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<br /> ' ,7.Prd�afton d I.�nd�r'�Rlghts In th� Prop��. M earoww aw to p�Aam th�oov�rumu�nd�pr�t�aont�d _:_�,'. "+.,'� -
<br /> 'In�nis S�airity In.aum.M,a�na.k•Ip�l Proo�dkw th�t m�l �IV+ManW•r�a L.na.r���tphu In�n.P►op.ny(wah a�poo.«�np �
<br /> � N bankruPtaY. P�t�� for oo�d�tbn a lal�ilun a W mlaa {�w� or n�p�Uo��)� th�n L�ndr m�y do �nd p�y fa wh�tNr b .�:,,=:_.�
<br /> . ., Mo�swy to prWrot Ih�v�iw of th�Puop�AY�nd L�nd1r'�rlpht�In Ih�Prop�Ay. l�nd�r's�a11aa nwy Indud�p�ylno�nY wea��au�d �- -:<.... --
<br /> � � by � INn whlah h�s prlaity ov�r thls 9�ourqy Mstrumwit� y�0 N oowt� WN�O nuonabN �pom�y'� 1� �nd �ntMinp an th� !-
<br /> • .. Pro�ty to mak�npaYs. Althouph Und�r may tak��atlon undw tF�h pnpnp h 7,l�nd�r doM not h�v�to do�o. �
<br /> My �nwunU dbbuned bY Londe► unAar ihls p�mpraph 7 I�hd baoom� �ddkloml drW ol Bortoww ��ow�d by thu B�ourNy �°-- 3..
<br /> • Inqium�nt. Unlas BorrowM �nd l�nda �qrM to Wh�r t�mt of paymmt. Ih� �rnounts �ha1 bw► In1�rMt kom th� d�U of �.,�_. : .'–
<br /> dbbunwnent�t th�Nol�r�t��nd�M p�yabN�wflh IntK�t,upon noUo�Irom Undw to Banowr nqu�stlnp WYm�nt.
<br /> . ' 8. �Ao►t�aqa inau�anoo. If Lander roquked morlQeOe Ineunnae ��� oondillon ol m�kinq Ih�lan��aued by tha S�wrpy �_ -- -q- �-- °-
<br /> Imtrummt, Borlow�► �h�N p�y th� prwniums nquk�d to mdnWn th� matW� hwnu�oe In MI�a1. N� ta �nY ►MSO�� th� moAY�O� �
<br /> Inwranc� oovenp� rpuir�d hy Undar I�p��s or cMas to b� N Nf�at� Bortowr shW MY th� prwniums nquk�d to obWn oov�p� �
<br /> wbsUnll�Yy �quMd�nt to Ihe matp�0��w�� P►�'��N„ ��• �t a aod wbslantWy pubdw�t lo lh� oon to 8ortow�► M tM� r:
<br /> morty�W Inwrono� pnvlousy In Nfsot� hom �n dt�t� mort�y� Nwnr �pWw�d by Lmd�►. 11 wbst�nWry �quNaNnt moAy�p� —
<br /> . bwruia oovenq�b not a�N�ble.9or►ow�r�h�1 pay to L�ndw Meh month�wm pu�l to onttwelRh of ih�ywly mortq�p�Inwr�na _W
<br /> pmr�lum banp p�ld by Bor►owK whon th�Inwrane�cor�I�ps�d a a�ab to M b°n°d. u^d�r wIM�aaept,us��nd�N�N tha� –
<br /> . � p�yments���b�s raavo in p�u of morty�p�Inwr�nc�. Lou nswv�WY�^U m�y no lonpr b�roqub�d��t Ihe aptbn of Lendr, H __
<br /> moRy�pe Inwranu ooren4s („ th� �mouni �nd!or the DMbd th�t l.�nd�r nquka) D�� bY�n imur�r�pproved by L�ndK �p�Mi
<br /> !ke!wne! ev.11�hle �nd Is obfeMed. Bortower �haR WY ifia pnm�nns re4utrod Lo�fn moAq��fnsurana h�lIeC1. or b pro�ids� _ —
<br /> � iou rwa�e,untN Ih��quk�nent ta marlp�Qe Infurana w�ds 4�accard�na wMh+�f►����"�'��'"�'�'�'�'�'���'"�°� : �
<br /> �� •;,.•�. �ppqaibls law.
