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<br /> -- — �, �po,r�t whicb aa 4 r ._---
<br /> Lenderis optiai.obqun coverage ta prute�t Lender�rights in the Ptope�ty ut acco�with p3ragraph 7. �
<br /> Ali insurrace policxs aM�euewaLs sbat!tie acaptaMe to Lenderant!shal!inctude a standard Rartgage ciwsa. I.a'�der � � -
<br /> siuil l�ve the right ta hnld t6o�cies and te�xwats. if L�ender�eqoims.SormK�er sha11 pramptly give ta l.tnder all nsxipts
<br /> - °�P�P'�►ums and renerval notice�. In d�e eveot of loss,Barowa�si�ail give p�ompt noticx to the msurdace canier and
<br /> ` Lender, l.endei may maks piaot of lass if not made pranptly by Sormwer. • �
<br /> - tJnk�s f crtdes and Bomawtr�wita agree ia writing,iasurance proceedx sbaU be applied to�estoratia►or apair of -
<br /> � the propqtg damaged.if tbe restaadnn�or npair is economirally fea�'bte and lxnder's secunty is not tessened. If tiie .
<br /> , . �o�tiun or repair is rwt�c000micaliy feasibk or I.onder's secunty wwld be Iessened.the insurance pmceeds shai[be
<br /> applied w t1�e sums secui�ed 6y this Sec�rity Instrumen�wl�ther or not tben due. with any excess paid to Banrower. 1f
<br /> . Barawer,�bondof�s the Propeity.or daes not answer within 30 d�ys.a notice from Lendcr that the msurance carrier has
<br /> offetetl td"settle a claim,tbea Lender may coitoct the insardoce p�meseds• Lender may use the�xoceeds.to�pair or restoie _
<br /> the Fiopertyr or to gay sums se�ured by thes Securiry Instnunenb whethe�or not tixn due.The 30�day penod will begin when .
<br /> the notice is givea. . - . , � .
<br /> tTnless E.ender uid borrower atherwise ag�ee ia writiag.any appticadon of proceeds to prmcipal shall not extend ar
<br /> postpone die due daoe of dne moatt�tY PaYments cefeired to in paragrapbs 1 and 2 or chan�e the afannnt of the paymsats. (f _ �_ --
<br /> under pua�raph Zl tise Pcaperty-is acquired by l.ender,8omuwer�right to aay msura�;poGcies and proceeds�esulting
<br /> froa�damag�ta the Ptoprrty prior to the_acqoi5idon shall pass to Lender to the extent of�Ise sums secuned by this Securiry _
<br /> Instrornent immediat�iy prior co the acqaisitiun. .-�• : • . - - ,
<br /> _ �. papPsncy, prese*vatiun. M�ietenaece and Protedion of tl�e �:.�orrawer's Loaa Application:
<br /> Le�sebolds. 8orrower shatt accvpy,esta6lish.and use the�r�rtY as Homni�er's�t tesidtnce witltin sixty days after
<br /> — . the execution of this Security Insuument and shall continue to occepy the PrnPertY as�e�wer's principal residenc�fa at
<br /> - least a�e year after the date of occupamy, tudess 1.enc�er otherwise a8rees in wr�8, which consent stiall na be —
<br /> . umr�nabty withheld;or unless extenuating c�nurnstances exisc which aie beyond Bocrower's control. Barrower shall not
<br /> - � - destnuy.daniage or impair the Ropecty,alt�scsr��Property tu deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Rarmwer shal! _
<br />--- � � be�.�efaui[if any forfeituie actian or procead'ing,whether civii or criminal,is begun that in Lender's�ood faith judgment _
<br /> - ' cou"rdf.sresult in forfeiture of the Property pr otherwise materially impair the lien cr�ac�e3 by this Security lnstrument or . __
<br /> i.eniler's security intenes� Borrower may cure such a defauit and reinstate.as provide�us gaiagraph 18.by causing the action - _, ;�,__-_
<br /> ne �a
<br /> . or proceeding to be dismi�sed with'a iaiing that;ia L.ender's•good faith determirtau-ar�.-�rrcc�t�des forfciturc af�he Borrower's•
<br /> � interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Secu��i'ty In.nrument or Lender's security `,.����'_
<br /> inte�est. Boaower shall also he in defautt if 8orrower, cttiring the loan application�roces.�, gave materially false or • .,_�.�--_
<br /> inaccurate infomtation or statemertts to Lender f��ailed to provide Lender with any matecrat information)in connectian with ";�,;,,y_r
<br /> '� the �1�.--� evideaced by the Nore,inefuding. but not limited to. represgntations concemirig Bormwer's occupancy of the ==--•
<br /> Prap�sy as a principal residence. �this Security Instrument is on a teasehold.Bortawer sfir3l comply witb all the provisions - ___-
<br /> of the.fease. If Borrower,acquires fec titte to the t'd'opercy.the teasehold and the fee titte st*�7➢aot merge anless l.ender agrees __
<br /> :; , to the mcrger in wr�. ' � '.
