fi � � � :��1� :
<br />pri,�cipel residc�oc far at le�st a�e year s� fhe date of occupat�cy, t�ess Le� at�wise agrees in writing, w�tir�
<br />cons�tt sl�ali not be uureasanably withheld, or unloss e�rtenuating circumstan�ccs e�ist whiGh are b�ya�d Horrower's
<br />con4roL
<br />7. Pe�servatio� Mal�ten�nce s►nd Probecti�nn of tl�e Praperty, in�ou� Sorrower s�al1 x�ut de�tto�
<br />daa�ge or impair the Fmpei't�', sllow the Prop�xty to deCcriarate ot comnait waste an tbe Property. Whcthea c�r n�at
<br />Borrnwer is residing in thc Prope�ty, Borrawe�r s�.11 a�intain the Frap�tty in order to preveaat the Prapexty from
<br />d�tcriorati,ng ar docrcasing in valuc due to it� cor�ditiop. Unless it is d�ermin�d ptirs�ant to Section S tltat rcpair ox
<br />xestaratian is nat economically fcasibl�, Barrowe� sl�all pxomptly xe�rair the Pmpr.�ty if damsged to avoid furt�r
<br />d�eteriarati� ar d�ge. If inqurance or co�de�nation procec�s are paid in connecaon wilh �e fo, or t� tak�aag
<br />o� the Property, Borrow�r s�all be respo�sible for rcpairing, ot re,storing t�ae Prope�tx onl�r if L� has releascd
<br />procceds for siacb, purposes. L,cnder may disburse praceeds for th�e re�airs a�d resta�ration in a single paym�at vr in
<br />� scrie� of pro�re� �aym�ts �s the wark i� �mplek�. If tZre �ce ar cond��an pro� arc n�t sc�F'ix:icnt
<br />tv rdpair or restorc tZ� Paro�'ty, Bonower is not relieved of Horrower's obligatian far th�e cdmpletitm of such ircpai.c
<br />or restaradan.
<br />L.�deF o� ifs �eanE may make reaaon�able ex�'ie� �r�n and i�nspaeEic�s of Etie Prerp�ly. Tf it l�s re�sonable,
<br />Leandex may ia�pect tbe iffiarior of t� iarpro�neant� an the Prop�ty. Lmdar shall gi^va Borrm�vrar noticc at the time
<br />of or prior to such an inte�ior inspection sp�cifying such reRSattab� cause.
<br />&. �iurra�ver's L�a�n Appl�cadon. Borrawer aball be. in dcfault. i�, during thc. T.�n epplication proc�s.�,
<br />Borrowcx or any persc�p,s or �n�ities acting at t1�c di.roction of Borrowc� o� vvith �axrowex' s knowlcdge or consent gave
<br />mabarialTy false, misleading, or inaccurata information ar stateme�s to T.�ncler (or faiTed to provide Le�d�r wiC�a
<br />naatcria( information� in cannectiu� with tlx Loam�. Matc�ial repres�tatio� inclvde, but are not limi�ted to,
<br />re�rc�ntaaons co�g Borrowex's occupa�y of the Proparty as Batrr�bwd�'s ptinoipal re�id�ac.
<br />9. Fro�tlan oi I,ender's lnterest [n the P'ropertq and Ri�ht� �nc�er this Security instn�men� If faj
<br />Bnrrawsr fails to petfum�. tl� covenanls and agre�e�ts oontained in this Sec�uity Inatrum�t, (b) t1�re ia a legal
<br />proceeding tl�at might significantly a�6ect L.ender's i�est in t1�e �rtope�ty and/� rig}�ts �' t�is Secuxity Instn�nt
<br />(such es � prooeecling i� b�up�.y, Inpbaf,� f,�t �tia� or forfeiture, far ex�force�nt of s lien wluch �y
<br />artain priority over this Securiry Instrumr�t or to ea�force lavKS ar regulations), or (c) Barrowar �as abandnned the
<br />Praperty, thc� L.�d� may da and pay for wbatcver is rasso�table ar apprapriate ta pratr,et I.Gaclrx's i�t�arc�t in t�ie
<br />Property sud rights usader tlzis Security Tnstrument, inch�dinp� Ixotectinp{ tu�dlar a�sing the value ��tl� Prope�E�',
<br />and se�uring �adlar r�airin� the Prapct'tY- �.�'s actioras can i�lude but are not limited to: (a) paYinB any si.nns
<br />sec�ued 6y � Iie� rvhic,� I�as �riaity ov�cr tbis �CCUriry tnstn�art; (�� aPPearing in ca►�'t; and (c) I�Y�B reasonabte
<br />�tt�a;rn�ys' facs to prot�act its int��est in the Propexty end/or rigbts under tbis �airily Ins�xu�ant. iaclnct�g its secuced
<br />positian in � bankxuptcy proce�ding. Secwring the Properiy includas, but is nut timited to, c�terin� the Phraperi�y to
<br />mslae repairs, chsnge tocl�s, reptaca or bnard up doars anet wi�cbws, clrain watex $om pipes, elimimaEe buildi� or
<br />other codc violations or dan�ous co�ditio�ps, and havc utilitie� turnod on or a� Althou$h Le� xnay tala� �ctian
<br />under tbis 5ecti�n 9, i..ender does not �avo to do so end is not ur�der any duty ar obli�atia�. to do so. It i� agreed tl�t
<br />I.,dtde� i�c�rs �ta liability far nat �rkin�g a�y oz a!t �cwas au�xrrized umd�r t�is Sact'tt�n 4.
<br />Any amowal� disbursed by Le�der tz�r thi.s Sxtion 9 sb�ell be.�o�c additianal debt ofBonower secuted by tbis
<br />Sccurity Instrumenk. Thesc am�unts sha11 bear interest at thc Note rate from tll�e dat� af di.gburseme�tt a�d shall be
<br />payable, with such i�terest, t�on nnti�ca 8�ot� I,o� ta Horx�wex t�8 I�Y��•
<br />Iaf this Sec.vurity I�nstrumeatt is on a leese�old, Borrow�x shall com�ly vv�ith all the provisiaas of tho lease.
<br />Barrower s�all not surr�nt�er the lea�ehold eslaf� �nnd interesis ��ein canveye�i ot t�nina6e ar cancel tlae ,grouiad leagc.
<br />Horrov►��t shall nat, withaut t)� exptess writtw consent of L.end�r. altGt �t atnaod tbme groun� lesse. If Boxxov�
<br />acquices fee title �o thc Prt�ty, the lease,�old and thc fec titk shall not mcrge unless Lea�der agrees ta the m�gex
<br />in wriCing.
<br />1Q A�s�t ai Mi�cellaneous �'�+aceeds; F�1'eitnr� A11 Miscellaueaus Proceeds are hex�� ass�i�d to
<br />and shatl be pa�id to �.�.
<br />If tl� Pm�rry is d�g�i, s� I�iscctlsrnc�s Pc� s�tl !� �Spt#ecl tn rest�ra�an ar c�ir c�;f ttecs Pra�t`tY,,.
<br />if the restpration or re�ir is oconomically feasible aad Lend�er's security is nat les�ned. Duting such tqyair arid
<br />IV�FtASKN-5inp�a FemiT��itVtFE7RM rNST17uMaJt �adwtsQo�a� eao-e��.i�s�
<br />MODIFIED FQRbE3�ARTM�IVT OF VETB�ANS AF�AIRS - MBiS www.dloc�w��ep�.oann
<br />(Rsv. 1/t�1 } Rape 7 ot 74
<br />