,�b �!` �. .... . �i�`+t(Z � �'"' �+r ���•.yq�•ii°,�:';n'��� l��,1.�`t ' � �75��:: Q I 't5. , �rtitr�il�I��t�ry�{�rrl'i Y,�i!7� - , F�.._^--
<br /> ' . . . � � ]IL I/
<br /> _ I� i� . ':_3y'T„i1�9�.fY� ''V✓!A�M'i�ef'1f�Mii'b�e hf�M: , ... . ► (•t-•16 � � )l�t. .n.. ..L ,w+•. .w/..+�.•�H��: �i����J,:�'�^ , R�_
<br /> J , ..l1=.6..�� ..3.� 'v��it.ir �..•:7�� r .�...a . . � ��i{, "'_ .._.�_-
<br /> _.. '� ' ' � .•h�N3E1r, 4 .. .. . . . .-fT n 'r�vl 5 U:` .
<br /> ,'-. ..s • � '
<br /> � .. . - ...�. �.u.�w.�«....�ri.. ....��.aM.r�� _� _
<br /> �! � ' . �, `.. V Y
<br /> � �� , , .'��� _ . -._�:.
<br /> '� - -
<br /> . _. . ...�....,...., _.. .. �- =:=���
<br /> .. 18, 6o►row�r'� Riqht to R�Ind�h. If Ban'ower R�eM�art�ln oondNio+���BoROwr sIW ha�lh�dphl to h�w�nforwnnnt ==
<br /> .. d•oontinu.a.� �ny um.prb►to�n. ..�I« or. t�) a d�w (or•uah o1nK p«+oe.. .ppNo.bt.I�w m.y.p.ay la nr�.utw�nq bMor.
<br /> � � wk o1 th�Prop�Ay P��^t to�ny powK of�N oonWn«!In ihl�8�aMItY InstturtNntt a(b)�nUy o1� JudP►�nt�nWraMiO thb 8�aidty
<br /> IMWmmt.Thot�aondldoM an thUt 8arrowK: c�� ww �«,d.►�wm.w� u�.n wo„w a�• ��� u��s.cu�►��.av�,«�� �nd ��__W
<br /> th�Nal��t N ao�caNratlon had oaoumid� (b) eura arry dMaull 01 my o1Mr oov�nt a�pnwn�ntr, (01 PM v�^�haw►�d In —
<br /> �nforcinp Ihb 8�wrily U�1rum�nt� Inoludln0, but not Mmlbd to� nnon�bl� �ttamyt' fwt: md (d) Uku Ruah �oUon u Undw ntiY �_-
<br /> • nnon�bly nquM�tu uwn Ihat ths Ilen o1 thlt 8eaudty InsWmmt, UndK'��lyhts Y►th�Prop�rtf��nd Bort�'w's obYp�tlon to p�Y th� �,--_M'
<br /> wms ncund by Ihls S�wrily In�pum�nt �hd oonthu� unalwiped. Upon nlnftd«n�nt by 8otrow�, thb 8�auilY In�trwmnt �nd ih� 6"`_�._..
<br /> � obNp�None eecurod h«.ny .naa r«�,Wn n,oy.n.auvo.• a no�oaamuon nad ooart.d. How.vK,�h�s �toni to ansau s�uu no�.apy h — - -
<br /> . ----�.T�----
<br /> �
<br /> . ., tl��o�e�of�awNr�tlan under panpaPh 17. �..`" —
<br /> � ' 19. 8d� of Notr, Chsnp� of I.o�n Sonricsr. rn• Not. o. • p.r�w �nt.na� �n �n• Not. (to0�har wflh ihls 8�outNy _
<br /> n�trummt)m�y be eotd aro or more tbnaf wllhout prla notbs to Bortowar. A MI�m�y nwq In� ah�np� h Ih� �nUly(known�s th� _
<br />� 'l.wn SKVloer") tlut ooNed� monthy p�ymeMa du� ueder th� Not� and Ihlt 8eaurity In�bummt. TI�� N�o rn�Y a �� °r ^10f� p�-
<br /> � tunpe� ol Ihe Lo�n 8arvicsr unret�ted to � wle of ihe Not�. If thw�Is �ohmp�of Iha Loan SwlcO►.BoRana►wi b� pN�n w�tte^ 1�e.°1r-�
<br /> ` ! �otlae ol the ohmqe In �acord�nce wflh p�r�pnph 1I�bo+s�nd �ppYuble I�w. Th�no1k�wAI�t�ts tlw mms u+d�dd�aa ol th�new
<br /> �£�:
<br /> ' ( lwu� gervieer �nd ths �ddresa to whkh paymenis thould be mod�. TM �otic� wY� �so co"ta�^ �^Y othar hfamaibn a4uked by -
<br /> �rr�';'
<br /> ' , N appYC�Wo I�w• ence, w�. dlspoMl. staa�o� or reta�e ol �ny 'a`�•��•:�
<br /> � . j � 20. H�zsrdous Subst��a�s. eonower �hail not a�us� or psmxl tA� pr�s that i�b �;':•s•_�,���"�.
