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<br /> n�i:h:;¢!a's.k,_••'�„'��_� applicablc lew may spccify for�einatetement)before sale of thc Praperty purxuunt to any power oi sale containcd in this
<br /> .::���-� —°- �, Secu�ity Inswmenr.or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this 3ecuriry Inswment. Thoca condilions arc thet Borrower: (n)
<br /> .�t�-°,--.
<br /> "�M .�;3.— paya Lender all sums which then would bo due under thix Secudty Insqument and the Note oa If no acceleration had
<br /> _;�,� �r�� � , �. occurred;(b)cures any defoult of a�y ather covenants or agreementa;(c)pays�II expenxea incuRed in enforeing Ihis Secu�ity
<br /> .�?�:��,��,��:�..�"' Instrument,including, but not limited ta, rrae�onable atlorneys'fees; and(d)takes such action as Lender may reaconobly
<br /> requi�e ta aRxuN�hat the licn of this Security Insuument,l.enderk�ights in the Praperty and Borrowcr's obligation to pay the
<br /> ' �`'R• �••�'i��:••.; � sums secwed by this Security Instrument shall continue unchwiged. Upon reinstulement by Borrower, this Secu�f�y
<br /> ''� �,+ � ���''`�; • • � I�strument and the obligations secured hereby shall remuM fully effective as if no acceleration had accurred. Howaver,this
<br /> i�"'' ri t to reinstute shall not a 1 in the cuse of uccelerntion under nrn ra h!7.
<br /> : . .'�.°... ; 8t► Pp Y P 8 P
<br /> ;. _ '�;�r: •; � 19. 3We oi Note=Chpnge o�l.oAn Servker. The Nate or a partiel interest in the Nate (together with thix Secudty
<br /> ''`; �,�;,;;_,,, -^ i Instrument)may be sold ona or more times without prior nutice to Borrower. A sale mny result in a change in the entfty
<br /> '�� �� � � (known as the"Loan Servicer")thnt collects monthly puyments due undar the Nate and thia Security Instrument. Tttere ulsa
<br /> ;,�.:a,.:, � . i
<br />'���,, . , may be ona or more changes af the I..oun Servicer unrelated to u sals of tha Note. If there is u change of the l.oan Servicer.
<br /> V I Borrower will be given w�itten notice of tha chaoga in accardance with puragrnph 14 nbavs and applicAble law. The notice
<br /> �"'�'�""'�� "�"` •will slate the nume and address af the naw Loan Servicer and 1he uddreas ta which payments shauld be msde. The notice will
<br /> , ' � alw contain any other information required by�pplicuble luw.
<br /> ' � ` � 20. Hazardoua Su�tances. Borrower shall not caure or pertnit�he presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> ;;': ,_,;,;;�:;:,;w;,:.--_ ;, . , Hazsudous SubsWnces on or in the Property. Borcower shall nat da, nar uUow unyonc clse to do,anything affecring the
<br /> -::;, •+`�- :�•�.•.�. �`.- Propeny that is in violalion af any EnvironmenU►1 Law. The preceding two rentences shall not Apply to tha prer,ence,use,or
<br /> storage on Ihe Prupeny of smnll yuuntities of Hazardous Substances that are genarally recognized ta be appropriala to normAl
<br /> J "' r•;I residemial uses und�o msintenance of the Propehy.
<br />�,;:� . . �'..
<br />;' � �•'.•�• .��t;b ��. ,� •.,p,_, .. Borrower shall promptly give Lender written natice of uny inveatigalion.cluim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br />�;�' `__h " _ , I governmemal or regulutory agency ar private psutiy involving the Propeny and any Haxurdoua Subs�ance or Environmental
<br /> q�':�' . " - � ' L�w of which Barrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, ar is natified by uny govemmental or regulutay
<br /> � '� �I„-�• '•,' .:::; �. authority,that any remova)or olher remediadon of uny Hs�u►rdous Substonce affecting the Propany is necessuy. Borrower
<br /> .,.�.
<br />�`�^~ ' °' ' ' shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in uccordance with Environmental l.aw.
