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.�tij �� � , ';r �a..N. .�.��� �' ..r�d3:'� �' 'ia° _ - - _ <br /> , <br /> "� � - - <br /> .� ,: �,�,..,.�__ <br /> �t ' - - - -- <br /> ..,�innrr.__.�_ - — ----- ---- <br /> - — - ' � . <br /> `�t�m�i'.+�����+i�fs1J�l�Mii � ��� '�3:,�".,✓�„''�_•, ._ <br /> �e.wn „M,� �,�� <br /> f.. �,��, ' :�SFV:.'r..Ji' _ _ - - <br /> �K��.�Y�'�1������q- � � . � ��� . _ r ` t� <br /> � �. ��:u����.�hwN . .. � — <br /> -���w��:: �;.,:,., � , 92— �i+o�9 -. <br /> .�i;,��:�.:�c;.a�aM�,;� <br /> ��:�,:,�°�"��"'�,�:,_` applicpblc law may specify fbr reinswtemenq before sale of Ihc F'ropeny pur+uant tu uny powcr�f sulc cuntaincd in this __ <br /> «�:�'�'-Q-�:�' Security Inatn�ment;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing�hix Security Inslrumcm. Thosc condiuons urc that Borruwcr. (u) <br /> �-�vt, -,... r••:'1.. <br /> !,;������, .� payR Lender v!f Rums which then woulJ be duc under thiti Sccurity Inwrumcnt and �he Nutc ux if no uccc crul on a <br /> --- ,���,: accurred;(b►curcs Lny dr.fuuU of uny other cuvenants or ugreementc;(c)payx ull expenus incurred in enforcing this Security <br /> '� � _: �, .;� Inalrument,including, but not limitcd to, rcas�nublc uttomcys'fees: and ldl tokcs �uch uctfon u� LenJer muy rcutionably <br /> °r,.t• 7�: � r uirr�o as�urc thAt the Ile�of thic Security Insuumcnt,Lcndcrk dghls in thc Property und Burrowcr's obligalion to p�y the <br /> ,.... • s. a Y4 � MI <br /> . �• � . sums secured by thi� Securily Instrument ahall continue unchungrd. Upon rcinslatement by 8orcowcr, thiti Securily <br /> �� �`✓��� � Inalrument und Ihc abligaliun,Mrur�d hereby shal!remain fully eifective u4 if nn uccelera�ion hud accurred. However,this <br /> �.4 l•._...._..--.—._._'"" ._ � . -�--:�._ _ <br /> -'� �� � . � , ; �i�ht ta reinswte tihall nw apply in the ca.�u:oi ucceleration under purugrnph 17. <br /> :� " 19. Sate of Note; Chan�e of I.00n Servicer. The Note ur a puniul interest in the Note(�agclher with this Security <br /> � lnstrumentl muy bc sald anc or more timec wi�hou�prior natice to Borrower. A sula mt+y rezuh in u chungc in the entity <br /> "'Y"�'' �" '���� ' (knuwn���he "l.oun Scrvicer")that collectx manlhly paymcnts duc undcr tlx Note und this Sccurity Insuumenl. There ulso <br /> � may be one or more chunges of the Loa�Servicer unrelatcd to a xnlr of the Note. li'there is u change af the Loun 5ervlcer, <br />,;� � Barrawer will be given written notice of'the change in accordance with p:�rngruph 14 ubovc und upplicable law. The notice <br /> �- • , j will stpte the nurtk und uddre,s uf the�ew Lo:u�Sesvicer and�he�ddrexs to which puyment.ghc�uld be mwle. The notice will <br /> t • •. � ' ' � alKO cantain any other infarmotion reyuired by npplicuble law_ <br /> � '��•,,'�'>�' .`+,�;. ', , 2Q. Hazardoua RubWaaces. Borruwcr shull not caus�a pcnnit ihe pmsence.usc.ditiposal,stornge.ur relcuk uf:uiy - <br /> - � ..r....:_.__:__ . .��---.. . <br />�, - - -;:•,T-:: I Huzardous 5ubslonccs on ur in �he Pru�:ny. 8urtuwer�hali rxx aiu,n�x afiuw uuyuuc �h� ta J...auyti-�ing :ift4riing t c �_ <br /> *•� � " " Propehy that is in violution of c+ny�nvironmental Luw. Thr prcccdin�:tH•o x ntcnces shall not upply�o the pre,rnce,u�e.or <br /> , storage an�hc Propeny ni�mall quantitics of Hazurdoux Subxwncrs ttu►t un generally recognized to bc uppropriatc to nurmal <br /> ' ;, � rcRidantinl uscs und to muintenunce of�he Propcny. <br /> ":�''_ . • I Borrower shnll prom{Nly give Lender wrilten noticc ot any inve�ti�eation,cluim.