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fr�tj[�I��:��Z��:3 <br />12. Joi�t �d Se�t i.tabi�t�; Co�sars; Saccessars xar4 A�igxrs Bonnd. Borrawer covearants anc� �grees <br />that Borrowe�'s obli�tion� and li,ability spa11 bc joint and s�ral. Howcver, any Horrowr•r w�a co-sigas this Secwrity <br />I�n.�t but doea nat cxecute tl� Note (a "cn-signe�r"}: (a) is co-aigning this Se�u,tity 3nslrum�cnt only to mortga$e <br />grant and convey t1�e co-sign�'s i�est in thc Property u�ier the teY� of ttris Se�,rity �trun�t; (b� is not <br />persa�ally obligate� to pay tbe swnx s�ctued by t�is Sect�rity Inst�um�nt; and (c) agre.cs that �.e�a+dc�r �nnd atay oR�.cr <br />Horrawedr ean agrez to ex�cnd, rnodiCy, forbr�r or mak,e any a�commodations witli regard tp t�e t�ms of this Security <br />Tnstrum�nt or t� Note wit�aut the co-signear's con�t <br />Subject to the provisions of 5cxtion 17, any 5"txcct�r in Intetest af Borrowca who asaum�s Borrower's <br />obligaticnns undex t�is Sacurity InsCrume�tt in writin$, end is spproved by L�, shati nbtain a.t� af Hotxower`s rig�rs <br />and bene�ts under this Security In�trume�ut. �arrowa s�ll not be rde�sed �om Ho;rrowcr` s ok�igatic�ns and liability <br />undea this Sa.Vurity In.gtrum�ant tuil�s Landex agrees to such rclease in writing. The cavcx�ts and agreanants af'this <br />�ti�ti:tyr �,��n,�m �t! bin� (cxr.ept �s pravidcd in Scctir� 19} �ac1 �t thc sctccx�ars anc! �ssigas df I.:e�►der. <br />13. Lo�n Chargca Lea� may chsr$o �orrnwr� f�es for servioes �a�formred i�a cpnnatiom with Harrower's <br />default, for t11e purposa of protecting L.eaader's inte�est in the PropPxty and righka txt�det t�us Security �Strum�t, <br />incltidi�, buE �pt limiEr�! �, attorr�s' �ces, prt�l�+ i��rectia�e �d v��aki� fecs. In reg�d to at�y o� f�s, �c <br />ahsence of emptcss aufhority in this Socurity Instn�mea�t to charge s specific fee to Borrowea shall not be ca�,s�u�ed <br />as a prolubitian ari the chargi�►g of such f4c. C.�der may not charge fees that ere expressty pro�ibited by this 5ecuriiy <br />i�t. ar by A�xlicabl� I..�v+�'. <br />If th� Loan is subjeet ta a lsw which sets msxinn�ru toan cl�rges, and tbiat law is fi�lly intcapreted so t�at the <br />ir�terest or other Toan c�arges collected or to be coIlected in connection witE� t1�e T,oau u�cce� t1�e permitted Iimits, <br />t�: (a) an�+ such loau eharge shall bc reduced hy the ama�mt neces,�ary to reduce tb�c charge to thc permitt;ed limit; <br />and (b) any s�ams already collxt,ad from Barraw�er which �cr�od�i permit�ed limits will be rvfimd�i to Horro�wex. <br />Lea�dex may choasc to mak�e this �refund by reducuag the principal owecf undcar t1�e Note ar by m�ng a direct pa�t <br />to Barrowe�r. If a refimd r�uces principal, the rad►sction will be trested as a partial pxepaymant withcyut $ny <br />Prc�Ym�t charge (wh�thrr or not a pr�ymeant cbacge is provided for imder t�c Note). Borrawar` s accept�ucc of <br />any such re�d made by direct }�ay�t to Borrawer w.�l cua�stetez�e a wxi�ear c�f any rig6t of aetiad� Borrarov�r mig�. <br />have arising out of such ov�crchaxge. <br />14,. Nadcaa. .All natices giv� by Borrowar or Lender ian ova�octipn w,ith titis Security ingwtn�t must be in <br />writing. �►n.y naticc tn Barrow� in connectian with this Scc�urity Instruna�t s1�all bo dee�ed to havo b�ean giv� to <br />Borrower when mailecl by first class mail or whe� actually dclivexeci to Bnrrower's notice address if s�t by other <br />me�ans. N`otice ta at�.y ane borrowex sf�I canstitutc natice to �! Barrow+d^s uiqiess Applica6Ie �w e�cpressly requires <br />oth�ar�vis�. T�uc naticc address s}sall bc We Property Ad�trcss unl�s Baxrawra l�s desigtiated a substilute n�otice <br />aiddreas by nncicc to Lendex. Borrower sl�all Iri'�P�Y nntify L�nder of Bc�rrawer's chenge af addres�. tf Lender <br />spac ifies a prooedure �'pr xe�orting �3orr�` s cha�age o� adctress, ��tortpwa sbatt onty xe�ori a ch$uge of eifcfiress <br />thrnugh that specifiai p�rocadare. The�e may be only one dasignated rro6ce address unciear this 5ecurity Instnun�t <br />at any ane time. �lny notice to Lesndcr a�hall he givcn 6y deliverin�g it or by �iling it by first class mail to Lender's <br />�ddrtss statcd ha+ei� c�►tess F..� l�s d�ag�stad eono�s �s by nati� Ear Banrrovu�er. Any x�ic�+ in c�macdaci <br />with this Scct�rity tnst�vment sl�ll not be dc�d ta �ave ba� � ta �.� wntil actually received by L�dsr. <br />If any natice required by Wig Security In�tn�n�ank ia also required un�der Ap�licable Law, the Ap�plicable Law <br />requicem�ut will s�tis�r thc corr�xidim�$ req�ire�meatk und�r t��is 5ect�rity Im�ru�t <br />1�'a. Gowarnin� Law; S�.wer�bil�:q; lrules ot' Canshvctlon. 'This Securit�► Instnam�t shall be gavearna� by <br />f�derat law and the law of tb�e jurisdictian in which thc Property is located. All rights and obligations cnn�ined fn <br />i�s Security Instrum�t are subject to any cequir�ts aud li�rt�ti�ns o� A}�pli�able Law. Appliicable mi�ht <br />e�cplicitly or implicidy allow tho par�ics tq agrce by contraCE ar it might be szleant, but such silednce s�ll not be <br />con.�rrue� as a prahi6i�icra against agreranent by contracti. In thc evenf tba[ �ny pxnvision or clause of t,�is Sccurity <br />Instnune�t ar the Note conflicts with App�icable Law, such canflYict shall not affect oti� prowisians of t�is SeCUri4}r <br />I�nstrumc�nt or tbs Nota which cam Fx giveu �oct withoux tha eot�ieting proYisian. <br />IY�BF�ASECA�(nd e Ftirltify -U�11'i�ORM fNSTRl.lA4B�T �C� aoa�a-f3a2 <br />MODIFtED �ORbE'PAfr'fM�N`T pF VL'�"f'BiANB AFFAIRS - MI�13 www.dbdn�plC.00rul <br />(Rev. 1{Qi 1 Page 9 of 14 <br />