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_ < — ._ , 'r r ; - � . u ' - . -� z: . � - _ <br /> _ _ _ - .`ps �.f a � . - - . _ - - :-r- �.� <br /> , _'.f . �d s � r. � � . i � "�• . '�.-__— <br /> . ' _ .�. .._ _ ' ' __... __ '___. . <br /> _ ._ � - ' '•- . _ � - . ; : -; _ .. _ - --=-- .- -- -.-- -^t.T�<I'J 1fy' : <br /> , . _ , � � <br /> � I7.Tiarfa'd fre Asperty at��Vteee�t ia eee�lower[f ail or ury part of the PROpaty or any iate�est in it'- . <br /> ===-=i4�ol��r_tr�sfundl�if�hs�fia�1 intertst iu Boeruwei is sold`ar tr�ncftRed and Bo�wu is rot a nawnl pason3 without <br /> � �Snder's p;ior wrium coosen�:Zeuder nn�y, �•its option. re9uIce im�nediate psy�atit ia tai!of a!1_sum.c=secucad.b�r�is--"_--, --- <br /> ` . Socurityr insuument.Hawever,tUis option shall mt be eaercised by l,arder if raiereise�s proW6ued by foderal faw as of tLe dytc <br /> -of this Sauriry I�a�ent• , .. <br /> ����ni.ce�this opqon.i.eoder s1�a1!give Borrower notice of acce[eration.The notice shalt piovide a period of not <br /> � less tl�an 30 days fmm the date the notia is delivemd or mailaf withia cvhich Barrowes mnst pay all snms securod 6y tttis . <br /> :SoCurity Inst�umnt.If Borcower fat'ts w pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may invo�any nmedies <br /> ' pertnittod by tiiis Securiry It�str�m�a►t�vithout fustLer aotice as demand on Bosrower. . . <br /> 18 Harrowe�s Ri�tt to Rei�a'if Sorcower nscets eectaia costdirioas, Bomawer shaU have chr rig6t to havc ___ --- <br /> euCot�ement of this Sxnriry Instrument discontinued at a°Y time Prior to.the earlier o� (a)5 days (or such otl�er puiod as <br /> appticable law may specify fnr reinuatementy before sale of the Prope�ty pursuant to arry puwer af sale cantaiBed in this _ <br /> • Security Imuument:or(b)eatry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrumen�'17iose cund�t�ons am that Sorrow�:ta)PaYs _ <br /> - I,etder alI sams which thert would he due nnder this Se�urity Instnu�nc aad the Note as if m acceleration had occurred:(b) --- <br />-=s . cures any default of�►y other caveaaats or ageements:(c?pays all espeases incurred in eafnning this Secvrity Iaunn�tt. _- <br /> _ <br /> - ' inctading,but not limi[td to.reeassonabte attomeys'fees:ard td)talces such acaonas Lemer may reasonably requue __- <br /> ti�at the Gece of tliis Sewrity Iastrumeat. Lendec's r�ghts ia the Property and Boirowe�'s obligation to pay the sums sewRd by _ _ <br /> this Seat�ity Insuumeat stiail-conrim�e-:wuhanged._-�JPnn teinstatement by Borrower. this Security lns� aad the -- _ <br /> - -- - -- - obligatians sect►red he�eby shalf ren�aia fully effective as if�aceeteration had ocCurred. However.ti�is nght ta reiastate sliall - �_ - <br /> ;: cat appty in the case of acceletaaon w�der paragraph!T. . _ _ <br /> iq.��r;��Ct�uge ot Loan Sesvioer.The Natt or a partial interest in the Note(togetder with this Se�itg �E � - <br /> Lutramentj may be sold one or taore times without prior notiee to 8ormwer.A sate may c�esalt in a change in the.entity(Imown , _, j`� <br /> ' � as the"Loan Servicer")that wllects monthl due under the Note and this Secuncy Insaument.T6ere also may be one :..;,. ;.,_`� <br /> or more changes bf the i.oau Servicer u�to�o f t h e l Vote.If there is a c h a u ge of the Loan Servirer.Bozrower will be �_..`.