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<br /> -_—t�-(�netrc �gt�).�f�(fitK���D l��Q[�1LQd_���_�OlflGt iV�l�l�t iOd fS O�i1pOd•BORONC[S�� - _
<br /> ���it0�fQ ID�IA IDO��$�lil�lOG 1��R,Of 10�!!QYI�i TOSS t�.Sd'V�`. ._ --
<br /> ` � � �UIidCL'!'�S lII s000[di�C'C Wlf$�l1JP NtIKa1/$fC����C[�j.C��Oi�ICi�1�C�tM►.
<br /> , � � !.Irpeetia�.Iander a it�agenc mry mate�asaoiWe d�ies upon aad inspeca�of d�e Propercy.Lesder si�i!Bive ,
<br /> � BonoMes aotia a4dre ta�e of or prio�ta�e ia�patioa spxifYinB teawn�ble c�nse for the inspaaion. - �
<br /> � li.'Co�iew�o�.The Peoveed;uf a�r awud or sitim far da�ges,di�oct ar caau�tiat,in oont�tion with any � � ,
<br /> ' �ar otbes tabnE uf anY Fu4 of the ProQe�ty.vr far.oanvey�ooe in liea af oa�n.ate hereby asvgoed�nd
<br /> saall be pvd to I,ezider•` : ; . ' � - - ;
<br /> In tLebvmt of a toql tagia8 of tLe Ptopaty.the piooads sh�tl be�pplied t4 the s�ims seauod try Wis Soa�dtY Iausumeot+ ,
<br /> wbet6er or not then dua,witb anY exoess paid w Borrower.in the�veat af a pucial t�ng of tb+e Pruperty in which We fair
<br /> ma�ket vaiue of tbe Properly immodiately befae dx tatdng is equa!to ur g�eatec thaa tbe amouta of the sau�savr�d by this
<br /> So�ity t�ium�rt immodiately 6efore tbe taking,untess Bomawer and.I,dder otheiwise agroe in writing,tlje sua�seceed b�r ,
<br /> tltis Sxutity�I�shatf fie mluaed by ttu,a�aarmt of tbe p�xtds multiptied by tl�e.following ftaction: (aj tht r�l
<br /> spnount of We stm�sau�ed immedi�e�Y befote t6e tal�ing.dividod by(b)the fair m�uket value of the P��Y �
<br /> befoce tlse taking-AnY b�lano�si�ll be paid tn Bormwer.-Ia ti�c event of a-pastia�r�icing oF We Pmpe�ty ia wluch We Gir
<br /> muka valae of the Pia�pergr immediately 6cfoce tLe taking is less tt�the amount of tl�a sums sec�ted�IY befon tbc
<br /> talcing;qnl�ss Borruwec a�lrnder otbe�vv�se ag�ee in writing or untess.apptic�ble law otlierwise pmvic3�s:tbe pt�oeeeds s6� ,
<br /> _ be�ppiiod to the sums secaced by this Se�vriry Insuument wl�ther or not the sums are then due. � _ .
<br /> If the Propeny.is atwndo�kd bY Borrower.ar if,aRer notice by Lender w Bomnwer tl�at tue condenu�or offers w make sa
<br /> -- awud or settle a�for da�aages,Borrawer faiTs ta�ad to Lender wit6in 30 days after the date the t�o�ex;is giveu.
<br /> Lznder is authori��s�coltect u�d apply t6e praxods,at its optian.eit6er to teswrdtion or a�ir of the Propeccy.4�the sumg
<br /> aeraited by this Se�z�'Y�.��or nat thm dae. • : . , � :•. .
