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<br /> — ., appa►val which s]n!I noE 6e aura�a�bly wi�hAeid.7P�oarcT�T��To�� - - - -��: ��� .T- `
<br /> l.ender�dptiaa obwin c+ovm�ge�to protect t.mder�rtghts in the Ropetty in acc�Td�wit6 p�ragcaph 7.
<br /> � JUI inaur�ce pol�cc�c aodi cmewats sh�li be a�crptabtc to Lender and��all,inciwtc a stnndud mo�t$agc ciause. l.ender� <
<br /> shall�iave the tigi�t to hold the policies and Rnewaia it Lender r�quires,Botrovres shall pcomply give to Lender ett receiqs
<br /> . of pud pemlums antt taieaal notices. in ihe evrnt nf loss.Barower s6ai1 give pmmpt eotice to the insura�xr aarrier an6
<br /> � l.ende.r..Lendet tnay m�lce prouf oF ldss i[not tnade pr�mP��Y�Y�Tewer. .
<br /> -, ` Unless Lender anI Aarrov�rer othenvise�e in v�mting:msuraeice pcoixed3 st�t3 be apptied Ec�rc�storrtian u�r iepaer of .
<br /> ` ' 1he Frope�ty d�rraged,if tbe nstoratioo ar.�epair is ccortomically feasible and l.ender's security is not tessened. Jf thr .
<br /> nestoration ar eepair is not ceanamical�y feasibk nr Lender's secority would 6e lessened.the insurance pmcads shall i�
<br /> applied to the sums secuted by this Secur+ty lnstinunrn4 whether oc not then due•wiit�any excess paid tu BoQOwer. ;lf
<br /> - Borrower abandons the P�ope►ty.or does nat answtr witDin 3f1 drys�noti�€rom Lender tfiat the insurance cacrier I�ac
<br /> offeted to seuf4 a claitn.d�ert Lender nnay coikct the insarmce proceeds. L.ender may use the proveeds to cepair or�estae
<br /> the pmperty oc to pay wms se�ct�ted by this Secttrity Instnutxn�wfxther or na:tfien doc. 'i'fte 3fT-daY Periad will begin when ,
<br /> t6e aotice is g'�ven. . . , •
<br /> - Unless L.ec�der and Borrower otherwise agree in wridng.any appiieation of proceeds to principal sAap not extend pr _-
<br />__ postpone tIx due date of the morthlY PaYments ref2ned to in paragraphs!and 2 or change th�amounE of d�e paymer�ts. tF � _ - __.__
<br /> � �P�S�Ph 21 ��1°P�Y is acquired by Leader,Borrower's right to any insur.utce poticies and procecds resutnng
<br /> _ from damage m the Praperty pnor to the acquisition r.hait pass w Lender to the.eatent af the sums secured by.this Security _u
<br />_-- � Ins1iuma�t immediately prior to the acquisidan.� . ` ----.
<br />=- 6. UecaWseYt Preservatioo, Maiptetu�nce and Proteetton of t6e Property: Borrovrer's Loan Appi'icationi ; . -_-- -
<br /> "- - l�seialis. Rartewer shall occupy,establisfi.and t�e tNe Property as Botmwer's principaE cesidence wiWin sixty days aft�x ___-_---
<br />-- the executiaa of this Socurity Insuumen[and shati continue to axupy the Praperty as Borrov►er's principa�msidence for at _--___
<br /> kast ane yeai aftpr thc�daze of occupaney. unless t.ender ath�rwise agnees ia writing. wbich consent shatt'not be -_-_-
<br /> _� - urueaconaWy withiuld.or untess extenuating eircumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's controi. Bomnwer shall not - -
<br /> - desttay,damage or impair the Property,altow the Property to deteriarate.or commit waste an the Property. Borrower shalY ���
<br /> �r be in default if any forferture action ar praceeding.whether civil or criminal,is besun that i�e�.ender s gaod faith judgtncmt 6-�a�,; __
<br />;:i; � cauld result in forfeiture of the Property oi otRerwise materially impair the lien created 63 this Security Ins�rument c?r ���� _
<br /> :::•;i' �s3�secutitg iatece�t. Bosrower a�ay cut�e such a default and reinstate.as pravide`d in para��aph 18,by causing the actian �;,;_,_°�`._
<br /> =''i':��' or praceeding to 6e dia�missed witb a roting that,in Lenders�goad faith determination,preciudes forfeiture of the Barrower s -�:=�--•-_
<br /> r, inferest in tht Properry or other material impairment of the lien created by thfis Secunty Instrument or Lender's secariry `',��'�;`=,_
<br /> � interest. Bo:rowex shall also�be in default if Sorrower, during the loan appi'rcation process. gave materially false ar �z-_i.�:��`-�a-
<br /> ta _..-
<br /> inaccurate infoRnation or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material infamxirion)in connection uies �=~'�
<br /> .the toan evidencec4 by the Note. uECiuding, but not limited to. cepresenGzuons conceming Ha�sower's occupancy of�e ; ,_-_
<br /> � � ' property�s a principal residence. If ehis Securiry Instrument is on a tea�ehold.Borrower shalY wmply witf�all the provistons _�����.
