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<br /> P�Y��Y b� ��. ��
<br /> , � tht i�en�er rapiKS)P'mvidal bY ai�im�uer�ppmved by Lendea agaun 6aomes avaitabk and is c�btairbd.$admower a�l`ps�r . `
<br /> � tbe pcemiums required to mJntain matsage i�uc�oe in effsct.nr w pmvtde:loss zsservre.nntil the roquinaneht fa mort�t <
<br /> _� -•--�.� - � - :_ --- ---•- - - ��
<br /> ` 9.Iispedioe.i.ender or ics agent msy m�c n�awn�ble e�ries upon u�d inspo�tians of ti�e Paopaty.Lsnder ah�U giv� .
<br /> 'Bormwa notiee at We tirr�of or prior m�n iac�oection specifying reasanabh caose for tde inspection. �
<br /> i�.Caed�don.'!'hc procseds of�ty awarQ or claim for dunages, direct or oon.seq�xntiat. in wnnectioa with atty
<br /> � coodarm�tio�f or at6er talring of atry`part of tix Pmperty.or for oonveyaaoe in iieu of condenu�ation.are 6ereby�ssigaed�aod . .
<br /> shail be p�id to Ieoder. ' . ` ' - �
<br /> Iu tha event of a tot�l t�icing of tEie Proptrty.tLe proceeds sha1I be apptied to tl�e snms secured by this Sec�irity i�tnunent. . �
<br /> wlKther or not then.due,with smy exresc paid to Borrower. in t6c eveanE of a partial taicing of ti�e Property in wAich the fair �
<br /> m�rket valae af the Pm�puty immediately 6efore the taging is eqi�al w or grcacer than d�e artwunt of the sumc secured by this
<br /> Sepuity I�uumaot immediately befoce the t�ld�g.anless Boria�ar a.xB�.ender otherwise agroe in writing.the sumg secArfld by .
<br /> dus S�arity Ltstrmnmt shall be roduad by the �afo�mt of the pi+�►oaeds mnitiplied by the fotluwing frxtion: (e)the wfal
<br /> - amovnt of We sums sxured'unmodiatety befoce ti�e talcing,divide��(b)the fair marlcst value of the Froperty immediately
<br />_�-, before tl�e talnng. My baZance sls�ll De pai�to Borrovrer. ui the ovent of a partial talring of the Pmpeny in which tbe f•air
<br /> = m�sl•et watae of the Property imme�tiatcty befa�the taicing is[ess thaa tLe aaeouni of the sums secu:ed immediatety befae+e the ---
<br /> - tatcing.udess Borrower aud l.ender alxrwise agroe in wripng or unless applicable law othawise pmvides,tbe proceeds shall
<br /> � 6e appliod w t6y sams sKCarod by this Seatrity Iasavment whetbes or not the sua�s are then due.
<br />-"'` if the P[ogeity is a6aidonad 6y Bomower,or if;after mtice by Le�er to Barrower ihat the cotdemnar offers to ma1�e at►
<br /> y:,:.
<br /> aw�d ar setde a ctaim for damages,Borruwer fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date tbe aotice is given, ;
<br />- GeMu is authorized to coltax aad apply the pmceods,at its option,either to.restoraqan or repair of the Pnuperty or to the suau
<br /> �- sacQCed bY dris Se�aritY Instrument.wi�etAer or not then due. • -
<br /> � UnleSs I.�nder and Bomawer otherwise sgree in writing, aay application of proceods to principal shal! not extend or
<br />= postpone the due date of the mnathly payroeuts referrod w in paragapds 1 ard 2 or ebange the amouat of such paymarts. . . _
<br /> 11.Borru�rer Not Rdeased;For6earnnce By Leader Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modification =�--
<br /> • af aawrtiratian of t6e sams secured by this Security lnsuument graated.by Lender to aay sncressor in intenst of Borrower shalt �'�F.--
<br /> not o e to nlease the liabili of the o Borcower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lender shali nat be red to " �"�
<br /> , P� ty riS�� reqai -i�;:-.k�.:==—
<br /> oammence pmceodings again�t any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amordzation � �-�::`=
<br /> , '� of.the swns se�vred by this Serurity Insaument by reason af arry demand made t� the original Borrower or Borrower's `�.�-'�,�wc�
<br /> ::�::e�_��r.�::-�:-
<br /> z,:.r,.;•.7:at.h;�: ...
