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<br /> — — _ or `tncaest tn it ` -
<br /> ` _ , _ ��17.�+�tirc��a�aeticW Lteret is Son+nwer.If aU or a�iy piet of a6e Pnopaty � mY _
<br /> _ .is aoid,or t�ansfened(or ff a bene interest in Bo�mwer is soW ar transfer�od and`8arrower is nat a iututal,penson?�vit�qat .
<br /> I,pW�r's Q�or writtm aonsent. Lcodee��y. at its option. rap�rb imJnediate paymait in full of a!! wm�.socurad by tNs
<br />_ -- — - - ---s�.;••:�;It�tnemeni-�m�kver.�Aia�i m�.b���� _�i�ex��is '�►ited b�federai taw�of tlk dace
<br /> _ . �..Y --- --,----� ----- -...---- ----- =- —_—
<br /> of dus Savtity It�saument- • . .
<br /> � 1f l.wder�x this.a�t'wn,t;ender sh_atil�ive Borrower natia of aoceleratioo.The'twtice st�il pravide s period of not
<br /> less tt�n 30 days i�oai d e�,d�t�e�Ili�q�,��or maifed within wfuch Bc�rrawer must pay 91I sums sewrod�y.this
<br /> Sowrity lnstnunent.If'AormMK fall�1QiylJt��Pri�tQ��Pirnion of dus pet4od. I.ende�may inYOkt any temedies
<br /> pe3mitted b�this So�nritY I�ttua�ent�wi�b��fut�kt natice or dea�{d on 8orrawer.
<br /> •I8. Horrowe�s-1tl�t �s-Rdostat��-iF9on�ov�e� mats;cat��n.canditinns, Borrowet shalt haae the right to have
<br /> e�tfor�xmenr of tl�s Secnrity Insauma�t d'�stnniinued as anY Kme prior to thc radier of• (a) 5 days(or s4d►bther Period as
<br /> app1iq61c law maY specifY for reia�tattment) beforc sal�of the PcopenY Purs�ant to any power of sate oontained in this .
<br /> Secunty Ins�unenr,or(b)entry of a judg�t�rat enfarcing this Security Insuumeut.'f hose cvrdtuo�s s�tLat�r�wer.f a)pays
<br /> � l.ender aU sums whicfi then would be dne under this Se�vrity Instrument ard the Note as if no ac�eteration h�d oa�umed:(b)
<br /> cuns any ckfault of any otber mveo9nts or agr�s:(c��+Ys atl expenses incumd in enforceng this Savrity Instrua�ent.
<br /> - inciuding.bat not limitad to.reasonable utoro�ys'=fas:an!(d)t�lces such action as Lendcr!n�Y msonabty requir�to assute _
<br /> t6at tbe lien of this Secudry Ia�dnuntny L�ador's tights in the Property�d��wer's obligation to pa�r t1�e swns sa�ied bY
<br /> - ' this Savrity Inmumeut shatt contim�e unchaliged. Upa► reinstatemecu by�Somawer. this Serunty Inst�ument and the --
<br />- . obug�ions securQd lxreby shall remain fully effoctive as if nc�acceteration had occurred.Howe�er.this right to reiiutate shall - - - --
<br /> not appiy in•the case of aceeleratiem wider paragi-aph l7. - =�---
<br /> '` 19. Sate ot Nat� Ch�oge of I.oan Servica:Tae Note or a partial iate�est in the Note tm8ether with this SecurTry � -
<br />=��` � Inst��c)cnay be sold one or more titnes without prior twtice to Borrower..A sale may result ie a change in the entity(known �,�p, _
<br /> '�� ' as the"Loan Servicer")that coUecrs monthlY P�Y�nts due uMer the Note as�d this Secunry inummeot.There also may be one �-�N
<br />�:_.,
<br /> or mare changes of the i.oan Servicer unretated to a sale of the Note.tf tl�ere is a change of tlie l.oan Servicer.Borrower will be �.,i 3_�
<br />" given written nonce of tbe change in accordance wIth paiagraph 14 abave and app1icab1e taw.Tde notice wiU�state the name and - ��...:_
<br />'--.� address of the�w Loan Serviccr anct the address to wtucb payments should 6e made.TGe notice wip also,cantain any other ��_
<br />=-'{j , IJIfOIR18t10O fDQUItCdby S��IC�f1C 13W. `�:=
<br />--�� =p. 8�dou�s�u6stances. Borrower shall ne�tt cause or permit tUe presence.use,disposal.storage. or rete�ce of any �;.�-
<br />" Hazandous Sabstances on or in the Property- Borrower shall noc sb, mr allow anyone else to da. anythinS aftacting the, �,-;_--
<br /> praperty that.is in violation of any Environmentai Iaw. The pr�eding iwo sentences sha11 not apply to the presence,use,uT -���%-�_
<br /> � storage on the Property of smaU quantities of I�a7ardous Substances that are generaUy reoognized ta be appropriate ta nomtai '�"F`
<br /> �'� -
<br />_. - �residemial vses and to�meaanre of tlie�nperty: . -,
<br /> °�; Borrower shall pmmptiy give Txnder written notice of any investiga6on,claim.demand,tawsuit or other acdon by any - ��= -�_
<br /> ��°' govenunemal or regulatary agency or private party invotving the Praperty at�d any Hazardous Substance or Envimmnental Law �r i__
<br /> � '. of which Bomawer tias actual imowledge. if_Bottower lrams.ar is notifted•by at�Y govemmentai or tegulatory authority,that _ ,^ =' __=
<br /> . _�-:�. any rpnoval or Mher remediatian of any Hazardous Substance affectii►g the Property is necessary.Bonawer shall promptly take ' .� -
<br /> �_ ,. ,..R"
<br />- - � ., all necessacy remedial actions ia accordance with Environmentaf Law. •' :.��..`- ' .•: =
<br /> ��� qs used in this paragraph 2b. °Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as to�ic or ha�ardaas subst�xe.s by t,
<br />, -�.�.
