<br />deposits received pursuant thereto, utility contracts, service contracts, guaranties, warranties,
<br />telephone exchange numbers, licenses, gavernment permits and applications, approvals and other
<br />government rights relating to the Property or the operation of the business therean; all books and
<br />records; deposit accounts, letter-of-credit rights, accounts, cantract rights, instrurnents, chattel
<br />paper, investment property, all rights of Grantor for payment vf money far property sold, rented
<br />or lent, for services rendered, far money lent, or advances or deposits made; all claims, actians,
<br />and causes of action (including those arising in tart, including commercial tort claims) of Grantor
<br />against others; all agreements, cantracts, certi�cates, instruments (including promissory notes,
<br />guaranties, liens and all writings which evidence a right to the payment of money), franchises,
<br />permits, licenses, plans, specifications and other documents, now or hereaFter entered into, and
<br />all rights therein and thereto, respecting or pertaining to the use, occupation, construction,
<br />management or operation of the Property or any part thereof or respecting any business or
<br />activity conducted on the Property or any part thereof and all right, title and interest of Grantar
<br />therein and thereunder, including the right to receive and collect any sums payable to Grantor
<br />thereunder; all extensions, Improvements, betterments, replacements, renewals, ar additians and
<br />accessions to any of the foregoing; and any other intangible praperty of Grantor related to the
<br />Property; and
<br />TOGETHER with and in addition to any other property mentioned above, all property in
<br />which a security interest may be created pursuanC to the Uniform Commercial Code (or any
<br />sirnilar laws) including all goods, inventary, equipment, accounts, accounts receivable, contract
<br />rights, general intangibles, chattel paper, docurnents, documents of title, instruments, depasit
<br />accounts, letter-of credit rights, investment property, tort claims (including commercial tort
<br />clairns), and securities located on or generated by or used in connection with the ownership or
<br />operation of the Property; and
<br />TOGETHER with all proceeds of the conversion, voluntary or involuntary, of any of the
<br />faregoing including proceeds of insurance and Condemnation Awards, into cash or liquidation
<br />claims; and
<br />above.
<br />TOGETHER with any and all other rights of Grantor in and to the items set farth in
<br />FURTHER WITNESSETH, that khis Recapture Deed of Trust is both a real property
<br />mortgage and a"security agreement" within the meaning of the Nebraska Uniforrn Cornrnercial
<br />Code (collectively the "Security Instrurnent"). The Property includes both real and Personal
<br />Property and all other rights and interests, whether tangible or intangible in nature, of Grantar in
<br />the Praperty. By executing and delivering this Security Instrument, Grantor hereby grants to the
<br />Authority, as security for the Obligations, a security interest in any of the Property that is deemed
<br />to be Personal Property to the full extent that such property may be subject to the Uniform.
<br />Commercial Code. This Security Instrument shall be and is intended ta serve as a financing
<br />statement under the Unifarm Commercial Code with respect to the Personal Property, and when
<br />filed shall serve as a financing statement for all intents and purposes thereunder. Grantor
<br />authorizes the Authority to file �nancing statements describing the Personal Property. The
<br />Authority shall be �ntitled to all rights and remedies of a"secured party" under the Uniform
<br />Commercial Code. Upon its recording in the real property records, this S�curity Instrument shall
<br />4
<br />Recapture Deed of 7rust and Security Agreement
<br />4848-25a6-71433
<br />