<br /> . s�woe.csors in interest.Any foriiearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shaU not be a aaiver of or preclude tbe •`i;f:;;�::;}._,,•_�-
<br /> : exercise of any right or remady. ° . .'''.�-x,� �
<br /> �J :�:.* 12.S�o�s and A�igas Bound:Joint aad Severnl Idabaity;f.o-slgae�s. The covenants and agreements of this ''�-a
<br /> .:i�� .�r Sa�rity Instrument shall biad and benefic the successors and assig�s of.Lender and 8arrower, sabject to the provisions of ���.�"�*'
<br /> patagrapt� i']. BormwePs oavenants and agreements shail be joini aad several. Any Barrower who co-signs this Secc¢rrijr. _'` ���:`-
<br /> � Instrumeat but daes nat exeacte the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrume�only to mortgage.grant and aonvey that � ,-;•;?�`"`��
<br /> , • ,:.� �.�.c:
<br /> Sk.i�uwer's inierest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument:(b)is not personally obligated tv pay the sams - �.����'.���
<br /> ` - secured by this Sxusity Insttument:an�3(c)agrees ihat Letsder aad any other Bunower may agree to e�ctend,modity,forbeas or • .. �
<br /> ' r� malce any acedmmodaaans with regard to the tem�s of this Security instcament ar the Nate without that Borrawer's consent. �4-
<br /> � 13.Loan Chatges.If the loan securcd by this Security In�trument is subjert ta a law which sets maaimum loan charges. � �. ':''r r
<br /> . '�� . 'Y and that law is finatly interpreted sa that ihe interest ar other taan charges collected ar to be collected in conneetion with the t,''� , -
<br /> loan exteed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such toan charge shall be reduced by the amount ne�essary ta redusz the charge � . '"
<br /> s to 1he permitted limit:and(b)any sums already calleeie0 from Borr�u�er which exceeded permitted limi�s will be refunded Ca ' . ''
<br /> '''•"' � Borrower. I.endee may chao,e to make this refnnd by reducing t�:e�incipa!owed undcr thc Notc or by making a direct . � - .
<br /> :.;.;•: . , � . �
<br /> � � '-� - - payment to Boaower. If a reti�nd redaces principal. the reductian a�ill be trcated ac a partial prepayment without any
<br /> �� � � prepayment charge under the No?e. �.
<br /> 14.NoNces.Any notice ta Bormwer pravided far in this Security lnstrumcnt shall bc given by delivering it or by mailing •, , •., , • �
<br /> . �:;. f , ,Y�_.;, it by first ctass mail unless applicable!aw require�;use of another method. The natice�hall he directed ta the Praperty Address � _
<br />. . �'�; or any othe�address Borrower designates by natice ta Lender. Any natice ta l.ender shall be given by first class mail to . _
<br /> , ` {` . Lender's address stated herein ar any other add�ess i.ender designa�es by natice to 8arrawer. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> � � � Secarity Instrument shall bc deemed to have t+een given to Bonower nr L.ender when given ati pravided in this pasa�raph. • ,_ , -
<br /> � �' 15.Governirtg I.aw; Severability. This Security Instrument sh:iq be govemed by fcder�l law and the law of the � � '
<br /> jarisdiction in which the Property is tocate�. In thc event ih�1�ny provision nr elause oi this Seeurity Instrument or the Nate s �
<br /> ' '?{ . ,�:�''!',;, " conflicts witb,wplirable law.�such canflica shall not uffect nthcr pmvisians of thiti 5ecurity Instntment or the Note which can be �, . _
<br /> • �-�, _.: .•. i.
<br /> • . . :�,, � given effect w�ithout the conflicting provision.To this end the provitii�ms of Ihis Sccurity lnrirumcnt and thc Note s�re declared
<br /> to be severabfe. • •
<br /> . -. —'-.r..�..::::- . ' � -- -
<br /> h ='�- -•�'.•" �.• 16.Borrower's(.'opy.Banower tihaQ be given one a�nfi�rmexf copy of thc NotC anJ af Ihis Security Instrument. . ' •
<br /> . ::f;^ '
<br /> iorm 3028 9/90
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