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<br /> ca�defi�ian or odier tatringof aay put oftbG Ptope[tY•or for canveym�e ia lieu o€ca�demn�don;ate t�er�eby as'si�md ; °..
<br /> _�� . �_.______.—_.
<br /> --- - - - tn dAe event of s tdal t�icing of the Prope�ty,�the �ads sh�116e appTied ta�t►c sums secured by this S�rity---�--
<br /> ;nsmnne�.whet8er ur not 1�l�ai aae,with any exc�ss paid w Bacmwer. In ihe event of a partia!taking of thc Pnaperty in
<br /> whicb tne fair m�ctt vafa�a�the Propetty imtnediately 6efore tl�ee taking is equal m oc gc�eater thaa t6e a�twunt af the sums
<br /> secu�ed by d�is Securiry�Instrumeat imuKdiately beforc the talcing.unless Bormwer and Lender otlieswise ag�oe in wr�ting.
<br /> dx sums sa�t�d tiy�this,S�curity Instrument shalt be reduced by�the amoum_of the proceods mnl6ptieA 6y t�he following
<br /> faetio�: ia#the tnral�nt af the sums securod immedi�teiy 6efbre the t�lcing.divided by(b)the fair maricet vatue of th�.
<br /> Frcipec�ty immediatefy before the mttii►g. Ai�y 1ialance shatl paid to Borrower. in the eveil[of s�.putiaf pking of d�e,
<br /> � 'ptopeRy is�which the fair market value di tl�e Property im�iately 6efope.ilie tatciag is lesc tban the anroant of Rite sums
<br /> secut�immediately befare the taking.unless Borrowec and Lender athecwise agrce in wtiting or untess applicablC law
<br /> othecMrise p�o�ides.the prooeeds sttall be applied to tfie sums secured by this Security Insaument whether or not the sums ace
<br /> :thm due. � � < ... . .
<br /> ff the Propetty is abandated by Borrower,ar if,after aotia 6y Lender to Bvit�nwer d�at the condemnor.offers to make
<br /> an awatd.w settk a claim for damages,Basoarer fails�o respond to Lender within 30 days after tlie date the�wuce is given.
<br /> � Lmder is aud�arized to coUect and appty d�e poceeds.at iu ap6an,either co testoration or cepair of the Property ar to the
<br />= sumssccured by this Security InshumenT.whether or npt theq dtt�-.- - -- -- ---- :`„ --__
<br />-_ - - ' Uatess Le�er and Borrower ahenvise agree in writuig.a�ry application of proceeds'to{mncipaTshal!not eztend or � �:�:_ -- --
<br /> postpone tlze�tue�ate of the monthlY PaSrmenu referred Ia in parag�aphs 1 aed 2 or cl�ange the anwunt of sucf�payments. ,
<br /> - 1L �l.arrower Not Rdezsed;-Focbearance Sy Lender Not s► Waiver. Extens'son o8,the sime fot paymeni o; : _
<br />_- modifiption of amortization of the siuns secttred b4?�is SecuritY Instrument granted by i.ettder w any successor in irtter�t:
<br />_- of B`atvwrr shall not operate to[eleas�e the Iiabili�of�te�rigir�al Borrower or Borrowe¢�s�roressors in intetest.Le;t�;'
<br /> � �`--
<br /> shall�io�.�e.Ftquurd to commence procadings agair�a�sc sac;.��cor in irrtec�st mr ref�:t��xtend time for payment�:�, , _
<br /> � , atherw�se�iadify amorti7�tion of the sums sectued b�this.Seciizity 4ri:y�ssume�6y szaso��cx€aiiv.cl'emand made 6y the angr�at � `� ° _--
<br />-- . " 8o�mar�.�Boirnwer's.successors in mteres�t. Aa}fmbeaiaiic�by 3xnder in ex�isi�an�iight or remedy shall not be a ' . � ___
<br /> -_ -- . waive��of�pnxtu�thz�Exeraise of any right or remedg -.. . ' . — -
<br /> , � ' �2;.S�oce�ocs ae�,A�a Bound;Jant sa�'$eYernl Li�6ility,Co�siSners. 'I'he covenants and agree�nen�s of this • _
<br /> Secariey�nsuument shall bind and benefit the succe�sars and a�ipu of l.ender and Borrou�2r subject to the provision's of . �; -_
<br /> pa�agrapT�37.�Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be jaint and several.Any Borr�x�'r who co-signs this Seciarity, ��� -
<br />- Instrmr�ent•but.does r�at exeeate the Note: (a}is co-si�ming this Security,is►strument only tn mortgage.g�ant and conve�_y�at '�.�"�.::v�:::
<br /> gan ,r.z a,.
