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._ <br /> �". .�.� �'�'"�"� ,,,,:� <br /> �r� - � +M- _ -- <br /> -,,, — ! � .� �:. ,. - r� ; .- �'� <br /> ��., . - - - - - <br /> -�=. .--t.,.. — I� <br /> ,��. �,,,,.:Mti:�:�=�_ � 9L--�!a'�o - <br /> � �� condemnwtiun ar mher tukinR of wny pon of�he f'�operty.rn'fw conveyunru in licu of wndemnu�ion,ure hereby tucri�ned w�d <br /> -- ._� rh�ll be paid to l.endcr. <br /> - In �he event af u total tuking of the Pmpeny, �he pt�uceeds ehall be upplied to the suma +�eecured by Ihis 3ecurity <br /> --- In,tn�ment, whethcr or not�hen due,wi�h uny exceKS paid to BoRawer. In Ihe event af u puAial taking of thc Praperty in <br /> � t,..,,:�ti,,�,,,�_� which the fair murket volua of the Property immcdiutely before thc taking is equal ta or greotc�thun thc amount af the sumg . <br /> ��"'�-�'-� xecured by thfx Securlty In�tn�mcm immcdiutely hefore�hc tuking,unless Barruwer nnd Lender otherwir�e�gree in wdting, <br /> f��_�.�_� the xuma�ecured by this Security Instrumem xhnli be reduced by the amaunt of the pmceedr mul�iplied by tho following <br /> _�- _ _. . fraction, (iq�h��niul emcwnt of�he Kum�.�xun:d fmmediately befare the tuking,divided by(b)the fuir market value of tha <br /> - ---_----°�•� Prapehy immediately befarc Ihc tuking. Any buloncc�hull be puid to eorrower. In the evcnt uf u partial tuking of tl�e - <br /> �. ' t�•��� Property in which thc fuir murket valuc of the Propeny immediurely befbre the wking ia lcss thon the wnount of the sums <br /> 70��=�^7����_..�.� recured immediately brfore �hc tnking,unlew� Burrowcr und L¢nder otherwiRe agrec in w�iting or unlcsx applirable law <br /> ---- _--•.-.*� otherwir,c provides,the proceeds r;hall 6c upplfed to the suma securcd by this Security Insl�ument whether or not the rums ane <br /> „.�..- - Ihendue. <br /> a�,.i���;d".��; i: <br /> t, k�y.�•r; If the Pmpeny is abandaned by B��ROwer,o�if,ofter natice by Lende�to Borrawer thut the candemnor offers to ma{ce <br /> i'Z,'�:�:!,�,�s��...�... ..: <br /> �r��-�,..•,...:,•m� y. un uw�ud or settle a clwm for damngeq.Horrawer fnils to respond to Lender within 30 duyti ufter the date the notice iR given, <br /> __ .•+�'��i:M„ Lender is awhorizcd to coUect und apply the prucecdti,at its optfan.either W reatorution or repuir of'the PropenY ur W the <br /> - - _----_ - : sums necured by�hix Security Insmimem,whethe�ornot ihen due. <br /> - '� �:�ri Y �y Utde.r�Lcusei rnd iiorrowcr athcnsise agree in �Yriting, j+ny up;�ti�ution of procecds w principul shall not extend or _ <br /> �,'�'•` ,'�''�i!9�:�•*��''�►,`W` � poslponc the due date of the monthly paymcmr:rafarred to in pnrugrnphs I und 2 or changc the amaunl of auch paymenta. <br /> . '';`u,:""'�`"'.' ��••� 11, Borrower Nat Released; Forbearance By Lender Not A WAiver. Extension af the time tor payment or <br /> .i+?