1 s� " . �4a� 4'Ust :c'�A4y:...rE[:i�f1!:fl6[i.;,n• �Y '°c• �.' : .. _._ . . .... �:._...:.�.titcz �t��eyt av�. ......,_.. ----� - -
<br /> �� .�.w p ��.t: �.� �"�?.,- . �:s. '��•,.�._.,t a�:
<br /> - ��+� �t! .` , �. . ' . ,,r .
<br /> I� • .'�? � .��w.+m ,4•ut.,�. . -_—
<br /> . .'�r� �`, ._ '_.
<br /> . .
<br /> — .��d (
<br /> - -'--- " " '--" - ---.
<br /> �t � .�w Y1�� 4I�l�'M�1� �.2,•:t� _ y.. ... . _ -- �.. - . . - _._ ._�
<br /> .l
<br /> .. Funa In.n �nount not w�coNa th�nwdnwm omowa�I�ndK ar•(�rN r�Yt�d mortY�a��N�qut�ta ec�raw��.�orow — _
<br /> •• �ooamt und�r th�Nd�rW RMI E�t�t�SMtNm�nt Proo�dun�AW d tY111��nw�d�d Arom 1kn� b tLn�. 12 U.8.0.m601 �t s�q.('RESPAh�
<br /> . , ur���nahr law th�t y�Ms to tM Fund� ��N�ewr�nioun� H a.I.�ndK mry�st�rry tMm�ooN�at�nd hold Fund�In an�mourt
<br /> '! , - • nat W�oMd lh�Mssu�nwun4 L�ndK m�y�t�IM�mowN ol Md�dw an th�bab d airt�nt dd��►d rosa�M�qmW�af —
<br /> ' .. �dhr�s d t�fiwr B�orow ItMns a oth«wis�In�oord�na wNh�pplo�bM bw.
<br /> � � �• m.Fund� �iW b�hNd In�n MttlWUon whow d.Ew.x,w hw►.a by.ad«.i.�noy,tn.wnMn�►,«.mKy M�+�w�«�a�►,r
<br /> ',�„ t, Lwidu la wah�n InslMulbn)a In�ny F�d�ral Han�Lan Btnk. Laidw sfu�Mpty 1M Funds lo pry tM Esorow It�nt. L.mdR m�y not __
<br /> ,
<br /> ; . . ah�rp� 8orrow�► la holdln0�d�PWY�O th�Fundr�wwdY�n�ytwW tha�aow a000uni.or v�1(ykip th�E�arow thna�w11N�L�nd�► ---
<br /> �. . py�Bortowr InUnst on th�Fund�md op�laibM I�w P�n'�t+��to mtlt�suoh�alw'0�- How�rw�Undr nay r��in BoROw�r to _..,,,_.
<br /> ' - �.. �.-.: -- --�--
<br /> ' pry�on►tkr�ahorp�b►�n Ind�Prnd�nt rwl�tttl�Wt nportinO sm'Io� Uad by I.mtN►b eonn�otla�wllhh this lo�n,wdra�pp(lo�bta � .._ -- --'
<br /> �• . ' law ptovid�s WhMwlse. UnMs��n�pr�►wnt h m�d�a�p�o�1�M I�w nquins iMwst to b�p�id�l.�nEw�hY nat b�nquind to MY -- -
<br /> ' " N Bortaw��ny ht�rat a �uninps on th�Funds. Bortow�r�nd UndK m�y�prM N wrNkip� howhr�r� that Int�nst tIW b� p�ld on th� ___
<br />�^ � Fundt. l�ndv sh�M qlve to Horrowr, wHhout oiwp�.an umwl�ooanihp of th�Fund�� �owYip aedll��nd dabiu to th�Funds�nd �-°
<br /> •'.'�'';. , th�purpou lor whiah Moh d�bU to Ih� funcla was m�d�. Th�Fund� �n pNdp�d u �dditlon�l ��ulty fa�/ waa�sooia�d bY 1l�is
<br /> , d bU --
<br /> � j•�..��;�.��..��'�,ir,�,::,.:.• �Y IR{pW1�nL aro�::.:�=-
<br /> � . . M tix Fudis hMd by l� pcas�d Ihs �mounU pumitlad lo b�haid by�ppYc�bN I�w.Lmdr sh�1 �ccant W Barowar for tOw �`g `;,�:: _=
<br /> ( 1�:, � �,' rr+�.,,c;4 �s� Furd�h�ccadrr►a wlth th� r�pdram�nts of�ppYcabl�law. fl Ih� Nnount ot Ih� Fwda Mid by l�nda�! �ny th» M not y` Y
<br /> �__.