<br /> ' Borrower's interest in the Praperty under the tem�s af this Security Instrument; (b)is not persunally obligated�o pay the sums • ;;,f,�;��.��;'
<br /> secured by�bis Seturity Instn►ment;and Ic)agrees that I.endee and any ather 6ozrawer mag,agree to extenc�,modify,forbear �i:.� :�_
<br /> ���. "=a or make any accammodatirn�s with regard to the terms.of this Secunty Instrument ar"tI�Note without that Borrow�r's : ``"r'
<br /> consent • � -
<br /> �'�� .���;
<br />• 13. Luan Chargss. If the�loan secured by this Security Tostntment is subject to a l�w which sets maximum Iaan= ,,,,,;,.;,,�,,��_
<br /> � charges,and that law is�inally interpreted so that the interest or othec laan charees corieaed ar ta be coltecteci in eonnectian , ��==-_-
<br /> with the loan exceed th�permitted limiu,then: (a)any sueh Ioan ebarge shali be reduced by ifie amount necessary to reduce -��-
<br /> r..�_�
<br /> the cUarge to the permiued limit;and(b)arry sums atrc�dy cotleeted from Borrou•�which exceeded pecmitteA limits wiq be �;�'-_-
<br /> - � rcfunded to Boaower Lender may chaose to make this tefund 6y reducing the principat awed under the Note or by making u �'��--:
<br /> �x�:�!+!�--
<br /> , ' direct paymoent to Bormwer. tf a refund ceduces principal.the reduction wi}!be treated as a partial prepayment without any �=s.:
<br /> ��;tir��_�,
<br />---- , ,��:-
<br /> �`� prepaym�nt charge under A�e Note. - " �'��•_
<br /> :±�:; 14. lYotices. Any natice to Borrower pmvided for in this 5ecurity Instrument shall hc given by delivering it or by
<br /> y � •�. _
<br /> �- mailing it by fint class mail unless applicuble law requires use of another method.The notice sh�U be directed to the Property ; �r. 7: �-
<br /> � ;, � Address or Any other addresy Borrower decignates by notice to l.endcr. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fint class `
<br /> mail to I.ender's address stated herein ar any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrawer. Any notice provided fur �'���� :.�'�•. .
<br /> �:, ".:�_.:_., ' _
<br /> - in this Security lmtrument shaQ tse deemed to havc been given co Borrawer or l.ender when given as provided in this ,,.,
<br /> Pa��p� �;.... .. _..,.=.:.
<br /> �:.�. : ..
<br /> ,� i5. Governiag Ls►w; S�werab�it�sliis_Sesutity_lnstr.,in�t shaQ be govemed by federal taw und the law af the �.�� � -�•
<br />� '� jurisdi;.tidn in which the Ruperty is lacated. In the evem that any prdvizion ar c#au.�e of this 5ecurity In�trument or the Note i' •� •• •�_-,-`�_
<br /> ' =p� � canfI:css with applicabl�3aw,such conflict shall Ros affect other pravisians o f t hi.Security Intitrument or the Note which can �
<br /> ��'�
<br /> • � :;%�.., . be gice�s effeet without the wnflicting provisios�. �'�this end the provision�ai this Security lnrtrumenl and the Note are -. _
<br /> , 'r' �., decla:etF 2a be severable. . ' , .
<br />. . - '�"''s tfs. �orrower's Copy. Borrowes tihalf be gi��en one wnf�rmed copv af the Note and of tt�is Security Instrument. � " '::
<br /> .�..
<br /> ,�, ': IT 7lranster of the Property or a Beneticiai lnterest in Bovrower. lf ap ar any part of the Property or any interes�ia •� • ;:{.;
<br /> �4� it ig sold or transfcrred(or ii u bcncficial interest i:,Bnrrnwer i�snld ar tran�ferred and 8arrawcr is not�natura]pe�sonl :"���'�~
<br /> x without l.enders prior written ronsent,Lcnder may,at its option,require immw'l:�te payment in full of all sums secured by �
<br /> '�� this Sect�iry Instrument. Hawever.lhis aptian shall not be exercised by Lende:if cxerci+c i+prohihited by federal law as of
<br />. the datec•f this Security Instrumcnt. ' ��`�
<br /> y lf�.ender exerciscs this optian.Lender shall givc Bortnwer ri:s:icc ot'acceteratinrt. Thc noticc shall providc:�prriod af ::.,'.;,..
<br /> �•.,
<br /> i� not Icss than 30 days from the date the noticc is dclivcnd or mai�::�wilhin�vhich Oorruwcr mu�t tr,�y all�umt serured by thi�� •
<br /> � "'�;._-,. : Securiry tnstrumenY' If Boaower fails tn pay thc�c xum.r priur to Ihe expir:::ian of this period. Lcnder may invuke any ;�, " � � •�:,
<br /> ``"�;.-� � rcmedics permitted by this Security lnstrument withaut further nc�ticc or dcma,^.w c��Harre�wer. !� ' � ''`,
<br /> � "�='�� 1S. Borrower's Rip,ht to Reinstate. If Borrower m�etr• certain con�ir.�:�.. Burrower �hall &�ve the right ta havc � � :-+-:,.,.:
<br /> , ^.a�.T} . . ,
<br /> _ ��. enfo:ce-icm of this Security Instn;.�<<;^tdiscontinucd at any timc�rii�r to the ear(icr of: ta'��?dayti le�r such i�ther periad ay , ':�;�,
<br /> .�,�;�._, . ,
<br /> ': �.. . Singlc Family--Faanie�t'ae'Frcddie Nnc I:�IFI)A�1IVSTRI�ti:Y1'..I Imfarm C�+vcnant� 9190 �puge 4,je P:i:r.,
<br /> ' --.,�_�,.?'t,
<br /> � �ie»' - .�•'if .F•� . - <.
<br /> ; ,. , .
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