<br /> � Ff�rckus Subst�nt�s an or in 11w PropedY. Bortower�ha�if not do� na�n.��iy:�ne r�as ia tta,aa�!l�tap atlsctlnQ the P►npnrty �r�Ir+��cv�_�
<br /> h
<br /> vlol�tlon of�ny fnvlronmenul l.�w. The preced�ng two sentencea shaA not appy to th�prasence,uss. nr ttora�e on the Property of smap �,:`"�'�-�..°
<br /> , � qwntrilas of Hat�rdous Subuanoe�th�t�n pa�a�ly r�copniLed to W�ppropria►s to namul mldenlW uu+ �nd to m�IMen�no�of tho :..,�—
<br /> . � P�P�Y• ovammontN or ��;;!:, .==--
<br /> Borrower ahall prompUy yNe lender written notbe of�ny Inve�dy�Uon.oWm,dem�nd,I�wauN or olher acltan by uiy 9 t .,�, .-��._�--
<br /> . , .• .'' `' ,, repuletay�penay or priwte psrty InroNinp the Property and eny Haardous Sub�Una a Environmeniwl Lew of whiah 8orrower h�s aotua �� �':� ,�,;-;��`
<br /> :.�,,,
<br /> •' t knowledge. If BoROwer leams, or is notl0ed by�ny govemmentel or repul�tory �uthairy. lhet any rernovel or ather remedlptlon ol u►y ,�;;;i��.,r.:,n�y;
<br /> . `��� Hu�rdous Sub:Unw �tleaUnp the Property ia �eowwry. 8ortowet shaN promptly t�k� �Y neceuary remodial oollons In accordanp wilh i .. .
<br /> � , '.;;. ;:;i,�;.�%; .; EnviromnenW l.�w.
<br /> . .I.�.' . :;;�rv_
<br /> ;;.''"�, �'r�': ' A� ueed k� thle p�npniph 20, 'Huudow Subst�naes' aro thoee tub�tanaes dellned �s tozla or huardoue nubstances by �.�,�
<br /> EnvkomnenW I.�w and the btlowlnp su6alanoes; q�eoline, k�osene, olber IUrnn�bk or toxb p�hoteum products, toxlo pesddde+ �nd �':s�•S`-•;�=R-
<br /> ;•;,t.' ,'-I �h
<br /> 4`"'
<br /> � hablcldes, voldNe solvanta. matariNa con1�InMp sebestos a fomwldshyde, �nd rn�oaotNe rt�t�is. As used In lhis panyraph 20, '�. . `
<br /> •Emironrnenul Law• me�ns federal I�w� �nd kws oi 1he (udediation when th� PropeAY �e loo�tod 1h�� r�kle to heallh, eeletY c►
<br /> �!�"�
<br /> . � onvkonmenW protectlon. ,
<br /> , NON�UNIFORM COVENANT3. 8orrowar and lender��i� iv�6Pii 8�i0 88Ti�OWOr j!!!O! !o ec4eloratton following ....����
<br /> 1 21. Acc�loratlan; R�modlos. Lendor sh y . ,'a1h
<br /> � Borrow�r's br�ach of any covonant or apreemont in this Socurity Instrument (but not prlor to
<br /> acaolaratlon undor paragraph 17 unloss applicable law p�ovidos othaneriso�. Tho notico shall spoaliy: (a)
<br /> tho dofault; (b) tha actlon raqul�ad to cu�a tha dotault; (c) a dato. not loss than 30 days trom tho data :���
<br /> � th� notla� is ylvan to Bor�owor. by which tha deiault must b� curod; and (d) that failuro to aura tha .
<br /> dofault on or botoro tho data �paciflod In tho notica may rasult In accoloratlon af tho sums aocurod by
<br /> thl� 8ocurity InEtrumont and sato of tho Proparty. Tha notico ahall furthor intorm Borrowor of tho right :���
<br /> to rolnd�t� a(tor accoloratton and tho rlyht to brinq a aourt �ctton to �ssort 1h� non-oxistanca of a �.
