<br />hereafter acquir�d rights, interests, and property, and all products and proceeds thereof and
<br />additians and accessions theretn (snmetimes collectively referred to herein as the "Propert�'):
<br />TOGE'THER with the real properiy described in Exhibit "A" attached hcrcto and made �
<br />part hereof as if set forth verbatim (the "Land'�; and,
<br />TOGETHER with the buildings, 5trliCtL1Y'85, fixtures, additions, enlargements, extensions,
<br />modifications, repairs, replacements and improvements now or hereaft�r erected ox located on
<br />the Land (th� "Tmprovements"); and, �
<br />TOGETI�R with all eas�nents, ri�hts-of-way or use, rights, strips and gores of land,
<br />streets, ways, al,leys, passages, sewer ri�hts, water, water cauraes, watcr rights and powers, air
<br />rights and development riglats, zipanan rigl�,ts, and all estates, rights, titles, inte�ests, pnvileges,
<br />liberties, servitudes, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances of any nature wha�soever, in
<br />any way novcr or hereafter belonging, relating or pertaining to the Land and the Improvements
<br />and the reversion and reversions, remainder aad remainders, includ.ing any homestead or othear
<br />claim at ]aw or in equity and any after-acquired title, franchises, licexases, and any reversion.s and
<br />;remainders thereo� and all la,nd lyiva,g in the bcd of any strc�t, r�ad or av�nue, opened o�r
<br />proposed, in front of or adjoining the Land, to the center line thereof and all the estates, rights,
<br />titles, interests, dower and rights of dower, curtesy and rights of curtesy, property, possession,
<br />claim and demand whatsoever, both at law and in equity, of Grantor o� in, and to the Land and
<br />the Im�rrovements and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances thereto; and,
<br />TOGETHER with all inventory, machi.nery, furnrture, equipment, and fixtures (including
<br />all heating, air conditioning, plumbing, li�hting, communucatians and elevator fixtwres) and other
<br />praperiy af every kind and nature whatsoever located upon the Land or the Improvements or
<br />appurtenant thereto or us�d in connection with the present or future operation or occupancy of
<br />the Land ar the Improvements, including all materiaL� intended for construction, reconstruction,
<br />refurbishment, renovation, alterations, and repairs to the Property (whether stored a�r located on
<br />or off the Property) (all of the items described below are herei,a somctimes collectively called the
<br />"Personal Propert�'), including the right, title and interest of Grantor in and ta any of the
<br />Personal Properiy that may be subject to any security interests, as defined in the Uniform
<br />Commercial Code, as advpted and enacted by any state or states where any of' the Property is
<br />located (the "Unifarm Commercial Cade") superior in lien to the lien of this Security Znstrument,
<br />sucZa Personal Property to include, for example, the following: (a) all furniture and furnishings,
<br />including cazpets, rugs and other floor coverings, draperies, drapery rods and brackets, awnings,
<br />window shades, Venetian blinds, curta.ins, lighting fixtures, desk chairs, stools, pictures, lamps,
<br />ash trays, waste baskets, clocks, radios, and all other furniture and fi�rnishings of every kind and
<br />nature whatsoever; (b) all cash registers, coin machines, computers, word processing equipment,
<br />adding machin�s, calculators, check protectors, pastage meters, desks, chairs, tables, room
<br />dividers, filing cabinets, safes, vaults, time clocks, time card machin�s, and other office fiuniturc,
<br />equipment and supplies of every kind and z�a,ture whatsoever; (c) all right and interest of the
<br />Grantor in and to all �quipment leases, peisoiaal property leases, conditional sales contracts and
<br />similar agreements in and to the telephone system (including the switching components thereo�,
<br />television sets, computer systems, refrigeratar/bars, and point of sale computer systems and/or
<br />inventory control systems; (d) all apparatus, machinery, motozs, too�s, i,nsurance proceeds,
<br />2
<br />Recapture Deed of Trust and Security ARreement
<br />4840�755-9942.2
<br />