- _ "' �_ ___ _ _ ____. .. . . . .}_
<br /> _ _. _ y`�"�:..j �. - . - i .� .-___. .. .<4 . ` -F�.
<br /> -_ _ ' 1:' "i� " . _ . , . __- .' `__ . . . ' .' ` . ..-- ` �__
<br /> _ `..,. .�=_ \,� ._. , � . �- . . ` . . __` , _ _ �__. . . _ -.�. • . -- . , -- � ..
<br /> . i . ~ _ " ( . .. . . . � . . - _����l�����,
<br /> . .coedemn�tion atha taking af aay p�rt of ttx PtopatY.or farsa�veyanct in lieu of caidenuutton.are I�by assigned and �: .
<br /> _ _—� �.__� -�.:�- - r•�:-.:-._-- • • - -_-- - —--
<br /> . 1n the e"vent of a total talcing of the Property.t�ie procoeds s�all be applied to thc sums secuced by this Sa�urity '
<br /> �Q�;w6��r or na tt�a ape;with�ny enccss paid to Borrowcr. [n the dvent of s panial taking ef.tlzc Prape,rty in .
<br /> which ths fair maiicet value of tlie i�apetty-am�acdiatciy befare the tatcing is equal ta or Ereater shan thc:imouat of the sums
<br /> � secuaed by tbis Security tnstrumer►t immediateiy befoce the talciing.unless Barrowcr and Lender aherwisc agree in writing.
<br /> the suMx s�cu�d by this Seciuity Insmiment sriall he�educed by tlie amount of[he procceds multiplie4 by thc foilowing ,
<br /> �� ������o�c of the sums secute�i�m�diately�efoR the taking,divided by(b!the`fair maikei value af the. ,
<br /> Prbpecty,imu�ed'iately bef�r the t�lCinB. MY balance shali be paid ta Bo�rower. tn the event vf a partial taking of the
<br /> pmpe�ty in whic6 tl�e fair marice�valu�of tix Phroperty immediateiy before the taldng is tess.th�ihe amount of the sams .�
<br /> secuned immediatdy beforc the tatcin untess Borrower and Lender otherwise agiee in writing ar untess appticable !aw
<br /> �ry�,�se pmvides,t6e procceds sha11�applied to the sams Secured by this Security inswment whether or nat the�s a�e�
<br /> then due. -
<br /> ;f ti�e pmperty is a6andaned by Bortowu,ar i�aftec notice by Ltnderta Borrower that the condemna offeis to make
<br /> an awar+d or settle a'ctaim for dart�ages.Borrower faiLs ta�espond to Lender within 30 days after the date the aotice is given.
<br /> I�ender is authoriud to coltect and appig the p�ds•,at its opdon.eitt'�ec,w�estcxatinn ar repair of the Property or to the
<br /> - �------sumssecu�tBytAisSecutityinsuumau.whether,ornottheadue. ---. � - :- -T' _--_
<br /> -- Unigss[.ender arK!Barrower at6erwise agcee in writin8•�Y aPPU�on of proceed.s to prmctpai shalt noi extend or
<br /> v� postpone the due date of the monthly paymt.mts re�erred to in Paragraphs�3nd 2 or change the�mount of sucb Payments.
<br />��. 1L�Sorro�rer;1tot Rek�td; For6ear�nce By�1.ender NM a Waiver. Extensiort of the tIme for payment or
<br /> = modifrcation of amoniaation of tfie sums secured BY,this Security Insisument granted by Lender to any successor in interest =
<br />-= of Barmwec sdall not operate to rele,ase the liability of the orisinal Borrower or Borrower's•successars in inte�est.Ixnder _ _ _
<br /> shal!not 6e required to commence proceedings against�ny successor ia inrer�t or tefuse ro extend time for payment ur�
<br />- _ - othetwise modify amo�6zaaon of d�e sums secured by this Seruriry Instrument by neason of any demand made by the original __ __
<br /> " Borrower at Borrower'�saccessars in intuest. Any forbearance by Lender in exerrising any nght or remedy shait nat be a —__
<br /> -_ tvaiver of or preclude the exereise of any rightor resna�jF. �_=-
<br /> �' iZ, S�c�o�s u�i q,�Bound;Jdnt apa Scveral Littbility;Co�signets. 'tlie covenan�s and agreemenGs of this � __
<br /> Security Insuument st�all bind and 6enefit the successsxcs and ussigns of Lender and Barrower,subject to the Qravisionc of .,� _
<br /> paragraph t?.Bo�rower's covenarts and agreements:s�at[be joint and several.Any.Bomower who co-signs this Securita 4��"'�-�
<br /> �, a Instrument�iit daes not execute the Note: (a)is co-�gthis SecufiEy IntitrumenE onty to snortgage.gtai►t and coavey tir�c-...:.-:. ��---�''-- :
<br /> ��:-�� Borrower's inter+est in the Propeny nnder the terms of t�eis Securiry Instrumen� (b)n not penonaliy abligated to pay the su�� � r�� . '.r:�
<br />��. '•;:: � secu:eb hy this Se�urity[nsttument;and(c)agr�ees thai I.ender and any other Borrower may ag�ee to extend.mqdif}!.forbrac • . • ;-;.�
<br /> - ���. or make any accommodations with regard to the tetims af this Security Instcument or the Note without that Borro�ver's .,.::_.:r���.�--_
<br /> • '="•j�• conscn� ;:-�..:." �
<br /> , ���'� " 13. Laa�n Chacges. It the loan secured fi�y thi�Security lnstrume�t is subject to a law which sets mauimum Ioarr � - s�
<br /> ��:✓:.w�:.,'_-..