<br /> $nvironnxntal l.�w and the following substanoes: gasoline. kerosene. other tIammabte or tnxic peuoieum pr�oducts. toxic � '����H
<br /> ��..�Y �� .��-i�.
<br /> pesticides and her�[cides.votaale solvents.materials containing a56estos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> : tbis paragraPh 20. "Envirarunentat Law" means federaf laws and taws of the jurisdicnon where the Propetty is located tbat, �� ��-
<br /> .�:, relate ta health,safety ar emrironmental pmtection. r venant and as follows. ` `��`
<br /> - nder furthe ca a8ree `�� _-
<br /> . . : �r • NON-[JNIFORM COVENAI�'fS.Borrower and L.e , ..•.:,,.,�_. :
<br /> "'''' � 21.AcceteraHon;Remedles.Lender sLa11 give notice to Borrower prior to aoceters�tion fdbwiag Sorrower s breaeh
<br /> j�
<br /> :: '` � �,�' � o!any covenant or agreement in this Socu,fty Instrument (but not pnor to�cceleratioe m�der paragraph 17 unless . _
<br /> ','� `•�t � � �:..�=...: appikable law provides oiherwise).The natice sball specity: (a)the defaWt,(b)the xtion requiud to cuce the default; �
<br /> •" ��'�' �-j (c)a dAte,not fess�tlwn 30 days i�om the date the noHce is givea ta Bormwer,6y Rhicb the default muse be cured;and �
<br />: • .r,� ;_ � s:�7. ,
<br /> �. - , (c�that taiture to curc the defaalt on or 6efore the date specitled in the notice may result in s�cceleration o!t6e sums
<br /> � �: secunod by tbis Security Instrument and sale oi the Property.The nottce s6a11 thither inform Borrower of tbe dght to __
<br /> reiastate ARer accelcratioa and the right to 6ring�warl adion to assert the non-existence ot a default or a�other �_
<br /> � defense o!Borrowee to acceteeatton smd sale.Ii the defau lt l s not c�e d ort ar 6 e t o r e t h e d a t e s p e c i t i a t i n 1 L e notke+ _ ; _-
<br /> .. . �,-�:''^� i,ender,at its optlon,may require immediate pAyment in full of all sums secured 6y th[s S a a r ity Instrumen C w i t l�a u t , .:' -_-
<br /> ' • M�.�r. , ` funher dempnd and msty invoke the power of sate and any other rem e d ies perm i t t e d�y app i i c a b l e l aw.Leadec s6at16e �'=_
<br /> •� `�:''.r . -;�
<br /> ,�:�` r eotitkd to collett all expenses tn�n'cd in pursuing the rcrnedies provided in thlv parag�aph 21,including,but aot�imited . ,,�.
<br /> • '�-.. to,crasdr�ble Attorneys'fee�and costs ot title evidertce. `' ..
<br /> . :�.f:�t��`.�. ��.
<br /> � ''-�y -•�,. . .`, Tt tl�epower ot sale is invoked,Trustee s1uiU record a notice af default in each county in which any paet�ot the �,:..,.� __
<br /> • • ` ��'�'�+` �� ptoperty is t�cated and shall mail copies ot such natice in the mannee prescel6ed by appiica6le faw to Borrower and!o � :.:
<br /> '�"' .: �'; t�e Wher persons prescri6ed by appUcable Iaw.Aiter t6e time requir�d by applicable law.Tnutee shall give public notice �-
<br /> � oi sate to the person9 and in the manner prrscribed by spplicabte law. Trustee,without demand on Bornnwer,shall sei! � _�• . —
<br /> the Pt+aperty pt publk s�udion to the htghc�st bldder at the time and place and under the terms dCCipnated in the notice o! •�-- �
<br /> ;�-. ;;� .;.:, sak in one or mare parcets and in any orde�Teustee determines.Trustee maY postpnne s�ie of aii or any parcel at the �� •.'<<`:�:;;�
<br /> �' ..� ,..;��� �PMY bY P�����me�l at the time and place ot any previoucty schedWed s�le. Lender ae ltg designce mAy �
<br /> .,. :,•,, , ;.-�� ;: � parcl�e the Property at any sate. � ,
<br /> . .��� ''' '
<br /> ".',1ii��}',-`. . _. . i `
<br /> • i? '�piir'� i • . . •
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