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2oioo7s35 <br />D) If this Project consists of manufactured housing, it zneets the Manufactured Home <br />Cvnstruction and Safety Standards established in 24 GFR part 3280. These standards pre- <br />empt state and local codes covering the same aspects of performancs for such housing. <br />E) All of the preconditions have been met justifying the issuance of all necessary approvals, <br />certificates, permits and licenses that rnay be required fram such gavernmental authorities <br />having jurisdiction over the construction of the Project. <br />�') The Praject will coxnply vvith Section SO4 of the Rehabilitation Act of 19'�3 and <br />irnplementing regulatians at 24 CFR Part 8, the Lead-Based Pain Poisoning Frevention <br />Act, and the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 and <br />irnplementing re�ulations at 24 CFR Part 35 (if applicable). <br />Dated: , 20� <br />ARCHITECT SIGNATURE: <br />Name of Company: <br />OWNER MUST RETURN TW� QRIGINALS WHICH HAVE BEEN EXECUTED ABOVE <br />BY THE ARCHITECT. ONE OF WHTCH WILL BE RETURIr1ED TO THE OWNER AFTER <br />COMPLETION OF THE PR�JECT FOR EXECUTION BELOW BY THE ARCHITECT IN <br />REGARD TO THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW. <br />PART II <br />The Project now being completed, the undersigned, an architect duly licensed and registered as <br />stated above, certifies to the Owner arid the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority that: <br />A) Ther� are no building cade or other violatians af municipal ordinances or county codes <br />�"iled or noted a�ainst the Project. <br />B) All necessary gas, steam, telephan�, electric, water and sewex services and oth�r utilities <br />required to adequately service the Praject are now available to the Project. All street <br />drainage, water distribution and sanitaty sevver systerns have been accepted for perpetual <br />mainCenance by the appropriate gavernmental authority or utility. <br />C) If this Project consists af rnanufactured housing, the Project complies with applicable <br />state and local laws ox cod�s gaverning installation. In the absence of such laws or codes, <br />the project complies with the rnanufacturer's written instructions for installation af <br />manufactured hnusing units. <br />Furtherrnore, in the professianal opinion af the undersigned, the Praject is constructed in a good <br />and workmanship-like manner substantially in accordance with the Plans and Specifications and <br />is free and clear of any damage or structural defects that would, in any rnaterial respect, affect <br />4841-2135-3a78.2 C_� <br />