, �
<br /> � � �m�IrlamJ�••F�mnk�luNFri�ddlr\lucl\IFIIR�11�ti'fRl\1t:\1' -Ind.�im����rn.mn 4.�N1 �p��er�•�In��•�e�•y� ` .
<br /> � ' i.
<br /> , ��
<br /> ,.. . . �
<br /> 1
<br /> i
<br /> • J __. __ _ -
<br />