<br /> ,�r.•�- ----
<br />- • , of thc lease. If Borrower acquires fee ti�le to the Property.the leasehotd and�he fee tide shaH not merge uniess Lender a�s _ ___
<br /> to the merger in writing. �'=�-
<br /> • 7. protection of Leeder's Rights in the Piroperty. if Barrower faii�ro perform the covenant�c and agreements �-��-
<br /> containeA in this Security lnsm►acesu.or ihere is a lega!praceeding that may sigufieandy affect Lender's rights in the �'r
<br /> � Praperty(�ch as a proceeding ffi f�-��cruptcy,.probate.for caademnauon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations}.tiun �.�_�
<br /> L.ender may Qa and pay for w�c�._is necessary to protect the valur of the Praperty and l.ender's righu in the Pr3J�y. ��''`'
<br /> , ; _' `-;.—
<br /> ' ",`} Lender's actions may inrlude�y�rg any sums secumd by a lien which has priority aver this Securiry lastrument,appe�aring - �
<br /> � ' r in courl.paying reaso:sable attvnz�s fees and entering�m the Property to makc repairs.Although l.ender may take:►ctian .. . ' _
<br /> under this paragrapb?,Lender does aat have to do so. ' "
<br /> Any amounts disbuned by�.c�er undes this paragraph 7 shall became Additional debt of Borrower+ecured bF thic � . _
<br /> Security Isit4rumenl. llnless 8arra�ze and Lender agree to athcr term.s of paymen�these acr.aunts shall hear interest fram ihe , _
<br /> date of dus5uiserrtent at the Note rate and+hall Ne payable.witb interesG uEson natice from l.ender co SuROwer reyuening , �'. � '
<br /> payment. . _ -
<br /> - & Mortgage Insurance. If l.ender reyuirzd mortgage insurance ati�condition of making ihe taan.recured by this =
<br /> 5ecuriry Imttument.Bonower rhall pay thc premium�rcquued to maintain the'mortgagc insuraacc in cffect. li foa any
<br /> - : reason.the mortgage insurartce caverage required by Lendzs 'Mp.re�.or ccases to he in effcct. Barrawer shAll pa. fhe �.
<br />. � s., ',i. premiumc required ta obtain covcragc sub�tantially cyuiva:r�.c�� the mortgagc intiurartc�c v��:;iously in effect.at :�u.ne
<br /> :, substantially equivalent ta�he co.rt to B�rrawer of ihe mortga�•�_a�urancc r*:viau�ly in e��•�r srom an uhemate mart�age � `.
<br />:' � �•��: • insurcr appraved by Lender. lf�ubstantially cquivatenl morigugC insuranc:s:_,erage i�a�t avAilabtc,{�:�rower shall pay to �_ •;�= �,
<br /> Lender eACh month a sum equal to one-1wclGh uf the yearly mortgage in�:.�r::r prcmium being paid by Eorrawer.�stxn�he • -. :
<br /> '� imurance coverage lapsed or cca+cd to be in effect. Lcndcr will accept,uwe z-�-��ain thc,c paymcnt�as's?otiv re�cne in:icu �' :����_
<br /> � ' � of martgase insuranca l.oss recr.rve payments may na fonger Ne rryuireJ.a5 t'�e option r€l,ender.if mc�rtgage imurarce � . ' r ;
<br /> .�'•- :a . covcragc(in thc amauni and f�,�di�.;�criod that Lender require�►proo�idcJ b} a:�in�ur:r a�,j-r;.ved My Lender t�gain bc...�:tr.ti� • � ,
<br /> available and is obtsir,ul.l3ua;-:T:e�:�ap pay the r remiumti rec�uircd ta ma:nr.�T,r�crnr�-��:w»:.sance in effect.or to prer.;'°:a � ,
<br /> '' ''� ''`�•, toss reserve.until the r:r•�irement for mnrt a_e�:•.::;-ance end�in accurdance•�r.;�an «ritten a•nemrnt(xtween Hc�rrower ��.
<br /> g'� ' , Y b ' ..
<br /> . �'��`...` ": ` and Lcnder or applicu'�:c law. ► ' . . .
<br /> -� ' - -
<br /> , ,.�a�r•�ti+::�,. 9. inspectbn. l.rndcr ur its agent may r.:::I�C fd'dy�s^�::k�:cntrir,upun and in.prciiuitit��f the Pmperty. Lendcr�hall �
<br /> •`�� ` give Horrowcr noticc at thc limc��f ur priat tu an in.�rt:��l,�tti.:�'qing rc�tonabfc r.ui�c for thc impcctiun. � `
<br /> . a�t� f
<br /> . - 10. Condemnallon. Thc prt�cccd�uf un}atvarJ ut claint t��r datnag�ti,dircct or cun�cyurntial.in a�nncction wi�b:iny i
<br /> ' � ..'.r � r
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<br /> � � � �t � � �� toiar.rrr.e;1 IND�;;%v: �Y1t 1 t•11�1 ! • -
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