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<br /> y����._�,�S1� ��j�A�hat l.endcr reyuires. The insuranca cnrtier pmvlding�he insurance Rhall be choscn by Bam�wer hubject to Lcnderh
<br /> -----�..� .,� opproval which shall not be unreasonubly withhcld. If Borrower fails to m�inwin cnverage dencribed above,Lerukr rtwy.u
<br /> Lender's optian,obtuin covemge to protect Lender R righta in theProperty in accotdance whh parogroph 7.
<br /> _=�-:�"1s�'� All in�urance policies and rcnewalR shall 6e occaptable�o Lender a�ul shall includo p standard mortgage douse. L.snder
<br /> =��y y shull huve�he right to hold the palicies und renewals. If l.ender reyuirea.Bornawcr shull promptly give to Lender�II rxeiptr
<br /> _; ;:•,,w :�-;.: af puid premiums and renewol natice�. In the event of loss.Borrower sholl give prompt nodce to tha incurance camer�nd -
<br /> .., .,. •.> �
<br /> ; " f �.�r;, Lender. Lender mny make proof of lose if nw made p�ompdy by Borrower.
<br /> • •• • ••' Unlegs Lender and Botrawer atherwise ugree in writing,insumnce pracade shall be appliad to restoration or rcpair of
<br /> .�,;.•;::,;.: ►_
<br /> ` -• - - -r°r� � property dsunugcd, if thc restorat�on or repair is economicnlly feasible and L.enderk security ix nM lesrened. 1
<br /> � Rstoration or repair ia not economically feu.�ible or Lender's secwity would be lesxened, the insurance proceeds shall be !
<br /> °`�1* .,, • ,; npplied to the sums secured by this Security Instniment, whether or not then due,with uny exceRg puid ta Borrower. If
<br /> �°�'�'.,, ,
<br /> Bormwer abundonx thc Property,or dces not anawcr within 30 days a noticc irom I.ender that the insurance cerrler hos
<br /> ,7�'�i.r�" '-' offered lo se�de n claim,then Lender may collect the insumnce proceeds. Lender may use the procads to repoir or resto�e
<br /> • F the Propeny or ta puy gums secured by thi.r Security instrument,whether or not then due. 71x 3MIay periad will begin when
<br /> .';,j;;�:��,,�,,, • the noticc is givcn.
<br />- ` �r' - Unless Lender and Burrawer otherwi.ce agrce in writing,n�y upplication of proceeds ta principal slwll not oxtend or
<br /> •�••h'�":�"'�'`°°`'".�� pastpone the due dute of the monthly puyments neferred to in parsigraphs I ond 2 or chanse the amaunt of.the payments. lf —
<br /> � '' �.�,��=_ under�uuugraph 21 thc Property is acquired by Lender, Barnnwerc righl to uny insuraace palicies and procecds rcsulting
<br /> `��'..+'"`�'.-�—' from damage to the Piraperty prior to the acquiaition shall pa.cs to I.ender ta Ihe extem of the sums secutrd by thi�Sxurity —
<br /> -.�,�_,v�' - '
<br /> -� �.c -. ;s,-;,J;,. . lnstrument immedintsly prior ta the acquitiition.
<br /> `="�„�� � ���� 6. Occupancy. Preservatbn, Mainterwnce and Pratection ot the Property= Borrower•s I.o�n Appllcadon;. �
<br /> - � � ' ` l,easeholda. Borrower shall occupy,establivb.and a�a the Property As BaROwer�p�incipel residence within sixry days after
<br /> _-- '���, ���`.,.'.m,�a=:s� .; �hc execution of this Sccurity Instrument and shull cantinue to occupy the 1'ropeny a.g Barrower�s prjncip�l re�idence for at
<br /> �=.x,�- :. .. . .�__ �__.
<br /> least one year ufter the da�e of occupanry, unless Lander othervvise agrees in writing, which'consent xhull nut be _
<br /> °;��� ��^�. ' �� �•, •.• unreusonobly withheld,or unless extenuating circum9tuncss exixt which orc beyond Bamawer'x conttol. Borrower shall not
<br /> '�` � � destrc�y.damoge or impuir the Propeny,nllaw the Property to deteriarAte,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shell
<br /> � " be in default if Any farfeiture uction ar proceeding,whether civil ar criminul,is begun that in l.ender�goad feith Judgment
<br /> - • could result !n forfeiture of�he Propeny or otherwiae materiAlly impuir the lien created by this Security Inatrument or •
<br /> Lender's xecurity interest. Horrower may cune such n defauU and reinstate,us pmvided in parng�aph 18,by causing the acGon
<br /> -,-,;, ' �� d ' or pmceeding ro be dismissed wi�h n ruling thn�,in Lender�gaod faith delertmnation,precludes forfeiture of the Borrawer� --
<br />- interest in the 1'roperty or wher muterinl impnirment of the lisn created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security =
<br /> � • � • intercst. Borrower shall ulsc► be in defuult if Barrower, during Ihe loan upplication process, gave materiolly folse or _
<br /> _- ., ina�curate infom�ution or statements to Lender(or fuiied to providc Lender with suty material infomintion)in connection with _
<br /> �..•,,,}.��. the loun evidenced by the Note, including, bu� not limi�ed to, repre.sen►ations conceming Borrower's cecupancy of the —_
<br /> ,: .� Prapeny us u principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions _
<br /> - - °�`�''���� af tl�e leacc. !f Rormwer acquire.�fee thle to the Propeny,the leaxehold and thc fee tide shull nat merge unkss Lender agrees
<br /> -- • �... �',`';; , to the merger in wridng. �
<br /> ., +„. :•
<br /> � . ," �� : ' � , 7. Protection uP l,ender's Righta In 1he Property. If BoROwcr fuils ta perfartn the covenants nnd ogreemen�s
<br />- �. i;; . ' ,;� conWined in �hi� Securily Insttument,or there ix A Icgal proceeding �hn� muy significAndy uffect Lender� rightx in Ihe =__
<br /> . ', ;;;:;:;.;.�,' Pro�:rty(such as a praceeding in bunkruptcy,probutc,far.randemnution or forfeilure or to enforce laws a�regulations).then —_.
