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2oioo7s3� <br />Section l 1.11. Conflict of Interest <br />No person who (a) is a Member af Congress ar Delegate to Congress or Resident <br />Commissioner af HUD, (b) is an ernployee, agent, cansultant, officer or elected ar appainted <br />official of the Authority or of any respondent that reccived funds and who exercises or has <br />exercised any functions ar responsibilities with respect ta activities assisted with funds provided <br />under this Agreernent, or (c) who is in a position ta participate in the decision-making process or <br />gain inside infarmation with regard ta such activities, may obtain a personal or financial interest <br />ar benefit from a Section 1602 Program-assisted activity, ar have an interest in any cantract, <br />subcontract or agreement (or the proceeds thereo fl with respect to a Section 1602 <br />Program-assisted activity either far themselves or those whorn they have family or business ties, <br />during their tenure and for ane-year thexeaf�er. <br />Section 11.12. Information Repuests, <br />The Ownex shall promptly provide to the Authority any information relating to the <br />Praject as may be requested by a federal or state agency for purposes of the Ssction 1602 <br />Program Requirements of accountability and transparency. <br />Section 11.13 Amendrnents This Agreement can only be amended by instrurnent in <br />writing signed by the Authority and the Owner. <br />23 <br />48A1-2135-3478.2 <br />