. .__� .. .__ , ea •.L� .�:._'�'�.��_� � _ _._
<br /> __ -_.—_ ' Jc. � 'w1�� .._ , c. � ` � ' . _ - .. -
<br /> _ ; �a _i. _ - ''E.+ �.c.� . � ' . __'
<br /> : ' - . .r:� _ 's ...
<br /> >' '• _- - .. .-al. .. _ _' c'. ._ . . ._'_ � —— .
<br /> ,' � • , �.
<br /> a`3 r * - •' � � ` � . - � ' . ,
<br /> ' � � ` . . _ ' _ ... .. _ .
<br /> .. . � , . _ .. . , , �
<br /> — ' -
<br /> -�-� '-- —. _... ---� --- - -:..c- ' - ' - - . .
<br /> -.ti-..t„� . ' , . ' . ' . .� . i� . .. � . t. ... � _. .
<br /> t . _ i _. - . � . l IO �K Ot 3f�R C�/i�''IR�DUS . �
<br /> ap�L�61e hw may�ac�y for ni�e�e)6efae s�tc cf tde P�o�tY P� �lP�
<br /> -��. ,t�sac.r��aev.tn�m�nt..-1lwserQnditian�acetbet.�,(1�---�
<br /> _- _ - �eeeu�u�.'�-rF-t�1�Q��B��e ----T-�
<br /> , p�ys Lendec all sums w6ic�i then woutd be due Unda triis Secunty [a5wment and thc.Nate as i �no xce -�d . ._
<br /> :occurnd:[b)cimes aoy def�it af a�y alhtr ooveaants oc agxee�aent�(c)RiYs all expensea it�N�d in cnforEittg Ihia Savriry
<br /> � - � �avmen�aictudin$,6at eoc limiced w,[easonaWe aaomcys•tee.c;and ldl tates such actia�►�s Le�t4er mar reau�iabty -
<br /> reqoi:e ta assure that tbe lien af this Sccariry Inshument,L�endor's rigAts in the Propeny annd&rm►wcr�obligation co pay the
<br /> � � sums secu:ed by�his:Secu�i[y Insuumrnr sh�il coadnue unchanged. Upon reinsea�cmrnt by Bara�rcr. this Seiurity
<br /> _ � _ � Instrumrnt and�he oWigaoians s�hercbY sball rem�in fuliy eifcetive as if ao accete�a►dc+n had accumnt. fWwcver.this � :
<br /> rip�ht to nyast�te shail nat appty m the case of acalerarion under puagraph t?. '
<br /> � 1! 3sk ot Nat�Cia�e ottwY Sesvt�er. 'il�e Not�ora Par�ia�intemst in the NMe ltogrthr�wi�h this Securiry
<br /> IIL411itri1CIIt)IIISy bC SOId 011E df iDO�e 1i1MS 1MItIl011!P[IOE 110tIC2 t0 BO�TOVYCf. A s�le may result in a ch�e in the entityF .
<br /> {knoaru a�tUe"i.oan Service�'!that cofla�ts ma�thlY P�Y�ts fi�e under Ihe Nc�te�nd this Saurity In�ImtneN. There also ,
<br /> � may be one a mae ch�nges of the Loan Swicer wmelued ta a sak oF tAe Note. tf thcre is a cAangr of ihe Laan Servicer.
<br /> - --- : •:8arower w�716e given written tatice of the ctunSe in aocadanCe Wlth ParaSraph t4 s�tx�ve and upplir:�bte taw. '1'!ic�wtice
<br /> -� ::;=:w�1 state the name and address of dre new Loao Servicer and the addr�ess to which p�ymeatti s[xwid Dc mwlc. Ttie Ratice wiit
<br /> - - -�.`'also coatain any atber infom�ation requirod 6y ap�lica6k taw. � . .
<br />�:�-' . . - 1A. Bsuasdaus Sahst�tce� &►casuru.strs!!s�ceeese or peimit the�nce,u.c.dispu�i.swr�c.ot rcle�si�of any --- - -
<br />=�� ' :,-�t�ardoas Substanas on or in the PtapercY. Bormwer shall nat do.aor ailow anyane etse to do.anything affecting tf�e
<br /> , : �soperty ttut is in xiolation of any Environmeatal l-aw.'I'he preceding two sentcnccr shall noc appiq tQ thc�t�Csence�usc.or
<br /> - , ::,-.�suxage on the Property of smatl qoanriaies of Hazar�ou.4 Substances that arc&et�et'ally rec�gnixed W 6c apprnpnate to ncKma) _-
<br /> ''. ��esidentia{uses and to maintenance of the Roperty. —
<br /> ' • - BorroweF shall PromptlY give l.ender wriuen notice of any investigation.claim,demand.lawsuit or aher acti�x�by any __ -__-
<br /> � � •govemmental oi regulatay agency or g�ivate party invotving the Properry ancl any Ha�aidous Su�srance nr EnvimnmenWl �___
<br />."`� . :_;-iaw of wh3ch Barmwer t�s actual Imowledg� If Borrower leams. oc is t�ocified by any gtivemmental or rcgulrtary �_��T�-.
