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��������� <br />Section 11.7. Cou_nterparts <br />This Agreeznent may be executed in several counterparts, and all sa executed shall <br />constitute one agreement, binding on all the parties hereto. Any counterpart af this Agreement, <br />whach has attached to it separate sigmature pages which tagether contain the signatures of all the <br />parties hereta or is executed by an attorney-in-facC on behalf of sorne or a11 of the parties, shall <br />for all purposes be deemed a fully executed instrument. <br />Section 11.8, Sarvival <br />All representatians, warranties, and indemnifications contained herein shall survive the <br />termination of this Agreem�nt. <br />Seetion 11.9. Se arabilit of Provisians• Ri hts and Remedies• Consistenc with <br />Pro ram Re uirements <br />(a) Each provision of this Agreernent shall be considered separable and if for any <br />reason any provision or provisions herein are determined to be invalid and contrary to any <br />existing or future law, such invalidity shall not impair the operation of ar affect those portions of <br />this Agreement which are valid. <br />(b) Unless atherwise specifically provided hexein, the rights and remedies of any of <br />the parties hereunder shall nat be mutually exclusive, and the exercise af one ar more of the <br />provisions hereof shall not preclude the exercise af any other provisions hereof. Each of the <br />paxties confrrrns that damages at law rnay be an inadequate remedy for breach ar threat of breach <br />af any provisions hereof. The respective rights and abligatians hereunder shall be enforceable <br />by specific performance, injunction, ar ather eyuitable remedy, but nathing herein contained is <br />intended ta limit or affect any rights at law or by statute or othez�wise of any party aggrieved as <br />a�ainst the other parties far a breach or threat of breach of any pravision hereof, it being the <br />intention by this paragaph ta make clear that under this Agreernent the respective rights and <br />obligations of the parties shall be enforceable in equity as well as at law or otherwise. <br />(c) T'he provisions of this Agreement are intended ta implement the Section 1642 <br />Program in accardance with the Program Requirements and with Section �2 of the Code as <br />applicable to the Section 1602 Pragram, and shall be interpreted consistently therevvith. In the <br />event of any conflict between the pravisions of this Agreement and the Pragram Requirements, <br />the Prograrn Requirernents shall govern, and to the extent necessary, the rnconsistent pravisions <br />of this Agreement shall be without effect. <br />Section � 1.10. Iude endent Contractar• Indemnification <br />It is expressly understaad and agireed by the parties heretv that the Authority is <br />contracting with the Owner as an independent contractor, and that Ownex, as such, agrees ta hald <br />harmless and to indemnify the Authority and its officers, agents and ernployees �rom and against <br />any and all clairns, demands and causes of action of every kind and nature which may be asserted <br />by any third-party in connection with, arising out of, or in any way incident to the services <br />performed by the Authority under this Agreement. <br />22 <br />4841-2135-3478,2 <br />
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