� ;.�tr�.a��t?t�lut,ss:i�,+..._ J v` ��'—�-- . . . � _� � � �',_—...�, J..'-�'""!r'
<br /> t �t._ '
<br />.. . ��
<br /> ' c.___�.--_
<br /> . • ��'�'��� ��'�',� �
<br /> � - g�- ����4 ��.�.
<br /> .��
<br /> �� . ..__
<br /> 6. 47ccuga�c9. �rrstevas�n, bisiatems�ca end F�te�tra�aP 4he Y'lmopeatys BOSiA66L7�8 HA.''3fl�,°��Cd1I0D`s ,:.ss.�.
<br /> ee
<br /> � I,�e��i�. Sorrawer shal!otirupy.e�t2bi�.��us�the Ft+aperty as Bomawer's prinsipai residence wid6:n siaty days ;:.,::_:�
<br /> r .
<br /> aftet the exerudnn of tbis Securiry Easnvment and cl�all o�ntinue to ao�upy the Properry as Bnrrower's priIICiga!resldence z�-�-
<br /> for at least ane year aftez t�e datg af occupancy, �►le�s Lender athe�+ise agrees in wrttir�g,v�hich consent sl�all not� -: •
<br /> unreasoaabty witt�h�tQ, or unless eatenuattng cin�amstaaoes eaist which are Deyond Borrovret's rontr�l. Bonower shall �'`''�
<br /> �<.
<br /> �:'�=';
<br /> noi destr�y.da�naSe or dmpaia the P�aperty,sUow the Prope�ty to detet�a:ate.or commi3 wast�on the Pmpeity. Borrflwer = ,
<br /> . sball be in defanit if any forfeitur�B�IOD OY pi�SCCdIII$,whether civ�or cr3mival,1s hz�n that ia Leader's goad fai�h �`�
<br /> judgmznd cautd r�sult !n Wzfeimre of the Ptoperty or othsrnis� materialiy imPair the iien created by tt�is Security ` ,
<br /> ti
<br /> • iastais as r o v i d e d i n a r a h I8, �`�T`
<br /> instcum�t oa ixn.dEr s securIry intenat. Borrower may cure such a default and re
<br /> =t-,+ r�iag sbs �n�s or pr�ing to be dlsmlvs�l wttb a ruling thnt, in Ixader's good faitb determin tian�, pracludes �. -
<br /> forfeiture of the Eo�tvet's iniere3t ia th�P[ogerty os ot�er�axerial im�airment of the tIen creat�l by[6is Securisy ��_�._
<br /> Iast�aament or L�nder's secutity iater�si- BasmRrcr slmll also he ia defaulc if Sorcuwer, dzuing t�e loan 2gplicatian ��-_��-:
<br /> pmcess, 8ave mater3.alIy faLx or iaa�curate in€oas�atiuu or sYatte�nt�to Ixnder(or failed to psovide I�uder wit6 azry �,�,..=;
<br /> n�tterial inf�rmatian)ia arnn�n vritFz ttte lo�evtdence,d by t�e Nate,iaclading,but not li�ice�to. rePaPSentatimns ;;�;,..:-
<br /> conceminm B+nna�res's occugancy o8tke Prapt�ty a9 a pr3neipal�sidmsa. If this Sac+uiry Imstrument is an a Ieaseho3cD. �:��=e=
<br /> Botro�rer shttU oompIy with all the gmvisions of thc lease. If�orrower acguires fea title to the Pragerty,the leaseho2d aad F"�'""�-
<br /> .s.�.-
<br /> the fee dtte shatt aot m�sge unle�Isndes agrees to the merger ia wii�sag. _"�
<br /> �� 7. Pcetect�nn�i Lmdc�'s�d�tEte Prepea4y. If Bflirower fail.a to�sfor�the vovenanw and agr�xme�nts _
<br /> te
<br /> caut�in e d.i n t L i s S�r i t 7►I n s u u m e n t,o r[h e r e�.a 1�g a 1 p m e e�i�8 t h a t m a 3►si B a i B c a n t l Y affea L�der's ri g hss in the �-
<br /> �P�Y(s�h as a proeePding ia bt�ais�upi�y,PmToase.fnr condemnatian or fQrfeiturt or to�fc:ce laws or reguladons). �.`�`:
<br /> _ thea Leflder may+do and pay for whruevez is� to pmt�e the vaiue of the Pcogerty and l,euder's rights in t3�e r�;:..
