<br />DEED 0� TRUST
<br />�Contlrtued) �aye a
<br />rdquirsd to deduct tYnm paymeMs on the Indebtedness secured by this type of beed o1` Trust; (3) a tax ort th)s type of Deed of 1"rust
<br />charpeabla against the Lender or the halder of the Note; and (�4) a speclAc tax pn aU ar arry portion of the Inc�b6Qdness pr an
<br />payments a+f prindpal and frderest made by Trus#ar.
<br />9ubsequenE 7'axes. If any tax tn which thfs sectlon applias � enacted subsequent to tha date of this Deed of Trust, thls ev�r�t shall
<br />hav� the same efFect aa an Eveet of pefault, and Lander may exercise any vr afl nf �ts avallable remedlas for �n E�ent af pefault as
<br />provided below unless Trustpr elther (1) pays th� tax before it becvmes dNinquent, ar {2} ppqte�t� the tax as providsd abov� in the
<br />Taxes and Lfens section and depnsits with Lender caah ar a sufficiettt corporate surety bond or ofher seourity satisfactory tb E.ehder.
<br />&ECtJRITY AGREEMEN7; FINANCING S"fAT�MENTS. The folfowing prov�fons r�latinq tp thl& Deed of 7rust as a secur�ty agr�ement ar� a
<br />part of this Deed af Trust:
<br />Security Agreemettt. 7his instrument shali constitute a Security Agreerro�nt to the extent arry of the Prpperty cpnstitute+s fixtwres, and
<br />Lender shall have al) of the rights of a secured parfy under tha Uniform Crnnmercial Code as amend�d fram tirne to #ime.
<br />Security Interes�. Upvn requeat by Lsnder, Trustar �hall t�ke whatevsr action is requested by Lendar to perF�xct and cantinue Lender's
<br />seourity interest in the Person�l Prape�ty. in additian to recording this Deed of Trust in th� real properfy records, Lender may, at any
<br />time and without turther authoriaatbn frpm 7rustpr, File eatecut�d caunterparts, copies or repraduatiQns of this deed a4 7rust as a
<br />financEng stafement. Truatpr shalt reimburse Lender for alt expenses inaumad in pertacdng pr cnntinufng this security interest Upon
<br />defeult, Trua�r shall nat remove, sever vr detach the Personal Property from the Property. Upon default, �"rustar ah�ll assemble any
<br />Fersnnat Properly not a�Fflxed to the Property In a manner and at a place re�onably oahvenient to 7rustor and f.ender and make it
<br />available to lender withirt three (3} days after recaipt af written demand fram Lender to the extent perrnitted by applicabie law.
<br />Addresaes. The rrraNirog addressss of Trustor (debtor) and Lender (sacured parry) fram which information cartcarnfng the securi#y
<br />interest graMad k�y this 17eed of Trust may t�a obtaln�d (each �s required by [�e Uniform Cnmmercia! Cade) �re as stated qn the first
<br />page of thia �esd af Trust.
<br />FURTHER ASSURANCEB; ATI'ORNEY-IN-FAC7. The tollowing provisipns refating to further assur�nca� and �ttomey-in-fact are a part aF
<br />this t7ead trf Truat
<br />Furth�r Assurances. At any time, and from tim� to time, upott request of Lender, Trustor will make, execute and de�liver, ar will cause
<br />to be made, executed or deliver�ed, ta Lender or to Lend�►'s desigrtee, ancE when requested by L.ender, cause ta be filed, recorded,
<br />reflfed, ar rerecorded, as the cass may be, at such times and in such affices and placas as Lender may daem appropriate, any and all
<br />such rnnrFgages, deeds of trust, security deeda, security agreemen�, flnancing �tatements, carrtfnuatlan statamer�ts, instrumants af
<br />further assuranoe, cartfflcat�s, and oth�r documer�ts as may, in the sale apinfan af I,.ender, be necessary or desirabte in or��r tv
<br />effeatuate, complete, perfect, continue, or preserv� (i) Truslo�'s obliga{ions under !he No#e, this peed af Trust, and the Relatbd
<br />Gocurrrents, and (2) the Hens anci security in#erests created by tt�is Qaed of Trust as flrst and prfor liens on the Property, wtle�ther
<br />now awned nr hereafter aoqulred by 7rustor. Unless prohiblted by law or l.�nder agrees to the cantrary In writlr►g, i'rustor shail
<br />reimburse �encier fvr all coats and expenses incurred fn cann�ction wlth th� matbars r�eferred to in this par�raph.
