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<br /> ---- _-�°_� ut�+le,pnd the ewle,(acledtnR Ihe puyment ot the'IruAtce'e fees wMuWly incurred.not toesceed 2•� `��
<br /> __— ib�princip�ll omount uf thQ nde nt Ibe time of Ihe decbr�tbn of def�ult.ond rewqoawbk attorneyR'te�w+pe�u�Itted
<br /> ---- ------ by I�wt(b1 to�II wms secured by Ihb Eiecurity Inwrumealt wad Icl�ny eacerr to the pen�on ar perroar le�wlly estNled
<br /> _ _.---------=� a u.
<br /> '--.��.'�'�v� 22. Reeonveywnce. Up�ni puyment of ull .rumx r�ecured by ihi+:Securi�y Ins�rumem,l.endrr�hull reyue�t 9tu�tce ta
<br /> �"�°°`°�`�'"°`_""�— recunvay the Pn:perty+uul hhvll surrcnder thiR SecurUy In�tNmenl und ull notex�vWencing deflt �ecured by thiw Security
<br /> '�_�rta�±,�!r;�;'•�;;4;,` Inslrumcnt to 71us�tce. 'IFu+:�ce almll reconvey 1he PropeAy wUhc►ut wam�nry unJ without churyc w dk perxoR or personr �
<br /> ;, lepally entitled to it. 5uch pe�K�ur perr��n+hhall puy uny recordAtlun costs.
<br /> = r 23. Substitute'Iru�ttra Lender,ut its rption,muy irom Nmo to timc rcmuvc'itusier wKl appuln�u s�ucce�wr�tuti�ec to
<br /> i.`V uqy'ttuctee Appalntad hercuncier by an insuument recardcd in �hc r�►unty in which thi, Securfry Inti�nimem la recorded.
<br /> - "— ' • Wilhaut con�eyanco of the Propcny,tlu succexxor tru�tae �hull�succecd t�all �he title, puwcr anJ du�ies canfiarred upAn.
<br /> :��'��r�- 7i�u�teo herein ond by appli�ablc luw.
<br /> �i;;,��" �:•k_ -�, } 24. Reques!for Noticea. Horrower reyuexts thut�copies�of tha notices af default ond sale be sent lu�►Rawori acldna►s �.
<br /> �.;��`�"�`��, whfch is tha Pro p eKy AddK�s.
<br /> --- �+-v ` 2S, Riders to thfs'•keurity Inctrnmeal. If une ur manr ridorw are cxeculed by BoROwcr und teconded wgcihcr with ___
<br /> .�`�'�'��'•�.
<br /> �,:____.V�.,�,�a this Secu�tty Instnamanh�ho covenAnts and agn:emantK of cuah Quch ridcr shull be inco�x�r�ted Mto und r�hull amend und —
<br /> �T�- = supplcmant 1ho cnvenume und ugreementx of this Scicur�ty•Inslr+�ment as if the rider(sl werc a purr.of,thix Securily Inxuumcnt. G
<br />��:h�.:::'iR�—�.i�.'�Y (Check appliaAble baalacli� __--
<br /> • T
<br /> *;�!!�`�S�''' �Candaminium Rider �1-4 Fumily Rider —
<br /> . �• ':�,`` �Adjuctable Ruto Rider
<br /> .l�Y"-r:G.;t:;'; ...�.
<br /> ="—'"'"`�=-'"'�"`:"�'�:':.:: �Plnnned Unit Development Rider �Riweekly Puyment Rider —
<br /> --- - . .. ...;i:t�l��,: �(3raduated Paymcnl Ridcr _
<br />,;,���,���'r' �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider —�
<br /> _ .�.�;���r4:�;•`'�� . fl Other(�l(sPecifYl �..
<br /> e�� ';ti./'fF�:., ��,.
<br /> -�n.•••r)1�'`.:?`h, .. �^•_`
<br /> ��;:�,f ,. �^� ' -.���;:„ BY SIUNING 9ELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees to the Ierms and covenants conlained io this Security Insnvment __
<br /> —� ' ''P�t�""�S"" and�in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recarded with il.
<br /> -•";=�° - �-�. ..
<br />_=..����':���. � s
<br /> � — � ., , Wltnesses: � � �^:-
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<br />-���:��.:� �_-�.,,—_-- � S even E. Norn -e.�wer = �
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<br /> ""��' -��� �p Sociul Securiry Number 5n� 74 8615 ..
<br />.f���i� �. . ,, • �� •J�• C� (Seul) �r
<br />__ ,, h ".;�,�ti ren a . orn .a���w�► -
<br /> �-�r' . "`.`�: 505 72 5713 `�'�
<br />-_-;.,• ��} . Socinl Sccurity Number
<br /> Y1_..,�; ' STATE OF NEBRASKA, H a 11 County ss:
<br />.�,t, -.
<br /> ' S ,hefore me,�he undersi ned,a Nat Pubtic —
<br /> ��'� '. .. , On this 24th day oP April, 1992 R '�'�' _
<br />:,_�:,�;.+Y� , ' , duly cammissioned and quaUfied for suid county,pen;onull y cume S t e V e n E. H O T n e n d B r e n d e L. H O r n� �.
<br /> � �a,; +,;:.�;'�;::: .' each in his and her own right and es spouse of each other,tomeknowntobethe
<br />..i'` . �'r_�.
<br /> ;_T-.; �,r,�: ,:,,�.,,.. • identical persons(s)whose nume(s)are subscriNed w the foregoing instrument and ucknowledged the eaecwion thereof to � _
<br /> °: ,,;;;i,,;'�:� be theiT voluMu uc1 and dced.
<br />`� ' ' '' f�ti��: • Witness my hond and noturial seul ut �r e n d I s 18 n d , N e b T e s k e in said county,the �_
<br />..'y'. �! =_
<br /> k'� � . ` „ dute nfaresuid. • �.��,�,�.-�z J --
<br />-�'` x l- 9-�.� � --
<br />- , „ My C'ommissiun cxpires: ; �,�,Pie11c Q;._
<br /> . � . GfNEAAI NOTARY$qp pt yp�� RE(�UEST FOR RECONVEYANCE --
<br /> y , • S'�t1.A J.AIDE —
<br />- - � � � '��S�nN�ri! Ickr of'tl�e�wtc or notes xerurc�l hy thix Ueed uf 7iust. Suid note or note�.logether wilh all --
<br /> �� � other�n e ic Deed of'(Yust,huvc becn paid in full. You urc hcreby dircctcd tu canccl said note or notcx
<br />" ' and this Deed of'Ih�st.which urc deliverod hercMy,and 10 rcconvey.wi�hout wurrunty,ull the erlute now held by you under �`_��
<br /> this Deed of'Itust tn Ihc persun or persons Iegully cntiHed theRto. ���
<br /> ' �^..
<br /> ; Date:
<br /> F'am W28 91911 l�wK�•bu/'A��r�l L..:
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