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2oioo7s35 <br />ATTACHMENT 1 <br />I:1: Z y.1 I I M x N] I 1 I i.Y i 1� 1:7 11 I 1� C rl: M �� 1 <br />PARTI <br />The undersigned, an architect duly lic�nsed and registered in the State of Nebraska, has <br />prepared for ,(the "Owner"), final plans, warking <br />drawings and detailed specifications (and addenda) dated , 2Q <br />(collecCively, the "Plans and Specifications") in connectian with certain real property lacated at <br />(the "Project") for which the undersigned <br />acknawledges will receive low incorne housing tax credits under Section 42 of the Tnternal <br />Revenue Code and 1602 funding under the Section 16021'rogram created pursuant to Title XII af <br />the American Recovery and R�investment Act of 2009 to finance the costs ta acquire, rehabilitate, <br />or cpnstruct the Project. <br />Accordingly, the undersigned hereby certifies to the Owner and the Nebraska Tnvestm�nt <br />�inance Authorrty that: <br />A) The Plans and Specifications comply with and conform in all respects to the requiremcnts <br />of existing Iaw, have been duly filed with and have been appxoved by all governmental <br />and municipal authorities having jurisdiction there over, and the Plans and Specifications <br />are in campliance with all requirements and restrictions of al] applicable zaning, <br />environmental, building, �re, health and other governmental ordinances, rules and. <br />regulations and the requirements of the appropriate board of fire underwriters or othcr <br />siznilar body acting in and far the locality in which the Project is located. Further, the <br />Plans and Specificaiions comply with: <br />1) The applicable edition of the International Building Cade and National Electric <br />Code; and the local code adopted by the presiding jurisdiction; and the Minimurn <br />Property Standards [MPS] in 24 CFR 200.925 or 200.926. <br />2) The applicable local energy conservation code, or, if no such cade is applicable, <br />then in accordance with the 2003 International Energy Code. <br />3) The accessibility r�quirement at 2� CFR part 8, whiGh implements Section S0� of <br />the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and covered rnultifamily <br />dwellings, as defined at 24 CFR 1 Q0.2Q 1. <br />4) The design and construction requirernent at 24 CFR 100.205, which implements <br />Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Fair Housing Act <br />(42 U.S.C. 3601-3619), as it relates to the fall.owing: <br />Accessible Building Entrance on an Accessible Raute: <br />4841-2135-3478.2 C_� <br />