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20�.007s3� <br />inventory control systems; (d) all apparatus, machinery, motors, tools, insurance proceeds, <br />leases, and equipment, including fire sprinklers and alarm systems, air conditioning, heating, <br />refrigerating, electronic monitoring, window or structural cleaning rigs, maintenance equipment, <br />equipment for the extermination nr exclusion of vermin or insects, equipment for rerr►oval af <br />dust, debris, snow, refuse or garbage, and all other equipment of every kind; (e) elevators, <br />fittings, radiators, gas ranges, mechanical equipment, and all plurnbing, heating, lighting, <br />cooking, laundry, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditinning, central energy and <br />sprinkler equipment and fixtures and appurtenances thereka; and ( fl all renewals or replacements <br />of any of the foregoing, whether or not fhe same are or shall be attached to the Improvements <br />(Land, Property, Improvements and Personal Property shall be collectively referred to as <br />"Premises"); and, <br />TOGETHER with, all leases and other agreements affectin� or relatin� to the use, <br />enjoyment or occupancy of all or any part af the Land or the Impravements heretofore or <br />hereafter entered into, whether befare ar after the �ling by or against Grantor of any petition for <br />relief under 11 U.S.C. § 101 et s�, (the "Bankruptcy Code"), as the same may be amended from <br />time to time (the "Leases") and all right, title and interest of Grantor, its successors and assi�ns <br />therein and thereunder, including cash or securities deposited thereunder ta secure the <br />performance by the lessees of their obligations thereunder and all rents, additianal rents, <br />royalties, licenses, payments (including payrnents pursuant to the exercise of any purchase option <br />by arty tenant under any Lease), fees (including termination fees), revenues, income, receipts, <br />charges, accounts, accounts receivable, issues and profits and other benefits (including all oil and <br />gas ar ather mineral royalties and bonuses) trom the Land or the Improvements whether paid or <br />accruitag before or after the filing by or against Grantar of any petitian for relief under the <br />Bankruptcy Code (collectively, the "Rents") and all proceeds from the sale or ather disposition <br />af the Leases and the right to receive and apply the Rents ta the payrnent of'the Obligations; and, <br />TOGETHER with all awards ar payments, including interest thereon (collectively, the <br />"Condemnation Award(s)"), which may heretofare and hereafter be made with respect to the <br />Property, whether from the exercise of the right of eminent damain (including any transfer made <br />in lieu af ar in anticipation of the exercise of such right), or for a change of �;rade, inverse <br />condemnation or for any other injury to ar decrease in the value of the Property whether <br />permanent or temporary; and, <br />TOGETHER with all proceeds of and any unearned premiums an any insurance policies <br />covering the Property, including the right to receive and apply the proceeds of any insurance <br />judgrnents, or settlemertts made in lieu thereof, for damage to the Prap�rty; and, <br />TOGETHEIZ with all refunds, rebates or credits in connection with a reduction in real <br />estate taxes and assessments charged against the Property as a result of tax certiorari or any <br />applications ar praceedings for reduction; and, <br />TOGETHER with all intangible property used in connection with or generated by, <br />located an or at or pertaining to the Property including all general intangibles, payment <br />intangibles, software, goodwill, trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, capyrights, <br />option rights, purchase cantracts, contract rights or leases af Personal Praperty and security <br />3 <br />Recapture Deed of Trust and Security Agreement <br />A848-2546-7143.3 <br />