1 11:11:
<br />fturti� ta L�ar reee�ts ewi�ncing strc�e pt�yment within s� time �ariod as Lendar may req�ire. Barrow�r's
<br />obligntian to malra such pa}rments and to provid� receipt� s�hall for all purpasexs be de�ned tn b� a cave�nt and
<br />agre�ncnt containad in this Sccurity I�rument, as the phr�se "c�venaut and agre�nc.ea�t" is use� in 5ection 9. Tf
<br />Borraw� is �bli�ated to Pay �scraw Items dire�tly Pursu�t tu a wai�r, and �3orrorver fails to pay t�c amaunt deae
<br />fQr an �scruw Item, Le,dadar may cxcrciae its rights undcr Sc�tion 9 and pay such amotiunt and Borxowea sha{1 thCn bc
<br />abli�ted ur�der Sectiam 9 lo repay to L�adea any such annamt Lender m�y revake t��e waiv�' as to any or al! Escraw
<br />Itrems at any tim� by a iwtice giuen in. accardence witb. Saction 14 and,, upan s�eh revocat;i,tan�, Horxow�r s�mkl p�y to
<br />Lendea� ell �'unds, and 'm su�� amnunts, that are �e� required under this Section 3.
<br />Le.ncier map, at any Cimc, coIle�t anri hatd Fuads in an amaunk (a) suffici�at ta �xmit T.ender to appl�r f�ic Funds
<br />at the time s�ecifioci under RESPA, aad (b) not to exceed the maximoum smount a lender can requrrc u�er RESpA.
<br />Larder shall estzmate the amo�ant of Fuada du�e on thc basis af currcut data and reaso;nabl� estiu�atas of cxpendihares
<br />nf future Escrrnxr It� aAr ot�se in a�c�cordance wi� Aprp�icablo Law:
<br />Tha Funds sl�all be hcld i.n an institutioan wl�ase depo�its ate im�ucd try s fcd�ral agcncy, instrudme�.tality, or
<br />entity (including Latrdea, if L.�nder is an institutian whose dc�aasits are so insured) ar in any Fed�al Ham�e I.aarx
<br />Asnlc. Le�der sbail �rply the �� W p�y the F.scrow �Ecx� �a �ster t�n !bc � s�eci.�ee� � RE�PA. �.ender
<br />s1�a11 �not chargo l�nrrowc.� :fnr holding erxd applying �e Funda, amuauelly aanalYLing thc ascrow acccnmt, trr v�tif�ing
<br />ttbe Escraw Itams, unless Le�der �ys Horrowe� interest om the Funds and Applicable Law peamits Le�dcr to make
<br />such a charge. Unless en agre�tnent. is made in v�rriting ur Appli�cable. Law requires. i��t. w he. p�sid on the. Fu�ds
<br />Larder st�all n� bc required ta pay Hnrrawer any intarest or earain� on the Fuads. Borrower and I.� csn agrec
<br />in writit�g, bowever, tbat interest s�etl be paid an Ws Fuads. I.QUdar sball giv� to �orrowc�, witfiaut cherge, an
<br />annual accoim6ng o� fhe Funds as require� by RESI'A.
<br />If thero is a surplus of Funds la�eld in escrow, es d�efin�ed umder RESPA, Le�r sball account to Borrowcr for
<br />tl�e e�tce�s fun�ds in accurdance with ItESPA. If t1�ae is a st�ortage of Funds held in escraw, as defined unde� kESPA,
<br />L�ndcr shall notify Borrowcr as required by RESPA, end Horrower sl�all pay W L�cn�r the amawnt nec�ry to naak�
<br />up the sh�ortago iun accardauce with RESI'A, but in �o mare th�n 12 monthly paym�nts. If tl�e is a defi�ienCy af
<br />�ur�s hdd in cscmw, as defined uv�ie� RESPA, I.ea�d�er sball notify Horraw�r as reqiaireE3 by RE3RA am� �orrowe�
<br />st�ll pay to Lender the amount ne�ary ta tn�.ke up the deficiency in accordance with RE 5P'A, but in no mare tban
<br />12 monthlY PsYm�ts•
<br />Upo�n paYr�nt in �i1! af all swns secured �iy this �ocuritg Ia�rurncnt, Lrandar s�all �rom�stly re£u�d to Aorro�
<br />any �wnds held hy La�der.
<br />4. �t�es; �ns. Barxawer sball p�y atI taxes, ass�marts, cbatges, �CS, and impo�itiva�s attributable to
<br />tha �roperty whi�h can attain, pxiarity avei tbios 5ccurityr Tnstruu�ank, lcase,�ald pa�►mcnts ar gruund �;� oa tt�
<br />Property, if nny, and Cocruor�unity Associatinn I�ues, Fe�s, a� Ass�essm�aats. if any. To the extent t�t thee� itema
<br />are Escrow Itans, Borrow� s6alt pay � in t�e rnamn.ar prvvic�at i�a Section 3.
<br />�orrower shall pxou�tly discharge any !i� which has priaxity over ttus 5ecurity Instnw�at unless Bortower:
<br />(a) agre� in writing to tt� payme�t of tt� obligatia� secured by tho li� in a.ma�n� accq�table ta L�nd,er, but only
<br />snF k�g es Borrowe� is pa€arma�tg sert� sgre�xe�t; (b} cante.sts the lie� i�t gaad faith by, or defea�ds eg�t
<br />e�farceane�t af tl�e li�n ira, lcgal proccedings which i� La�ndcr's opinian operat� ta prcveu�t t;he espforcemant af t�e liean
<br />while tho�e proccedings ace pending, but only until such �oceading.c are caucluded; �xr (c) secures &om the holder
<br />of t�e lie.�z er� a�re�,t satisfact�y ta L� suborrdinsting t�e lie.0 tv tl�s 5ccurity In�trumr,�t. If Leud�
<br />d�termines that any part of the Propaty is $ubject to a lien wbic� can attain priarity over tbis Security' I�nt,
<br />1..eauder may givc Barrower a notice ide�tifying t� liex�. Within l0 days nf the tlate on whiclx that no�ce is givcn,
<br />Sv�rawe� s�all sati�fy the li� ac take ar�e ur mQr� af the act,inns� se� facth a6a� ua. tbis Sxti�n 4.
<br />Ledndar may rcquire Borrow� to pay a on�c-6mc charge for a real estatc tax vexification and/a xGpvriing sc�vicc
<br />u�ed by Lender in cosmecCian with t'his �.a�t.
<br />5. Property Iu�arance. Bonbwe� shell l�eep tT�e im�rovaments now axisting on c��r� e�ected on tl�e
<br />Prope�ty i�ured against k�s by fire, hezards i�cluded within. tha te�m "e�zt� cavdrage," and any other hazards
<br />including, t�at ncrt lim�i�tetl tr�, �rt�rqt�alces a�td flaods, fat w�ich"T,e�d� ret�uiras i�ucgpnc�. This it5sisr�G� sl�ll bc
<br />mainfained in the amounts (including deductibie 1cveLs) and for tl�e periods that Londtr requirrs. What Lr�d�er
<br />N�lSKA�in e Fami�y a1NfHORM IN57'RrJM84T Dod�spl�� aoa�ai�s�
<br />MODIFI� FQR�EPAR7M�'MT DF V�TER�►F15 AFFAIRS - MER5 www.dactrta�k.adm
<br />(Rsv. 4/f11) �alpe 5 0# 14
<br />