<br />Attomey-irnFac�t. If Trustor fails to do any af the things ref�erred to !n the precading paregraph, Lend�r may do sa for and in the name
<br />of Trustar and at Trustor's e�nae. For such purposss, Trusbor hereby irrevpcably appoirRs Lender as Trc�star's attamey-in-fiact far
<br />the purpase vf making, executing, delivering, �ilir+�, recording, and dning aN ather things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's
<br />sole opinfan, ta acaomplish the mattars referred to in the preceding paragra�ah.
<br />FULL PEF�FQF2MANC�. if Trustor pay� afl the Indebtedness when due, and otherwlse parf'prma afl tfte nblogatians imposed upon 7rust�r
<br />under this p�ecf pf Tru�t, Lender shall exacerte and deliver to Trust�e a request for full reconveyance and shall execute and deliver to
<br />Trustor suitable sta�aments pf terminatfon of any financing statem�rrt on flfe evidenctng Lertdar"s security irrter�st in the Rents and the
<br />Perspnal Property. Any renanv�yartde t�ee required by I�nr shall be paid by Trustpr, if permltbed by ap�licable law.
<br />EV�NTS 0� DEFAULT. At Lender's option, 7rus#or wfll be in defauit under this Dead of Trust if any of the followinq happen:
<br />payment DefaulL Tntstor faits to make any p�ymaM when dus urxler the Indek�edrtess_
<br />Break Qthar Prt►mises. Truatvr breaks any promise made ta I..errder or fatla to perForm promptty at the time and stri�tly In the marmer
<br />provided in this Deed at Trust or in arry agr�emant related to this deed of Trust.
<br />Compliance Default. Failure to oompty with any ather term, abliaa�on, covenant or cvnditfon contained in this Deed of 1"rust, the Note
<br />or in any of the Ftetated popuments.
<br />Default on Other Payments. Fapure of Trustor wRhin ttra time required by this Deed of Trust to make any paymant far taxes or
<br />insurance, or any ather paymenf necessary to prevant flling of or to effect di�charge of any lien.
<br />�alse Stat�ment;. Any representatlon �r statement rnade or furniahed ta Lender by Trustor or on TrustaPs bahalf under thls peed of
<br />Trust nr th� Related Documer�ts � false or misleadinp in any maMrial respect, either naw ar at the time made or furnished,
<br />Llefrctive Callatwali�ttlon. "I'hfs C'�eed of 7rust or any af the Refated Dacuments ceases tp be in fuil foroe and �sfFect (Including faiiuna
<br />oi any collateral document #o create a valid and perfected security irrterest or Eien) at any time and fpr any reason.
<br />Death ar tnsolvency. The death of Trustqr, tf�e InsoEvBncy of Trustvr, the a�pnintm0nt of a receiver for any part ot Trustor'� property,
<br />any. aaslgnment 'for the beneflt af crettitors, arry type dt credibor workout, or the cQmmencement of any proceedin� under any
<br />bankruptcy or Insolvancy laws by or �ainst Trustor.
<br />7aWng of the praperly. Any credi6pr ar gavernmeMa) aqency trtes td take any of the Proper[y pr any other of 7rustvra property In
<br />whlah Lender has a li�n. This Includes taking of, garnishing of or ievying on "frustor's acs�ounts witl� Land�r. However, if Trustor
<br />disputes in good fafth whether the daim on which the taking of the Properry fs hasad is valid or rea�onable, and if firustar gives
<br />Lender writtan notice of the claim and feimishes Lender with monies or a surety bond satisfactory tv l.ender ta satisfy the claim, then
<br />this default provkslon will not appfy.
<br />Breach af Dther Aaresmettt, Any breach by 7rustor under the terms af �ny ather agreemertt between Trustor and Lend�r that is not
<br />