�•m:+nd,luwvuit ar other acdun by uny — <br /> � �� . -� governmernal or regulutory ugency or priva�e pany invulv;tt�the Pmprrty�und uny H;uardouti Subrtancr or Envirvomcntal -� -- --. - <br /> � ° � l.uw of whkh Darrowcr hus acwul knowled�c. If Bcxnnscr learns. or is natiiied by uny gavcrnmentul or mgulutory <br /> �-�, <br /> � uulh��rily. Ihat on�� removal or o�her nmeJiution of uny N�ardaus Subytunce nifecting�he Property i.nececwry.Burcower __ <br /> • � I shvll pn►mptly�ake ull necersnry remediul Actions in acconiance with Environmentul Law, �=,,, <br /> A+uscd in this pA�ugn►ph 20."Hsixurdoux Sub��uncti�'are thosc xubstuncex dcf incd us Ioxic or huxurdous wb�t:u�ccti by �'-— <br /> „ � . I EnvironmeMul Lnw ond�hc foUowing yubstance.: ga,o�ine.kerosenc,othrr flummublc or toxic petr��leum products,toxic <br /> pesticidcs and herhicides,volatile solvcnt�, mutcriah containing aslxstos or formaldehyde,und rudiouc�ivc muteriuls. A� �'�"-�" <br /> „ ' ; " � �� � uscJ in�hiti p:uagraph 20."Environmcmul Luw"mcans federul luws nnd luws of the juriulictiim where thc Propeny is lacuted �___ <br /> • •• � that relalc to health,safcty ar er�vironmenml protcctian. �•`"'3'°' <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower c+nd L:ndcr 1'urthcr covcnunt und ugrcc•r,fblluw�: ��'T'.-'�'r'` <br /> .. I 21. Acceteralbn; Remedles. Lender�hall give nutice lo Borruwer prior to ucceleraUon folluwing Borrower's ��„�,�,:,,. <br /> breach of Any rnvenont or agreemenl in Ihis Securily Inslrument Ibul nut prlor to acceleratiun under ps�rygraph 17 , ,.. <br /> _-_ _ _ un�g e������w�rnvidea otdenvtsel. TUe oWice shall g ii' • lal the def�ult•Ib)the action re uired to cure the �''�_.. <br /> pec Y• . q �'�...;..-..,- <br /> det�ull;lcl n dwte.not less Ihs�p i0 davs from the date the ndke is�iven to which Ihe deiault must be — <br /> � • cured:and Idl that Ppilure tu rure tbe dei'AUtt on or belore Ihe d�le Rpeciiied in the notice may resull in ucceleration oP �•ls�;.-�=_: <br /> ' ., „ the sumg secured by this Securil� Inslrument and salc uP the Property. The outice!chull further infarm Burrower uP �.�..�,p�.. <br /> ' the right to reinstLte a�ter accekratiun und the right ta brin�a court actiun to assert the nun-existence ot a default ar �r��' <br /> , I y. _:�.'� . <br /> any ather defense of Borrov�er to�ccelerativa and sak. If the defnult ic nut currd un ur bePore the date speciP�d in <br /> ' the noNce,Lender at its opti�n m:�y reyuire immediate payment in iuU oF vll tiums sccured by thix tiecurlly Instrumrnt . - <br /> .. � wilhout furttw:r demund and muy in�•oke the power nP sale and uny olher remedies permitted by upplkable law • - <br /> Lender sBnll be entitled to collect all expenseti inrurred M pursuinR the remrdies pruvided in this parugruph 21, �.._.�.t�..—-�- �� <br /> •+ • ' includln�.but not Iimiled ta reacons�ble uuorneys'iees und cuslK uP tille evidrnce. �; };„�':�; <br /> If the power oP sale is ln�•oked.Truslee shall record a notice uP deFaup in euch ronMy in whirh any part oP the �i' � � 1!' ' <br /> � Property is locatcd und shall mall rupies nP ruch nntice in Ihe munner preuribed by upplicable law tu Borrower and tu � � ��� � <br /> the other persons prewcrfbed b��upplicuble law. Af�ter the time reyuired b�•applicuble luw 7Yustee xhall give public � •'���."..��.%"� <br /> � •• notice of sale to the persong and in Ihe manner pres�ribed bv applicuble luw. 'I�uWee.withnut demand un Borrower. � ; <br /> � � � �� shall scll the P�operty at publir yuclion to the hip�hesl bidder ul the timc und pluce und under the lermr deslRnAled in .,.r-r;,� _ <br /> . , Ihe notice of sak in one ur more parcels o�d in um�order Truxtre determines. Truxtee muy pustp�ne wle of ull or any ���� - = � <br /> •� � , parcel of the Properly by public uanouncement yt Ihe titne and plare uf s�nr•prr�•i�wxlv scheduted sale. Lender ur itz ,�,.�s�._:' <br /> " '����: ' desi�nee muy purchuse thr P�opeM�•at unv�;ule. � �" ; <br /> ' „ j Upon receipt of puyment oP Ihe price bid.71ru�tec shull deli��.�r to Ihe purchase�7lrustrr ti deed com�eving the <br /> j Property. The recituls in the'I�uster ti deed tihall be p�imu Purfe e�idence oP 1he trulh oi Il�r+tatements mude therein. i . <br /> • i 7Yugtee sBnll apply thr pr�K�ds oP the wde in Ihe followin�¢orde�: lu I Io all c��and exprnseK uP r��the power _ �.___ <br /> . _ � �,>Yf_ .. <br /> I -- ,-- <br />� ��5'Ih` � .9��"f�J�'� <br /> �'.:i.;tt . ,.. .. ,- <br /> � �r;: , . <br /> �. ���:�.,li:c i . �,.'. <br /> � . , � ` <br /> f <br /> Miirm 302R 4�411 y�rt�•����6/rdYr�� � <br /> � •• ' <br /> � <br /> . ' <br /> 1 <br /> . . .. _ �. .. ._ _ . _ .. _ _. . _ . . .__ <br />