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/ l 11:11: <br />restarstic�n p�ericxl, I.eaxder sh�ll have tbc right t� hold st�h TVlisccllaaex�s Ftac�ds wrt�il Le� has }�ad e� <br />op�wrttanity W ibs�ct such Prop�ty to ensure the worr bas becn cadmpleted W Lcnder's satis�ctim, provided t�at <br />such inspection sl�l1 beundcttak�x prompdy. Le�nder may�y for th�e repaics �nd restaratian in a single disbutsemdnt <br />ar in a seaies vf pro�ress payra�� as t1�s wc�k is completai. Unless an agrec�eut is miade in writingng ot App�ic�ble <br />I,aw tequires iN�est to be paid an such Miscellanc�us proceeds, Lander shall nat be reqwired to �aay Borrow�r an.y <br />intc�rest ar earcring� on such Misccll�q Praceeds. If' the restaratioso ar rcp�r iis nok econnmically feasible or <br />I,arder's security wauld bc lesse�ted, � MisceUanecn�s Proceods sball be appliad ta the sums sexured by this Se�urity <br />Instrument, whr, or not tla� duc, with fhe cncess, if any, paid to Ba�rower. Such Miscellaneaus Proceeds sbell <br />be applie� in thc order pravic�d far in Sc�cction 2. <br />Yn thc event af a total taking, de,�truction, or loss in value of the �'raperty, tt�e Miscellanao�us Praceeds s,l�a,tl be <br />applied tv t�e swns securod by this Socurity Instrun�t, whethex ot nat th�a, due, with tlae exce�s, if �y, paid to <br />Hot[�aw�er. <br />In tl�c evcat of a parti�l telring, dcstructiaa, or loss in value of the Property in which t�e fair mark�t valuc of <br />tihe proprxry immediatcly hefore tt� partaaal taking, de�tructio�n, or loss in value is equal to or greatex t1�aa the a�nount <br />o#' ihc s�es secured by thia Sec�ily Ins�t i�iatiely bcfare I�e pertial t�ng, �.�ctia�, vt lass fm value, <br />unlcss Borrawor and Lcnd� othe�wise agree in writing, tlze sums secured by this Se�curity �t shall be reduced <br />by thc amaa�nt of t�e Miseetlanec�s Prac�s multiplied by t�e following fractioa�: (a) the total ama�nt of t�e sums <br />secured immediately before t�c pa�rtial talring, destructi�oa, or lass in va1u� divided b�r (b} tho fair marlcet.vnlu� af ttae. <br />Prope�rty immcdiately before tt� �aartial ta�ing, destructioa, or loss ir► valur+. Aay balax�co sl�all be paid to Barrow�. <br />In t� event of a partial taking, d�struction, or Iass in vatue of the �'rope�rly in wliich t�e �air macloet valuc af <br />the �'nptrty imme�iatel�t bofore th� partiaJ ta�ng, destr�uction, ar Losg i� valu� is less than the az�owat of thc sutns <br />sccured immexliat�ly bef�c the psrtial t�ag, dcstruction, a� lass in value, unlass Banowcr an,d Lea�der otherwise <br />agrc� in writing, t�e Misc�lia�ne�us Pmce�ds s�1I be appiied to t1�e swdns sectared by t�is Se�urily Instn�nt whcther <br />ar not thc siams are the� due. <br />If tlrc Prop�ty i,s absnd�oned by Hc�owe�, or i� a� notice by L�aadae to Borrowea t�at the Op�posin8 p�Y �� <br />�ad in the next s�ce) offe�s lo �1oc an avvarc3 w sett�e a claim fax ds�ag�s, &r�rarower �ails tar rc�spaax� ta <br />L,end� within 30 days efter t1� date the nakice is givea�, I,�d�ar is aWhorized ko collect a�nd apply the Mi�scellancaus <br />Praceeds ei� to restoratiaa ar repair uf the �ro�ty or to the sums secured by t�is 5ec�ity Tnstxwa�eant, wl�ctb.e�r <br />or nat khcn due. "�aasing Partg" �ans the tturd party that awes Borrawer Misccllauexx�s Proeeed.a ar the gazty <br />a�sinst whom Bqrrowex hes a right qf action in regard to Mi�scellaneous Proceeds. <br />�arrower s�all be in dGfau[t if any actia� a�oceedin�, whethar civil or criaa�aal, is begim t�s�, in Le�►dcr` s <br />jwdgtn�t, cnuld result in forfeitucc of tl� Propc�ty or otber maf�rial impaittnant ofLende�'s intaest int�e Prape�ty <br />or rights urad�r this Security It�.strument. Borrower can cure auch a de�autt and. iaf at�le�alion I�as occurred, reinstate <br />as providcd in Secfaou 18, hy causing t�ae aotiaa� or procooding to be dismissed wifh a ruking that, in �'s <br />jud�t, �'ecludes forfeiturc of' ttx� �ropaty or ott�x materi�l impsirm�tt of Le�der's ia�est in the Property nr <br />rights uader this Sccurity Tnst,nx�t� The proce�ds af sny award nr claim far damage� kt�at are attributable to the <br />�eirmart er@ I..e�iar's i;ntcarest ir� t�re �'rcr�erty �re heaab�y a�ss�.� � s�ll be psid to I.ancic�. <br />AI1 Miscellaneous P'roce�ds that ara n�ot spplied to restnratiaa► a� r�x of the Prope�ty shall. be �ppli�ti in @ra <br />order provided far in Sectia� 2. <br />1�. Borra�r Not �red; �� ��.,e�ier N,a� ��ah�cr. E�siou of t�e time f� pe�t cr� <br />modification of amorti�tir� of t� sums secuxed by t�is Security Ins�ume�t gt�an�d by Lc� to Borrowex or any <br />Sueeessor in int�est af Barravver shall nat operate to release the liability of Horrowe� or any 5uccessors in Intcrest <br />of Haxrowa. L�nd� sh�11: n�ot ho rr,�airod tu r.ammc�aco p�oc�ng,s a�iaat any 5u�cces�or in �est of Hotrowex <br />ar to refuse ta Gxtcaad ti�nc for payn�t ot otherwisc modi�y amo�rtization uf the sums secured by thi.s Security <br />Insfrun�ent by reason of any d�memd made by �c arigix�al Harrawex air any S�bcce�.qors in tntcresC af �orxawer. Any <br />farbearanco by Lender in exereising aay right �r ranody inciuding, withaait limitation, �'s aceept�ce nf <br />paYn�ts from �ird pers�ns, c�n�itiGS ar S�ccessors in Interest af Bnnowex or in a�nats le�sa than t�e �no�tnt tl� <br />dae, �tl not be a waiver o� or prr.�ludc tha cxercisc of �y right c� r�r. <br />N�'GISfCA-�in�fe Fami1y-tINt�RM tN51'i�JM�hI'T O�cY�fc� auae4a�aax <br />INODIFl� FOR1)F.�ARTMB+IT OF VETERP►NS AFFAIRS - M@i5 www.dberr�.00in <br />(Re�. 7/Q4 ) p�g� 8 at 14 <br />