<br /> ;.�.:'''.� [.ender m�y do und puy for whatever i� necessary to pmter��hc valuc of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. —
<br /> ' Lenderk uctions muy include paying any wmz nerured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing m�-
<br /> ; .. _ in coun,puying rcasonuble attomeys+'fees und entrring on the Prapeny to make repuin.Although Lender muy take uclion =_
<br /> : '• � under thig purugraph 7,Lender docs not have to do,o. �'
<br /> ` ' Any umount�dixburred by LenJer unJrr thi� purugraph 7 shull become udditionul debt uf Borrower secured by this 4�°=
<br /> Sccudt Inxtniment. Unle�ti B�m��wer and l.rndcr ugrre t�i i��hcr temi�nf payment,thesc umounts shull bcur interest from the "=
<br />,; ,:} . Y
<br /> '' dute of disburumenl ut Ihe Note rate und.hull he puyuble,with interetit,upon notice from Lender ro Borrower reyueating �_��
<br /> .� ::��. payment.
<br /> ' �;;�' 8. MortgAge Insuronce. If Lender reyuireJ mongugr insurunce u+u condiliun oi'making the loan secured by Ihis !''"
<br /> � ' Security Instrumem, Bormwer.rh�ll pay the prcmium� reyuired to muintain �he mortguge insurunce in effect. If,for any
<br /> ��: •. . I ren+on. the mongoge in.urunce covcru�r rcyuircd by L.cnder lup+c, ur ccu.rs to tie in effecl, Barrower shull puy the -
<br /> ••�� premiums requireJ to obtain cuverugc zubclnntially cyuivulent �o �hr mongage imuroncc previuusly in effect, AI A CO%t �""
<br /> • . � � wbstanlially equivulenl lo ihe cos� to Borrow•er of the morttiuge inwrunce pn�viau.ly in cffect,fram�n uiternate mortgage �,;;-
<br /> ' ° � insurer upproved by Lender. It'xubstumially eyuivalrnt mongu�c in,uruncr rnverogc is not uvailable.Barrower whall puy to
<br /> " Lendcr cuch month a sum eyuol lo onc-twclfth of�hr yeurly monEagr in,uruncc premium tx ing paid by Borrow�r when the __-
<br /> ' ., insumncr coveruge lupK�l or cea.cJ to he in effecl. Lender will urrept,u�r anJ rrtuin thcxe puy�ments u�u lo�x re�erve in lieu =-�
<br /> ' '� af mortgage intiurance. Loss reserve paymen�.muy nn I�m�rr Ix reyuircJ,i�t Ihr option of Lendrr,if mortguge inxuronce �_-.
<br /> . • covernge(in the amount unJ for thr peri.xi thu�Lender rryuirc.rl pnwidrJ hy un in+urcr upprovcJ by Lcnder ogain become� -
<br /> " uvuiluble und is obtuined.8urrowcr.hall puy 1he premiumx rcyuinJ�o mainwin num�age inxurunce in cftect.or to providr a
<br /> , lors rescrve,until�hc rcquinm�nt far mnngagc imuruix:c end+in urrorJunrc wi�h any wriuen ag�emrnt iktw��n Bonawer �
<br /> • ' ... und Lcnder or nppliruble luw.
<br /> ° 9. Inspecflon. Lendcr or it��gent muy m;�kr rca.�muhlr rnlrir.u�wn anJ insExrliom uf�h�Pri�perty. Lender shall
<br /> give Bormwer n�itirc ut Ihr timc of or prior to an in.�xrli��n.�xrit�yin�r�.i,onaM�r:►u.�f�tt Ihr im�xctioo. �
<br /> 10. Cundemns�tiun. Thc pr�k�eJ.ul',im i�wuiJ ur rl:�im 1'or dam:�gr.,dirert��r comeyurntial,in rannccli�m wi�h imy
<br /> . timFlc Famdy-•F�nnfe Nue/FY�ddk�tuc C\IF'11R�)I��TR!'�1F:\T• 1•ndi,m�c'm.uum. Y�40 �p,�¢r?���n�x����u �
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