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<br /> tbocts or tloocfin6:for whkh L�der requins irmut�e.11�is ia�rroo�sh�lT be maiMainod ia tl�e asmunts atM fo►dK�
<br /> ` 1h�t Isndet zoqa�s.The inwtat�oe carri�r pcbviding ti�e iaw„raitice sh�Ii be cl�stn by Borruwer subjxt to'L.tndes's ap�rav,al
<br /> . whielr shd!nnt be uore�sa�abiY witbhetd, if 8or�ower fails'w maituain wvenge Qescribed above.Lende[�may.at l.eoder's
<br /> {�ption.obtain oave�e to prott�t Lender's�ights in the PropenY in aocord�ncx with paraSr+Ph�-. .
<br /> AIl inw�noe policies and teoewals sfsall be aooepta�to to i.endtr smd shall Qncliide:standae+d martgage cl9use. Le.nder ;
<br /> s1�ti fiiave the right to l�otd she policies and r+a�ewals-If Is�det rc4uues.Bocmwe�shali prnmptiY Sivt to ts+�der alt reaipts of'
<br /> P�P�ums aad�enew�l notioes.,Tn the event ot loss,B�rnnwer'st�li give procopt maoe to tfie insuraacs carritr and Lender.
<br /> t�nd�r any uuke pmof of bss if not mada pmmQti`y by Boriower.
<br /> Udess i�r an��m�wa otherwisa a8���ang,inw�nce pmco�s���PPlied to restoration or n�ir of the
<br /> �P�Y�8�if the trstoraoian or t+epair is cconomicaliy fasib:e�d ixnder's security is nat[esse�d.If tbe.resw�ation ar
<br /> t�epair is mt economicallY fe�le or Leoder's security woutd be les�ad.�the insurance Pmoeods s1�16e applied to:the saa�s
<br /> secuzod bl►this Sxuritl►tn�va�at•ahd6er or aot[heo due, with any eaccass paid w Bois+uwer. If Bumawa aba�dong the
<br /> - property,or does not answer withia 30 days a notia�f�m Lendu'tl�t the inwranx carrier lsas afftnod to settte a claim.tben __
<br /> Leadar may oollxt the insurnnce P�ocoeds- I.ender maY ase the pmceeds to repair or restore�he PtopertY or w paq sams - -
<br /> saaued by t6is Saauity Iasuumeot.whahe�or not then due.The 30-da9 Paiad w71 kegin when the aouce is given. �
<br /> Udess Isodec aud Bomower ai�ecwise agnee in wr�tin8. a�►Y.aPP�i�tion of procoeds fo princiPal sl�all noc extend or
<br /> postpone the doe date of the mottttily paymen�s referred to in paiagra�s 1 aud 2 or ci�ge tf�e amouM of the�i�� .
<br /> is Ie�der..Bormwer's rigbt w any ms�c��noe policies and proceeds
<br /> ander pa�rs►graph 2l tiie Prope�ty' acqni�ed bY
<br /> . d�m�g�w the pmperty priorw tUe acqaisitio!i shall pass w L.atda tn ibe ext,eat o�ti�e sums sea�red by this Savrity tnsteuma�t
<br /> munedi�tely psior w the acquisitiun. .: � � �,�res's I.oan�l��Ld�eholds.
<br /> _ i.p�y,Rrsecratioa,Maiate�uce sad Pr+ata�tioa ot the Prapaty: �
<br /> � Boirower s6at1 aocupy.establish,aM nse thc Propecty as Eorrower's principal residence within sixty days afcer the ezautiou of
<br /> = this Socuri�y inun�nent aad st�all conrinue w accupy the PropertY as Bor�°�''s p�P���^�for�t teast oae year after
<br /> - t}�e date of oc,cupancy.unless l�ender otberwise agrtes i°wriring;which conseut si�atl not be unreasonably withheld.or unless
<br /> - exte�g �exist which ue beyond Borrower's.cots�, BormQver shali not de.�troy. daQnaSe or impaic the
<br /> property.ailow tite Pruperty to deceriarate.or commit waste un tt�Pcoperty.Borrower sh�[I be in default if any�forfe�e
<br /> ' aetion,or ptucoed'ing.whdlkr eivil ar criminal.is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment could result in forfeiture o�'the.
<br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created hy this Security lnstramem or Lender's securiry iateres�Sorcawe��y . -
<br /> c�u+e such a default and t+einstate.as pmvidecl-in paragraPh 18.by causing the actian or proceedin8 to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> ti�` thai,in Lender's good faith detemun.uion, precludes forfeiture of[he•Borruwer's interesi��he Property or ather material
<br />�-� impairment�t1�e lien creatod by this Security Instrument or I.ender's socurity intenst.Ba.��er shall also be in default if
<br /> Boriower.damig the la9n application process,gave materially false�s inaccnrate information�s siate►nents to Leader(ar failed
<br /> to pravide I.ender with any materia!'snformation)in connection wittt the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not timitea .
<br /> �o,r�p��a�s caa��Borrower's occupancy of the PropetEg as a principai residence.If this Sec�rity Instniment ia on a �
<br /> � leasehold. Horrower shalf oomply with all the ptavisions of the �¢�e. �f Bmcm�wer aaNiies fee title to the�i'ropetcy, the
<br /> teasehotd and the fee title shall not merge untess I.en�er agrees ca tIc¢r,�ger in wridng.
<br /> 7.Pratection otl.ende�'s Rights ia the Property.if Borrower fai;s to pedorm the covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> this Security Instrument.eTthere is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br />.:' proceeding in bankntptcy,�+abate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to eaforce taws or regulations),then lxnder may do and
<br /> - pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and 1.ender's rights in the Propeny. i�ender's�actions maY
<br /> ;nc(ude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priariry aver this Security Instrume�t. appearing in cuurt, paying
<br />- • reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Praperty to make repaira. Although I.ender may taaBe actian unifier ihia paragraph
<br /> ' 7.Lender does not have to ato so.
<br /> . Any amounts diabu��a,i by Lender mider this paragraph 7 shal} bec�me additlonal debt af Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Unfess 8orrower and Lender agrec to othet terma af payment. these amounu shall bear interest from the ,
<br />!;�.` date of disbursement at the Note rate aacl shall be payable. with itrtcrest. upon notice fram L.ender ta Borrawer requesting
<br />}:� - payment.
<br />" 8.Mortgpge Ingaraac�It'Lecidee required moKgage insurance as a conditivn oi making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> � instrument. �orrower sha�B yray thc premiums required to maintain the martgage insurancc in cffect. 1f. fer any reason.the
<br /> mongage;nsurance coverage requirai by l.ender lap.ses or ceasey to be in effect.Borrawer shall pay the premiums required to
<br />�.�' obtain caverage substantiaUy equ'sva�te�cz ro the mortgage inxurance previously in effect.at a c�•t substantially equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insarance prcviausly in eifect. fram an altemate martgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> ' subs[antially equivalent mort�ge insurance covcrage is not uvailable. Bc�rrower sha11 pay«s Lender each month a sum eqaal to
<br /> . � ane-twelfth of the yearly mortsage insuranee premium being paid by Borrowe:a�fi.�n the insurance cnverage lapsed ar ceased to
<br /> � be in effece.i.ender will accept.use and relain these payments as a lo�.y [esen•e i.t lieu af mo»gago insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> . '` r•orm a�28 9rso
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