<br />(Continued) pag� �
<br />remedfed withfi any grace peelod provided thenain, incfuding witfiout limitation any agreemerrt concert�ing any indebtedness or nther
<br />nhligetian of Trusbor tv Lender, whether existing now or later.
<br />Everrts Affecting Guarantor. Any of the precedfng e�arrts aocur� with respect ta any auarantor, endarser, surery, or accommadation
<br />party af any of the Indebfednes� or any guaratrtdr, endorser, surety, or accommodation party dles or beoomes incompetent, or
<br />revokes vr dispukes the validity oY, vr I(ability under, any Guaranry of th� �nd�l�tedness.
<br />RIGHT3 pNp REMEpI�S ON DEFAULT. If an Event of Default occurs under this deed of Trus#, at any time thereafter, 7rustee or Lender
<br />rr►ay e�cercise any one ar more csf the fpllawing rights and remedies:
<br />Acceleratfon tJpnn Dafet�t; Additfoaal Remedies, If any Evenf of D�fault accurs as per the tetms nf the No#e secured hereby,
<br />Lender may declare all lr�dehtedness s�cured by this Deed af Trust tn ba due and payahf� and the same ah�l� thareupon became
<br />due and payebie without any presentment, demand, pro#est nr notfoe of any kind. Thereafter, Lendar may:
<br />(a) E�ther in person or hy agent, w1#tr or withput bringinq any action or proceeding, ar by a reoeiver appvihted by a court and
<br />wfthaut regard ta the adequacy crf its security, enfer upon ansf take possession of the Aroperty, at any �aart thereof, in i#s
<br />own n�me ar in the �amB of Trustee+, and dn �ny acfs which it d�oms r�ecssaary or desir�bl� ta preserve the value,
<br />marketabflity or renl�biliry of the Property, nr part af the Praperty or interest in the Property; Pncreasa the inoome from the
<br />Property or proi�sct tha aecuriky qf tha Property; and, with ar without taking possasslan of the ProperEy, sue for or otherwise
<br />cafl�ct the rents, issues and pra�its pF the proparty, including thaae paat due and unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and
<br />expenses af aperation and catlec6on attameys' i�aes, to any indebtedness sEZCUred by this Deed of 7rust, ali in such order as
<br />I..ender may determine. 7he entering upon and takin4 possession af the Properiy, the col[ectlon vf sueh rents, issues and
<br />profits, and the application therebf shall not cure or waive any de€a�u1t or natic� af default under this beed af Trust or
<br />invalidat�e arry act darre in respo�se to such dai�ult ar pursuard to such notice af default; and, noiwithstanding the
<br />cantinuance in poasession vf the Prpperty or the collectian, receipt and appiication of rents, issuea or prnfrts, 7rustee or
<br />Lencf�r shall 6e entitled ta exerciae evary right providsd for in the Nate or the Relatad Donumen#s or by law upon the
<br />accurrence of any event of defauf� Including the right to eycercise the power of sale;
<br />(b) Commence an actfan to forecloae this De�d of Trust as a mortgage, appolnf a receiver or specificaily enlorce any vf thB
<br />covenants hereaf; and
<br />(c} Deliver ta 7'ruste� a written rleclarafion of deTeult �nd demand for sale and g written notice af default and eEecfion to
<br />ceusB Trusto�'s it�terest In the Property tv be eoid, whid� notice Trustee shaA cause to be duly flled for record in the
<br />approprlate nffices of the Gounty in which the Prapetty is lacated; and
<br />(d) With resp�ct to ail cr any part aF the Persanai Prqp�r�y, Land�r sh�ll have all the rights and remedies of a s�cured pariy
<br />under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Cade.
<br />Forealosure by Pe�wer c�f 5ale, If Lender elects to foreGose by e�rcise of the Power of 5ale herein contained, 1.ender shali notify
<br />Trust�e and shail deposit with Truatee this beed of Trust �nd the Note and such r�ceipt� and evidance af axpenditures made and
<br />sec�red by thfs I]eed af 7rust as Trustee may require.
