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�oioo�s35 <br />Covered multifamily dwellings must have at least one building entrance on an <br />accessible route, unless it is impractical to da so because of terrain or unusual <br />characterisYics af the site. For all such dwellings with a building entrance on <br />an accessible route the following six requirements apply: <br />Accessible and Usable PubCic and Common Use Areas: <br />Public and camrr►on use areas must be readily accessible ta and usable by <br />people with disabilities. <br />Usable Daars: <br />All doors designed to allow passage into and within all premises must be <br />sufficiently wide to allow passage by persons in wheelchairs, <br />Accessible Route Into and Thraugh the Covered Dwelling Units: <br />There must be an accessible route into and through the dwelling units, <br />providing access For people with disabilities throughaut the unit. <br />Light Switches, Electrical Outlets, Thertnostats anct Other Environmental <br />Controls in Accessible Locations: <br />All premises witlYin the dwelling uniis rnust contain light switches, electrical <br />outleCs, therrmostats and ather enviranmental controls in accessible locations. <br />Reinforced Walls for Grab Bars: <br />All premises within dwelling units must contain reinforcemenis in bathxoom <br />walls ta allow later installation of grab bars around tailet, tub, shower stall and <br />shower seat, where such facilities az�e provided. <br />Usable Kitchens and B�throoms: <br />Dwelling units must contain usable kitchens and bathrooms such that an <br />individual who uses a wheelchair can maneuver about the space. <br />These Fair Hausing Act requirements can be found in the Fair Housing Act <br />Design Manual. <br />B) The Plans and Specifications are in compliance with Standards sp that units in the <br />project meet Energy Star Standards and fully accessible and sensory units <br />rneet Sectian SO4 accessibility Standards. <br />C) The Plans and Specificatians do not require the installation or use of any asbestos <br />containing materials in conn.ection with the construction or use af the Projcct. <br />aaai.zi3s-Ja7s.z C_q <br />