<br />° �'•` charges,and that law is fu�afly imerpreted so that the interect or other loan charges coHected oc to be collec[ecE i�z connection �n,�
<br /> � with the loan exceed the pe+initted limi�s.then: (al any such loan charge shall he re�uced by the amaunt neas�.-y to reduce '�;:T��s� �
<br /> _- • the et�arge to the pertnitted timit;and(b?any sums already coliected from Borcouerwhich exceeded permine�:r�n�ts will be f��:<.: ::-�
<br /> !� refunded to Boaower. Lender may choose to make this refund by r�ducing the principal owed under the Nate or by making a ,��;:s :^_
<br /> u
<br /> • X,.;. direct Rayment to Borrower.'If a refun�reduces pdncipal.the�edaction will be ueated ac u partial prepayment withou[asa�: +�,.,,.���.
<br /> `` . a � �U -' re entchar undertheNote. ' '�'-��"`��
<br /> : - F �-ir,r.��+;., P P�Ym b'� -. :�
<br /> 14. 4otices. Any notice to Borrower provided far in this Security Instrument shaU be given by deli4erinp.ii ec�3�
<br />� � r . mailing it by first class mail untess applieable law reyuireti use of another methad.'Fhe notice shall be directed co the Properc�, ►; 't•° ,, :.
<br /> ` �'�°�"'�` Address or any other address Bortower desi*nates b notice ta Lender. A�y notice ta Lender tihat!be�;iven by first class�. . t.
<br /> �. �,-�,'.r., b Y '�:.t-#.:
<br /> ' �. "�L= °;;r mail to Ixrtder s address rtated herein c•r any other acRlr�sc Lender designates by natice ta Borrower. Any notiee pravided for ' ' r -
<br /> .� Af
<br /> • - - .'�t in this Security Instrument�hall be deemcd to havc bcen given ta Borrower or l.cnder when given as provided in this : . _
<br /> ` - r .' Paza't�Ph� : •xr___=.
<br /> � =-r'.�_' 15. Governing l.aw;5everability. Thir Security tnstrumem tihall be govemed by federal law and the law�f the • � �c.,'-.��`-���'--�_.
<br /> 4" . ' - -
<br /> � �``' jurisdictian in which the Property is tocated. In the event that any provi.ion or ctause of thiv Security tnstrument or the Note f�� •,�=�y__
<br /> �.,jc T conflic�s with upplicabte law.,ucb cantlitt shall aot affect aiher pr��viyinn��►f thic Securiry Instnrment ar the tiote which can ��< • , . . . _.�-�-
<br /> , �'_; ;z �: '.c��,.,
<br /> � �-��� be given effect without the conflicting provitiion. '['o thi�end ihe provisions of�hiy Securi[�r tn,trument and ihe Note are
<br />���'� �°.:i`'Y'�i. -' . . i•-�i'.r
<br /> i`"`•:;t • � �:.��, declaredtofxseverable. .�} ,;:�,�r`-�•
<br />•:°�r�' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borro�ier.hall be given one rnnformed copy of�he`��te and of this Security In�trumen�. . ''-4�`<<�__
<br />;�_, ' � �;:,;...: - -- .
<br /> s�'' ' � � �, . 17. 7lraosfer otthe Property or a Beaei7dal lnterest in Burrow•er. If utj or:tny part ai thc F'rn�x rty or any inrerest in E __.___
<br /> � ' ' '�'. , it is sold or trAnsfertcd(at if a beneFaeia}interetit in Barrower i.r.old or tr�ntiferred and B��rr��wer i�nat�nAtural perwn) �`��m�
<br />:;• , ,�1 .' , without l.ender's prior written cantien:��dcr may.at its oplinn.reNuirc immediatc paymcnt in fuU��f all+ums secured by �.Y.�,���
<br /> I�;�':- � ' ''" � this 5ecuril tnstrumen� However.t�,i.a�tiort.hul{nat be exerciticd by l.cndcr it cxerci�e is ptahibitcd by fedcral law as af �:: ;�;;�..,-:--
<br />:',.�' � ,_ _'�,". ,:�.�� the date of this Security In�trumcnt. �;;,.'�`��
<br /> � �`k lf l.ender exercires this opu�n.Lendcsr�hall give Barrower na�ice at�acceleratian. 1'he notire.hall provide n perial af �•`'_
<br /> :'?,,:.,,.,;:..
<br /> � ' 4'.::\�� _ . .
<br /> � � a � :: . . ��.,,. not less than 3U dayx fraa�t chr date thc notire is drEo�•ered��r maiied within which t3urruwcr mu.�pay all tiuins 4ecumd by this � � �. � � .
<br /> . '���':,•�� •..;.�•� Security InsirumcM. Uf t�'i�rrawer fails to pay thesr tiumti prior to�hc expirau���c�f thi� periud. Lcndcr r►tay invokc any {�;,.
<br /> � - �- -=�- ' = remedies pertniited by this 5ecurity Intitrument without fu�her nc►ticc ur demand c��8arruwer. ��"� '. .
<br /> �. � u' � ' `� 18. Borrower's Ki�ht to tteiastate. If 8nnower mcet� certain cunditinn�. Horro�e•er�hap have Ihe right ta have � �
<br />�;��'.. :;�..��•.� •.��; enfarcement of thiti 5e��urily tnucumi•r.:discominucii at uny�ime;ri��r t���he e�dirr��f: la►S day.le�r urch��ther peri�:� [ �
<br /> . �'�_;;• � SinglcFam��y..}3nnie�lar.'iicQdk�facC�IFI)N:1UXti'fRl��1t:�'1'••l'nitormCu�cnant. 9%90 i/„�4,�d.)�,pdie�� ��., .
<br /> . . , ��- , .
<br /> , ' .t �T_ , -. .> . . f:, :.
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