<br /> r.��., 7. �nntectiox::�Lender's Rights in fi+e Qroperty If Borrawer fails to g�erf'osm the cavenar.rs and agreementx �
<br /> � � contained in this Se�urity insttumen�or there is a legal pcoceeding that may sig::,ficantly a€fect Lendeis rights in the . !
<br /> , pmoperty(such as a procee�in�in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiture arts��nfarce laws ar tegulatio�.ti��en - _ _
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value dF the Property anA L.ender?s righ�s in the 1Pc�rty. = _
<br /> l.ender's xtions may include paying any sums secured by a liert which has priarity over this Security Instrument.a�earing �T;,;-�,
<br /> � in court. a in reasonable attome ti fees and enterin on the Pro n to muke re airs. Althou l.ender ma take actIan ' `��
<br /> P Y S Y' S Pe Y P 1� Y ,;�,'
<br /> under this paragcaph 7.Lender doer not have to do so.
<br /> � Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional dcbt of Borrower secured by ihis
<br />- � ' Security in.cuumen� Unless Boaou•�r and Lender agree ta other terms of payment,these amaunts sha116ear intemst from the :s,_�'
<br /> ' date of dLsbursement at the Note rare and shalt be payablc,with interest,upon notice fr�:n i.ender to Harrawer requ�.cting -. :
<br /> . . paymen� �3;.: -
<br /> 8. Mortgage Insurance. If l.ender requ:sed mortgage insurance ati�c�ndition of making the taan secured by this :'�^��
<br /> 5ecurity Instrumen��orrawer shaU pay the pr�ms`ums required to maintain 4�;.mongage insurance in effec� If�for any .
<br /> ' reason, the mortgage insurance covcrage reNuired by Lender lapses or cea�e; ta be sz effcct. 8orrower shall pay the
<br /> . � premiums rec{uired to obtain coverage substamially cyuivalent ta the mortgage insur��,w previously in effect. at a co��
<br /> • . substantially eyuivalent to Ihe catis to Borrower af the mongage imurance previoutty in.ifect.from an altemate mortguge
<br /> ' insurer Approyed by l.endcr. If�ubstantiuily cyuivatcnt martgage insurance covcragc is not availabic.Honc�wer shall pay ta �..:_ ._
<br /> � Lender each month a sum cyual to ane-iwclGh af the ycarly mortgagc in5urance premium bcing paiJ by Borrowcr when thc
<br />_� .�;:.;: insumnce coverage tapsed ar ces►sed to br in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain ihese paymentti ati a In+y rescrxe in lieu
<br /> •�:: af martgage insurance. 4asti reservc payments may no lnngc�r[x requirecl,at the optinq of Lendcr.if mortgagc insuranre
<br /> - � cov�rage(in the amnunt And for the pericxl�hat l.cnder require�)provided by an insurcr�^provcd by I.,cndcr again hecomc�: '
<br /> Ava,?�bte And is abtaincd.Borrower 5ha11_�ray ihc prrmiums requircd to main��in monga��:��ursince in rf'fect.ar to prnvide a
<br /> ; �t;,�.;: lass reaerve.until ihe requiremen[fot mc�rtgagc insurnnee enJr in siccorQancr with any written agreemem between Buru�wer
<br /> ; ...;.> , �,��tiw, '•-. andl,enderar:�ppliwblelaw.
<br /> �L=��•- • • 4, Inspection. Lcmlcr ar itti agcnt may make rri,onablc cntricti upnn and intipccti�m,uf'thc Pr�perly. Lendcr yhaU
<br /> ' give t��rrower nntire at the time c�f or prior to:in inspee�ion specifying reasartc,tile r.nue for ihe in�pecliun.
<br />� . ..
<br /> I0. 4ondemnatlon. 7'hc praccedti oi any award c�r cl:rim far dam.,e�.dirrct or cor..c��ucntial,in cnnnccd��n�vith.my .
<br /> :t �+l��•�'• tiingir Fam4}--Fannie�taelF�cddk�tac C%iFO1i\f l�ti'YRl'�11�:Nf--l'�ulonn Co�cu.w�. 9�40 �p��,r!,qh p,�,e.i
<br /> . ���'�'
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