r� '• .yYY��Ir ...__ .. ..���w.r - - -._ __ � . '
<br /> .—� ' _ _ — _, --. _.. .__ _ . __ — ; .ri�y1'N/"�!{t7.`t-1 i y_ r�." ' " . . �.r�.... -_— _ ..
<br /> . �t f_ �y M.�u�'' r•� . •..y.��. ..
<br /> .� ' .M�
<br /> . ���� �TiMI��• - _ �_i�'y' . . �
<br /> _:;�'-"{ ' ' � 92-��i��
<br /> ��� ... . �_
<br /> -�—,x:..��"-°� c�mJcmnutic►n or i►ther inkiog of ony puh oi'1!x Pn►�xny.or 1'or cunveyuixc in li�u uf c�Nalrmnuiiun,urc FK rehy usxi�{ncJ und
<br /> - ��,��.�..--- «hull t+c puid ia l.encicr.
<br /> �� In Ihe evenl ot u t�Nal taking of Ihe Pro�xny. Ihe pnKCCJ, �hull Ix upplicd �o �hr ,un�, !�cured b� Ihi� Securlly
<br /> ,� , �N, Imtrument. whc�hcr ur n�n thcn dur.with uny cxcer+�puid�u Rorn�wcr. In Ihc r�•cn�ol u p:irtiul ��el�inµul Ih� I'ru�xny in
<br /> �; '':'��� �,:: . which the f'ufcmarkel value��f�hr Piro(xrly immediulcly F+eti�re Ih�tu6iog i.equul tn ur�:rr�U«dian Ih�uroi�unl ol'Ihe�omti -
<br /> � a.�S� r�ccun�d b)�thic Securi�y Im�rumcm immcJiutcly lxti�rc ihr iuki�ig, unk.� Harr��u�r und l.rndrr�nhrrwi+.a�;rrc in w•ri�ing.
<br /> �..
<br /> ' "' �he r.um��.�un�d by thi,Sccu�ily In.trumenl ►hull txr ndured hy �hr umaunl nf�h�pnkrrd.muUiplied hy Ihc foUoa�in�s
<br /> _ �; ;":; -'a fructi�m: lul the toial am��um ui�Ik�um,ucur�d imm�diatrly hrti►n�ihr tnking.dividcd by�hl�hc t+�ir i��arket vulur�d'�hc 6` -
<br /> �.�•f�,:���?:x:.k:._ �. Pmpeny immediatcly t+ciore the tukin�. Any baluncr +hall ixr puid io HoR��n•cr. In Ihc cvent uf u parli�d�uking ��f thc
<br /> 3:` : - . . Properly in which Ihe fuir murket vuluc�it'tlx Pm�ny immcdiu�cly FxPon��hr tul�in�i, Ic,n dum thr anwunt uf�hc.um� _
<br /> �.� � • �• ,.7.,�. sccun�d immediu���ly Nefurc the tuking. unles.r BoR��wer und l.cndrr�nherwi.r u�!nr in wri�in�e ur imk•� upplicuMr luw
<br /> �``%;f. :' ' � .. othcrwi+c providcs,the pnxeeds shull be upplieJ w�he�um.xccurcd hy�hix ScrurNy b�+��nimcw whcthcr��r nut thc+um�+�ra —
<br /> _ -- , d::,-...�••x. then duc.
<br /> •, :•�;,• If the Pmpeny ii uhandnned by BoROwer,ur if.utter M�ticc hy Lend.:r lo Hnn.�u•�r thut ihc runJcomnr nt'1'er,ui mukr
<br />�.o� . � - �-
<br /> � - un uwurd ar seulc u cluirn for dumagr+,Banuwrr fail+to rc.�xmJ ti�l.cndrr wilhin�0 duy,aliur thc dt��r thc n�nirc i��rvrn.
<br /> --��.,J,: .:'. 'f�:: � l.cnder is uu�horized to collec�und upply�hc prexeed,.ut i����p�fon.eithe�lo m+turution ur npuir of tiut 1'ro�xMy or to Ihe
<br /> ---- - ••. .._+:._�;�;'.�Q,.._.r. ������„,C�u��d b�•thix Sc�urity In��n�mrnt.whether or not then due. __ -
<br /> r��'��^`•������•••���'.•'-�—� Unle�s Lender und Borrawer o�herwi�e ognw io wiitiug.�oy a�pli.:atiun at pn�crcd� t��prinri�„d .hall noi c�:tcnd nr {__.--___—
<br /> .��;���:. ;. : '..�.:Y� pastpone the due da�e of the monthly paymentti refcrrcd tn in parugruph.1 und 2�►r rhunge Ihr um�wnt��f+��ch paymcnt�.
