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<br /> • �+,� TO(3ETHBR WITH all Ihc improvemenlx now�x hcrcaflcr crccicd��n ihc pro�xny.und all c�+ccmcntti,u�puncnuncca. —
<br /> . ,�;;,,;,,,,.� 1,, and fialurex now or hereafter a pan of�hc propeAy. All rcplacemcmR and u�WitiunK tihall�Iru bc cuvcred by Ihis Srcurity
<br /> _ _==�;.�hfi �. ` Inrirumen�. All of the fnregaing iK refcrrcd to fn�hia Securi�y Inxtrument as thc"Piroperty."
<br /> -=�i: `� �k' "' BORROW@R COVENANTS thut Borrawcr is luwfully r�ciscd of Ihc cslntc hcreby cunvcycd and hati Ihc righl t��grant
<br /> Y .�)
<br /> "'�,ri;;t��F�"7��• � and canvey the Ropeny und�hut�he Pirop�:ny ih unencumbercd,except for encumbrunec.r uf recorJ. Horrower warr�nls und
<br /> t:�.�1��'. , •,��;'' • , will dcfcnd generally the iitic to�hc FYupeny againtit all cluimx und�k:roand�,rubjcct w uny cncumbranccx oP recurd. �
<br /> � � �* �"'���� THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT cumbinea unifbrm cuvcnunls 1'or naticxial u� and nan-uniform cnvcnpnta with
<br /> �,J�u'���:fl�=;��:�. ..•:.
<br /> -�.u.. �.r'��,:•-"�.. limited vuria�ions hy ju�fuiic�ion to con�titu�c u unifortn sccurity instrumcnl c�wcring rcul pro�xrty. r
<br /> . �ry . .' V:.'
<br /> •���' ' � '�''� � '� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrnwcr and Lender covenunt und pgrec u�fulluwr;:
<br /> �� � ' �°'�����"��� !, 1. Pa ment oP Princi 1 ond Interest;Prcpwyment And Lwte Clwrges. Barrower rhali prompUy pay when due the
<br /> ...ByW,;,,,,;,;,;,,,• y Pa
<br /> prin�:ipal of and interest un Ibe debt rvidenccci by the Nate nnd any prepayment ooJ lute churgea due under the No1e.
<br /> "''.�I �' ,," 2. Funds for Ti�zes and InsurAnce. Subjcct to applicablc luw ur to a written wuiver by I..cnder.Borrawer ahall puy to
<br /> R..:'•;,,,. . . ., .
<br /> :.��«�,:i,i.,�.,�.ti:;;:;;� ,, Lender on thc day man�hly payments ure due undcr tBc No�e.until the Natc is paid in full,u xum("Fund�")for:(a)ycarly
<br />`3 �. �•.:, v:•� tuxes und awsesxment�which muy ul�uin priority over thix Securiry Instrument as u lien un the Propeny;(b)ycurly leu�ehuld
<br /> �'� '� '� � � ' �'r°` � • p�ymenlx ur ground mmti an thc Piropeny, i[ any: (c) yeurly hua.ard or prapeny insurancc premiums: (d) yearly flaod __
<br />���i� ��. � • '�'��. inaurancs premiuma, if�ny; (e) yearly mortgoge inaurance premiums, if uny; and (�uny sums payablc by Borrower to �
<br />�'o'• ,s .���,�,� ;,� Lender,in accarclance with the provisions af purugrsph S,in lieu of the puyment of mongage insuronee premiums. These
<br /> - �� IIPIIIS Hn'�����Pd "F�crnw flcm+.' l.e�ider may.at uny time,collect und hold Funds in an nmount not ta ex�er��the maximum
<br /> �" ' ��� ' •• nmounl n lender for a federally related mortg�ge louo may reyuire for Borrowerk escrow accaunt under tne lederai i'aeai
<br />��-,- ' A'�"'' � Bslate Settlemenl Procedunes Act of 1974 as amended from time to time. IZ U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br />�, ;. .;�:�` � law that applies to the Funds�sets a lesser amount. If xa,Lender mny,at any time,collert and hold!'�nds in an emount not to
<br /> . ' �u� , �_, • exceed the lesser omount. Lender may estimate Ihe umount of Funda due on Ihe basis af current data and neasonahle
<br /> estimates of expenditures of f'uwre Eticrow Items or otherwir�in uccardance with applicable Iaw.
