' ' . ` l i( .. . � `i �.n�....4" �'' �J+- —- . .
<br /> �.. "`.' �,.."�y''
<br /> �:�,�4�_
<br />._ -`i- --��.`_-
<br />� 4 ������ ������_
<br /> r 4 Tii_.
<br /> F ��
<br /> - !3. I.ca:a�5�a��.. If che lo�s�a!red Uy this SeauEty instrum�t is ssbjecz eu a taw which seu maadmum law ��:`�=�`.
<br /> ��.;;:,.
<br /> c�aarges, and that lae�is 't�aalty ir�terpreted so thzt the inter�3 rrr athe� toan cttarges wlUertai or to� c�llect� i� �°-,�
<br /> co�ectlon with the toan exce�d the p�rmiusd Iimits. thea: (oD ��g sus$ lom Ct1�$e 811P11 lse�uCed hy tL+e.lmouslt ��,r<_
<br /> �:,�;: aac�;sary w r�usx the caarge to the permitted iimic;aud @)m�S'su�a already colleited fro�Borro�ver wAieH exse�d�t �,°'-
<br /> sx •.
<br /> 's�..°. permitted limits will be�Y1�aded to�orrar.r2r. Ltnder may c�soose to uiaie tbis refuad bp rnduciq�the priacipal owed
<br /> :.,��.,.
<br /> ':' nnd�er the Note oY by ma�stB a dilect p�ym�nt to Bfferim�er. If a refuad reduce3 priacipal.t$C i+�dlistl6II WtU b8 tiqlEd aS II =.,�-
<br /> , ��.�;.`
<br />-. ,� partial prepayment withaut anY PRP�t��under the Note. — ---
<br /> 14. Nat(ces, flny�nflae to Br,rrocrer providad for in t�in�curiry Instnnaeat sIiall be IIiven by delivering it or by �,—�-"�
<br /> - 4 x mailing it by f�c1�ss r�afl tu�appLc�b2€lnw rzQuires ur�.�►of ar�other methsd. 37ie notice shall be directed to t�e ��:f
<br /> pcoperty Addre�s or any ather addmss Borro�sr d�i�nate�by autice w Ixader. Any norice to Leuder shali ioe givri►by �y_
<br /> , fitst class mail to Leu�cr's add�s.a stated herzln Q-t aiRr athez addrers Lender desigQates by nouse to�orravier. Any norice «,:9_
<br /> , provided for ia this Se�.vrbt�r Inst►ument shall b�dmmaJ to have hesn given to Borrou er or Lead�er wtw.,n pive�as provid:d in e_ �._,
<br /> this paragcaph. _.
<br /> 15. Gt�ve�nin�I�w.Seve�*s�Itq. 'tbis SecuritY Ia.�Mmmer►t shall be govemed by ferletal l.w and tae lac�of t�e r;:;: "
<br /> jurisdiction in cvhich th�Ptoperty ia lac�ted. In th�eveat ti�rt am}�provision or cla�af this Secmiry Instrv�ent ar the �;�-- �_
<br /> Note confiIcts witb appl�caDte law.snch wnflict sball ani affect oi6ez provitiaas of this S��uItY Insuu.ment ot tIae PIot� "-`-`-`'_�`
<br /> � .. wmich casc he given egfect witflmn thQ conflictinII provision. To tbi,end tbfl pmvjaions of this Sec�iry Instn�ent aud the �;:".-�
<br /> � Nate ar�dardared to ba r.�reiabis. `� �
<br /> .'.� � '�� i�i-----
<br /> <` . 16. k+�vr�.r'u�p. Barmwer sS�ll bts.gi-vs�one canfarmEd copy of tfie Note and of this Ssa�xity Inswffient. �:%:,
<br /> f�
<br />�������r .• 17i 'l;t�'n�r�n��tte�u��.-�i ar a�fr�i�E�tgtes4 6u Borrnwez. If all or auy p�t of the Pcaperty or any =.
