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201007695 <br />.. . <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />�Continu�d) Pag� s <br />Elecllar� of Remedies. A!1 r�t Lender's rights and remedies wip pe cumulative end rnay be exercised e��on� or toq�th�r. If Lender <br />decides tn spend money pr tn pertorm any of "I`rustor'a obilgetfons under this besd of Trust, after Trusfar's faifura to cfo so, that <br />dacision by l.ender wiH not affect Lendar'a right to dedare Trustar in default and ta exercise Lander's remedies. <br />Request for Notica. 7ruslor, an behalf of Truatnr and Ler�der, hereby req�ests that a copy af any Notir.� of befault ancf a copy af any <br />Nutice of 5ale under this De�d vf Trust be rrsailed ta them at the addresaes set forth in the first paragreph at this ��ed of Trust <br />Attorneys' Feea; E'acpenees. If Lender instltutes any suit or ac�on to enfarc� any af t9�a terms af this Dsed af 7rust, Lender shall be <br />ent3Hed to recover such sum as the court may adjud�e reasnnable as attvrneys' fess �t trial and upan any appeal. WheEher or nat any <br />caurt action ts invalved, snd to t#�e e�ctent ncrt prah(blt�d by iaw, ai1 reasanabie s�cpsnses I»ender Incurs that in Lender�s aptnion are <br />necessery at any time for the pratecdan nf Its interest or the enfnrcement af its rights shall pecame a part c�f the Indebtedness payable <br />on demand and shall baar interest at the Nate rete frqm th� date of the e�cpenditure until repaid. Expenses eqv�t'�d by this paragraph <br />include, withqut limitation, however suhject to any �imits under appllcable law, L,ende�s arinrneys' fees and Lertder's lagal expenses, <br />whether or not there is a lawauit, including attomey�' fees end expenses for bankruptcy prooaedings (inc(uding effarts to modify or <br />vacate any aertomat3c st�y or inJunation), appeal�, and any anticfpated post judgment cflilectlon servic�s, the cost of ssarching <br />recards, obtaining title reports (lncluding fareclosure repprfs), survayora' reports, and appraisal fees, tftle insurance, and fees for the <br />Tru�tee, to the extent perrnitted by applicabis law. Trustor alsa will pay &ny court costs, in add�ion ta alf otf�r aums provided by <br />i�. <br />Rtghts af Trustee. 'Trustee shall have a!I of the riphts and dutlas of Lettder �s sBt forth in this section. <br />POWERS ANp OBLIGATIOMS Ofi TRU&TEE 7he fnllcw)np provisions relating W the �owers and obl�gatians of Trustee are part of this <br />Deed af Trtrst: <br />Pawer� af 7rustee. In additian to al[ pawer� of Trustse aristng as a rnatter �f law, 'Trustee shalt have the p�wer to take the faAawing <br />actior�s with reapect tc> the Property upon the written request of l.ender and Trustar. (a) Joln in preparing and filing a map or plat af <br />the Real Property, lncluding the ded�cation aF streets or other rights to the pubfic; {b) joln in granting �rry easerner�t or creating any <br />restriciiqn on the Real Prc�per'ty and {c) Join in any subordinadon or athar agreement affecting this bead vf �'rust or the interest of <br />Lender under this D�ed of 7rwst. <br />Trustae. T'rust�e shall meet alf qualifica#ions required for Trustee uhcier applicable (aw. In �ddition tio the r3ghts and remedfes set <br />forth abnve, with respect to afl or any part af the Prapetty, ihe Trustee shall have the rfght to fareclose by notice and sale, and Lender <br />wilf have the right to toreclose by judiciat ioreclasure, in aith�r cas� In aocard�nce with and to the full extent provided by applir.abie <br />laVV. <br />SucGassvr Tru�tee. i.ender, �t Ler�ders option, may from time to time s�ppoint e�ucCessor Trus#ee ta any trustme appointed under <br />this Deed aF Trust by an Instrument executed and acknowledged by lender and reccrded in the ofFine of the recordsr af HAI�L Counry, <br />State ai Pdebraska. Tha in�trument shalf ovratain, in addition to alf other matter� r'equired by st�te law, the names pf the or3ginal <br />l.ender, 7rustee, and Trustor, the book and paga (ar bompuher systam reference) wh�r�e this