<br />requites pi��t W the pre�eciing senEe�ccs eeo� d�ange duriadrg t�c cearm of't1� Laan. The i�ts►�rauee arcrier �sravidaag
<br />the incuranc�e sl�all I� chc�sean by Horrower subject to �der's right to disapprave Borrawe�'s choice, which right shstl
<br />nat be exercis� umreasona6ly. t.�der rz�ayrequire Borrower to pay, in conne�tion wiW tbis Laan, cithea: (a) a ane-
<br />ti�ne c�arge far flaod �ne determination, certification and trac�ing scrviees; or {b) a arbe-ti�e cbair�e far flaod avnc
<br />dat�rminatian aud cextificati.on sorvices and subscquet�t c�argcs each time r�nappiadgs or sirnilar ch�nges nccur w�i¢h
<br />reasanably might a�ect such d�ckarminatian ur ccr�fication. Borrowear st�all eiso be respaansible for the paymcnt of
<br />any fres imq�a�sed, by the Fedexal �g�y M�wagecue�ut A�cy in ca�►nocti,on with tha xeview of eay flaad zAr�
<br />dateru�i.nation r�uiting fran an objectaa� by �orrower.
<br />Lf P�otrower f�its to maintain any of tihe caveragca d�cribed above, Lend�t may obCain i�urancc coverage, at
<br />Land�r's optic�n and Barrawer's expea�se. Leandec is w�der no obligafion to pu�rc�as�e a�ry particular t�pe or amuunt
<br />of cov��ge. Thcrefar�, svch �oveaage shall cover Lea�dcr, but might or ;might nat prartect Harrow�, Horrowex's
<br />esquity in the Fro�ty, t�r the contcnts of tht Property, s8ainst enY risk, ha�rct a� liabiliry a�td migl�t provide gre�tet
<br />or lc�ser cov��ge tban was pcGViousty in effect Eorrowea acl�nowiedgas that the cast of t� insurance eov�age so
<br />obtai�aed might significantly exceae� t&e cnst ofinsuranc� tbat B�rrowca cauld havc ubtained. Any amwu�ts disbursed
<br />by �er u�ader t�s S�oction S sh�l becvme addi�l debt of Ha�rcfwea sce�e� by thi� Seet�t�ity �t. "ihese
<br />amaunta sl�ell boar in�e�st at t� Note ratc from t�e da�e of dislxusemeat and shall be payable, with suc� int�rest,
<br />upon nMica from Lcnder to Barrowex rcqucsting paymart
<br />Al.l in�u�nce polici�es ra}tti�red l�y L�ende.t and reaewals af sexh policies shs11 l�e. suUject ta Le�r's tight tn
<br />disapprave suGh pnlicics, shall incli�de a s�ard �prortgaga clause, �nd sb�all ns�rna I,ard�er as mnxtgagcc and/ar es an
<br />adclitianal toss paye�. �,ea�dor shal! �ave �e right ta hoid tt�e poticies end reuev�vat ceatiScates. If`�der requires,
<br />Bnrrorve� st►all promptty givc to Le�der all rec�ipts of paud prc�iu� an.d renea+al notic�s. If Finrrowex abtains at�y
<br />form of in�vrance can+rarage, not ofhexwise rcquired by L.ea�dex, fox damage to, DI 1�C3L[11Ct10}1 A� �1G ��ly st�ch
<br />paticy sball iuuKrehuio a standard mortga�e clausc aud s1�t namc Lea�dea as mortgagee and/ox as an actditiona� luss
<br />�3'te.
