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�oioo7s3� <br />(c) The table nf contents and the headings or captions used in this Agreement <br />are for convenience of reference and do nat constitute a part af this Agreernent, <br />nor affect its meaning, canst�ruction, or eFfect; <br />(d) Wards importing pers�ns include any individual, carporation, partnership, <br />litnited liability company, joint venture, association, joint stack campany, trust, <br />unincorporated organization, or gavenunent or agency or political subdivision <br />thereof; <br />(e) Any reference in this Agreement to a particular "Article," "Section," or <br />other subdivision shall be ta such Article, Section, ar subdivision of this <br />Agreement unless the context shall otherwise require; <br />(� Each reference in this Agreernent to an agreement or contract shall include <br />all arnendments, znodifications, and supplements to such agreement or contract <br />unless the context shall otherwise require; and <br />(g) When any reference is made in this document or any af the schedules or <br />exhibits attached hereto to the Agreement, it shall mean this Agreeznent, together <br />with all other schedules and exhibits attached hereto, as though one document. <br />Section 11.3. Bindin� Nature of Restrictions <br />This Agreernent shall be recorded against the Pmject in the office of the register of deeds <br />far the county in which the Project is located. The restrictions and covenants contained in this <br />Agreement shall run with the land and be binding upon the Owner a.zid all of the �wner's <br />successors, assigns, heixs, grantees, or lessees. All references to "Ovcrner" in this Agreement shall <br />include the Owncr's successars, assigns, heirs, grantees, ar lessees. <br />Sectiou 11.4. Assi�nrnents <br />This Agreement and the proceeds of the Subaward may not be assigned, pledged, <br />hypothecated, transferred, mortgaged or otherwise conveyed to any Person or Entity. <br />Section 11.5. Absence of Ri�hts in T�ird-Parties <br />Na pravision of this Agreement shall be construed in any manner so as to create any <br />rights in Fersons or Entities that are not a party to this Agreemcnt other than Treasury and /or <br />Tax Credit Investor as contemplated under this Agreement. The provisians af this Agreement <br />shall be interpreted solely to define specific duties and responsibilities between the Owner, the <br />Authority, and shall nat provide any basis for claims of any other Person or Entity other than <br />Treasury, <br />Sectian 11.6. Appl3cable Law <br />This Agreernent shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the intemal laws of <br />the State. <br />21 <br />asa i -z i 3s-3a�s,z <br />
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