<br /> -�� ,, 11, Borrawer Not Released: Fo�b earence By Le n d e r N o t A W a i v e r. Extemion of ihc timc f�x puymcn� ur
<br />_.;,�'• , ' • � madificution of umortizution of the sums serured by this Securiry ImtrumeM Fa►ntrd hy Lender to uny.ucce++or in imere+t _
<br /> -- - ��., of gorn►wer.hull no�opernte�o rekuse the liabiliry�f'thc ariginul Burroµ•cr��r Born�wcr: +ucce.+��rr in in�crPc+' Lrnder —
<br />_"�,�• �� „� . ' shull not t+e rryuired to commence prcxeeding�again+t uny succe�.�or in imere,� or ret'uk to extend timr I'or �•n�ent��r �--- , .
<br /> ^ a�herwise modify umanizution of�he�ums�ecured by this Securi�y In.�rument hy r�u�on of uny drmund mudr hy thc ari�inul �.,�,__-
<br /> ^ � Bormwer or Bam►wer��uccesson in interc+t. Any forbcarunrc by Lender in excrci�ing uny righ�or remeJy xhull nrn be u
<br /> .:•�� � wuiver of or preclude�he exerci.c oi':uiy right or rcmedy.
<br />_ .� ,. �'_�t:--
<br /> ' 12. SuccessorR and Acsigns Bou�d:Joint and Several Liabilily;Co-siRners. Thc cuvcnunls und agrecmcn��af�hi+. �_
<br />_ �;;�;;.;�;� .r Security In��rument +hall bind und t+ene�t thc xurresxun:u�d u+�i m of Lendcr und Borrowcr,wbjcr�lo ihc prov�ri�m uY
<br />- :��::,;�.�...; ";.;.. ,. Y �_—�.�
<br /> .��:,.:•.g Parugruph 17. Borrowerk cavenunts und apreement, shall tx:joint und srverul.An B��rrowcr who co-,ignti this Serurity ���-
<br /> �t'�'b"' `� ' � Instrument but dcec not execute the Note: lul i�rn-siFning thi�Security In.trument only Io monguFc.grunt and rom•ey thsit � —
<br /> . •. •..�,t.�::. . ,-
<br /> •;�,:, • •• Bon•ower's intcrc.r�in�he Pro�xrty under�he tem�x of thiti Securiry In.�rumcn�; Ib)is no�prr��mully ob�iEu�cJ to puy�hc�umr "�" �,,;
<br /> • ��T°��1� � tiecured by thi�Securi�y Ins�rument:und Icl agrecs thul Lender and uny other Barrower muy ugrer to extend,m�xlify.f��rM:nr �LL.,��lri,=-
<br /> ' or make ony urcommudutions with ragard to the term. of thix Security In.trumrM nr the Note wilhoul Ihu� Burcoweri+ ����___
<br /> con4em. —�-----��
<br />-',-�,- _ . �3. La�n Cls�s�es. !f the luun w�!•��red h�• �his Srcurity Instrumem i. ,ubjcct a� a luw W�hirh +ct. muaimum Innn ���•_`�
<br /> ., .- - charge+,unJ�hut luw i.finally interpr�ted xo thut the imere.t or n�her laan rhurge.collected or���ik rnifecicd in cum��:ti.in �5�-,
<br /> with Ihe loun rxceed the pem�ined limiix.�hen: (u)uny tiuch loun chur@e.hull lx rcducrd hy thr amuunt mces.ury to rcduce ` : ,,_,.__
<br /> ' thc rhurgc to thc p�rmiticd Iimi1:und lbl Uny.um+alrraJy cullectrd fram Borrawcr whirh rxc�r�lcd �xm�iu�d limi�.will hr
<br /> . �• . • rcfundcd 1��BoROwcr. I.cndcr muy rh�xi,c to mukc Ihi+rcl'und hy rrducin�Ihr prinripal uwcd unJcr thc Noi�`,nt�wi1lt��utnlnv ���;:�'�
<br /> �'"•• � dirert payment ta Burrou•�r. If u ttifunJ rcducc+princip:d.�he reduction will be trciued u.u purtial pnpuy n . =,--��
<br /> •��+• �° prepaymcnl churEr under the Notc. �'��F;�",-'"_
<br /> ' 14. Nodces. Any noticc �o B��rrow•cr pruvidcd for in thi, Srruri�y In+tnnncnt.hull tx givrn by dclfvcrin� it or by y;�:_�r_V'-=
<br />.. � f 1 'M.'r.•v�.�t.��4 •. F.