<br />In tt� e��n,t of loss, �arrovver s�ll give prampt no�ice to the in�ut�cc carnier and Leaadc�. I,.ender msy mal�
<br />praaf of lass if not m�cie pt'pmPt1Y bY �orravv�r. Ilnless Le�der and Bvrrawe� athe�wise �gree i�e writing, a�y
<br />insurancc praceed.�, whedier or nat tYae underlying iu�suraace was cequairai by Le'nder, shaIl be applied to rest+�ration
<br />ar repair of tl�c Pra�erty, if tt� restoratian c►r r�air is cconamc,aliy fcasib� and Lendr.r' s securiiy is not ksseaxed
<br />Ihuing s�ch rcpair end resto�ation pe�iad, Lea�er sb�all hav�e tha right ta h�ald �ch i�,uamcc pracec�ls taatil �.e�r
<br />t�as had an opeporhmity to i�pect such Praperly to ansure the w'ork hws bc�n campleted ta Lendcr' s satisfacti�,
<br />providad tbat such inspection shgll bc und�xtairr� Iu�P�3'. ��t may disfnurse procceds for t1�e rcpait's atld
<br />rest�ation i:t a s�ingle Ia�3rn�t or in a sexies of pm�ros� pay�nta as tl�e wark is completod. Untcs� a�t agrc�m�at
<br />is made in writin� or ,Applieable L,aw requir� itt�rest ta be paid on such insurance proceeds, I,c�dder �all n�t be
<br />requirod to pay' Eonov�rer any inte�rast or ear� on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusbcrs, or o� tbird pairti�,
<br />r�d by Horrowr•r s�11 not be paid out of the i�ura�e proceeds and sball be tl�c sole obligatia� of Bonowe�.
<br />tf thc rr.storation or reparr is not econanically feasible ar Lcnder's �urity wotild bc lessened, tha ir�uta�nce proceeds
<br />sln�l he �aplieci M f�c s�s seec�eci t� t�is 3e�curity �tn�, �� c� aot the� cit�. vvith t1� e�a�s, if e�y, Pa�
<br />ta Borr�. 5uch insurance p�oceeds shall be applied ixt tht ardeac provi;ded for ia Section 2.
<br />If Bortower abandor�s thc Pro�rh', L.e�er may file, ncBatiatt and settle any availablc iansurancc cl�icn and
<br />relateci �tt�rs. Tf &xrow�r dors �at respvnd withi� 30 dsys to a��tice fro�n � tbat the i�uur� ca�rrier l�as
<br />offered to settle s claim,, t�n Laadear nnay aegotiate and settle tl� elaim. The 30-day ptxiad will bcgin when the
<br />natice is �iven. In eithcr eve�t, or if L.�nd�er acquire� tl�c Pra�'ty tu�r Section 21 or othetwise, Borrawer berehy
<br />assig�ns to Lx�drx (a) B�orrawer' � xights ta aay insucance proceeds iu� au amownt not w oxceed t� a,anQUants w7paid
<br />u�cr tl� Note or this Security Ix►�rummt, and (b) any ottu�r of'�arrow►ex's rights (othe,� tkian tbe ri�►t to any refund
<br />ofunearned premiums paid by Borrawer} tu�dex atl iaqutancc poIici� cov�ting the prnperty, insofar ss sucb righfs
<br />are applicablc ta tbrc covexage of tl�e Propeaty. Lr�da m�ay use th�e insurance procc.�xis �ithe� to r�su or re�ta�e tt�e
<br />Property or to pay an�nts uapaid ut�dc�r tha Nute or this Security Instrumea�t, w�elher or not �e�a, due.
<br />!i. Orauprancy. Hotrcrwer sl�tl o�c�a�y� est�bZisb, and use t�e Praperty �cs �i�row�r's pxia�pal resid��c�
<br />within 6U days aftex t1�e exocution of tbis StCurity Iqstnu�ut a�ix1 slml! conlinue to occupy t� Propeaty as �orrawer's
<br />N�ASKA-5"in e Farrnty-C1NII�tM fN5"i"I�I.tMBJT ��� ena$as��sez
<br />MOQIFIELf FAR��AR7ME�1'�' OF V�I'B7ANS AF�AIfZS - MERS www.�gk.aom
<br />(Re�r. 1/0i? R�s 8 af 14
<br />