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<br /> - ' I ti, � .
<br /> �/ _ti1 ,
<br /> �_ � /.
<br /> !
<br /> —' �iaK't'�._
<br /> � _—_-- ���� .
<br /> ot asle �ad tbe edq lacludlag the p�ya�ent o�Ibe'lFwtee'�fe�actually(ncurrcd.aat io e�yed �g.0 '��
<br /> tbe principal waaual of the ade at tl�e U�ae d the decl�ratlon ot de�iWb�pd naa�oaable attorneyi rea�wpenaltted
<br /> by uwi(b)to dl wam�Mc�u�d ey Ihis 8�curity fu�trra�nti�ad lc)aay e�+s W tUe perw�or penow le�lly eudtNd
<br /> a�.
<br /> 22. Recoaveyonce. Upon payment o(�U�uma secured by this Securfty[�utrument. Lcnder sholl reque�c 7tuetee to
<br /> ---..��' rcconvey thc Praperty�nd shall �urrender �hls Secudry �s�� u�t W��y �d widUaut„chu�e to�tho peb�yon fo*P�n�
<br /> 1nstMmcnt to'Ih�tee. 7tu�ta chnll reconvcy Iho P�o�x y
<br /> _._..� lo�ally entitled to it. Such petsa�or persona�hull pay any nrordxtion coa�s.
<br /> --- --- -— --,
<br /> -�- -_ - - - Y3. Subolllute 7lruslect. Lcndcr. ut its opdon.may from lime to time romovc 1tuslee ond appolm a succtxsor uurtee
<br /> � any?huWee appofntod hercunder by an instrument rccorde� in thc caunty in wl�ich Ihl� 3ecurity ]natrument is recarded•
<br /> Wlthout conveyance af Ihe PropeAy� the succercor uusta s1w11 cueeeed w pll the titk, power nnd dutia confared upon
<br /> ---- 'Ituslea herein and by applicable law. • '
<br /> —___.s__—=._.�--,� 24, Requesl tor Notice�. Harrower ra�ueotr tlwt copies of tha naicey of default and eale be sent w Barowerk�ddre�a
<br /> ���� which is�he Property Address.
<br /> r,,,�,.,,a;�;,p�;�;.� 2S. Riders to Wlv Security lastrument- �f one or mare dders are executed by Borrower and recorded togetlxr with
<br /> -=°°�= " �ti_"�._"��� this Security In.�trument.tha covenonta end agrcements of ench such dder ahall be incorporated into and ahall Amend and
<br /> ,�;�;�f`-�,�. supplement the rnvenams and a�reemenu of�his Sccudty Inxtrument as if ISu rider(s)wcre a part of this,Security lnstrumen�
<br /> _ -�:�,�_=_ (Check appticabis bo�(ev)l
<br /> ��s+�.�-��:���•� �1-4Famil Rider
<br /> ���;,;� �Adjust�ble Rate Ridcr �Condominium Rider Y
<br /> ��a���.rrs �Biwakly I'aymcnt Rider
<br /> �� �oraduacd Payment Ricler �Planned Unit Development Wda
<br /> -•-�-�r�`�►
<br /> �� �Second Hoa�e Rider
<br /> —`y"-�`�"'`�"���`''" �Rate ImpmvemeM Rider
<br /> �.��t T��,�:c►�; p Balloon Rider •
<br /> � -�'�'���..� :
<br />�� �aw�,,�r"� Otherls)ISPecifYl Acknowledgement
<br /> -� .�.. �-= a
<br /> . ..<<.:.,.:,.
<br />�"' � �"�'�`"� BY SIGNINCi BELOW,Borrower acceptg and agrees to�he terms and covenrnts contained in this 3xurfty I�saument
<br /> ' '°� � und in any rider(sl executed by Borrower andrecorded with it.
<br /> . _ '�'�'a`•Jf~ ..
<br /> ^�..wf�+'• .
<br />_ _ "� „ W�dICS�CCS:
<br />_ _. . ',;,.,�.:?.�ut. � � _.(Seal)
<br /> °""'��"i'�''""�`^t'' arl 4�eyne �`j-t 631 38 7314 ��
<br /> �- ���
<br /> '�L�"�►'�r��y.ti��,:;:';F � 3aia Security Numbq�
<br />,,�� .:£{.,�:., ; � l)l
<br /> :� i•��:I••;.s;;'��� ,,1 w 0� �V ($CAI)
<br />=;��� ' .;'�"';'�:•: ' Carol A Switzer •B°"'°w`r
<br /> :m�(, � � ' Sacial Securiry Number �5 48 6186
<br /> ;:_� �
<br /> ��.
<br /> r� � . .. ,�.. •• , STATE OF N6BRASKA. County ss: Hell
<br />�;.�, ��^ '�, On this 22nd duy of April� 1992 ,before me,thc undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> �f'' � '��' duly commissioned und qualified for sAid county,personully came Carl Wayne Switzer and Carol A
<br />_-',,� . ' �` _
<br /> �,�� � Switzer f Husband and Wi fe) to me known to be the
<br /> �:'J ,;�;';;q�� . �' identicul persons(s)whoee name(xl ure subscrihed to the foregoing ingtrument and seknowledged the exeeution thereof to
<br /> ' _f�+l�.;.,;,,,..�... ; � t he ir voluntury uct un d dce d.
<br /> ��r� J_;•`;��x�+,!k'.;f•"''�•;��:` � Witnesa my hund and notarful set�l al Grand Island, Nebreska _ in said counry.�he _
<br /> _ :'��. , . ,,,.i� d �
<br />_ ,; • �,:,,;. ��pp1���!..�� r.►...�. /
<br /> = �1�i.�_ ' C ���Kwyr ./ln�1 �• a_� 4 _
<br /> ���j. v'. �... .�:���•jti �
<br /> `:,} , ,�r;... . . CN IS L.fUSK1E Nutory Public
<br />- ,r:'.:;'.Y.
<br /> • .•�•:,,i�, , ,, Ary Comm.Exp.ikc.29,1991 REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br />,,s,,�` :.�v*. ;r:::;. TO TRUSTE��
<br /> ( .J�......i. 4�)�
<br />_ Thc undcrsigned is ihe holder of�he notc or notes�ecured by this Dced of 7tu�t. 5oid note ar notcs,together with all
<br /> V��• � �� `� other indebtedness secured by�his Decd af'Tru+t,huve been puid in full. You urc hercby directed to cancel said note or notes
<br /> � ���•l und this Decd of 7Yu.r•t,which are delivcred hcreby,ond to rcconvey,without wartanty,aU the ewtate now held by you under
<br /> this Deed of 7ivst to the per�on cx perxonx legally entiUed thcrcto.
<br /> T '
<br /> " Date:
<br /> . FiNNI W]it 9/90 f/wRe A�,j6/iaRrsl
<br /> �• � , '!
<br /> i. .
<br /> � ..
<br /> { .,�-. �--.�� - -- .—. , . . ..-,. ' ,. `• ,i,�.. .-.. _.,-,
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