<br /> ' "� " ' As used in ihis parag�uph 20,"Haz•rrdaus Substunces"are those substnnces defined as taaic or hnzardous aubstances by
<br /> ,. .;;;
<br />''t ° •' �'�i'�' Environmental Law and the follawing xubsiances: gasoline,kerosene,olher flammable ur taxic petroleum producis,toxic
<br />�.a ,. �:if�as.5 . .:�,
<br /> �,: pesticides und herbicides, volutile �olvems,ma�eriuls comuining usbestos or formnldehyde,and radiouctive materials. As
<br />��> � . ° � used in this parngraph 20,"Environmentul Low"meunx federul luws wid laws of tlti.)uriulictian where the Property ia located
<br /> �-'�'•• ° that relute to heaUh,safely or emironmentul protection.
<br />'� � ;;•;. NON-UNIFORM.COVENANTS. BoRC►wer und l.ende�Punher covenunt and ngrea us foilows:
<br />� �� 21. Acceleration; Remedtes. Lender shall gfve noUce to aorrower prlar to acceleraUon following Sorrower's
<br />" � breACh of Any covenant or ngreemeot in this Securily inst�ument�but not prior to acceleration under paraqraph 17
<br />�. . ' '. uoless wpplicable Iqw provides otherwise►. The notice aball xpeciPy: (a1 the dePaull:(b)the AcUon reqaired b cure tbe .
<br />��_ deiaull;/cl a dnte,not lesv than 30 dAVS f'rom the date Ihe natice is R�ven lo Borrower.by which the default must be
<br />� • � cured;�nd Idl lhal iAilure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the nutice mpy result in accelerntiop o�,
<br />� . � � the sums secured by this tiecurily Inslrument and sale oP the Propertv. The notice shall i'urther iniorm Borrower of
<br /> ' the right to�efnstate aiYer acceleration and Ihe riRht Io brinR u court Action to Asserl lhe non-existence oP a dePault or
<br /> ' � eny other dei'ense ot Borrower Io ucceleration and rale. IP the default i.c not cured on or beFore the date specifled In
<br /> � , � , the notice.Lender Af it�aption muy rcyuire immedinte pavment in Full nf ull Rums secured by thix Security Inslrument
<br /> � . without furiher demand and muy im•okc the puwer of sele and any othcr �emedies permitted by s�pplicable law
<br /> ��„ Lender shull 6e entilled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided fn tbix�parngrAph�21.
<br /> � ineludMR,but not Iimited tu.reusonuble utturneys'rees and cusis uf titk evidence.
<br /> � �� , IP the power nf snle is invoked.7�rustee shull record a notice of defuult in euch cuunty in which any.part,of the
<br /> Property is located and shall muil copies of Auch notice in the munner prescribed by�ppUcwble Iww to Borrower�nd to
<br /> ' ti � the other pervuns prescribed by upplirable lu�v Ai'ter the lime reyuired by applicuhle IAw,'I�ustea shall Rive public
<br /> � � nutice of xnle to the penon�;and in the munner preRCri6ed bv upplicablo Iwv 'IY�u�tee.withuuf demund on Bor�ower.
<br />, ' . � shall sell the Prupe�ty at public auct�un tu Ihe hiuhesl bidder at 1h�lima und pluce and under Ihe terms design�ted in
<br /> ' � . the notice of 4ole in one or morr pur�rls und in unv order'llrutitee dete�minox. 'I�utilee may pnslpone sule ot all or any
<br /> " '�����'��� parcel of the Property b��public annnuncement�t the Nme und pluce of�nv pre�•iouKly r�heduled!u�k. Let�der or itg
<br /> y�''�'` '„ desi�nee may purchase fhe Property al ony sale.
<br /> , , ,,..
<br /> -''"� Upon receipt oP puyment uf Ihe price bid,7'ru�lee ghall defl�•er lo the purchuser 7Yustee's deed com•eyfng the
<br /> ' � ' ° " Property. The recitols in Ihe 7Yuxt��e's deed.r•hull be primu fucie e�•idenre oP the 1ru1h of tbe statemenis mAde therein.
<br />�z �%��� , 71�ustee shall apply Ihe prucNedK oYlhe sule in the Pi�llowin�order: lul lo ull cowr und rxprmex of exerctsing ifie power
<br />:j ., ..
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