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<br /> tbt principal a�nount o�the note at tbe time of the declantlon of detrult,aad rew�onable ptloraeys'tees�I�Qnti�ltled
<br /> by law;lb)��s��W'�by thM 3ecurity Instrua�eali�ad(c)nuy exces�to tpe person or penoiu IeW� Y
<br /> W it.
<br /> �—�'�13���� 22. Recoavey�nce. U n paymcnt oi all Rums secured by lhis SccuNty InRtrumenc,L.cnder shall request 7tugtee to
<br /> - - -
<br /> - - reconvey the p�aperty qnd s all surnendcr thia Secudty lnshument and all notcc evidencing debt xecured by ihiR Securily
<br /> --�— Instrument to 7Fustee. 7iustee shall recanvey the Pmperty wfthaut warronty and wlthout charQe to 1hn person rn'p�r�ns
<br /> . ,.:
<br /> :_� __ -- -_._:� le�ally etNiQed to it. Such person ur per�ns shall pay any rccardation costr:. �_ .
<br /> - , 23. 3ubalitute'Ilructee. Lender.at its optfon,may irom time to timc remove 7tuxtce und uppoint a succeqsor wstc8 to
<br /> — -- - Without$�nv ye�ani o f thauPropeRy e�he successor trust� shol ltsucce e d�toin i l hech i tleiK p o w e r�a y i i d d utie econferted u p an
<br /> __ ei,���I 7tustee hcrein and by applicable law.
<br /> - s:r.
<br /> � f ,, . ?A. Request for NoNces. Borrower reques�s that copies af the nodces of defuuU and awle bo sent to Borrower�a rcRS _
<br /> ,��,�����:_� whicb is the Property Addrcss. � -
<br /> � �a��tt�rir,tc 2S. Rldere to this Securlty Inatrument. If one ar more rider�ure exacuteci hy Borrower and recorded together with �Y_,
<br /> _".'',����,�,,��•�. lhis Securiry Inswment,the covenants and ugrcements of ench such rider shall be incorpo�a�ed ima and�hall umend and Q,�
<br /> _--� - -- -�- suppler►�ent the coven�+n�g nnd a�,meemems of thie Secu�ity Inswment ax if tha ridcrls)weres u pnrt of this Securiry Inattument.
<br /> ---�-�``�1:`-` - Y.,� I (Check applicabie box(es)1 -
<br /> !d C� ��
<br /> �ti I �..
<br /> s' . '��, I �I-4 Famil Rider
<br /> =�i�i�"�l f' ' �Ad'ustablc Rate Ridcr �Candominfum Rider Y =-=
<br /> .�,�; .>;,�. � •-
<br /> — hr r., �
<br /> ;,�.r, � �{'�;}�i �'_'c�.
<br /> � - :�:��� i,�:' (3 r a d uat e d P a men�R i d e r P l�n n e d U n i t D e v e l o p m e n t R i d a r �Biweekl y Pa y mem Rider -.
<br /> __ �,�.�.��;_ ���;. ., ❑ y a
<br /> �::
<br /> ,
<br /> ",zt�� % �•`�'�'•'' �Second Home Rider --=
<br /> �..����'����z� � �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider !-
<br /> - �
<br /> -.�66.,,f . ., ' =r,_
<br />��. •�.'t"`.'";�� '�Q• i X�Other(s)(epecifyJ Acknowledgment
<br /> �:-
<br /> '=::�h,y��>;�,������ ., � �_
<br />_�—� ,, BY SIGNING BBI.OW,Botrower accepis and agrees to the termx und covenunis containeJ in this Security Instrument N_
<br /> -.•�..,.G�.��;;.-- - i � �
<br />_�---�;, .�.,:,,Y,�:��• rnd in uny rider(s)executed by Ho�rower and recorded with it. �
<br /> -- ,.;k''ati'':�t_'� � �.
<br /> - � ��.. I �-
<br /> _ ,.�. . ..,� Wiq�aes: =�-
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<br /> - - --•.�• ��
<br /> �,: ir � �l • .B�wer - _
<br /> �� , • oward E. Lahndorf _
<br /> "'� ',��,����� Sa;iul Securiry Number _ .37$_4,� 4166 N_�4• i
<br />';� • - ,• `;;�,..,;���,�;• I '' �Seul) �r
<br /> r� .
<br /> _`°:� . . �,<<<,y�.`r ' i Charlotte S. Lahndorf G� •eotrowcr �
<br /> ,�-., -
<br /> , , Social Security Number _ 506 Z2.77?A .�� _
<br /> �`� � ' , y STATE OF iVEBRASKA. Hall Counry ss: �'
<br /> ,a':_S�, ,. ';. �,
<br /> �" Q-:•.
<br /> y " '' ����� ,hefore me,the undersigned,a Nanry Publie
<br />-��(�: .; �:'.,:. Onthis 28th dayof April, 1992 --
<br /> -:^ � •• ° duly commissianed arid qualificd for said county,p�rsonnUy cumc Howard E. Lahndorf & Cherlotte S. '�-
<br /> �;;':=;n,� • . . .Y ;: .to me known to be the �,
<br /> :.,.F.,.:.,;_,,, h, I.ahndorf (husband and wife )
<br /> - ° identical perwns(s) whose nume(s)are subticribed to the foregoing in�trument nnd ucknowledged the execution thereof to ��-
<br /> + ° be their volunlary uct und decd. �,
<br /> ��:;': ..•,:x�wat�':�=_ �• Witnews my hund unJ nutnriul seul at Grand Ialand, Ne�aska in suid caunty,tho �,-
<br /> ';:� , . • date aforesuid. � ,��� � ��4,e�,�
<br /> �. �-•
<br />-= c�11.Si1op�6K1�117�IN CI Kl0111k� Notwry Publlc =
<br /> '���._ :i;ik'•''.. .. •• . : iF �
<br /> _�-� " •`° �, �"�.'•,�� .. ���r REQUE5T FOR RECONVF.YANCE __
<br /> y�i . •'ir: � . . ... . . . _ `'
<br />��+���'�• � The undersigned is the hulder of thc note or notes xecured by ihix Deed of'IYust. Said note or notes,together with ali �
<br />_,�_ .�
<br /> ��-" ••� other indebtedness secured by this Decd of'ti�ust,have been puid in NII. You urc hereby directed ro cuncel suid note or notes r.
<br /> i-•=• � . ttnd this Deed of 7tust,which ure dclivcred hereby,and to rcromry.wi�hout warranty,idl thc cstutr now h�ld by you under �
<br /> � ' this Dced of 1Fust ro the per5an or persons legally entitled thereto. -
<br /> �-
<br /> r
<br /> ` , � r Date:
<br /> �
<br /> torm J02t1 9/90 1lN+R�'n�'1�/'uN�•�►
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