<br /> ���
<br /> � property. Lender's act�ons may inctude payin� any sums sewred by a lien whirh has prioriry over this Sec�rity _-__
<br /> = Insuumen�aPDeudnB in conrt.Payiag t�canable attoiaeys'f e e s a n d enterc�g on t h e P i up e�i y w m a Y e i e p a u s. A I t h a u�h .
<br /> `. :r Ixader may taYe act�on under this gangea�ph 7.Lender da�not i�ava ta do so. � ;
<br /> . Any ama�di�u�l by l,ender uadea this p�ragraph 7 s�all bxome a d ti�io n a l d e F�t o f B o a o w e r s e c�r e d b y t h i s �_.
<br /> : en e -�-
<br /> >.'.: Sccnrity Tnsuumeut. UWess Bomow�s aad I�der ag�rez w atl�er�of paymeab these amaunts s h a ll tr e�a r ia t eres t&a m � -.
<br />�:'i'.. the datr of disbnssement at the Idote rate and shall be psryaDle. witb� inteiess, upon navras from Lcnder co Borrotve� _ -
<br />_' ' ��ti P� �� _
<br /> ., 8, Moztgage Ins�nc�. If Leader�quin�rrwrt8age insuran°z a��cmnslitian of msfcimg the lo�secu�red by this ___
<br /> 3aurity InsuumEnt,Bo�[ower sh�l pay the pteR±*»mc�to maanta9n��:ortgage insurancc ia eff�ct. If for any ��'^'..:
<br /> ;:;�:�: I�er ses ar�to 6e m effect, Borrdwee s h a l�pay the �'�: -
<br /> f,�: reasfln. s�e�ortgage insurance covcrage �equi�ad bS+ G� ,
<br /> '�� prtmiums requi�d w obtaia oove7age substantial3y ecq�ivaleat ps ahe mortgage wsmance p�viavsdy in effert,at a� �
<br /> '��'� ,r�,,.an�s sevio w effect,fmm an altercate mortl,�� �
<br />'�%'�.,.;, snb�tly equiw�ttent m tl�e wst tn Eorrower of the mortg,�e�• P �Y�
<br /> ins�t a�rmved Oy lcnder. If substansially eqaivsilent mo�:.�%;�s�uance cmve�,e is ant a*�lable,Borrower sha11 pay to
<br /> Lender eaci�mu�h a svm equal w ane-tarelRh of tl.Ye year�y mnc�e tn�,.�,ms���um��P�id bi+Bou�oarer w�n the �r
<br /> ' ;n�±•��coverage lapse�or oeas�ed to he in effeett2. Leader�v'L►I�xept,rse�resain.t2s�e.paymenYS as a toss rc�eerve in _�_:...
<br /> - liae of rmQ�tgage insur�ce. Lass reserve payments may vfl l�r be�� at ti���:nn of L,ender. if mortgage �.
<br /> ���� in�a�veragr Cm the amonnt an�foe the pertod thas L�dr�requd�)�:ride8 L�'j::an i�suE�r agptmve�by LL�ader �-��-
<br /> agaia��3 available and is Qataln�d. Bor3o�rer shall ysay�ptcmfu�a�:it�d tm�tain s��tgage ias�.��.: in ��.":
<br /> • effeca,ar fo pmvida a tass r�ecve,�ti!the�ui�me�t for anongage i�t�ce ends in s000rdanct witfi a�►wcivra
<br /> t:l.���f ag�eemeat between�rrower and I�eader ur agglis�itYs ta�v. �r
<br /> ;��,,��`•` 9. Iasyoc2taa. Le�Wer or its agcat�i�L•e reasannble enuies ugan and inspxtions of the Propetry. Lender ��',
<br /> :;N,`.;.� sball gR;e t3ormwer aotIce at the ti�of or prior.�an inspecdon specifying ressonable canse for th2 inspec�ion. v,-�,
<br /> .;:`"` 10. �ondmn�►m The g�me.r�r3s of auy awasd or ctaim for damagea,direct ar oonr�quent��l,in caancct�on with —
<br /> ....:.., .w� r'���.
<br />"``'i:� any condamm�►tion or other taTci�z af xza}► part of the Property. or foz coaveyance in li�u of coadeamation�are her�hy
<br /> . assigned aad shNl be paid w icnder. __
<br />