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<br /> �,' , '' ', ._ , . . - - --�----_.—..__�_. - � . - .
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<br /> s. i�odit+�l�f �eelj Ia�e1�0a 8urm�ra lh�l� keep tbe 1nip�ve�aa nowr - -='ts�✓t� -- -
<br /> ,�gioperty iaauceb api�t lass by ficr.l�ards.iaclu�ded withia the t�eerm'aa�da�ooverage"�ad my at6er tier�ds.inctudia� .
<br /> - . ftaod��ar tlon��.�a whid�I:eader iequires iasutance.T6is:ittturanoe sh�ll be��in tbe utwuats and for the petiods
<br /> ,..M«.N,�-- -
<br /> � �uhich sl�p aoc be w�nason�biy wtthi�e(d.°if Bomowes fails ta maitNairr ooverage describod above. l�ender mag.� Leader's � �
<br /> ' optipn�oMain�ovtxaga ta p�+utect L�endec's dghts in the Pmperty in a000rdu�ee wiW paragtapir�. � �
<br /> � � < AB.ins�u�nee pdiciss Aod rene�vats sh�il 6e aaept�bfe to L.rnder aad s6aU inctude a st�adird maRg�e cfsiuse.i,mler .
<br /> sha111t'1vC tb�righl tohotd thR policies and t+a�ewals.If i:ender iequires,Borruwer sh�ti P��Y 8��to i.ader.�ll receipts of
<br /> piid priemiums and teaewat nonoes.Ia the event of Mss.Bo�rnvrer shaq give ptempt�tkc id tht inwr�sce cazrier�I�ender. -
<br /> Lendet m�y tri�te ptnof of toss if ad m�de prumptly by�orrowa. � .
<br /> Udtss I�ender�nd Bort�uwer othtrvvise agnx in writing.iasurance prooads stiatl tie apptiod ta restoration ar�ir of ihe
<br /> fl+opRtY dam�d.if thc raoo�ation or[q�ir is eoonomiplly feasibk aod lendei s saatrity is uot lessenod.U t6e.testoation ar
<br /> s�a�ir is rot ooanomiaiitY fam'bk or l�eoder's socuriry wauid be tesser�ed.We irtsuraxe pnoeeeds sLall be applied w the sums
<br /> , securod by Wis Sd�friry Instntment,wlKthei'or not then=due.vrith any txoess gatd to Barrawer. If Borm+ver ab�ndons tba
<br /> PrDpetty.or das mt a�wer widiin 3t)days a notia from i.ender t1�s[the iawrar�oe camer ha�offened to settle a ciaim.tl�a
<br /> i.eoder msy colia�the in�*�*�prooecds. I.ender may use the prooeeds to repair or�esto[e the Praperty or to pry sums .
<br /> _._3ecmed by t5is Savriry tasuumen[.wl�ier or aat tben due.The 3Q-day period wiIf begiu when�he notioe is given. � -
<br /> Udess t.ender �1.Barrower utiierarise agcee in writing. anY appiication of pcoceeds tn p�iacipal sh�il not exta�d or � - .
<br /> -- postpotte tUe d�e date of the monthtY PsYmrnts�efeaad to m pa�gr�phs I and 2 or chang�the amoudE of We paymeots. If � �
<br /> - under p�ragnph 21 tbe Pr�npaty is aequired by Lender:Borrowa's right to any,iamraz�ce palicies and proceedc nsultiug fi+an
<br /> - dunage to tlre Pmperty priar to tbe acqnisition sl�11 pus to E.eader w the ext�t of the su�socured by this Sxariry It�uumeat
<br /> _ immoaiaoetY Prior to t6e xquisition. ' .
<br /> — . _. 6 t)ee�ucy.A+e�ervstbo,M�i�teasuoe and Protection o�t6e Prriperty;Boreo�rds Law Ap�iCatio�:l�el�oii�.
<br /> �Bomnwer sl�all occupy.e�abtish,and use the Property as Boirower's principal�denoe within sisty dsys aRer tlse ei�eaRiori of
<br /> -- this Socurity Insaument aad shall condnue to oecupy the.Pnopen3!as Bortorver's princip�l residence for at last a�e ynr after
<br />-- the due of accupancy,ualess Lender atherwise agrees in writing.which consent s�ball not be unra�sonably wiithbeld. or udess ,
<br /> e�appg �ircamstances a�ist which are beyaRd Borrower's wntrol. Barrower shall not datr�ny. datnage or impair tbe .