<br /> �:;
<br /> interr�t:hi:tt fs sot�i:nr transferr�d (or i¢'a 6enn�c�interest in Eurtoarer ia sold or uansf��d aad Bormwa is nos a ;
<br /> �`���° natural�Se�aa)wifhoat:t.�der's prior v�riu�co�.Lender may,az Its aptian,requ'sse im�e Payment in fuil of all i.• <.,
<br />' -.'�.•`���;: sums s�l�y this Se�rrity Insaument. Homc�vr�;flsfs option shnll not be�bl►l.�der if exercise in pmhir'bited by j.r .
<br /> i �
<br /> � �� federai imv as of the d�te of thi�s Securiry lnsu�i. ?:� ',�
<br />;-'��,�p� I�L+�err eaercises[his aptiun.Lr�der sLall gioe Bo:roroar autice of asaI�ca�ion. �a�ntice shaU prov[�.ap.riad of � "�.
<br /> -;.,:�:
<br />'-�"�.���.! aot[+zs��it�m 30 days from the daus f1to�IIOSice is delivered or muittr���vithin�rHich Borrn�s�mst pay a11 sm�es secured by _
<br />>nart-':�', ihis S�ty Inst�ment Yf Bouac��r S�7s to pay th�se sams prior to the ea�►irufan of tbit��c�iod.I.ender may iavofce auy ,..�.
<br /> �:'�"�' r�tediea_pe�mitted bp ti�is Security in ment withnut fu:ttte[notiCe or dea�tIIti.�a Bo�wer.
<br /> v �f � ..::�.
<br /> . 18. �orp��ve�r°r►g�ht 4a R�te. If$mmwer me�ceitain cmd3lfaas.Boxmwer sball have ttte sight to ha��e � ��,
<br />;'t �f'or�t of thie-�c�ssraY Iasu'�m�discontHnued at aay t3�prior w the earfier o�(a)S days(or such other geriod as �_=
<br /> ` ... �� . . .,
<br /> �`..: agpl�{p�w may s�acify for�us��meatl�efore sale of tlie Property prusaant w any po*luer of sale contained'm dus ---��
<br /> k�• -
<br /> °•��; Se�rFi�C.tn ,•,++�,r_or(a)enuY oC taA�gmeat enfon�ing thit S�curixy In�tru�ni. Tl�ase ca�ditions are that�orrower.(a) .•�,y�.,..; _.
<br />: . Y- • ,�. Pays Ltct�er all snms which th���cid he d�us under this SE�c�uity In�t and cis°Note as�f Ba aceetera�aa had `.`.
<br /> � ...i.
<br /> oca�rred: (b)cams �raY defanit of any other�rrv.�ts or a�; tcy:�i}'�aA e�pea�es imcnned ia enforcing tbis �,� .�.
<br /> � - ` Serarity Insnr�� iaciuding,but r.�t Tiimfitxi:tn,.reasonahle a�omays'�f�s;:ms�i(cly ta3c�s auch acaQU.�as.Leoder may �;i`' kn�.-�
<br /> '�,., :, rrasaass�Sy.reguir�to assuce tbat ti�C3s�ai'.ti,fi�S��uiry lbs�ae�s. Ei�d�s stg�ss iu.t�e�rag��.trat,��Borrowe�s �•<'<
<br /> Usi�: !'.�ruiry InsCru�sL'.shal! ca�*.bia�e uac�x�c�. Upoa r�s..�ate�ens by :���A,<
<br />`e;�.`� obli�Aitm�to pay the s�s se�curcx3.is;� _--•
<br /> : `�" Ba��nr,tbis Secuairy insm�ment i�ic�'t��c�i:�;s#nns sPr+�i�S:.�eiry r�ll t*�ain fuliy e!i'�e es if ao�ecetaatioa�d a=,_:--
<br /> oocutred.Howevex,Wis rigAz to reinstate�:�srr agply ia the case of accels�tioa uader para�aph 17. !�`r-
<br /> • 19. Snie ot NcR�COamge d I.a�n S�v�rr. R9�e Note ar a paitist isut�est ia the Not�(tage�er with ubis Ser�riry —
<br /> instrvment)may Ls so3d oae or�ore dmes wltiiont prior aAtice to Borrower. A sale may�vit in a ci�aage in the eudtY =�..�_.
