<br />leases, and equipment, including fire sprinklers and alaxm systems, air conditioning, heating,
<br />refrigerating, electrvnic monitoring, window or structural cleazung rigs, ma.intenance equipment,
<br />equipment for the extermination or exclusion of verm.i.n or insects, equipment for remcaval af.
<br />dust, debris, snow, refuse or garbage, and all other equipment of every kind; (e) elevators,
<br />fimings, radiators, gas ranges, mechanical equipment, an.d all plumbing, heating, lighting,
<br />coakuag, laundry, ventilating, refrigerating, ivacinerating, air conditianing, central energy and
<br />sprinacler equipment and fixtures and appurtenances thereto; and ( fl all renewals or replacements
<br />of any of the faregoing, whether or not the same aro or shall be attached to the Impravements
<br />(Land, Properiy, Zmprovemeats and Personal Property shall be collectively re�ezred to as
<br />"Premises"), and,
<br />TOGET�R with, all leases and other a�reements affecting or relating to the use,
<br />enjoyment or occupancy of all or any part of the Land or the Improvements he�reto£ore or
<br />hereafte�r entered into, whether before vr a��r the filing by or against Grantor af any petition for
<br />relief under 11 U.S.C. § 101 e� s�,. (the RR Banl�uptcy Code"), as the same may be amended from
<br />time �o time (the "Leases") and all right; title and interest of Grantor, its successors and assigns
<br />therein and thereunder, including cash or securiries deposited thereunder to secure the
<br />perfornaance by the lessees of their obligations thereunder and all rents, additional rents,
<br />rayalties, lia�nses, payments (includaaa�g payments pursuant ta the exercise of any purchase aption
<br />by any tena,n,t und�r any Lease), fees (includ.ing termination fees), revenues, income, receipts,
<br />charges, accounts, accounts receivable, issues and prof ts and other benefits (includa�a,g all oil and
<br />�as or uther maineral royalties and bonuses) from the T.and or the Tmprovem�nts whether paid or
<br />accnxing before or after the filing by ar against Grantar of a.ny petition far relie:f und�r the
<br />Baz�kruptcy Code (collectively, the "Rents") and all praceeds from the sale nr other disposition
<br />of the Leases and the right to rcceive and apply the Rents to the payment of the Obligations; and,
<br />T�GETHER with all awazds or payments, including interest thereon (collectively, the
<br />"Condemnation Award(s)"), which may heretofore and k�exeafter be made with resp�ct to the
<br />Property, wheth�r fram the exercxse of the right of eminent damain (including any transfer made
<br />in lieu af ar in anticipatian of the exercise o� such right), or for a cha.nge of grade, inverse
<br />condemnation ar for any other injury to or decrease in the value of the Property whether
<br />permanent or temporary; and, .
<br />TOGETHER with all proceeds of and auy uneazned premiums on any insurance policies
<br />covering the Property, including the right to receive and apply the proceeds of any insurance
<br />judgments, or settlements made �in, lieu thereof, for damage to the Property; and,
<br />TOGETHER with all refunds, r�bates ar credits in connectian with a reduction in real
<br />estate ta�ces and assessments chazged against the Property as a result of tax certiorazi or any
<br />applicatians or proceedings for reduction; and,
<br />TOGETHER with all intangible properiy used in connectian with or generated by,
<br />located on or at or pertaining to the Prpperty including all general intangibles, payment
<br />intangibles, software, goodwill, trademYarks, trade names, seTVice marks, lagos, copyrights,
<br />option rights, purchase contracts, contract rights or leases of personal properiy and security
<br />deposits �received pursuant theseto, utility contracts, service cvntracts, guaranties, war.ranties,
<br />�
<br />Recapture beed of Trust and 5ecurtty Agreement
<br />484p-6755-9942.2
<br />