<br />_ Property,allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste an the Property. Boriawer shall be in default if�ny forfeiture
<br /> "_ action or pTncoeding,whett�er civi!or criminal,is begun that in Lender's gaod faith judgment could result in forfeiture of tde
<br />'�' PropeRy or otherwise materially impair the Eien createA by this Security Iastr�ent or Lender's sopulty iacerest.Borrawer mry
<br /> cure such a defanit a�reinstate.as pmvided in paragraph 18,by c�using the aaion or pmceed'mg to ba dismissed wlth a ruliag
<br /> that.in Lender's good faith determtnation, prectudes forfeiture af,the Bormwer's intecest in the Property or other material
<br /> imp�im�eqt of the lien created 6y this Security Instrument or.Lender's security interest. Burrower shall also be in default if
<br /> � Borrower,daring tf�e loan appGcation procesc,gave m�terially false or inaccurate information or statema�ts ta Lender(or failed. �
<br /> __. to provide I.ender with any materiai iafomaaaon)in cormatian with the loan evider�cod by the Note,iacluding,but not limited
<br /> to,represeatations conceming Borrower's oecupancy of the Property as a principa!residence.If this Security Intuument is on a
<br />• teasetwld, Bomower sfiall comply with�all the provisions of the lease. If Socrawer acqaires fee titte ta the Property. the
<br /> --- leasehold and 1hc fee dtle shall not merge unless I.ender agrees to the merger in wsiting. -��- -
<br /> - � 7.Prutection o!Lender's Rig6ts in the Property.If Borrower fails tu perform the covenants and agreements contained in __
<br /> � . this Security instrumettt. or there is a legal proceedin�that may�signifcantly rsffect I.ender's rights in the Property(such as a �___
<br />. proceeding in bankruptcy,probate.for candemnation ar fodeiwre or to enfo:a taws ot regulations>.then l�ender may do and �-��_=�-
<br /> - pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of ihe Properiy and Cendrr's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may �?��?°:_
<br /> �• include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioricy aver this Security Instnunent. appearing in court, paying :;t F=:_
<br /> � .` , reasonabte auomeys'fees and enterinR on the Praperty to make r�airs.Although I.ender may take action u�xler this puagraph '-` t=-`
<br /> •,. -
<br /> 7. Lendei does nat have to do sa. =�'�':�'-;-
<br /> ' Any amounu disbursed by Lender under t�tis paragraph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by this _ �
<br /> • 5exurity Instrument. Unless Borrawer and lxnder agcee to othcr tcrms of payment,these amaunts shall bear interest from the � �� =°-
<br /> date o£d"ssbursement at the Note rate and shall he payable. with interest. upon notice from l.ender ta Borrawer requesting -.,��.�`;_
<br /> . Pa3+ment• t r�-�.
<br /> • 8.Mortgsge ingurance.lf 1.ender required mortgage insurance ac a condition of making the loan secured by this Security � ;�;:_
<br /> .. „��r=
<br />.� Instrutnem, Borrower shall pay the prcmiums required to maintain the martgage in.rurat�ce in effect. �f. for any reason, the - -
<br /> � ':i mortgage insurance caverage reyuired by Lender la�ses ar ceases to be in effect. Be�rrower sflati pay the premiums required to .�:: `,:
<br />-= obtaln coverage substantially equivatent to thc m�rt�e inxuranoe pmviausly in et'fect.at a cast substantiaily equivatent to the ' `•�
<br /> � •-+t cost to Horrower of the mort a e insurance reviousl m effect. from an altcmnte mort a e insurer appraved by Lender. if '`'���`�`
<br /> S8 P Y � 8S - . � i;.::,
<br /> , substantially equivatent mortgage insurance coverage is not availa'bte.Borrowcr�hall pay to Lender each manth a sam eyual to "'" ` '`�"`
<br /> ' " `�• onedwelfth vf the yearly mortgage insurance premium Ixing paid by Borrower when the insuraace caverage lapsed or ceased to .
<br /> � be in effect.Lender will accept, use and reiain these payments as a tass reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve :
<br /> . . Fwm 3028 9/90 ,
<br /> . . ' Pago3of6 �`�'�
<br />.... i.�.;�t' °".� `_ : ..
<br /> �
<br /> ;..: � .
<br /> . . � �
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