<br /> � , I 9. In�p�otlOn. Und�r a fls �pent m�y matw rMSOnat� �nUMs upan�nd In�pecibns o1 th� Praprty. Und�r �hall �ir� �M_' .•;�_
<br /> N Borrowar noUoe tl the tin�ot or pdor to�n Impeetion�p�city�np n�son�W�caus�ior the inspeotlon. i ;;;�,� T----
<br /> � , ��'•' � 10. Cond�rondion. The proaeeds ot w�y award or datm Ior demepes� direol a contaquentw. Ih conneauon wlth �ny _
<br /> � ' condemmUon a otfur uWnp of �ny put of tha Propaty. or 1or convay�nc� N Yau of aondrm�tlon� w h�bqr aaslqnad �nd slul b� , . ,• , �
<br /> ' ►A�.. pNd to Lendar. ,�` `` •�+ —
<br /> • �` '' In the aent of�bwl WdnO ol the PropeAy.tM procNds shY be�ppA�d to IM aume�eoured by this Secwlty Inskuma►t,whelher ; � ;.i,:;,��,�
<br /> ;, :`� �' a not then due,wilh�nY�xcess p�ld to BortowK. In the eraM of�paPIW faicig of th�PraPerlY N1 whlch tP�e I�ir rtwket valus o1 ths r
<br /> • .,�.� propwty imnNdqtNy baforo tha taWnp Is oqual to a grAatK ihan the amount of lM sum� saaKad by thit SaacrMy tnswmant Immedl�tely . --
<br /> b�tore the ta'Wnp,unNas Bortowa�od l�nder Wherwiaa ey�In wriUnp. the wm� s�ourod by this 8eaurUy Instmmant�h�p be nduoad � -_- —
<br /> . , by tAe s�mourA of ihe proeead�muNipYed by the lopowinp iradlon: (�)U�e toW�mount ol ths euma eaaued Nivr�udlotey befon the t�Wnp, • ;r�:_�
<br /> . d'iuided bY(b)the i�k m��ket v�lue M the PropMy�t�ly betoro th�UWnp.My b�h^ae�h�M bs pWd to 8arowar.In th�event o1 a ' '„�-
<br /> p�rttal taWnp ol the RopeAy in whioh the fak merkeM1 v�Wt ol the Roperty prrne�tely be(on 1he taldnp Is less Ih�n the �mount oi the
<br /> wms secured Y�c�tely before the Wdny, unless QorrowK and L�ndK othe�wbs �pre� in w�NhO ar unlKS appliooble law othNwb�
<br /> pravidea.the proceods sfWA be appYec!w ths a�ms srcurW by this Sawrity In�trun►ent whdhK or not th�suma are than du�. . . '•:'�,•
<br /> � ii�he Fic+pWiy �i ab�t�dOtiGd�'y °cr.�asr,or N, nher notle� by l.e�d.r ta Borrow�►th�t tha condemnor oflen to m�k��n�wud or f _ �-
<br /> . cattle a ckdm 1a dam�pei� Bortower feAs to rotpond to Lender withln 90 d�ys alla► lh�dote the noUae b qNen�Lander Is�uthorlied to . . ,
<br /> coped and �pply th� proceeds, d tts opUon, elthK to rwtonition a r e p�k o1 Ih� Property or 10 the wms seound by thl� S�ourily � {
<br /> ep k
<br /> Instn�ment,whether a not ihen due.
<br /> Unlene Lendw and Borrower othe�wlw a�ee in writlnp, �ny�ppllatbn o1 procsed�to prindpd ah�M not exlend or po�tpons th�dw � t
<br /> d�ta ot the monihy paymants referred to in pangnphe 1 and 2 ot chanpe the amount of wch poymant�. � ' f
<br /> � � � 11. Borrow�� Not Rolo�aod: Forkw�ranoo By L.onder Nnt a W�Ivar. Ex�en�bn ot the Wne �or payment a , ��
<br /> modillo�tlon a1 unoNration ot Ihe sum� aecured by lhis 8eaxlty InaWment q�nlyd by I.endK to eny woaaaaa In Intereal of Borrower
<br /> I �h�p not oper+ite to rate�:e the NabWty o1 the orlqinal Borrower or 8a►awer's wao�sors„ tntetasL Lendar �hall not b� raquked to
<br /> oonynenoe prooeodinps ap�in�t any auooesaor In inlereel a refuae to exlmd tlme lor payment a otherwiea modiy amoAluUon of the
<br /> �ums scaured by Ihb Seourity Instrument by reason ol wny dwrnnd modo by tho wlylnN Bortowor a Bortoww's succosson In intxast =
<br /> , , , My forbeennoo by Lender In exerdsh�y eny dqM or remedy ohatl nol be a w�hra o1 or preolude the exerda�of�ny dyht o►ramady.
<br /> ��• 12. 8uooassors and Aaslpns Bound; Joint �nd 8everal Uabllity; Casiqners. Ths aovawnts�nd�yn�mants ot
<br /> � thls 8eaurily Inswment shdl bind and benafit tha aucosston ond�sslpns of L�ndar and Borcowar,eubJeat to tho provi�lons o1 parap►aph , .
