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<br /> ��p�Nd C�VENpp�TS. Bo:rower and I�nder cav�aad agr�z as follows: --
<br /> 1. Ptiye�se�to4l�d�af t��I�teresi:R��►YmeatQna!I.ate Charges. Botrower shall pmsupdy pay whcn due the A.�,,_
<br /> na! _
<br /> ced b the Kate�ud repaymen t a n d l a t e c h a r g e s due nnder the Note. �`'K:N��
<br /> princigal o�aud interest on thc dxbt eviden Y �Y P
<br /> `'` 2. �nd9 for'�axes audIns�ance.5ubject to appltcable Iaw or to awritttn w�iver hy Lender.Sarrower shall pay to
<br /> p L •Funds')for. a earl -�:"'�'y`
<br /> Le�Qer o�the aay manth�5►PaY�ats��Q�der t�e Nato,unt�1 the Mote is aid'w ful1,a su�( ( ?Y Y -����;.
<br /> � taxgs and ass�sn¢enta which way at[ain prioziry over this Seivzity Iassnunerct as a lien on the Frape�ty:(b)Yeariy leas�old �:-��:-.�.
<br /> !^o.`3�A.1�.
<br /> har,ard or ra iasu�nce premiums: id?Yearly tlood �
<br /> FaY��y ar gaouad renis on the F�perry, if any; (a)Y�Y F A�T�Y ��.-;:,.;
<br />- �p�i�ms, if any:(e)YeaziY�nrtg�e insUr�e Pae�iums, if anY: �td(�anY sums PaYabte by Boaawer to �,�r:,:._
<br /> Lr�uder.Im aceoTdance vrith tl�s pmvisions of pzragrap�S,in lieu of tls�payment of mortga,ge insurance premiums. These �,•�
<br /> iteras are c�illsd°Fscrow Iteu�s.' Lender rmaY,at aay dme.coAxt and�old Fuads in�amnuat not co exceed the maxiaaura �.;r ._
<br /> amonut a lender for a federalYy�Iat�d ttY���z loan may reqUSre for Bormwer's esrrtow 2ccouat uQder the fedetal Rea! �.,
<br /> v�77L'pLY i
<br /> Fstate Seuleme8t Pmeedures Ast of I97l��t,att�ade�d itsom time to tima. 12 U.S.C.� 2bOt d seq. ("RESPA ),unle,ss �,;,�_.
<br /> another Iaw tbat applies to thE Funt�.sa�t es k.�,ser amannt. If sfl,l�ader may,at asy tar4e,collect aad hoId Funds in an --
<br /> amormt not to exceod the l�ses amauni.I.esdes may e.samate the am�vr.t of Fnn�s�oa the basis of cuaeai d�sa ancl r'�..r.
<br /> reasanable essimxtes of eugendituns nf futune Bscrow Items az otherprise in accorr]mce cuith applicable law. ��+�:-_.
<br />. Tite Fonds Sh?11 be htld in 2�iTtatitutitm tvhos2 degosiis ate�uty3 Uy+a fedetal agen�Y,instnrm�+,ali�y,oi.etuity �.'•'`;
<br /> (induding L�ndxr.if l�ender ia such en ins4irittitral os in any Pedera�8�t�sss Loan�amk. Lznder shall apPt3+th$Fcus�s tp _ -��-
<br /> 1 end ths Faads,annualiy analyang tha esamcP r_
<br /> . pay the Essmtv Items. Lendcr may nat ct�e Boamvsr foT Dolding and applYing
<br /> accaims,or verifying the Hacm�v Items,ualess I.enckr ps��s Bormwer interest on We F�nds�d appiIcsSlo�utv P�rnita �-_';:Y:�•�
<br /> Leader w m2ke sa�a ch?.r(��..However,I.ender mscy requtre�ar.o�ver w pay a o��-ti�e charge for an indtp�udeut�t� ,�&��,
<br /> estate tax ieport�e��r;t�bY I.�adcr fn vannect�on with dus Ioaz�.uaies�applicable taw provides otheiv�ifa. Unl�s an
<br /> n
<br /> ,<:.i; agreente.nt i�ura�de�nr applicable law iet�ir�irterest w be paid,I.endar sLall nat be required w pay.S+prc�nver anY mtscest us :.�::, _
<br /> earnings on�fu�.�'i�ds. �orraivEr amd Lr�pdt-��Y�in writing, however,that interest shali be paid on ths Fundt.
<br /> l:��3er shall gfi�to Botm�re�,without��an mam�td•a�couat�ng of the Faads.s6nwing c�dits aad clebits W sUs�nn3s ��___.
<br /> ss�the pw�pose for vrhfc�:t�dr debit to t�s�ands cvas mnde. 'Ihe Funds are plcd��as additional sec�rity fat•sill su� �,.
<br /> � �►is�ity Iu3Fnt�ut. �
<br /> If th�Iuld by Leadea eatc�•ti�e amounts permiued to ba held by agpticable law, L�¢der sha11�caount to ��
<br /> i.'�' Bnrrower for t�ea�cess Funds m sc�o�tivith tha requinmenta af atrplicable law. if the ammmt of the Funds hetd by �-'---_
<br /> ,. �ier at aay aims is not svfflcient to pay t�re F.�croa►Ita�wheu dus.Lander may so notify Boaower in writing,and,ia
<br /> ' .�da c�se Borrawer shall p�.y w Lendsr the amonnt ncs�ssa�►���P the dxficIeucy. Borrower shall maTu�s�p d►e
<br /> � .cirz��ieenes+ln�.o more thFm ttv�3ve m�nthiy payff•ents.sit Leader's sole disacetion. refimd to Batt�tvc�atry �
<br /> n F T
<br /> Upon payment in fiill tr�ail snms secnued 6y this Seauity tnstmment,Lendec sh2ll pmmP�Y , �".`
<br /> ;. �
<br /> ���,_�• Funds held lry�.eader. if.under g�agra�h 21,Lender sha11 acqutre or seil the Fmperty,lxnder,Pnor to the s�l�nn oz
<br /> .:��ft'.. ` �ate of the Pnogerry. sh�l aPFIY�Y Putjtt,�hetd by Lender at tHe tims of acqaisitien oz saPe as;�credit a¢Ath ,IfFN,a;�R'?'. .n.
<br /> • t�c�r�red by this Sec.�rjry Luu�- ' . . . . • • `,"`. .
<br /> �1 3. Ap�oa oY F.tu3��-. f?�'�`'�applicabla Imv pnuvid�s othenvise,ali,���st�t�ved by Y:eq�x'iu�r'.: ��•'.�_ ' ,�f�,�i-.
<br /> . F��F� 1 2ad 2 shatl b�a��+adi� fi�i'��tn anY P�P�nt�ha�es due uadar tlm kY��,:s�nnd,to,ammtq`S�,y�?td�e'.. � . .:�;,;�Ff
<br /> � nnder pangcapb 2:Wird.w��u;.f?mr�,�P�cipal due;and lsst,to any late cearges dne under the Nta�:.�: ., • .,._.. :.: � �e±�.
<br /> :� �.;i.
<br /> .i 4. (�cagas.Li�. Hcst�.�n dr,dF.:pay ali tax�s,asse�smen�s,cbar8ra,fiaes�d impositlons acm'butabte m'ils��<:, . . _
<br />