C� cyF Trust is recorded, and the name <br />and address aF the suocessor trustee, and the tnstrument shall be execut�d and adcnowledged by all the baneficiaries undsr thls peed <br />aF Trust or th�ir succesgars In interes�t. The succeeser trustee, without canveyan� af the Properiy, shall succeed to alE the title, <br />power, and duNes canferred upon the Tnestee in this Deed of Trwt and hy appliaabfe taw. This procedure for sub�Eitutivn of Trusbae <br />shalt govem to the exclusion of all eth�r provisians fnr substitudon. <br />NQTICEB. Any nofics required to be gtven undgr this Dead oi 'frus#, Indudi»g wkhout limitatian am notioe of def�ult and any n�tice vf <br />sale shall be gh�en in wrtting, and shall he effective whe� actuatly deliveraad, when actually received by telefacsimile (unless otherwise <br />required by law), when de�osited wlth a nationaliy recogniz�d ovu�miqht cau�ier, or, if mailed, when clpposlDed in the United S'tates mafl, as <br />fErst class, c�rtiFiad or regisfered rrtall posfage prepaid, directed to the addrpsses shown near the beginning of this Deed aF 7rust, All <br />copiea of notlpes of foredasur� irom the hplder �f any lian whlch has privrity aver this D�ed aF Trust shai( be senk tp l.ender'& address, as <br />ahown near the beginhing pf thls C1eed vf 7rusf. Any persan may change his or h�r address far notices undar this Daed of Trust py giving <br />farmat written notice to ths other person or persons, speciiying that the purposa of tlte notive is to cl��nge the person's addresa. �'or <br />notice purposas, 7rustar agrees to keep Lender i�formed at all times cf Trustor's current �dreas. Unless otherwise provided or r�quired <br />by law, if there is rrtare than on� Trustor, any r►otice glven by Lencfer to any Trtt�tor is deemed ta be nvtioe gnren to all Trustars. It will be <br />Trustors responaibfltty to �11 the ather� of the natice trom Lender. <br />N!lSCELLAMEOIfS AROVI$IONS. The foilowirtig miscellanequs provisiorrs are a paR of this Deed pf Trus� <br />Amsndmen#�. What Is wrltten in this C1eed pf Trust and in the Ftelated pacument5 Is Truator"s entire agreement with l.ander <br />concerhing fhe matters covered by thla peed pf Trust, 1"o be effecFive, any change or amendment tq this G� of 7rust must be in <br />wrlting and must be signed by wFwever wilt be bound or nbligatad by the change ar amendment. <br />Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Deed of Trust are tor eonvenisnce �urposes only snd are not t� be used to infierpref nr <br />define the provisiona of this l7eed of Trust. <br />AA�rger. 7here ahaR be no mer+�er of th� int�rest ar astate created hy this Qead of Trust with �ny other Interest or estate in the <br />Property at arry time held by or for the ben�Cit af Lender In s�ny capacity, withaut the wrtttan consent of Lender. <br />Governinp �,aw. This peed pf Trust will ba governed by f�daral law applicable to Lender and, to the exter�t not preempted by federal <br />law, the iaws di the State of Nebraska without regard ta Its coMtiets of E�w provfalons. 1'his Deed of Trust has heen accepted by <br />I.end�r in the State of Nebw�ska. <br />No Waiver by Lender. 7rustar understands t�ender wili not give up any df Lender's rights uroder tt►iB Dead of 'Frust unless Lender does <br />so in writinq. The fact that Lendar delays or omits to exercise any righi wili not mean that Lender has given e�p that right. )f I.ender <br />dads agre� in wrlting to give up one af Lender`s ri�hts, tha! daes nat mean Trustor witl not have to comply with the ather prnvisfons <br />of this Deed pf Trust Trustor alsp urederstands that If Lender does consent to a request, that does not meen that Trustor wfll not <br />have to get Lent�rs consent again if the sftue�tion happens �gain. TrusWr furth�r understands that just bacause Lender consen#s to <br />one or more pf 7rustp�'a r�qt�sts, that does nnt mean l.end@r wiEt be requlred to cans�rn ta any af 7rustvr's future reque�ts, Trustar <br />waives preffieM�nent, demand for payment, probast, and notioe of dishpnor. <br />