<br /> , :•�;;. ,; ' w�t eo p�y tM Escrow Items when du�� l.rndrr m�y so notly Barow�r In w�tinp. m+d, tn weh o�e�8orroww shal p�y to Undev r ' "� -- -
<br /> - . . - _ -� . - t1+a�niount n�sary w nytce�r th� d�AONnaY. 8arowor st�aN aaik� up th� deMi�r�in no awr�tlwn twdw moMhty p�ymenu, at c"��.�;�-_--
<br /> .�r..��_,�..- _
<br /> �anaa►�s.ole ah«Mia,. _.�
<br /> Upon p�yrc�ent In Np o1 aA wrt►s saa�ad by this S�cuity kuhunwnt,L�nd�r sh�l promptly rofimd l0 8arowar�ny Fund� hdd by �
<br /> • .. Lander. H. under pu�yraph 21, lendor sh�N�quka a sd tho Prop�rty. UndK� Pdor to th�acqulslUon a u�le of th� PropRh►. �h�0 F.s_,^.��`�•"-
<br /> ' �pply�ny Fuads hNd by Lender�t the tD�w o1�cqulsilbn a ud�u�andlt�p�inu th� wrru s�cund by Ihls Sacudly In�WmanL �;�t—s����=
<br /> . 3. Applbatlon of P�yRlont�. lMles� �ppGcat� I�w providea olhMwla�� �M Pefm�e^b rx�ivad by lend�r unda pa�Yr�Ph� 1 r "1"'"�� '-._
<br /> d W �mwnt� a lo under perapraph 2; thYd to ��_;��"�_�_
<br /> and 2 sh�x be appWed: fkal, to �ny prepeyment chuqe� due under the Nots; seaon , P Y� �fi,_
<br /> �'�:�a v-=
<br /> , . iM�nst dua;IouAh,to prindpd due;�nd u�t,to any Nt�chup�s dua und�r th�Noto. �ti_,�--
<br /> 4. Chupo�; Uan�. BoROwer ah�l pay�N t�ca�, ��s�sem�nis, ah�r�a, Ma and Impositlons�tlr�u4bte to Ib� P►operty which �
<br /> i :
<br /> ;�S'�.•�
<br /> m�y�thh pdaity ova this Security Insbument,�nd IMwhold paym�nU a pround�ts���ny. Bor►owa�haq p�y tha�obGp�tion� In �.y,�:`�;y:,��{;-,_�
<br /> the m�nnw povld�d tn parapraph 2,w H not pdd In that mmner,Borrow�r sIW p�y th«n an tim�dlna�N lo th�pwson owad payment. ;' , . .
<br /> ' ' 8ortowa sh�l prompty fumish to Lender�q noGoea ol unounts to b� pald undw thls p�n�r�ph. If Borrowu m�ka tha�p�ymenls �;��,;-9�. `�-
<br /> dlr�oUy. Borrawer eh�U promptly fumish to Lende►receipts avidenahp Ih�paymwNs. s�.,�..:atc�:+:.
<br /> .. ...,
<br /> � Bortower sh�N prompty dl�ch�ro��ny Ilen whlah hn pdo�ity ov�r tMs 3�curfly In�Oumrnt unlas Bortoww: (a)�pnss In w�(tkW to the '._�._ _� �'
<br /> --__---- i�Y�"e^t of the o'�.:,�Uon �eeurad by the Yen in�m�nm►�cwPUbb to l�nder; (b) eont„ts In qood t�qh the pen by�a dd�ndt��Inst :.:.. _'�; -
<br /> enioroement d ihe Uen In, lepd proceedinpa whioh In the Londer'� opinlon op�raU to prwa�t th��ntorcMn�nt ol th�ien; a(e)s�cuna �`� � •• `" �
<br /> irom the hoWw of the peo�n �preement wdafactory to Lendci�ubordh�Wq th�I'iai to thl� Securhy InswmonG II Lender determinos Ihd h. .
<br /> ' any p�n af Ihe Properry la sub�eet to • Nm whlah m�y attain pbtlry ova thls Searity Inahument, Lender m�y yhre Bortowa a noties E
<br /> IdeMilyfnp the Uen. Barowar �haQ wUaty lhe Yen a Ww on� a rtare ot th� �cdons wt talh �bow within 14 d�ye ot the pMinp ol � +�-
<br /> „ aoUce. ; ,
<br /> � 6. Hwrd or Prop�rty Inauranao. Borrowx ahaQ keep tha 4uprovernenta now exlatln0 c►hare�Rer etected on the Property �•`•:. .
<br /> ineured �qairot loat by tke,h�zuds inctuded w8hin ihe term'extended eove►ape'end�ny othar hozWds,Inctudinp tbods or floodiny,ta � � �
<br /> whkh Undar�aqukas Insurance. Thia lnwnince shaY ba malntainW in Ihe artwunis �nd ta tho paiods that Lendor raquiras. The `
<br /> (nsuranc� canler provWinq lho Insunnee thall ba ehos�n by Barow�r subJect b Lendo►'� approval wh�h shall not be unreason�bly -
<br /> I withhald. If Bonower hlts to malntatn covenpe desalbad �bor�,Lendw may,�t lendrr'� apt�on,cbtak� covar�qa to protoct Laidar's F " �1',.,`3
<br /> . f dyhh In lhe Propaly in�ccad�nce wHh puaynph 7. ' . �^���'.