�y�{.i`r• 4._ <br /> =;sl�:�,`�,��;,; ,��,� � mcxlificutiun of amahizAtion of ihe sumx secured by this Security Instrument gronted by Lender to any sucoesror in intcrest <br /> � ��':u���t���{�'._ � of Borrower shall not opert+te ro r+elenr,e the liubility of the originul Sarrawer or Borrower's successars in intemst. Lender <br /> -_ ;�,;i.�";R;,,,; � shnll not t►e requi�d tu cummence prceeedingc ugAin�i Any succe�sor in interew or refuse to extend ame for payr�xnt or <br /> —_'-';..M<o�•e�.�;c. - . I otherwi�e madify umani�.ution of the sum�+ecured by this Security In.r•trument by rea.�on of any demand Inude by the orlginal <br />_- -�:' ;;,,.;,`;;{��:;;; Borrawer ar Brnrower's guccessars in intcrest. Any forbesuo�ce by Lender in exercising any right ar Ye�dy ahall noi be a <br /> =���• � '�" ' ' wuiver oi or pteclude the exercire of any right or remedy. . <br /> ` " �� - 12� Successars and AsslQns Bound;Joint and Several l.labillly;Caslgners. The covenanGc and agreements of�hia <br /> ,�A//ini.t�y(.',�c;,': � • <br /> .':'�...::'��\T�;��:• <br /> .�rs.s�.•-.._. Security In�slrumeM shull bind und benefit the succestiorc And nssign4 uf Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions of <br /> '•-'�'# ,i,:;;....... . �. <br /> °-=� :�t'��:+�,yr�,y:-:,,�;A;,,`f f• purng�aph 17. BoROwerk covenums und ugn:emenlx �hull h e j o i n t a n d �e ve ml. An y Borrower w'ho co-aigns this Security <br />:"_��. ,�a;°,,;,,..t.:�,,�:ga,,��� Insirumem but does not execute the Nute: (a) is ca-xigning Ihis Securiry Instniment only ta mortgnge.grant nnd convey that <br />_'��� h,., � • kA;,A BoROwer's interest in�he Propcny under the terms of thi�Security Instrument; (b)iti not persanally oblignted to puy the sums <br /> ����" s:ecured b this S�curit Instrument;und(c)a�reex�ha�Lender and any other Borrower ma a ree to ea�end,modif .forbear <br /> Y <br /> - �° ��• a or muke uny accommcyidations wi�h rc�urd to the lerm� of this Security Instrument or he Note without that Borrower� <br />.�f�� :,N�r:►w.s�;..�_ consen�. <br />_ - -° �.s3,�:1..�.L--__,+.. ,•�_ 13. l.oan Charg�..w. If the laun xecured by �his Security In4lrument is subject to n luw which�sets mu�cimum loan <br /> _ � <br /> °'`,,� ' � •� ' .. churgex,and Ihw law i+finally int�rpreted xo[hat the inleres[or other iuuo ci�a���es collcrtcd or ta be collectes!la cons►N'ti�n <br />�'r�" � wi�h tho loun excecd the pem�ined limi�s,then: (n)uny such loon rhurge shull be reduced by the utn�unt neceawtry to reduce <br />: . "`��,:-.�,��!: the chnrge ta the permitted limil;�nd(b>uny�um�uln:udy collected from Borrower which exceeded pem�illed limi4�will be <br /> . '.""��',' refunded ta Borrower, l.ender may chaase to muke�hix refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note ar by making a <br /> '� Y �` 4•. �•� '.�%:::;.�,� I direct payment in Bcxrower. If a refund�educes pnncipal.lhe reductian will be uea�ed us n purtial prepayment wilhout any <br /> •°"� . prepuyment charge under the Nrne. <br /> •.�r-;:''�;r � 14. Nnticet;. Any noticc ta Barrower pruviJcd far in thi+Sccuriry Instrument shull be givrn by delivering it or by <br /> • �••-�:+.