<br /> dahult or �ny othor dofanca of Borrowor to aacaloration aod �ala. It tha dofault Is not ourad on or
<br /> botoro tho dato apociilod In tho notico, Londar at Its option may roqulro Immodlato paymont in full of all ,
<br /> � � oum� secund by this Socurity Instrumont without furthor damand and may Invoke tho powor of sala and
<br /> any othar ramodlos pormNtod by applicpbla law. Londor shall bo ontitlod tv colloct all axpanaas .
<br /> � Incurrod In pursuinp 1he remedles providod in thls parapraph 21, Inaludinq. but not Ilmitod to. ,
<br /> r�asornbl� �ttornaya' fees and cost� of title ovldence. ,
<br /> � It th� powar of aalo is invokad� T�ustw �hall roaord a notica oi dafault in oach county In which s�ny
<br /> 1 pa�t of th� Proporty is locatod and 9ha11 mail coplos oi such natico In tho mannor prascribed by
<br /> � �pplicabl� law to Borrowor and to th� othor por�ons prescribed by applicablo law. Aftar the time
<br /> � nquirad by appllcoblo law, Trustoo shall �ivo publlc noNco of aalo to tho par�on� and In tho manner
<br /> I pr�scrll»d by applicabla law. Trustea, without domand on Ba�owor, shall soll tha Property at publlc
<br /> auotlon to tho hiphect biddor at tho tim� and plac� �nd undor the terms desiqnatod in tha notico of sale
<br /> , l In ona or moro parcala and in any ordar Trustao data�mi000. Tru�too may poatpona aalo of all or any
<br /> parcal of tho Proporty by publlc announcompnt at tho Nm� and placo of�ny proviously schadulod sala.
<br /> , �M ' Lander or tts dosfgnoe may pu►chasa tha Property at any sala.
<br /> '� Upon recoipt of payment of tho price bid� T�ustao shall dellvor to the purchaser Trusteo's deod
<br /> conveying the Property. The recitals in the T�ustoe's deed shall bo prima facie evidence of the truth of
<br /> • � tho at�tement� mada thorofn. Trustee shall apply tho proceeds of the sale In the following order: (a) to
<br /> all ao�ts and axpensoa of exercising tho power of aalo. and the 9ale, Includin� the payment of tho
<br /> Tru�teo's lees actually {ncurrod� not to oxceed 5 96 of tho principal amount of tha noto at the
<br /> � tima of tho daclaratlon of dofault, and reasonable attorney'a toes as parmitted by law; (b) to all sums
<br /> �9ocurad by this Socurity InatrumQnt; and (c) Any axcoas to thQ person or porsona Iogo��Y o�titled to it.
<br /> I 22. Reeonvay+�nco. Upon peyment ol atl suma aecured by this 3ecurity InaWment. Lender ahdl request Tnistee to reconvey
<br /> � the Property and ahap aurtender this Securlty InsWmont and aA notes evidendng debt secured by lhls Securlty Instrument to Trustee.
<br /> � T�uatee shall reconvey the PropeAy wUhout wartanry end without charye to the person o► Ptraons lapaly entUled to N. Such person or
<br /> ., persons shell pey eny recordalion costa.
<br /> • •� ��. C�Iu11hAa Trugtoo. 1 f!nder. �t Its ontion. mav from lime to time remove T�ustee and eppolnt a auccesaor Wstee to any
<br /> Trustee appalnted hereunder by en Instrument recadad In tha county In whlch this 3ecurity InaWment Is recorded. w�naut canveyance
<br /> oi the Property, auccQSSa tniateo shall succeed to all the tiUe.power�nd duttes conlerted upon Trustee hereln�nd by applicable lew.
<br /> 24. Roquost for Notico�. Borrower requasta thot copies of the notices ol delauR and sola be aent to Barower's address
<br /> whiCh la the Property Address.
<br /> i 25. Ridars to this Sacurity Instrument. If one or more riders ve executed by Bonower �nd reeorded together with Ihls
<br /> i
<br /> � 8ecudty Instrumenl, the coven�nts �nd ayreements o1 eoeh such rfder shaN be InCOrporaled Inlo and ahall �mend and supplemenl t a
<br /> I covenants snd eyreemenis of Ihls Secudty InstNment as il lhe rider(s)were a pert u��h�s SeG+�iN�nsUument.
<br /> � form J02B 9190
<br /> p�pa�ul S
<br /> IF1079.1M0(JH�I
<br /> F, � �
<br /> t{ f
<br />