<br /> �' � muiliog i1 by finl rlu+.muil unlc.s applirublc luw rcyuire.usr of imolher mc�h�xl.Tlic m►ticr,hnll hc Jircc�ed to�he Prn�ny I.baa{��c'•:_
<br /> • � . ' Addn�.�x uny��thcr uJJre.y Borrowrr dr,iEnulee hy nutirr to l.rndcr. Any nu�ire lu LcnJrr�hull Ix gi��en hy fir.�cla�+ �=".��
<br />- , . . mail�o LcnJcr+uddm.,��a�trd hrrrin ur unp othcr uddrc.�Lcndcr dc�ignuic�by n���ic�iu(3�►rruwcr. Any nu�icc prc►vidcd far A_.�.� �<
<br /> in ihis Srcuri�y In�irumcnt �hull Ix dc�mcd lo havc lxrn givrn a�B��rrowcr or (.cn�kr w•Ixn given us provWcd in Ihi+ •..'}i;,,_ �.
<br />. purugrnph. ..
<br /> ,�''` IS. GoverninR Law; tie�•erubilily. Thir Srruri�y In,�rumenl .hull Ik govcmrd b)• t'edcrul luw und�hc luw uf ihr t��`:""
<br /> .:��k'=
<br /> I � juri+diction in whirh�h�Pn�Exny i.I�xiucJ. In thc rvcnt�hiu nny provi.inn ur cluux of thi�Scrurit�•In�irunum ur thc Note ,-:_wF_.
<br /> "•"�;` • ••, .: conflic�+with upplicablc luw.,unc�on(lict�hall n�H:d'I'rri uthcr provi,i�im ul'Ihi,Srcuriry In,munrnt ur Ox Nutc whinc�an �•.-_.�__.
<br /> �_ �`ri'�'t�n"T.
<br /> ''+;:r. � Ix;givcn rfl'cct wi�hout ihc c��nlliriing pr�rvi,iun. Ti�Ihi+rnd �hc pmvitiionti ni thi,Scrurit�• Intitrunmm und �hc Natc urc �rL��::,�`:
<br /> ''��• declared to lu.rver.�blr. j',5!'�„r"-,
<br /> •.. .��;�.. .. ' ,. �
<br /> ;�:r::s;:: --
<br /> I6. Ik�rrower's CopS�. Durn►µ•rr,hall Ix�i�•rn onr conli�rnmd cupy��1'the Note:ind ui�hi.Srrurily In,�rumen�. ..�, '.•.��,.
<br /> �• " 17. 'I�an.ri'er oP the Pr��pert�•or n Renef�ciul Inlcrest In Rurrow•er. If sdl or+my pan uf�he Pro�xn)�or uny inlcrr.�in _
<br /> " il i.xnld or trcimfrmd I��r if s�iknetici:d inlrrc+t in Rurrm�rr i. ,uld or�ran,ferrrd und B�xr�►we� i�nut u nutund per,onl ��.ti__
<br /> ' � withau� Lcndcr±pri�►r written cununt.Lcndcr m��y.at il�opliun.reyuirc innnedialc pa�mrni in full uf:dl wm,.rrured by _ .�
<br />_, • " lhi+Sccurily InHrumenl. How�vrr.lhi.urlion xhull nul Ix exerrircd hy Lendcr if rscrci,c i.pruhihited hy federul luw u�of r.'��K '
<br /> • thc datc ui�this Security In+trwnrnl.
<br /> ., li'Lr�xler excrci.c�thi�opiiun.l.cndcr�hull�ive Norr��wer nulirr��I arrcicrutiun. 1'hc nolirc tihall pr�►vidr u�xriixi of
<br /> � nut Ics+Ihon;0 duy+from thr diur Ihc niitirr i.drli�•end�x mailyd wilhin��hirh liurru��cr mu.t pa�-all,um..rrurcJ hy thi�
<br /> , " •• Sccuriry bt.trumenl. (( Bi�rn�wrr t;�ih�o p:q' Ilir,r ,um� pri��r lu d�r c�pir:ui�,n „I' ihi. �xri�xl. Lcndcr muy invol�c uny .,:,�
<br /> �-� rrmedirs�xrmiurd by ihi.Srcuriiy In,uumenl�iihu�n furlher nalir.or drmnnJ on Horru��cr. . ...
<br /> 18. Borrow•er'.r• Ri�ht lo RcinsWte. II' Rorrm��cr meel. rrnaiin :undition.. Nurro��er •h:�ll harvc �hr riEht tu hi���c
<br /> �� • �� cnl'orccmcnt ol'�hi.Sccurit�•In,trumenl di..•untinurd nl am•�ime priur w Ihc carli�r ul: u►1 S d•r)•�lur,uch��Iher�xri�xl u�
<br /> �:,
<br /> �� .
<br /> ' . �;''' Smgkl�anul}-•Funnlc�lue+FrcrMlcSlacC\IFIIN\II\tilRI�IF:�1••1nd.�iml'm.nrni. 9P1U q�.�¢�' •'►��P����•`�
<br /> . . ! . .. �
<br /> r �'
<br /> ' J �.
<br /> . .. . . s. . . . . � . .. . , . ..
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> e � �.1 _ . . . . ._ . . .--
<br />