�':�-,�_ <br /> . given written potice of the change in awordance with paraBraPh!4 above nnd aPPlicable Iaw.T6e naticc w�l state the name aad t;. _�.. <br /> - address of tbe new,Loan Servicer.�the address w which payments s�onid 6e made.TEte notice wip afso contain any other . . <br /> - inforn�atinn aquired 6y applicable law: . . _ : - <br />• _ . � 20.Hnardo��s Substaaoes. Boc►��a11-not cause or permit the p�sence. use,disposal. storag� or release af any. •;� <br />' Ha7ardaus Substa�n� on or in.the Propeitg. Borruwer shail aot do. nor allow anyaae else to do. anything affecting the :_.,�,-w'�— <br /> 7ar <br /> "` Property that is in vialation of any Envir�nnmental Iaw.'Fhe preceding two sentet�ces shall not appiy to the presence.use.or - r �_ <br /> '''^ storage on the Property of srtu�il quantities of Haiardous Substances that are genetaUy recognized to be appropriate to nomial . ; t-,=. <br /> . ' residenaal uses and to a�amtenance of the Prope�cy. � - � �`- <br /> ~��'p'� � Borrower shall promptly give L.ender written notice of any investigation,claim.demand.lawsuit,or other action by arry� - .. , :. �::.� <br /> ,: �::� ��� ovemmental ar cegalato a ency ur private involving the Propercy and any Na7ardous Substance nr Enviranmental � !. � �,: <br /> t�. - '' of which Boaawer has acrytuagi knawled e.If Ba�rrowec learns,or is notifred by any govemmental or regulatory authority,that ' - ',:�:;� =�_ <br /> ' g g �s neccssary.Borrawer shall rom U take - �,:f':` • -:�;' <br /> ;.:.�.:-� j -' any removal or other remediaaon af an Hazardoug Subslauce affectin the Propercy P P Y ' �_�:' .. <br /> '`'�T: :�s`. Y :>I�,z�•:., <br /> ' �• all necessary remedial actions in accordanrx with Environmental Law. :.���;:�,�: '�� <br /> .;��- ' ' ' nece a • <br /> As used in this paiagaph 20. "Hazacdous Substances" are those substanecs detined as wxic or hazarQous substane�s by �=���� ; "� <br /> .� -Y ,�r� ... �': '�:'� <br /> `"•�y�!�� ��, ` �• Environmental Law and the following substaaas: gasoline, kerosene. other flammabte or tosiC pett`oleum products, toxic .;:,.,. <br />' ' ' `� r pesticides aad herbicides.volatile solvettts,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactis'w cuaterials.As used in t� ,,: : <br />: • .F ,._.�„'�.�`i°- this p~r.�graph 20. "Envirortmentat" means fe+deral taws and taws af the jurisdiction where thg P�sperty is tocated that ;'x;.,:. <br /> .,,rrt•... ,.: <br /> •.;�>. ° ��,., , relatz� ot environmental pratection. '`:�''',°�` ". <br /> _.+,�',;.,€,'` . i;:�+;:. :..�.� <br /> - -�_-r���;�<<?��; NON-UNiFORM COVE1�fANi'S.Barrawer and Letidet faRher covenant and agree�s foll�ws: , <br /> ' ::;:��., .;:.: <;• 21.Acceleration;Remedies.I.ender s1�a11 give notiee to BorroK�er prior to acceleration ioitovring Borrower's breach '�,' <br /> te <br /> � '� � ` • ot any eovens�nt ar�ent in this Seear�ly Inst�ameM (but not pcior to acceterallon undee pa�ngcaph 1'f unless , _ <br /> ..�--,,�:, . : � (h)the acNoa requi�ed t cure t6e detault. . <br /> y,. , , , . . aPpllcabte law prni�dcs otherwise).'i'he notice s6a11 specify: (a)Ihe detsault: •.::;•'�;�� <br /> ` ' �,.�;;,.•.� . (c)a date,not less than 30 days irom the dAte the aotice is give�to Borrower, by which tt�e defaWt must be cured;and .�•� <br /> •,.'s:�>.; x,,,� <br /> ..�^_,� ,,�'�"d�`.<;:,.