<br /> 17. Bonower's aoven�nts and �preements shcN be Jdnl snd �ever�l. MY BoROwer who ao-alyn� Ihls S�arity In�trumanl but doei not .
<br /> nceaule the Nota: (a) Is oo-al�ning thta Seeurly Inetrument only to mat�p�, pr�nt, and convey th�t Borrower's Intera�t In th� Propaty �
<br /> � under Ihe torma of thla 9eourlry Instrument: (b) Is not pKSOmUy obllyvted tc WY the wmr �acurod by thla 8ecurtly Inswmant; and (c)
<br /> �prees 1h�t Lender and �ny olher Bortower rn�y oyree to mctend,modtly. lod�a�r or m�ko�nY �oco^�tno�ibn�wlin nqerd to tams ot ;
<br /> thls 3ecurlly InaWment or tho Note wkhout thet BoROwc�'s oonaent. �
<br /> 13. Loan Ch�rq�s. II the loan aecured by thli Seauity Inalrument la eubJect to a law whkh aets msxkiwm Iwn oherpea, �nd •
<br /> th�i�w It timUy Interprat�d so thet the Intereat or other loan chuqea copected ar to be coNected In conneotlon wHh ihe Iwn �neoeed the
<br /> pem�tted Iimit�, thQn; (�) �ny such toan charges eheU be reduced by ihe�mouM necaaaary to reduca tha eharqe to tha parmitlad Umit;
<br /> md (b) any aums akeady coNected irom Borrower wh�h exceeded permftted Amite will be refunded to Bortower. Lendar m�y choos�to
<br /> m�ka this rsiund by reducinq the principal owed under ths Note or by maWny�dkact p�yment to Bortowar. U�rotund roducw p►inelpN. .
<br /> � the mducllon wi�be treated�a e parllal prepeyment wNhout�ny{xepsyment chupe unde►the Note.
<br /> ' 14. NOtICYS. My noqce lo Borrower provided lor (n ihl� Securlty Inatrumtnt ah�q be yiven by deliverin9 H or by rmAlny ft by ikst
<br /> ol�ss m�A unlees �ppliable law requlrea uae o1 another malhod. Tha notice ahaU be dkeated to tha PropcKty Address or �ny othar
<br /> �ddress Bonower dasipr►stes by noUce to Lander. My nopca to LQnder sh�N be piven by flrst class mafl to Lendei s oddress suted herein
<br /> a �ny otha �ddress lender dealgnatee by notice to Bonower. My notbe providod fa in thls Sawrfty Inatrumart �h�U b�deeniad to
<br /> h�vo been qiven to Bortower or Lender when given as provided In thia poroqraph.
<br /> 15. Dovernfnp Law; Soverabllity. Thls 3ecuriry Instrument ahall be qovemed by ledenl law and the law of the jurisdicUon In
<br /> which the Property Is IocatEd. In the event Ihat any provisbn a clause o1 thia Security Instrument or Ihe Note contlfets with appNeable
<br /> • la�v,auch con�lct shall not aflect olher provlalons ol thls 3ecurity Inswment or the No1e whlch csn be glven effect wtthout the conlHctkiq
<br /> provielon. To thls end the provlalons ol this Searity InaUument snd th�Note are declar�d to b�seveqbla•
<br /> 18. Borrowor's Coqy. Borrower ahall be glven one eonlomied copy ol the Nota�nd ot tAis�rity Insirummt.
<br /> 17.Tran4tor of tho P�oporty or a Bonoflcial Intaroat in Borrowo�. If aq or eny pan ot the Property or ony Interesl
<br /> � In fl la sold or iransferred (or il e beneHckl Interest in Borrower is sold or trenaferted �nd Bortower Is not a natural peraon) wilhout
<br /> _ �....�..�....w W�n.��.�r„�,� lender rtuv. at ke ootlon,reauire immediate p�ymant in lull ot�U auma aecurad by Ihis Securily Inatrumenl.
<br /> � C�� Mowever.Ihis optlon shaN not be exercised by Lender II exerGse le prohibited by ledanl law�e of Ihe date of thla Security InsWment.
<br /> � H�ender exerdaes Ihla optlon, Lender shdl give Bonower nollee al accelenUon. The noUc� shatl provide e pe�lod of not less than 30
<br /> , • days lrom ihe data tha notica Is dotivered or moUerf wNMn which the Bortowar mu�l paY aM sums aeaxed by this Secu�ity In:Wment. II
<br /> Bortower INIa to p�y Iheae auma prlor to the expiretlon oi this perlod. LendK rtwy invoke any remediee permiqed by this Secu�ty
<br /> Mstrument wilhout Axther notke a demand on Bortower.
<br /> i
<br /> Wpe J ol 5 Furm J078 990
<br /> 1 F�029.1MU I�A21
<br /> I
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<br />