<br /> AA InsuMCe polides md renewals shall be acceptable to Lendar pnd ehap Indude a alandard mort�ye dowe. Lender thap hava t �=-::=
<br /> the dyht to hold ihe poNcles and renwvate. N Lender requkas, Borrower ehel prompUy yNe to Lender aA recelpta of pdd preiNum�and ' '' '`_��
<br /> renawal noticea. In the event ot loee, Bonowa�h�ll qhra prompt notlee to th�In4uranc�caRier�nd Landar. Landar nwy rndu Prooi o� � �Js�'
<br /> . . ,:�:..� .: bss q nW rn�de�xomptly by 8orcower. . . -�:��^.
<br /> ' , , • � Untess lender�nd Bortower othe�wlae a9ree In wrltlnp,Inaur�nca p�ocaeda ehaN be appUed to rottoraQan or repalr of tha Property ;
<br /> ' ." d�rn�yed. H the reatonUon w repalr Is eeo�omlcaAy te�stble and Lender'e sacurNy h not lesaened. If tha reatoratlon a repd► la not
<br /> ' • , eeonomlully Ieaaibte w Lendar'a eewrity would be leasenod, the Inauranee proc�eds ah�p be appUQd to the suma eoeured by thla , -
<br /> 3ecwity InsUumont whether or not then due,wllh any excets pald to BoROw�r. If 8orrower abandons ihe Propeity,or doos nol anawar
<br /> � within 30 d�ya � notke hom Lender th�t the iniunnee urtler h�� oH�ed to sMUa � cidm, then Undar m�y collect tha Insuranc�
<br /> ' ' proceed�. L�nder rtwy usv the proceede to repak or reatare the Propedy or to psy sumt s�curod by thla 3ac�rity Insinnnant,whetMr ot � , � .
<br /> r. .
<br /> not then duo. The 30•day perlod w�l bepin when tho notice la plven. .
<br /> UnlQSS Lender end Bortoww othe�wlae ayree h wrfliny.�ny �ppYcaUon ol proceeds to princlpal ahall not extand or postpona tha duo
<br /> , d�te of the monlhy poyments refenQd to In paraqrapha 1 �nd 2 or change the amount of ihe paymeMs. II under parayroph 21 the
<br /> � � Property Is acquked by Lander,Borrower'a riyht to any Insuronce policies and proeeeda naulUnq hom damayo to tha Property prla lo iha � .
<br /> ' aequlatUon ahell pasa to lender to the extent ol the auma aecured by thla Seeurily Instrumenl Irnmediatey prlor lo the�equlsiqon. '
<br /> 8. Occupancy, Preaervation� Maintanaaeo and Protectton of th� Proparty; Borrowar'� Loan ; '
<br /> Appl(C�tia11; Loaaoholds.Borrower ehell occupy, aetabllah.�nd use the Properly as Borrower's principol reaidance within alxty deys
<br /> dler the execuHon ol this Security Instrument and ahall continue to occupy tha Properly �s Borrower's prtntlpal residence for at leasl ona
<br /> � � yesr�Rer the date of occupency, unlesa lender otherwise apreea in wrNMq, which conaent sheA not be unreasonahly withheld,or unlesa
<br /> extenuatMy dreumatoncea exist whfch are beyond 6onow�r's control, Bonoww sho0 not deslroy.damage a impair the Prope►ty.allow the
<br /> Rvpe�ty to doterbrate,or commR waste on the Property. Borcower shaq be in defwR It any brfeilure acUon or proceediny,whelher dvll a
<br /> laY�al,ia beyun th�t In Lendei a yood IaHh �udgment could resuq In lo�telture ol the Propeity or otherwise mate�ialiy Mpelr tht Uen
<br /> C►6�190 Dy iIMS `3@CUIIIy IIISINIIIEIII IX LEf10B►6 6@CUfily ml6rvai. oini�win �iMy wio iu�:.: �'�.c�'�"..'.:.~:�.C�. :�.�.�::�..' ••�I.1�.1 4.NI1Mr1M
<br /> ��'.�..�'�
<br /> 18,by ausNp the�ction or proceodiny to be dlsmisaed wlth � rul:np ihat,In Lender's yood fallh delerminatton,precludes lortelture ot the
<br /> Bortowe's lMereat In the Property or other material Imp�irment of the 4en awted by this Secur:ly Inahument or Lender'a security Interast.
<br /> 8ortower sMA �lao be in deteult H Bonower. during ihe losn �pplicatfon proeese, y�ve m�terlaNy lalsa or In�ccunte Informatlon or
<br /> et�tements to Lender (or INled to provide Lende� with �ny materiol hlomwtlon) in cannectfon with the toan evldencQd by the Note,
<br /> inctudlriy, but not Ymited lo. repreaentallons conceminp Bortowera occup�ncy oi lhe Property ae a principal residence. II thls Securiry
<br /> � Instrument ia on�le�tohold. Bonower ah�Y comply with�M Ihe provlsiona ol the le�ae. II Bortower�cqukea fee till�to the PropcKty,ihe
<br /> la�sahold and lhe 1ee Ulle sh�p not merye uhleao ihe Lander�yre�t lo Iho moryer In writ(ny.
<br /> Peqe 2 0}S Fcrm 301E 9,'90
<br /> � F1029.LM0(J/971
<br /> . �� ' _'
<br />