<br /> ' pmown as the'Loaa Servicer")that collects monthly paymenrs due�mder th�e Na3e aad this Seturiry�nstzu�ent. Tber
<br /> ' alao may be one or more c�aages of the Loaa Secv�cer uarelated to a aale of the Note. If tt�ie is a change ot the Loan
<br /> Secviser.Bosmw�.�r w�ll be given wrttteu nattce of tite change in accordance with paragraph 14 above aad appllcab!e tav�. �.~�
<br /> S v w _
<br /> � � T6e nodce will srue tt�e name and a�ddiess of[he new Lnan Seivtcei aad�he addr�ess to�vhtcb paymGnts sha�d be madc.
<br /> � T7ie notice wtll aLso contain aay o�er iafosm�on ceq�ired Dy appticab2e law. . f��:.;.
<br /> ?A. Has�da�Sa�staaces- Borrower sh�lt not cause or permit tlse presea�ce.ass.disposal,star�sE�. os rolease of ;: +f�.�
<br /> �
<br /> ::�::'" �• �ay�iarnrdaaa SY�batances an or ia dse Prop�rty. Boaawer sh.^�l not do,nor all o w wyo n e�else ta do.:u�inB��8
<br /> ,;,,,
<br /> _,�,�.".. .�
<br /> the 1Pmperty that is in violuian a�s�y.Envkoam�nsal law. 'S'fh:�arec,edin8 two senteuces.��il not applp ta�tha pr��c��:
<br /> ��,��.�`. use,orstorageonthc3Pmpenyofsu�:IquantttiesofHar�dousStcbstaaeusthataregenerallyc�agr�izedwhea�spmpsi�tn� P"-=
<br /> aoimpl resident�al tc�aad tn mamtenance of the Praperty. '. � •
<br /> ` Barrower a]�atC js�aimptly give Lender written notioe oY�►y investlg�imr;,c�aim,demuad,lawauit or other sa£on by , ..
<br /> ►y
<br /> an3► Bove�amcntal or•rega]acar,!. .'r�encY or private panty involving �L+e l�vperty and �y H�ardous Substan4�..iar, •��':•-
<br /> . Envimnmental Iaw of whic�t3isx�w;�has ac[aa1 tmowledge. 1f�arroaer teauns.or is uotited by any govem�eal.ni>•�rs '=
<br /> � regulatary auttioricy,�i�rot anp ies�rs.y�i�r other remediation otnny Ha�ard��s�ubsta�c�affccsing the Rvperty is��, � ,.,�.
<br /> Botr�wer shall Dt�a�stiY taYe ail n.rrxssatY ra�sscn9S.a1 aarons in accardance with F�vIronmcntal La�cr. ..
<br /> ' As used in thisparagiaph Z0.'Har�rdaua..�i�r,mncPS°are those substance.a defined a4toxie or haz�►xfcstt�svbstances by --
<br /> .. Envltonmental Law aad the follourmg sabstanc�:gasoline.kemsene.othet flammabla or wxic petmlaun gr�ndactv.wxia
<br /> .` pesti�.des aad herbicides.volatile solveats.matelials containing ubestos or fo�aldehyde.and radioacdve mate�ialo. As
<br /> . . u�d in this par�2p."g,nvironmental Law"me�ns fedr�a�t f�urs aud lawa of the Jurisdiction�Jhere the Pcooperry is
<br /> tocated that telate to healtb.safety or envimnmental prntect�arx..
<br /> NON-iJNIFOI�IN COVENAN7'S. 8orrower�nd Ixndez S9u�er oaveaans an�agroe as folloas: �
<br /> xl. Aacetenlina;R�edies. l.ender�nl�g�ve uatfcra tic i3arnaRe�pe�a�to acceleratlma folpowtag Borrower's t�`.;
<br /> 3a a p
<br /> . ba+e�tcJ��nf any cov�mnt or agr�nent in t�ta Security tua(�a�t(b�t nat priar t��eaa0ton a�nder paragts��l? _-v-
<br /> �,.:.�.: ,� � iwles�s��{-��IC�ble iaw p�vtdvs aftorawwisc). 1�o notke ciin�@:sPadPy: (a)the ddaai�(DD tRe acUon e��ta cs�+e
<br /> �...,,.. -_=
<br />