+�� .=�"� muiling it by�nc rluxs muil unlcxs upplicahlc luw nyuire+uxe of unwher methcxl.The notice shall be dim�ted to the Property <br />- _ � �. • •• " Address or any rnher uddre�� Borrower de,iEnutcs by noticc to l.endec Any noticc la Lcnder shall lx given by first cla�s <br /> - � , �.• � i mui!lo Lender.Addre�>>tutcd hcrcin��r uny��thcr uddre+.Lendcr dc.iFnutr+by noticc to Borrowc�. Any notice provided for <br /> ., � in this Securiry In,trumrnt shull bc J�emeJ to huve hecn given w Barrower or LenJcr when givcn a+provided in thic <br /> , '.. " ' I pnragrupl�. <br /> ,,,, ' . • l3. Governins Severablflty. Thix Sccurity In�trumem �hall Ix govrrnrJ by fedcrul law und thc law of the <br /> .:.,1, jurisdiction in which the Praperty i�I�xa�r�l. In the event Ihu�uny provi�fon or clau,r af thi�Serurily Inslrumcnt or the Note - <br /> • . � contlicls with upplicuble Inw,tiunc�onllict+hull n�x u(fer�uihrr pruvi,ion,of this Securi�y Im�rument or the N�Ne whi�:h run <br /> � " 4 be iven effect withaut�he ronllic�ing provi,ion. Ti,�his enJ the pruvitiions of this Security In.�runxnt and the Note arr <br /> ' . '�;, g <br /> _- ��rYi'�'� - - <br /> - . • ' declurcd to be xcverable. <br /> � ..�,;,�•�,5' 16. Borrower's Copv. Bi�rrower+hull Ix�ivcn an�cont'ormcd rupy of�he Note und of Ihir Securily In.rtrument. <br /> - •�:,;;�'�. 17. 71�onsfer oP the Propertv or u 1lenefiriul 1 Mercxt In Borrower. II'ull ur any pan��t'thr Property or uny intcrest in <br /> - ~ � • it is sold or�runxl'erred lor if u Ixnrticisd in�rn.� in Burrowcr i. +old ur trun.lcrred und Borrower i.nat a naturul <br />- , , . � without Lrndcr'�priar wriucn r��.LrnJcr ma}�. al i�,opti�m.rcyuirr immcJiutr puymcnt in t'ull oF all�um.srcured by <br />- y�. . ° • ' thiti Security Instrument. H��wever,thi+opti��n�hull not hr cxrrcitird hy Lcixlrr it'rxerci+c iti pn�hibiteJ by f�derul law u.r•of <br /> ' � the da�e oi�hi.5cruri�y Inx�rumcnt. <br /> , � li Lender exercixeti thia op�ion,l.cndrt.hull givc liortowrr nulir�of'ucccicr;�ti�m. The nniicr tihall pravidr u�ri�xi oF <br /> • ' ' not les�thun 30 duy.from thc d�te thr iH�ticc i�dclivrmd�x mnilcd�vithin whirh Barcawcr must p:iy uU�um+scrurcJ hy Ihi� <br /> ' ' Srrurity Inctruinen�. If BoROwrr Gdl� to pay Ihr.c�wm prii�r tu thc rxpir.uiun uf U�i. �xri�xt. Lrndrr mAy invokc uny <br /> �•� nemcdic.�xnnitted hy Ihi+Srcutitv In+lrumcnt���ilh��ul funher italirr or Jrmund an Harru�err. <br /> �; 1R Borro«•cr's Ri�ht tu Relnxtate. If Harn�wrr mrrt. rrr�uin cunJitiunw B�xra«cr .hall havr �h� right to huvr <br /> ' „ . enforccmenl c.f thi.5crurity In.�rumrnt di.cuminuc�l:n an� time prior 1��Ihe c:ulirr uf: lul 5 d:ry�lor.urh uther Exriixl►�� <br /> � . timEk�F:�mih••Fwnafc lfueiFreddle�fuc l'\IF't1N�t 1\tiTRI'�1NVT-•l�minnn('u�caann 9�4i �P�+i�•J.��n/h+i�•u <br /> •. � <br /> �i::�iv <br /> -e,,..... - . . . . . , . , . , . <br /> � . <br /> ! <br /> -. .: _ _ - - <br /> � <br />