<br /> . :. �thority.that any removal or ather temediation of any Flaaardaas Su6star�ce affecting the Praperty is ncriwwry.BuRnweo �•_y_=
<br /> • ' i take all necessary rcmedial actions in accadance with'Environmental i.aw. �.-'�'�_
<br /> :��P��Y �
<br />. , ps used ia this Qaragraph 2Q"Hazardous Substnnces'are ttwse substances defined as to�uc ar hazarAuus sut►+tances by �"-_=_--
<br /> �=�-�
<br /> � . Enviranmental Law and tt�e foltowing substances: gasoline.kerosene.other f]ammable or toaic petro(eum product,.toai�.. �r��;
<br /> ,�;? pesricides and herbicides, volatiie solvents.materials containing asbestos ar focmaldchyde.and radioactive materiaiy. As r�- �-
<br /> , ^ " ws laws of td�'ttriscltstinn whe[c the Pmpert�i,lcK�ted
<br /> vironmentall.aw meansfederalls► and d ��L�-��`�--
<br /> - . . asa!in this pacagraph 20., En . ,
<br /> ��;. �_�.,,• that relate to health.safety or environmental otecrian. � ' ,.;
<br /> .. :.:r NON-IJNIFORM COVENANTS. Bor ower and l.ender further covenant and a�rec as falluws: _ .`• `�
<br />" �,�:;:' .'�.w�,; , 2l. Acaelention;Remedies. Lendec sbAii give notloe to Borrativer to accekrntfon fdbKin�R�rawer's _ - _ ;=:r� ��-
<br /> ;.••'`�. '�• ,�.�. :ry, brnacb otaev covenant ar agrcement in thLgSecurity Iastrument(but aM pr�to acceleratian under pnragr�pb IT .�;V.�_.,_�
<br /> `f,'; `'?,x anksq applicxl�le tAw pravides atherwisel. The notia shall specity: lal the defauth tbl the s�etion reqoired to cure the .�•; ��=�;�-
<br /> ,. -t� default;(c1 a��,Qa k�tbaa 30 days from the d�te the notke is given ta Borrower,b whkh the default mu�t Me � t''�•�'" " �'
<br /> Y 4;.f3=:��i
<br /> � +�r, cured;aad(�c�at t�ar+e w cure t6e defaup on or beCorc the date speritkd in ihe iwtice nwy resull in accek�atioR ot '. �,�:�c�
<br /> ` °}�, tIK snms s�cured Dv t6is Securlty lRStrument and sale of the Property. The notke�siwq furlher tnform 8orrawer ot
<br /> s cared ;,�."�'..;
<br /> '' - ='n tUe rig6t to�ate atter�ccderntioa aad t6e rIg61 to bring a court Action ta a.ccerl tlie nomexistence of n defaNit nr _,-�,�,�-.. �
<br /> "� " ' any Mher dd�se ot Rarrawer to accekration and s�te I�the Aetault is no1 cured on a+'before the date specltteA In �,;;;; ,
<br /> - ' , t'*�' the Qotice,Lender at its option may require immMiate payment in tull o�all�cums secured by thi.�Security In�twment '�--`�:�• •-
<br /> r jV r T''�._' . .
<br /> ��`; ::: �� ' without furlher demand and may invoke ihe power of sale and any other remedk.w permilted by appUcs�bfe fAw. . .
<br /> ,=k`'•: �• Lender shall be entitled to colfect all expenses irtcureed In pursuiog the remedies proviGed tn Ihi4 p���Rraph 21. ..
<br /> �.� • :�`
<br /> `J��L�:-.r=a'"' . . • . . �
<br /> , ; .�� ':; tnctuding,but nat limited to,reasona6M attorneys fees and castss of titk evidence.
<br /> . s.._
<br /> •,.:-.�,�. • -• If the power ot sate is invaked.Trustee shall record a notice ot defautt in each county in which any p�rl u�thr �*; •. .s`,_
<br /> �•�"` ,�: property is located and shail mail copi�ot sueh notice ie the manner prescribed by appUcable law tu&Krower and t�� ,,='_"-°__
<br /> � ,�f`> . —
<br /> f;:=y�� the other persons prescri6ed by applicable law ARer ihe tlme required by Appflcable Isw.7lru.wtee�lwll�i�e pubik �.,:,_--
<br /> � ��F; .:�'y�.. .' t aodce of s�k to the person.9 and in the mannee prescribed by applicabfe taw Trustee.withuut demt�nA on Nnrmwe�. • , �,_^
<br /> , �3���-`=� �� �sdt the Property at pnblic auctlon to the fiigh�t 6Wder at the fime anA place and u�der the teTn�desiga�ted in _ . _ _---
<br /> • - `�'r' + . t1�e notice of sale in oae as more parceis and in any order 71rustee determines: Ti�utiter ms�y pnstpone sak ut yil or any � . �`•�•.'
<br /> �. ;:�:;��;'� � ••.�%-��'-.• � parcel ot the Property by pu'nlie announcemeM at the time and place uf a�y previau�ly ScheQuleA�le. I.ende�o�ttg °-
<br /> ".,,..i�:�- �.,���,:, .
<br /> ,� �. ; :: ,,.,,. designee may purchase tl�e Property at an�r s�te. ;.
<br /> ' ``.�"`1'';�� •� ••�'.f Upon receipt of payment ot tde pflre 61d.7lrustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee?►deed MnveylnR fhr � , ��Y�
<br />• ' . �•`':��`�,.,.� ``� Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed sball be prlmu facie evidence��f the t�Wh�,�the`tatements made Iherein. ; ----�
<br /> �` 'i'�'�''fi Trustee shali a i the proceeds of the sate in the fi�llowing arder. lul tu ull costs s�nd expenses atexerci�in�fhe powe� � � E��
<br /> ':� ,:�: .'.r:.�. . Pp S' . _
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