�,� (d)that tailure ta cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may�vlt in aoceleratlon ot t6e sums : ,; , <br /> ^°• - secured by this Securtry lnstrument and sale oi the Ftoperty. The aotice shall fuRt�intorm Borrower ot the right to , ` � ,�.�L__ <br /> ..�.�>'a.�-��.`-� ' .• reinst�te atter acceteration and the risht to hrfig a court action to assert the non-existence.oig de[ault or any oti�er . �,.,..� , . ,� �- <br /> . -.r:�;-y:-_ ' i t�s='.-.:. <br /> , �-�_:�-�. -:�:.•., ' dete�e o!Soerower to acceteration and sate.�t!he default is not cured on or betore the date.�ecitied in the notice, . ;",,.,.:_: <br /> •;' • � Its option.may require immedia'se payment in full of all sum.v secured by t h i s S e c writy Iastnunent wlthout �, r <br /> • ' further demand and may imoke the pow�ee at sale and any other remedi�pern�itted by applica6le 1aw.I.ender shall6e , , + i 4�' <br /> . "' eMitled to coAect all expen4es incusred in pursuing the remedies provided in this para�raph 21,lncludiag.but not limited �,,;,':'• . ._. ,�_ <br /> , ;r�., to,reasonable attorneys'te�and cost.g of titte evidence. � ' � � � �..��Y,:-::� <br /> • �';' .� �.' . It thepower ot sale is invoked, Trustee sfiatl record a natice of default in eacb county ia wdich any,p�rt ot the � :.- , K,. <br /> ; � ,:p :;,.,. <br />. ,'�ti:Y-:�°:=P=•�'� propetty is t�cated and shAtl mail copies of�notice in the mannee prescribed t►}�app�icabt�t�a to Borrower and to . ' . �i.;vs�; <br /> � :i-.._: ..` . �,. . the otber person�prescribcd by applicable Iaev.,A[tes the time c uired by applicable taw,Trustees�tall give biic notke .�::�.::--- <br /> ... k• <br /> � - '`=�`'� .�'��' of wle to the pe�song and in the manne�prescvibed by applicab et law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall sell , • �'�' • <br />�� �� .- �he Property�t pablic auction to the htghes!bidder at the time and place and uader the tenns designated in tl�e notice of . ` •�� . <br /> =" � � sate in one oe mare p�rcels and fi�any ocder T�aslee deterenin�.w.Trustee may postpane sate oi all or any paucel ot the , , <br /> �;;=s - property by pablk announcement at 1He liane and ptace ui any previously ticheduled rale. Lender or its designee may ip <br /> • parc6ase the Property at any sale. . i <br /> . . i .. <br /> , � . <br /> , , . ' S.' ; ' .. I , , . <br /> 'i.,�3��9�!' , ., . F0f111�'� 8/� ,. . <br /> , Oa{�o 5 ul 8 ' , ' , <br /> ;;}v,;j 'i , a F . <br /> "� :� �'�-� . � <br /> .-�:y,�,.`'.",{: <br /> . � •4 i�y;y i <br /> I <br /> �����lyG�',1i��. . <br /> ,•' .� .._ .. .__ . . - - ' . <br /> . . . .e: • . � . . • • , . <br /> ., . .,, <br /> _. . ..., •� ... . ' ' ' <br /> � . . � . � � . ��� . <br /> . . .. . . � . � � � . , ' " , '7,... ' � ` • ' . <br /> . . � . . <br />. . . . . . , ' � . , <br /> . _ .. .._ � - ' . ._ _,. • ,_ . '. ` <br /> .---_... _�.._�.__..�__�_:_�._._�'_._____�_"._:_.�_ .�_:....___:.I;.'_ ' • . . . ._--,._. <br /> .. .. ... . . . . . . . - -__�_" "'_.- <br /> . . '_'_—___'_..__""�'_.....�..' _"""'�_"'�" �__'c'_""_ . . . <br /> . , . .. . ` ._ . ""__'� . <br /> . . � . �. . . �. . . . ' • . " . " tI <br /> - - f - - _.. .. . . , - • . .. " . <br /> . . . . � , <br /> • . — . . - . � , • , � <br /> . <br /> . <br /> , . . . . . . <br /> , .. . . . , <br /> , <br /> • .. <br /> , . . . , . • � . <br />_ ,, . • : • • " ' - <br />