<br /> }: ' • • The Funds shAll be hcld in an institution whoxe deposits nre insured by a fcderal ugency, instrumentallty. or entity
<br /> � � ^ (including L.ender, if I.ender is such an Institution)or in nny Federal Home Loan Bar�C. Lender shull apply the Funds to pay
<br /> the Escrow Iterns. Lender may nat char�e BoROwer for holding pnd applying the Funds, annu�lly unAlyzing tha escrow
<br /> �:,:� 5�'� ;� ,..i; � nccount, or vcrifying the Escrow Items, unls+:s Lender pays Sornnwer interest an the FLnds su�d applicable law pertnits
<br /> ' -� Lender 1c►make such a churge. However,Lender mny require Borrawer to pay a one-Iime churge for an independent real
<br /> � estate tnx reporting scrvice used by Lender in ccx�nection with thiF loan,unleFS applicable law provides otherwlse. Unless an
<br /> ' ° ' Agrcemcnt is made or upplicable luw rcquires interect to be paid,Lender ghull not be required to pay Borrawer any interest or
<br /> .� ! caming�un ihe Funds. Borrowcr And Lende�muy agrce in writins,however,that intercst shall be p�id on the Funds. Lender
<br /> shall give to Borrower,without churge,un unnual uccounting of�he Funds.ahowing credits nnd debi�s to the Funds and the
<br /> • purpose for which each debit to the.Funds wux mude. The Funds ure pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by
<br /> ' this Security Insuumcnt.
<br /> If�he Fundx held bv Lcnder ezceed the umoun�s permiucd to be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to
<br /> Borcowcr for the excess FLnda in accardAnce wilh�he requirement�of applicuble law. if the amoum oi iix Fumts I�id by
<br /> Lender At eny time is not sufliciant to pay the Escrow 11ems when due,Lender mAy 4o notify BoRawer in writing,and,in � __
<br /> ,' •.�, such case Bo►rower shall pny to I.ender �he amount necessory to molce up the deficlency. Horrower shall make up 1he `._
<br /> ; "�' � ,;;`; deficiency in no mare thun twe�va munthly paymems,at Lender's sole diseretion. �y
<br /> • � �� :°„ Upan payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswmem,Lender shall prompUy refund to Borrowor any �r„„
<br /> . . . • Funds held by Lender. If,under parugruph 21,Lender shall ncyuire or xell the Praperty. I.endar, prior ta the acquisition or �.,.,..
<br /> s . „� sale of the Property, shull upply any Funds held by l.ender at thc timo of acquisition ur sale us a credit*gainst the sums �r-
<br /> • secured by this Security Instrumen�. �"
<br /> �.._
<br /> . � 3. Applicntion of Payments. Unle,s upplicablc low provides utherwi.•w., ull puyments received by Lender under �___-
<br /> � pu�agraphs I und 2 shull be applied:firsl,to any prepuymeot churges duc undcr the Note;sccond,to amounts payuble under I[7:-
<br /> � , parugruph 2;�hirJ,to imere�c�due;fourth,to principul duo;nnd Itist,to any late chruges due under the Note.
<br /> ' 4. Chorges; Llens. Burrawer shull pay ull Iuxes, asscssmen�s, churgex, fines and impnsitions attributable to �he
<br /> ''' property which muy attuin priority uv�r this Security Insuumcnt,•rnd Ieosehold payments or ground rentc,if any. Borcower
<br /> ,;..,,,,
<br /> ' �'i`�'" '" �� � shall pay thesc obligutions in the munner pravided in parugruph 1,or if not paid in thul m�nncr.Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> � time dircctly la the pe:rsnn owrd puyment. Bortower.hull promptly fumi+h to Lcnd�r all ncNices af amounts ta be paid under _ _
<br /> •� this parugrAph. If Borrowcr mukes these pi�ymem+directly, sormwer Yhall promptly furnitih to!.ender receip�s evidencing
<br /> , � . , �' " thc payments. `�
<br /> Borrower shall prompUy dixchurge nny lien which has prioriry uvrr thiy Security Instrumcm unle�s Bortawer:(a)nprees _-_
<br /> in writing to the paymcnt of�he abligntion securcd by thc licn in u munner ucecptable lo Lender;(b)contc�tz in good fuith the �;--
<br />� , ' lien by,or defc.nds ugaimt enfarcement of the lien in.IeFul pmcecding+which in�hr I.ender's opioion oprrate to prevent the _
<br /> � � enforcem�nt of Ihe licn;or(c)securcs fram the huldrr of thc lien an ugreeimnt satisfactory ta Lendcr subordinuting the lien
<br /> to this Secudty Insirument. If l.ender detcrmines that any pun uf�he Propeny i�tiuhject to a licn which may�uain priority
<br /> „ ' over this Security lnslrument,Lender muy give Borrower�nu�icc identifying thc licn. Borrower shall satlsfy ihe lien or t�ke
<br /> • one or mare of thc uctions set fonh ubove within 10 duys of Ihc giving of nuti�c.
<br /> � S. Hazrard or Property Inaurance. Borrower zhall k�ep thc improvemenl.r• now cxi.ting or hercafter erected on the
<br /> ' �� , Property insured uguinst loss by fire.htuurJ,incluik:d within the Irrm"extended coveragc"and uny other haziuds,including
<br /> , floods o� tlooding, for which Lender�e�uims inxurunrc. This insurance rhnll bc maint•rined in the nmounts and for the
<br /> , ' � .
<br /> . FwmJ028 9/9B r�n,�r2r/d��iKri�
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