<br /> • Unless I.eade�aM Bormwer atf�erwise agroe in writiag;a�iY��ir.diqn of proceods to princi�l st�aU aot extend or
<br /> . postpone tbe due d�te o€the monthly payments nfeaed to iit�p6s t aid 2 or ch�nge tbe arnoant of such payn�ents-
<br />��;': � 11.B(�riower Not Reta�sa�;For6nrai�oe By I�endecNol a W�ivd'•Extension of the time for payment or aiodification
<br />; of aawrti7atinn of�he sums�red by tl�is Savrity Inmar�xnt 8ras�te�.b5►I.ender to any successos in interest of Borrower shatl
<br /> , ix
<br />-'-:,'�. not operate w reic�se the liability of tLe originat�Borrower or B�irrower-'ssuccessors in interest.Lender shal!noE be�eqained ta
<br />;-•,,; , � com�ence prooeediaBs.against any suocessor in inutest or tefuse to extet�d ame for payment or othenvise modify amortl7ation
<br /> of thc sums sav,red bY ihis SecusitY In�rai�tt� hY reas°n af aaq demaod madc by the original Borruwec or Borrower's
<br />`'�,.��;� successors in i�e[est. Aay forbearance b}i Ixnder in exercising any right or remedy shail not be a waiver of or preciude the
<br />��.%,;�r:. eaercise of��y n or nmedy. , .:::
<br />—_3•. 7 �.
<br /> lZ..Suooe�u�s And Assign� Hoand:�Joint and 5everAt 1.I�6ilitY;:Co-siSners.The cuvenants and agrecments of this
<br /> _ _ Sewrity Insonunem-shall bind and benefit tUe sucaessars and a�iSas af�.ender and Botrower, subja,t to the pmvisions of
<br /> . puagwph !7. Borrower's coveaants and agtcements shait 6e joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs tttis Securiry
<br /> Instcv,-ment but dces nat execute the Note: (a)is ca-signin�ihis Securiry Listnmieat onty to mortgage,grant and comey that
<br /> Borrower's inte�est in the Praperry under the terms of this Security Instmment:(b)is icai petsonalty obligateA to pay the sums
<br /> ne
<br />. r''' i secured by this Security Instrument:and(c}pgrees thai Lender and any other Borrawtr may agree to eztend,modifyt,farbear or
<br /> ' malce any accommadations with regard to the terms of this 5ecurity Instnement or the Note without that Bonower s consent.
<br />` !3.LaAn Chacges.If the laan sec�red by this Security Instrument is subject to a law whicb sets ma�cimurn toan charges,
<br />_ and�t taw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other toan charges collected or to 6e coltected in connection with the
<br /> loan e�caeod the permitted llmits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount r�eccssary to rednce the charge
<br /> to the pemtiued�i�nit:and(b)any sums already wllected from Borrower which exceecfed pem�itted limits will be refimded to
<br /> - gorrawer. I.endes may cdoose ta rnalce this refund by reducing the�cipal owed undcr the Note or by malcing a direct .
<br /> , payment ta Borrower: If a refund reduces principal: the roduction wii} be treated as a paniai prepayment withont any
<br />- pre�yment charge under thc Haa�.
<br /> )4.Ndiced.Any notice ta Borrower provided for in this Socurity Instrument sha�V�*�given by delivering i[ax by mailing
<br /> - it by first cL�ss mail unless applicablc law requires use ot another method.The notice shall be dire�t to the Praperty Address
<br /> _ . or any otiur.adQreSS Borrower designates by natice to I.ender. Any n�tice ta Lender shall be�:��'by first class mail to
<br /> l.ender's address stated herein or any othec addres.c Lender designates by notice to Borrawer. Any r��sice provided for in thi5
<br />� , . Security Instrument shall be deemod to have been given.ta Borrower or Lender when�iven ac provided in this par�raph.
<br /> t 15.Goyerning l.aw; Severnbility. This Sccuriry Instrumem shall be govemed by fcderal !aw and ttr,a �aw of the
<br />- • jurisdictian in u��ich the Property is locatod.In the event that any pravisian or clause of thiw Security lnstrurt�e�c ar the Note
<br /> conflicls wiih a�licable law.such conflict shal!not affect other prnvisions af this Security lnstrument or�he Note whieh can 6e
<br /> •�. , ;;*.�;`� � given effect withoue the conflicting pravisi�m.To this end the provisions of t1�is Sccurity Instrument and the I�lote are declared
<br /> • W be severabte.
<br /> ...,�, 16.Bormwer's Copy.Borrowcr shaq be givrn one oonfarmed cnpy c�f the Notc and of this Security Instrumectt.
<br /> ,' ;ir,:. Farm 30?A 9190
<br /> °,��� 1 Cago 4 uf 8 �
<br /> '''' ..��
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