<br />(a) Upan receipt aF such natice from Lender, Trustee shalf cause to be recoroded, publishad and delivered to Trustar such
<br />Notice of Default and Notice of Sale as then required by Eaw snd k�y this Deed vf Trust. Trustee shatl, withnut demand on
<br />Trustor, after such titrie as may then he requir� by law and af6�r rsc�ordafbn of such Notice of Default and after Notice vf
<br />Sale heving been given as required by law, sep the Prnperty at #ze time and plac,� of sale fixed by it in such fVotiae of 5afe,
<br />efther as a whol�, or in separate lots or paroeis ar items �s Truste� shal) ddem exped9ent, and in suc�h order as it may
<br />determfne, at public aucfion to thar highest 6�lder far cash In lawflil money oi #ha United States payable �t the time af sale.
<br />Trustes shaN deliver tio such purchaser ar purohasers thereo.f Its goad and sufficienf deed vr deeds canveying the property sa
<br />sold, but withnut any cdvenarrt or warrar�ty, express or itnpfied. The recitals in such deed of any mat6ers or fac�s shali be
<br />condusive proaf of the truthfulness th�r�of, Any persan, includinp vvithvut limitation 'Trustor, Trustae, nr Lvnder, may
<br />purchase at such sale.
<br />(b) As may b� permitted by law, after dedunHng �11 c�sts, fsas and expenses ot 7tustee and of this 7rust, including casts af
<br />evidanve of tit�e fn connaction with r,ale, Trustee �hali apply the proceeda of sale tp paymeni of (i) ail sums expended under
<br />the i�rms of thls � r� Trust or untfar the te�rrrs of the Nate not then repafd, including but not iimited to aocrued Irnerest
<br />and late eharges, (ii) all other sums then seoured hereby, and {ii�) the remaindor, If any, to th� persvn or persons fegai�y
<br />entit�ed ttteret�o.
<br />(o) 7rust�e may in the manner provided by law postpone sala of all or any pnrtion af the Prpperiy.
<br />Remedies Nat Exclusive. 7rustee and Lender, and each of them, shaU be entitied to er�Pprce payment and perForrnance of any
<br />irodebtednass or ob1l�a�ons sacurad by thia Deed of 7rust and to s�cercis� all rights and pawerffi under this peed of Trust, under the
<br />Ncrte, unc�ec any of the Reiated i?ocuments, or under arry other �pre�emer►t ar arry laws now or hereafter fn fnrce; notwithstanding,
<br />some or a!I ot such 9ndebtednass and abligattans secured by this �eed of Trust may naw ar her�aft�r be atherw3se securod, whether
<br />by mortgaga, deed oF trust, pledge, lien, assigpmertt or otherwisa. NeRher the acoept�nae of thls Deed c�f Trust nor its enforcemer�t,
<br />whether By court �ction or pursuant to tt�e ppw�r of ��le or athar pvwers cont�ined in this �teed pf 7rust, ahall prejudice or in any
<br />manner atfect Truste�'s ar Lender's right to realirs upnn or enforce any odier security naw ar hereafter hald by Trustee or Lender, it
<br />being agraad thaf 7rustpe and Lender, and each of khem, shall be entitled to enfarce this Dead of Trust and any other security now ar
<br />hereafter held hy Lender pr 7"rusFee in such order and manner as they or eithsr of them may in iheir absoiute discrettqn dabermine. No
<br />remedy confarred upon or r�esarv�d ta 1'rusbse ar Lender, Is int�nded to be exclusive af any other remedy in this C�d at 7rust or by
<br />law provfded or permitted, but each sl'ralE be cumulative and ah�El be in additian tp every other remedy given in tt�is Deed oP Trust or
<br />now or hereafter exisUnq at I�w nr in equiry or by statute. Every power or remedy given t�y the Idote ar any of the Related qacumerrts
<br />to Tr�stee or Lender or to which aither of them may be otherwise entitted, may be exercis�d, concurr�ntly or independently, from timQ
<br />ta time and as often as may be deemed expedierrt by 7rustee or Lender, �nd eitt�r ot them may pursue tncansnstant remedies,
<br />Nothing in this �eed af 1"rust shal! be constn�ed as prahibiting Lender from seelcin� a deflcier�cy judgment agalnst the Trustor to th�
<br />extent such actlan is permitted by I�w.
<br />